Any Issues with ScriptCalendar - javascript

In looking for a javascript based events calendar (for displaying events on a calendar) and came across ScriptCalendar which seems pretty good, but their SEO tactics seem to be somewhat suspect. Download it and look at the scmrkt0912.htm file to see what I mean.
Has anyone used this Calendar, are there any comments on how good it is?

I think it's awesome. If you need an event calendar and you don't have server side scripting like ASP.NET or PHP it's perfect. It's javascript and can be hosted on a plain html website. (FYI: There is code available on the website that allows you to use it ASP.NET or PHP).
It may not be the best looking website out there, but perhaps you need to do something other a cursory look at it. The website allows to download a demo version of the calendar that has some limitations. But, there is complete transparency with the demo. It functions as the website describes. You can see all functionality for yourself.
I recommend getting the demo if you are interested in an event calendar.


How to bypass JavaScript detection when using requests in Python?

So there is a problem with JavaScript and requests (in Python) and that is, it does not use JavaScript when requesting a webpage.
The website I'm working with ( requires JavaScript and without it, it changes the content of the page to just a text at the top saying, "Please enable JavaScript to view the page content."
(I could be wrong here but) I think one solution is the use of Selenium, but that would replace requests which I'm fine with as long as there are no other ways of fixing/bypassing this JavaScript detection.
(For those wondering, this python project of mine is supposed to automatically fetch the events on the Paylocity calendar, then port those events to another calendar that I frequently use everyday. It's also just intended for myself.)
Edit: Here is the code I have if that will help (I didn't know where to paste my code, so I decided on that website. If I should change it, please comment or say something about it.)
Since the website you're working with is dynamically loading the JS as far I can tell, I think you have no other choice as to making use of Selenium. I had a project on my own a couple weeks ago and run into a similar problem which I could also solve using Selenium. But, I'm no expert, I'm just giving away my thoughts on this.

PowerPoint Slideshow Viewer Online

I'm looking for a service online that would allow me to run a PowerPoint Slideshow (along with slide transitions and animations).
As we know we have Office Online available for this purpose and also this* url can help you achieve slideshow capabilities.
But these options don't give much control to developers to develop some experiences based on slideshow capabilities they provide. So I'm looking for alternatives though it doesn't seems there is anything like thing as per research I did so far.
Any solution or workaround would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
PS. We have different parser/extractor libraries for PPTX but nothing is there that allows view of PPTX/Slideshow over the html web-page.
For future reference
Just dumping my thoughts for future reference. As of now, no solution or workaround is possible other than Office Online itself as mentioned in Question above.
Aspose is planning to provide support to similar subject requirements in future. So hopefully once the new version of the library is out, we will be able to achieve the desired behavior.
Aspose Reference Ticket.
Could you just build it on the Desktop version of PowerPoint and drop it into OneDrive folder? As far as i can tell, if you drop it into OneDrive, it'll run as-is in online via PowerPoint 365.

Display Comic Book files on a webpage?

I'm thinking about creating a webpage and I'm trying to brainstorm some ways to display them in the page.
If i wanted to get dirty and create everything myself, i think i could do it with html5, CSS3, and javascript/jquery. Just do some kind of page buttons with an image tag and maybe get into some more detailed stuff as it comes up (i dont know how i would do zooming and multiple pages).
But wahat i really want to know is if there is already some way to do this? I've looked around for a bit and cant seem to find any sort of plugin that would read a cbz file or display an set of images with the 'e-reader' type of tools in mind. Just wondering if anyone knows of anything?
I used to use an online reader for a long time so I started an experiment to build one myself a while back: netcomix
It's open source so you can see if you find anything appealing in what I did. I figured I'd do all the real UI work client side with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and the server was strictly responsible for acting as a service (for example, to supply a list of comics or a list of all the pages in a particular issue) and serving up the individual JPG/PNG/GIF files. That compartmentalized things nicely and I was very pleased with how jQuery BBQ gave me a history that I could back through even though I stayed on one page the whole time.
Now if I were to do the same experiment again, I'd use Backbone.js to give some structure to the client side and obviously it needs a lot of love because the server side really does nothing at the moment. Early versions were strictly hard coded although I started putting in some simple SQL stuff in there in the latest version. It's nothing more than an experiment though and should be treated as such. It's there for ideas and little else. If you find it interesting and want some more ideas contact me and I'll be happy to let you know all my wacky ideas for such a program.
I know this is an old question. But web technologies have gotten better in the last few years. There are several comic book readers that can work in the browser using pure HTML and JavaScript. I wrote one called: .
If you want to see a very simple example of how to read CBR and CBZ files in the browser. You should check out which uses the JavaScript library

Client side iCalendar Event Creator

I need to add some functionality to a web application that allows a user to create an event which will be added to a calendar. I would like to give the user as much flexibility as possible when created events (single events, recurring events, etc) ... bascially as much of the flexibility that iCalendar allows for its Events as possible.
I have started to look into building this myself, but I would rather not reinvent the wheel if something exists (and custimize it accordingly). Anyone have any ideas of any javascript/jquery library that allows you to create events which can be imported into an iCalendar? Bascially the client functionality I need is something similar to the google calendars 'create event' page.
jQuery iCalendar
Thanks for the link.
I have decided to roll my own front end since there doesnt seem to be something suitable already created.
Thanks for the help!!
Peter - recurring events are incredibly complicated.
I found that it took way longer than I had planned to achieve what you are looking for.
I have done it as a wordpress plugin (with the idea to offer standalone later. You an play with it here - wait a day s I have an update to apply to test site
You may find some of the notes on the main site helpful too (links to ical RFC 5545 resources at bottom right)
Whoops - sorry just saw you wanted client side - mine is php based with html/js front end.

Flash, AJAX or something else for a web-based demo interface?

My company has some software which we use to acquire data and interact with some hardware. If we wanted to put a mockup on a website which allows the user to get a feel for the UI (gather some data, change some settings etc.), what are some good methods to do so?
I'm thinking either some clever javascript or flash. I've done some JS before but only to style elements of a page. I did some stuff with flash about 8 years ago and found it really fiddly.
So my questions; Are javascript/flash reasonable solutions for this or is there something better. What is likely to be the simpler/quicker route? Is there a better way to achieve the end result?
[Edit] The demo doesn't need real data, just some fake/dummy example stuff is fine.
I believe you dont require actual backend connectivity and just need some dummy data. Few days back I participated in a session on Flash Catalyst. By using flash catalyst, you can create functional UIs. More details you can find in their site.
If you want a demo app with actual backend connectivity, then , I think, flex/flash is good selection. If its javascript, you need to take pain of testing it in all browsers.
Javascript/Ajax. Flash based sites and demos I find very clunky. This would be more than adequate to create a demo, it would even be possible to have it non-ajax based and have local test data within Javascript files. Although creating such a demo interface might be challenging as you have only changed the styling of the page with Javascript, as you say.
The other simpler option is just to create a video, with a voiceover, showing the system and its different features. Not only is this a nice option because it would be easy to produce, but it will also aid in tutoring the user into how to use the system and discovering useful features.
I dont want to sound like an evangelist, but with Adobe Flex you can create awesome UIs practically right out of the box, and cross-platform. Check the Flex Sample Applications page on the Adobe website and see if it's something like that what you're looking for.
Designing an GUI in Flash might get too cumbersome, so if you don't need all the graphic/animations, that's what Flex is there for!

