Dynamic Ad script Replacing Page - javascript

I have an application that uses a mobile ad provider; the way ad provider works is that I make a request on the server side, the provider returns me the mark-up and I include that on my site.
In order to make the load page faster (which is a requirement that I don't control), I have an AJAX call to my server which then makes the call to the server side, returns the markup and I include the markup on my mobile view.
Most of the time, the markup I receive is a <img> or something similar.
However, when I receive a ad markup with <script> that make another call dynamically to receive the ad, the markup I receive from the dynamically loaded <script> ends up replacing the entire view; leaving with me just the ad.
I have tried a few things around it but haven't been successful so far. Is there anything I can do make sure the dynamically received markup doesn't end up replacing the entire page contents?

The problem is probably because the ad uses document.write as it's output.
document.write is recklessly dependent
on timing. If document.write is called
before the onload event, it appends or
inserts text into the page. If it is
called after onload, it completely
replaces the page, destroying what
came before. - crockford.com
What you can do is to temporarily overwrite the document.write method. It is as simple as that:
// overwrite document.write with a custom function
var old = document.write;
document.write = function ( html ) {
document.getElementById("target").innerHTML += html;
// ad code goes here, calling
// our document.write sandbox
document.write("<div> advertisement </div>");
// restore standard document.write
document.write = old;
You can see a little demo here.

Easy solution - put ad in DIV or IFRAME (ugly way).
Real solution - change ad system or make a deal with them to extend API. Nasty things you do will cost you alot to support in long term, no matter how easy was it to integrate this way.
If mobile AD system doing things like that - they must have little idea about development for mobile devices with limited recources.

function injectJavascript(src)
var scripts = document.getElementById("scripts");
var javascriptSrc = document.createElement("script");
javascriptSrc.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
javascriptSrc.setAttribute("language", "JavaScript1.2");
javascriptSrc.innerHTML = src;
function insertHtmlAndScript(target)
if (req.readyState == 4) // 4 == "loaded"
if (req.status == 200) // 200 == "Ok"
var resp = req.responseText.split("^"); // delimiter for html and script
div = document.getElementById(target);
div.innerHTML = resp[0];
alert("Could not retreive URL:\n" + req.status + "\n" + req.statusText);
function ajax(method,url,payload,action)
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onreadystatechange = action;
req.open(method, url, true);
else if (window.ActiveXObject)
req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (req)
req.onreadystatechange = action;
req.open(method, url, true);
alert("Could not create ActiveXObject(Microsoft.XMLHTTP)");


Adblocker blocks XMLHttpRequest

I understand the fact, that adblockers try to deny loading (image) data later on. Anyway, I want to send some data to a php script (/log.php) to save it in a sql database. So in fact I don't care about the responsetext. This is my current js function I use to call the php script:
function log(id, unix_ms, frameid, eventtype, targetid, value){
var parameters = "";
parameters = parameters.concat("id=", encodeURI(id), "&unix_ms=", encodeURI(unix_ms), "&frameid=", encodeURI(frameid), "&eventtype=", eventtype, "&targetid=", targetid, "&value=", value);
var httprequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
httprequest.open("POST", "/scripts/log.php", true);
httprequest.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
httprequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(httprequest.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) {
What can I change to pass the adblocker? I mean facebook uses things like ajax in masses to load text and even images in the timeline.
Is there maybe a way to use frames in the background since I don't care about the answer?
After analysing the log as suggested in a comment I found out that log.php seems to be in the blocklist, even if it's on the same server. So name you php files a little more complex to avoid this.
log.php -> submitlog.php

Function execute after Ajax request is complete (pure JavaScript)

In my application I use MVC model and Views are built with JavaScript DOM API.
On each page I have to check user's information to find out if session is active and if user's role gives him ability to access that page.
To make this happen, on each page I have "onload" function that triggers "sessionCheck" function which sends AJAX request to controller and returns information with which application makes decisions.
As I said JavaScript is also used to build Views, which means that after "sessionCheck" function I also have "headerView", "sectionView" and other functions that build the structure of page.
So the problem is that, before "sessionCheck" is finished other functions are loaded and nearly for 1-2 seconds users have ability to see what happens on that page and only after that they are transported out of that page by application if that is needed.
I read that there are some solutions in JQuery where "ajax.Complete" functions are available, but I couldn't same solutions in pure JavaScript. Can someone help me to solve this problem ?
This is HTML
<body onload="sessionCheckAdmin(); adminHeaderView(); adminUser(); modalView();">
sessionCheckAdmin functions looks like this
function sessionCheckAdmin()
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("Code", "3");
formData.append("Sequence", "27");
formData.append("TaskId", "All");
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function()
if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200)
var array = JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText);
if(array["userRole"] != "Administrator")
window.location.href = "task.php";
xmlHttp.open("POST", "../Controller.php");
Part of PHP controller
case 27:
$array = json_encode($_SESSION);
echo $array;

Get specific content from a website using JavaScript

I would like to get content from another website using JavaScript. I allready searched for code snippets and i found this http://www.w3schools.com/xml/tryit.asp?filename=try_dom_xmlhttprequest_responsetext
I changed some values, that it would work for the website i use. When i ran this code the browser tells me that I was not allowed to get the content from this website, so i inserted: "header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://....")" in the php section of the website and it worked but it displayed all the content of the page, now i would like to filter a div out of all the content and display only that div. Is there an easy way to do this using JS/Jquery?
Here is my code:
function loadXMLDoc(){
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
xmlhttp.open("GET", "http://.....", true);
I guess the problem is that i have to load the content from the other website first, and then run a piece of code that filters the content in the demo block.
"Is there an easy way...to filter...."
Not "easy", per-se. What do you want to "filter"?
In order to edit / manipulate the information returned, where you have this:
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
You'd do something like this:
var content = xmlhttp.responseText;
// filter content with your code here;
document.getElementById("demo") = content;
NOTE: If you are using jQuery (your question includes the jQuery tag), then the code becomes simpler:
jQuery.ajax("http://www.urltoajax.com", {
success: function(content) {
// filter content with your code here
// Example:
content = $(content).find('my_elem').text();
// Then apply / append it to the element.

Replace current page with ajax content

I have a page with a dialog window which sends ajax post data to server and receives a response. During development, there can be two responses - one regular (this is not the question) or one with an error. Server returns code 500 and a page with lot of debug informations. This is a regular page returned from a framework and contains some javascript code. I want to be able to display this error page in case it happens.
The problem is, I can not simply attach the returned result to body element or open a new link in a new page and load this error again. I simply get a html page instead of data and I have to display the page (in current window or in another one).
I am using jQuery.
Configure jQuery ajax setup as follows:
error: handleXhrError
where handleXhrError function look like this:
function handleXhrError(xhr) {
See also:
Handling of server-side HTTP 4nn/5nn errors in jQuery
You may also try to use data URL's, the latest versions of the major browsers supporting it:
function utf8_to_b64( str ) {
return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent( str )));
function loadHtml(html)
This way, you can load any html page you want in runtime.
In your ajax callback:
success: function (data) {
That will replace the entire page's HTML content with the one received from your AJAX request. Works in Chrome... not sure about IE.
Despite that, I'm not sure why you'd want to include the <head> section... but you can easily modify the above to display just what's in the body of the AJAX response, and append it to a div or even a lightbox. Much nicer.
Here is an example of how to change either if the response is a url or a html content (using django\php)
var xmlhttp;
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
var replace_t = '{{ params.replace_t }}';
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
if(replace_t == 'location')
else if(replace_t == 'content')
I found this solution. I don't know if it si correct, but for Opera and Firefox it is working.
var error_win = window.open(
'Server error',
'status=0,scrollbars=1, location=0'
Have you tried just simply creating an element and inserting the returned error page into the element? I do this with error pages and jQuery.
var errorContainer = $( '<div/>' );
errorContainer.html( errorTextResponse );
errorContainer.appendTo( $( 'body' ) );
I may be misunderstanding, but do you know what elements from the result you specifically want to display? You could trying something like this:
success: function(data){
//store the response
var $response=$(data);
//use .find() to locate the div or whatever else you need
var errorMessage = $response.find('#warning').text();
Is that what you were looking for?
I don't think there's any way to do that. Iframes are meant for loading other pages and there's no other sandbox in which to dump a standalone page -- that's what frames were designed for.
It might be difficult with the framework you're using, but it's probably worthwhile to have it generate different errors for your Ajax requests. My Ajax pages will only ever send
{"exit": 1, "message": "As in the shell, a non-zero exit is an error and this is why..."}
Just figured this out
as easy as
document.body.innerHTML = YourAjaxrequest.responseText;
_______________________________________________^ up here is what over writes your current HTML page with the response.
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (request.readyState == 1) {
document.getElementById('sus').innerHTML = "SENDING.......";
if (request.readyState == 3){
document.getElementById('sus').innerHTML = "SENDING >>>>>>>>>>>>>";
if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) {
//document.getElementById('sus').innerHTML = request.responseText;
document.body.innerHTML = request.responseText;

How to load a script into a XUL app after initial loading

my xul app needs to load scripts dynamically, for this I derived a function that works in regular html/js apps :
function loadScript(url)
var e = document.createElement("script");
e.src = url;
to something that ought work in XUL :
function loadScript( url)
var e = document.createElement("script");
//I can tell from statically loaded scripts that these 2 are set thru attributes
e.setAttribute( 'type' , "application/javascript" ); //type is as per MDC docs
e.setAttribute( 'src' , url );
//XUL apps attach scripts to the window I can tell from firebug, there is no head
The script tags get properly added, the attributes look fine,but it does not work at all, no code inside these loaded scripts is executed or even parsed.
Can any one give a hint as to what might be going on ?
as usual whenever I post on stack overflow, the answer will come pretty soon thru one last desperate Google search.
This works :
//Check this for how the url should look like :
function loadScript( url)
var loader = Components.classes["#mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.mozIJSSubScriptLoader);
//The magic happens here
loader.loadSubScript( url );
This will only load local files, which is what I need for my app.
I am fairly disappointed by Mozilla, why not do this the same way like html, in a standard way ?
I've tried this, and I think you're right - I can't seem to get XUL to run dynamically appended script tags - perhaps it's a bug.
I'm curious as to why you would want to though - I can't think of any situation where one would need to do this - perhaps whatever you're trying could be achieved another way. Why is it they need to be dynamically loaded?
Off-topic: on the changes you made to the script.
e.setAttribute('src',url); is valid in normal webpages as well, and is actually technically more "correct" than e.src=url; anyway (although longer and not well supported in old browsers).
Types application/javascript or application/ecmascript are supposed to work in normal webpages and are more "correct" than text/javascript, but IE doesn't support them so they're not normally used.
Inside xul environment you are only allowed to use XHR+eval like the following:
function loadScript (url) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", url, false); // sync
if (xhr.status && xhr.status != 200)
throw xhr.statusText;
try {
eval(xhr.responseText, window);
} catch (x) {
throw new Error("ERROR in loadScript: Can't load script '" + url+ "'\nError message is:" + x.message);

