javascript issue in jsf/icefaces - javascript

jsf command button doesn't invoking javascript , please suggestions
<ice:commandButton id="submit" onclick="validationmessage();" value="Submit"

Check page source. Does validationmessage() function exist in it?
Check if onclick works. Put something like "alert('blabla')" there. Does it work?


How to get window.print() to run locallly?

Hi I have been writing a website for the last couple of weeks but cannot get the Javascript function window.print() to run locally in my browser. I do not have server space yet so I cannot check the online functionality. Here is my code:
<input type="button" value="Print this page" onclick="window.print();" />
Does anyone know if this function can run on a local machine? Or is there a problem with my code? Thanks
The syntax is fine. It should work.
You might also want to try onclick="javascript:window.print();" and see if that works.
Another option you can try then is to create a function inside a script tag and call it from your onclick event:
<input type="button" value="Print this page" onclick="PrintMe()" />
function PrintMe(){
It might be a problem with the form tag..
try using button without form requirement
<button onclick="window.print();">Print this page</button>
Or if you are using the form
<input type="button" value="Print this page" onclick="window.print();return false;" />
if alert works and then enables this to work what happens if you try
onclick="console.log(window.print());return false;"
Capitilize the C in onClick. That might help. That's how I learned it, anyway.

HTML Input type image won't redirect upon click?

I have the following code, which works fine:
<input type="button" name="btnHello" value="Hello" onclick="Test();"/>
and here is the JS function:
function Test() {
window.location.href = "Page2.aspx";
When I click my Hello button, it redirects to Page2.aspx like expected. But when I change my button to an image button:
<input type="image" src="images/myimage.jpg" name="btnHello" onclick="Test();"/>
It no longer works. The page posts back, but its more like a refresh. I can put an alert in the JS function to see that it is getting called, but I'm not sure why the redirect doesn't work? Has anyone ever experienced this?
I know its probably something stupid, but I'm stumped.
Many thanks in advance!
You need to return false from the event handler to prevent the default action.
However, since you don't want it to postback in the first place, you might as well use an ordinary <img /> instead of an <input />.
The redirect is getting cancelled because you are doing a postback. Add return false; after the function test();
onclick="test();return false;"
Try using an img tag:
<img src="images/myimage.jpg" name="btnHello" onclick="Test();"/>
input type image does not have a onclick event. You need to use the img tag instead.
<img onclick="Test();">

Passing a textfield value from one html page to another

My question may sound naive, but really struggling to do a very simple thing. Suppose I have to html page - send.html and receive.html.
In send.html page -
I have text field and a button in like following -
<form onsubmit="recieve.html">
<input type="text" id="mytextfield">
<input type="submit" id="submitbutton" value="Go">
Here I want to put something on the textfield and I want to see that value in the receive page some thing like - Hello 'value of textfield'. That's it.
Do I need to use JS cookie for that? If not, how can I do it in the most simple way?
Need help :(
The most simple way is PHP. Bottom line is you need something handling the data on the server side.
With javascript you can write a function to store the value in a cookie and read it on the next page. By the way, your page goes in the action attribute. onsubmit expects a javascript function, not a page.

self destruct button in html

Is it possible to destroy an html button. If it is clicked because it already served its purpose after clicking.
You can do so with JavaScript:
<button onclick="this.parentNode.removeChild(this)">Label</button>
Yes, it is possible, by using JavaScript to set its CSS property "display" to "none".
See also Seven ways to toggle an element with JavaScript.
I think you can do also by
<input type="button" onclick="'hidden';">
Yes, you can disable or hide it. Example:
<input type="button" onclick="this.disabled=true;" />
However, if you do this to the submit button, it may not work properly. The value for the button will not be included in the form data, so if the server looks for the button data to find out what it was that caused the form to submit, it won't find it.
Yes you can do like this:
<input type="button" onclick=" = 'none';">

How to make a button redirect to another page using jQuery or just Javascript

I am making a prototype and I want the search button to link to a sample search results page.
How do I make a button redirect to another page when it is clicked using jQuery or plain JS.
is this what you mean?
$('button selector').click(function(){
$('#someButton').click(function() {
window.location.href = '/some/new/page';
return false;
Without script:
<form action="where-you-want-to-go"><input type="submit"></form>
Better yet, since you are just going somewhere, present the user with the standard interface for "just going somewhere":
ta da
Although, the context sounds like "Simulate a normal search where the user submits a form", in which case the first option is the way to go.
In your html, you can add data attribute to your button:
<button type="submit" class="mybtn" data-target="/search.html">Search</button>
Then you can use jQuery to change the url:
$('.mybtn').on('click', function(event) {
var url = $(this).data('target');
Hope this helps
With simple Javascript:
<input type="button" onclick="window.location = 'path-here';">
You can use:
location.href = "newpage.html"
in the button's onclick event.
No need for javascript, just wrap it in a link
<button type="button">button</button>
This should work ..
$('#buttonID').click(function(){ window.location = 'new url'});
You can use window.location
Or you can just make the form that the search button is in have a action of the page you want.
this is the FASTEST (most readable, least complicated) way to do it, Owens works but it's not legal HTML, technically this answer is not jQuery (but since jQuery is a pre-prepared pseudocode - reinterpreted on the client platform as native JavaScript - there really is no such thing as jQuery anyway)
<button onclick="window.location.href='';">Google</button>
You can use this simple JavaScript code to make search button to link to a sample search results page. Here I have redirected to '/search' of my home page, If you want to search from Google search engine, You can use "" in form action.
<form action="/search"> Enter your search text:
<input type="text" id="searchtext" name="q">
<input onclick="myFunction()" type="submit" value="Search It" />
<script> function myFunction()
var search = document.getElementById("searchtext").value;
window.location = '/search?q='+search;
From YT 2012 code.
<button href="/signin" onclick=";window.location.href=this.getAttribute('href');return false;">Sign In</button>
Use a link and style it like a button:
Click this button
And in Rails 3 with CoffeeScript using unobtrusive JavaScript (UJS):
Add to assets/javascripts/
$ ->
$('#field_name').click ->
window.location.href = 'new_url'
which reads: when the document.ready event has fired, add an onclick event to a DOM object whose ID is field_name which executes the javascript window.location.href='new_url';
There are a lot of questions here about client side redirect, and I can't spout off on most of them…this one is an exception.
Redirection is not supposed to come from the client…it is supposed to come from the server. If you have no control over the server, you can certainly use Javascript to choose another URL to go to, but…that is not redirection. Redirection is done with 300 status codes at the server, or by plying the META tag in HTML.

