How do I create a content area (image gallery) that scrolls on mouseOver - javascript

I was looking to create an image gallery in my blog. However, I was wondering how possible it would be for the gallery to scroll through my images on mouseOver. Basically, when the user moves his/her mouse up or down the image gallery, the images scroll up or down accordingly.
I have seen a few examples where it has been done in flash, but i was wondering if it was possible for it to be done in Javascript. An example of what I am talking about can be seen on This example is constructed in flash and allows the user to skim through the agency's portfolio by moving the mouse up and down the div. I am aware that loads of free javascript alternatives are online, but i haven't managed to find anyone that does it on mouseOver. I would appreciate it if someone has come across something like this or has used something like this in one of their projects.
Thanks in advance.
Yours sincerely,

Maaki has i nice version here:
supports mouse hot spot scrolling, and auto start/stop

Here is a script which scrolls content vertically onMouseOver.


How to make a smooth scrolling effect using javascript

I've been looking everywhere and I cannot find an answer for this specific need.
I want to create a page with this effect - I want the page to scroll down automatically and smoothly to a certain section on the page as soon as the user begins to scroll their mouse. The problem with using the plugin linked above is that I already have my page designed the way I want, I just want to implement this scrolling effect. I am by no means a javascript expert - I deal mainly with the layout aspects of web. But if someone could show me how I could use javascript to automatically drop to a certain section on the page when the user begins to scroll, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thank you!
Try Using Nice Scroll
<script src=""></script>
mousescrollstep: 40, // scrolling speed with mouse wheel (pixel)

flipping & rotating images on scroll

I'm trying to replicate this scrolling effect as seen here:
In which the image elements flip and rotate continuously on a scroll as it enters and exits the page, I know this requires jquery/javascript and not just CSS alone.
So far I am able to rotate an image while scrolling.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this?
Here is the code: you can look at the source of any page and try and figure out how they did things. People also use plugins like scrollorama for this type of thing

Is this scroll effect custom or is this a well known special effect?

I stumbled across this website and while it is too cluttered for my tastes, I love the depth effect that you see as you scroll. There appears to be a layer that is masked and scrolls at a much slower speed than the main layer. I was just curious if this special effect is something canned that can be slapped into a website or not. It would be interesting to try and reproduce it from scratch. I have a hard time distilling where in the code this effect is being carried out when I view the page source.
Its not a 'depth effect' There are multiple script at play here...
1) paralax scrolling (background images fixed behind the main page)
2) muliple jquery effects to bring content in from the side or fade in etc - triggered as you scroll
boom, thanks Froient for bringing up the word parallax, I googled that and found what I needed! This is going to be amazing for my art portfolio!

How do you scroll an image with on mouse click and dragging with Javascript

You know how if an image is to big, it makes the page super long/wide? And you have to scroll down with your mouse wheel and drag to the right by clicking the little bar at the bottom and dragging. Well, I need to have it where you can click and drag to scroll, as I have a map in a game that I'm creating and that would work a lot better. Here is an example of what I want:
But the problem with that is that you have to pay for the code and I currently have a budget of $0.
Basically, I have no idea how to do this. I've looked at a bunch of other questions and stuff but none have really answered my question because they're using Jquery, Java or other coding languages, and I need to use Javascript.
Thanks in advance!
Download dragscroll.js (, link to dragscroll.js file, and use class=dragscroll in a div.
<div class=dragscroll>
Big text goes here...

Image previewer for webpages

I am creating a webpage in html with php.
I want the user to be able to click on a small icon image. When the icon is clicked a preview of a larger image appears.
Guessing the solution probably involves javascript or flash. Can you point me to the right direction. Thanks in advance.
It sounds like you want a Lightbox?
A Lightbox allows you to have thumbnails of images on your page and when a user clicks on them, the larger image will popup in the middle of the screen. It's very common.
If what you are really looking for is a show/hide effect, you could use JavaScript to show the larger image if the user clicks on the smaller image. A JavaScript library like jQuery or YUI will make it very easy.
If you're doing it in php, then may as well use GD to do it for you.
Here's an excellent article to get you started:

