How to make a smooth scrolling effect using javascript - javascript

I've been looking everywhere and I cannot find an answer for this specific need.
I want to create a page with this effect - I want the page to scroll down automatically and smoothly to a certain section on the page as soon as the user begins to scroll their mouse. The problem with using the plugin linked above is that I already have my page designed the way I want, I just want to implement this scrolling effect. I am by no means a javascript expert - I deal mainly with the layout aspects of web. But if someone could show me how I could use javascript to automatically drop to a certain section on the page when the user begins to scroll, I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thank you!

Try Using Nice Scroll
<script src=""></script>
mousescrollstep: 40, // scrolling speed with mouse wheel (pixel)


HTML5 auto scroll to next section

As you can see right here:
I'm trying to mimic its scrolling behavior right here, and its implementation really baffles me. Is it scrolling to another section? Or is it scrolling the background? Is there a name for this specific website style?
I have a one page parallax theme that I would like to auto scroll for user, so that each scroll gives the user a new fullscreen section. I would like to know how many plugins I would need to use. Some basic examples or directions for research would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Here's 2 possible ways out of many, for how you could implement this:
jump.js which is a dependency-free library (meaning it does not require jQuery or similar)
fullPage which is a full page slider plugin for jQuery. This might be more of what you want, because it does not introduce a scrollbar.

How to recreate page scroll behavior in Google’s inbox page?

What I am trying to achieve is that when the user scrolls the page using the mouse-wheel (as there is no scrollbar), the page slides down with an animation to the next section of the page and while the animation is being played, mouse-wheel won’t work (to tidy things up, which is a good act).
The behavior I want can be seen in or
The thing I liked in Google’s inbox website is that it has the same effects with touch screen devices and their scrolling mechanisms.
I only need some pointers about the events that happen in this kind of scrolling and how I can manage them (specially, I am looking to achieve the same functionality with touch devices).
That is a parallax website, and actually there are many ways to accomplish that. But I would like to suggest to you the FullPage.JS by Alvaro Trigo, you can also try Skrollr by Prinzhorn
. Those are libraries that you can use to easily finish your goal.
By the way, you can also manually do that by creating a CSS that will make the images fit in every slide, then add JS so whenever you scroll it will go to another slide, but I tell you it is better to use libraries. :D
It is called Parallax scroll effect .. Here is a tutorial on how to make it!

Javascript - Want to jump to new div at scroll event

I'm building a one-page site with the content area as large content boxes stacked down the page.
I'm looking for ideas on a way to use javascript to jump to each content box. With a one-page site like this, it takes a lot of scrolling to get to the bottom.
My idea is to somehow make this easier. If you are in one box, and you scroll down just a single click, I want the next box to scroll all the way up the page in one jump. That way the content stays easy and readable, and a box will never be half-on half-off the page. Theoretically you could scroll to the bottom of the page in less than ten clicks.
Does that make sense? I'm thinking of something similar to the home screen on android phones. It jumps horizontally between screens, no matter how little you swipe. There will only be one box on the page at time.
Disclaimer: I am a noob web developer, any and all help is appreciated. Thanks!
I would point you toward binding on the scroll event with jquery .scroll(), and using either IDs via style of links or use the jquery.ScrollTo plugin

Need to prevent user from manually scrolling a web page. (Only navigate using internal links)

I am currently designing a webpage that is extremely vertical, my idea was that users would not scroll around the page, but only when they clicked on links with internal anchors (href="#someDiv"), the page would automatically scroll down to that section.
So that the elements of the page are organized into bundles, and the user clicks to go up or down to one section of the single page or another.
I've uploaded the page to the following url:
DWS - Prototype
The page is fairly straightforward, and I am using a smooth-scroll jQuery plugin for the automatic scrolling. All I want is for the user to not be able to wander about on his/her own.
I have tried using overflow:hidden, and looked for javascript or jQuery to get this done, but can't seem to find a viable solution. Overflow hidden prevents the page from loading past the screen, so you can't link to the other elements of the page.
I haven't really tested the HTML/CSS beyond Mac OS, but it works fine on Safari, Firefox and Chrome.
You can disable the scroll bar on a page using the following css property
body{overflow: hidden;}
This will disable both the scroll bar and the mousewheel (im not sure about Pg Up and Down Buttons)
While you definitely have an interesting concept I think it will be very hard to pull off the way you're wanting. What happens if I have the height of my browser window set so small that I can't see your Navigation menus and I also can't scroll? Chances are I'm just gonna get fed up with your site and leave.
When users see a vertical scrollbar they expect to be able to scroll up and down. Taking that way from users is more likely to frustrate and anger them as opposed to them thinking 'This is really cool'.
That being said you could load up jQuery and do something like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('html, body').scroll(function(e) {
This should prevent the scrollbar from going up or down. disclaimer: I have not tested this.
I suggest you make the sections (partially) collapsible. E.g. like here.

How do I create a content area (image gallery) that scrolls on mouseOver

I was looking to create an image gallery in my blog. However, I was wondering how possible it would be for the gallery to scroll through my images on mouseOver. Basically, when the user moves his/her mouse up or down the image gallery, the images scroll up or down accordingly.
I have seen a few examples where it has been done in flash, but i was wondering if it was possible for it to be done in Javascript. An example of what I am talking about can be seen on This example is constructed in flash and allows the user to skim through the agency's portfolio by moving the mouse up and down the div. I am aware that loads of free javascript alternatives are online, but i haven't managed to find anyone that does it on mouseOver. I would appreciate it if someone has come across something like this or has used something like this in one of their projects.
Thanks in advance.
Yours sincerely,
Maaki has i nice version here:
supports mouse hot spot scrolling, and auto start/stop
Here is a script which scrolls content vertically onMouseOver.

