ASTreeView help! (using JavaScript with .dll's) - javascript

I love the demos of ASTreeView. I'd like to use this in my project, which is completely local and currently only uses HTML, JavaScript, and CSS - i.e. no or anything dealing with servers...
Is it possible for me to use this? There is a .dll and a .js included in the package, but I have no clue where to start since this isn't a project for me. I can't find any documentation on this library.

ASTreeView is a ASP.NET server side control. It is used on .aspx pages that are typically run on Microsoft IIS servers or any other server supporting ASP.NET. Take a look at ASTreeView - Free ASP.NET TreeView Control on for a nice tutorial on this free control.


Html and javascript in visual studio 2013

i have been working with visual studio for variety of projects for quite a while now, bu t i recently needed to develop a simple html5 webpage that will use some embedded or a seperate file of javascript, now i know there are projects which support stuff like that but i wanted to know is there a template or project type or something using which i can work purely with html and js only without having to deal with hell of configs and pages and all that? just simple html5 and js dev with intellisense and maybe a designer mode for css. i looked over internet and am unable to find an exact answer.
If you're starting from scratch you can go to File > New > Web Site and choose ASP.NET Empty Web Site. This will give you a very basic site, which has nothing but a Web.config file. You can then add all of your html, js, and css from there. You can also delete the Web.config file, but it is useful as it allows you to continue to use the debugger on your site.
Alternatively you can just start the project in windows explorer, setup the basic files and site directories, then you can go back into Visual Studio, and go to File > Open > Website and then locate the directory your site is in. This will just open the files and allow you to work on them like any other project.
These are the only ways I've seen so far, you may also be able to find project templates online but I haven't looked.
Also, if you're using Visual Studio in this way, then I recommend installing Web Essentials it adds a lot of useful features.
Hope that helps.

How to minify and/or combine *.axd JavaScript files in an ASP.NET webforms project?

I am going though our ASP.NET WebForms project and attempting to make changes suggested by tools such as YSlow and others. We use the built in bundling & minification that came with .NET 4.0 for the files we've added to the project, but there are still a few JavaScript files that the WebForms framework includes unminified: ScriptResource.axd and WebResource.axd
I've looked around and found a lot of 3rd party solutions for how to get these file to be minified, but all these solutions are a few years old before a JS compressor was built into the framework. Now that's it's built in, it seems like it should be possible to harness this somehow.
How can I get these *.axd files to have a minified output?
axd files are embedded resources files inside the custom server controls.
you need to minify the resources before compiling the custom server control.
or you can checkout this article, for combining them, i think it can help you

Client-side solution similar to master page

I recently started using WebStorm to implement web applications and find the experience much better than using Visual Studio.
I am considering moving the "view" part in mvc to pure html as much as possible without relying on server template engine such as Razor. So that I don't have to open visual studio until server side code is needed.
Google results showed that client side template engines such as Handlebars and Mustache will be able to help generate dynamic html pages. One thing I have not found is that ability to combine "parts" of pages together (like the master page in so that we don't need to copy/paste header/footer everywhere.
How do I achieve "master page"-like functionality with client side (i.e. javascript) solutions?
Thanks for your help.
You could try this:
use 'shtml' file to struct your webpage,so that you can reference the include instruction:
<!--#include file="head.html"--><hr><b>Hello,this is body!</b><hr><!--#include file="foot.html"-->
As to 'head.html' and 'foot.html',well,you know what should include in them.Actually,they are 'div' segments~~~

Reusing HTML code with only client side technologies

I am tasked with creating a website using only client side techs such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We can't using any server-side tech because the instructor is too lazy to install anything and won't allow us to deploy using something such as Heroku. Is there a way I can do this? In particular I want to create partials for that navigation and footer without having to copy and paste them in every single file.
I know of two different approaches:
1. Using Ajax
You can use ajax to do this - probably with the help of a JavaScript library or framework.
JQuery's load can do things like $('#header').load('header-partial.html');
If you're building something more complex with a lot of views, etc... I'd consider using a MV* javascript framework like Backbone.js or AngularJS.
Check out the AngularJS seed project on GitHub for an example
2. Using a build script
If your site is simple enough that all you want to do is include a header and footer on each page, you should consider doing this as a build step in your deployment process. I.E. complile your html with the partials locally, and upload full pages, with the header/footer code on every html page.
This approach has the benefit of not breaking your site if js is disabled.
For an example, check out html5boilerplate's ant build script

Implementing Tiny MCE As Local HTML Editor

UPDATE: There are stupid questions, and this is one of them. I didn't realize that serving JavaScript via Django was so large a question. When I've answered it, I'll post the most useful resources for those who want to RTFM, unless the mods close this first. Until then, sorry for wasting your time.
How do I install and configure Tiny MCE, Apache2 and Django so Tiny MCE is available as a local application only? I think what I want to do is setup Apache so it serves only the local computer, and does so with Django to provide a Tiny MCE editor. Apache2 and Django are already installed but I don't know how to integrate Tiny MCE to achieve this result.
I'm a newbie to web development and frameworks, so I might be missing an obvious solution to this problem.
(Why am I doing this?
I want a WYSIWYG HTML editor that will let me edit a document's formatting and see how that affects the HTML, and edit the HTML and see how it affects the formatting, while using a CSS stylesheet.
I will want to serve this functionality to the web over a SSL connection but don't yet want to set that up just yet.
The web application will go through Django, so I want to get things working through that framework.
I'd like to see a JavaScript application in action.)
Thanks for your patience.
UPDATE: Is this better phrased as:
How do I serve a javascript application through Django?
How do I make that service available only to the local computer?
Question #2 seems to have been answered.
Bind Apache to the interface only. The documentation can be found at
What you serve is irrelvent as far as this question is concerned, since you are just trying to control where you serve it too.
In response to q.1 - you don't, normally. Django does not serve static media like JS files, images, etc. Having said that, there is a tinymce app for django which eases the integration. works well for me.

