creating a configuration pane in javascript - javascript

I am looking to create a generic config pane for a grease monkey plugin. I was wondering if there exists a lib to make this easier?
I am looking for some tool where you might give it some name/value pairs and it will generate a nice looking UI.
I think ive seen this somewhere but forgot the search terms.

Maybe you can use jQuery UI lib for building pane. Lib is full of easy-to-use visual components.

Given how simple you seem to want it, why not just hand-write some HTML and CSS and throw that up on the page? It's very easy to show a simple configuration window and takes very little effort to make it look presentable.
If you want it to look nice, jQuery UI. You could also try Cappuccino, but the more library you layer on, the clumsier it'll get.
For a simple layout, just use tables. Taboo, yes, but effective... and it IS just a configuration screen.


Is it possible to have multi-line in select option value

Is it possible to have multi-line in select option value
In the multi line option I would like show first line in bold and rest of lines in regular font.
Is there any possible approach using HTML/CSS and Java script or
Do we have any library in React which can achieve the above
It is not possible with current support of the select tag in current HTML version. The only possible solution here is to use a custom made solution, both vanilla CSS or javascript options are available, and you have plenty of techniques to choose from.
Whenever I found myself in a need of creating a custom solution I like to look for inspiration in this article:
Once you decide to go with custom made solution it is always a good practise to implement at least basic Screen Reader support.
A good place to start:
From my experience in business projects I usually prefer to go with JS powered solution, especially in such where frontend is changing a lot. My favourite here: which is both easy to customize and powerful enough to meet even the most challenging requirements, and you can't forget about really good docs.
As I can see you included a reactjs tag in your question, so if you are planning to create a react solution I would go with:
which is pretty similar in functionality to Select2

Topcoat/Phonegap Navigation

I'm switching from using JQM and Phonegap to using Topcaot and a few smaller libraries to take care of transitions and such. One thing I haven't found a micro-library for is the navigation.
While many site I've seen say to create the UI and content dynamically through javascript, it does seem like a daunting task do to the amount of pages I would need to create. Similar to JQM, I want to be able to separate my different pages as different html files that ajax load them into the DOM, but in an optimized way that is fast and doesn't cary the weight of JQM.
TO anyones knowledge does such a library exist or would this be a library I would have to write? It doesn't seem like it would be an overly complicated task, especially if I would use jquery. Any ideas of help is appreciated.
try angularjs. Here there's an example with topcoat:
Angularjs is very different from JQM but you should give it a try.
Otherwise, if you don't like angularjs you can find a more traditional approach at this page:
Hope this helps
Here you are - new plugin based on coenraets css transitional solution:
Paging with pagingSlider
default pageSlider actions
Totaly plugable like pageSlider
if you want, pagemenu to switch directly to a page
touch events
Consider looking at Topcoat Touch (Github Project), it is basically a micro library for transitions and events (5k minified and gzipped) -- full disclosure, I am the author of Topcoat Touch.
It is a very simple framework that uses Topcoat to create the UI, inspired by jQT and to a lesser extent jQuery Mobile. It can be either a single html document with multiple pages contained within the same document, or using a collection of controllers and templates. It uses a collection of optional libraries to provide most of the functionality for a mobile framework and has a generator for Yeoman to get the scaffolding up quickly.
I haven't used it, but Kendo UI Mobile is similar to JQM and may fit your needs:

How to set up flexible pagination for tables in Javascript?

I am a relative JavaScript beginner. I am comfortable working with documents (document.getElementById(...) and document.getElementsByTagName(...).. and other document querying functions.
I have been asked to create some sort of a table pagination library for my team. We don't use jQuery or any other third party libraries. So I would have manipulate the table dom or something like that to make it work. In this library, I would have to be able to
set up flexible pagination (Number of rows to be displayed per page may be configured by using some sort of a text box) I took a look at some of the sources jQuery Pagination Plugin. But I can not understand it.
The user should be able to navigate back and forth using some icons. The page number changed should be reflected in the configuration box.
I am not asking for solutions because I would learn to do this on my own. How can I start working on this issue?
Update after observations from nnnn
I am not sure what approach to take, as I had not considered that possibility. Most of the times, we have only about 2000 records to display. I guess if the load does not take too much memory, I would prefer to load before hand and then try to paginate it. Although, I will go with whatever is recommended.
I would highly recommend taking a look at the jquery datatables plugin
If you want to implement your UI and just need an Object to handle pagination logic please see this library:

Easiest javascript library for making custom tabs?

I am interested in making a tabbed display on a web page I am working on. I need to apply my own styles, so I would like to find a javascript library that provides very little styling out of the box and makes customization as easy as possible.
Features I would like:
Specify the Image used for the tab.
Tabs can re-size to fix the text inside of them.
Relatively easy to apply my own styles.
I looked at jQuery UI Tabs but it does not seem like it would be too easy to apply my own styles if I don't use their tools to do it.
I also looked at jQuery Tools, which seemed a little easier to customize, but appears to require that you use fixed length images for the tabs.
Can anyone recommend a good js library for creating customized tabbed navigation? Am I just making customization of the two libraries mentioned above harder than it needs to be?
This is a super easy walk-through to create custom tabs using jQuery, I followed it once and haven't used any other tabs since:
Custom jQuery Tabs | Soh Tanaka
I know it can be tempting to often use libraries for something like this, but it is very straightforward and you'll know all about how they work, which will allow you customize them far easier than nearly other plug-ins.
With jQuery-UI you can easily change the styles with css, you do not need any fancy tools ^_^

Javascript library for dynamically switching pages/views

I have been using nagios + pnp4nagios for a while and am happy with the images rrdtool creates. My current task is to create a panel that has some statistics generated by nagios and after a while the statistics change. I'm looking for something like that:
But also able to switch screens automatically. I do know that I can make a timed javascript function that switches the layout after a determined time, but I also want to add effects and other stuff to the picture. Any good javascript library that has it?
such effects can be achieved easily with most javascript libraries. I like jQuery quite well. See the examples in link text for inspiration

