can't log out of facebook from App - javascript

I'm trying to logout of facebook from my App using the following code below, but i'm still logged in (and my alert does not execute)
also note, this is an external App, using the facebook API.
any ideas?
FB.Facebook.init(api_key, channel_path);
var api = FB.Facebook.apiClient;
FB.Connect.logout(function(){alert("logged out!");})

With the new JavaScript API, you can do:


Enable users of a WebRtc app to download webrtc logs via javascript

I've seen the following:
However I'm looking for a way to let users click a button from within the web app to either download or - preferably - POST WebRtc logs to an endpoint baked into the app. The idea is that I can enable non-technical users to share technical logs with me through the click of a UI button.
How can this be achieved?
Note: This should not be dependent on Chrome; Chromium will also be used as the app will be wrapped up in Electron.
You need to write a javascript equivalent that captures all RTCPeerConnection API calls. rtcstats.js does that but sends all data to a server. If you replace that behaviour with storing it in memory you should be good.
This is what I ended up using (replace knockout with underscore or whatever):
connectionReport.signalingState = connection.signalingState;
connectionReport.stats = [];
connection.getStats(function (stats) {
const reportCollection = stats.result();
ko.utils.arrayForEach(reportCollection, function (innerReport) {
const statReport = {}; =;
statReport.type = innerReport.type;
const keys = innerReport.names();
ko.utils.arrayForEach(keys, function (reportKey) {
statReport[reportKey] = innerReport.stat(reportKey);
It appears that this getStats mechanism is soon-to-be-deprecated.
Reading through js source of chrome://webrtc-internals, I noticed that the web page is using a method called chrome.send() to send messages like chrome.send('enableEventLogRecordings');, to execute logging commands.
According to here:
chrome.send() is a private function only available to internal chrome
so the function is sandboxed which makes accessing to it not possible

JS OAuth 2.0 on Windows Phone 8.1

So, I'm trying to create a Gitter client for Windows Phone and to do so I need to use Bearer OAuth on their API. This process seems to result in a redirection to a gitter webpage (to get access tokens) and then it redirects to a web page specififed by my application. However obviously an APP is not a web page, so how am I supposed to get the returned temporary access token to use the API?
I've read a little bit about using ms-app://<security identifier> but it's all very fuzzy and little to no information seems to be about using it without using c#, but that's not what I'm looking for.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT I just noticed this has been asked here oAuth 2.0 in Windows Phone 8.1 but hasn't been awnsered. Sorry for the duplication.
Seems that it was under my nose the whole entire time!
You can use Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.WebAuthenticationBroker.authenticateAndContinue(startURI, endURI);
(docs are mainly c# but here:
var redirect_uri = 'ms-app://<sid>';
var client_id = '<client id>';
// testing
var requestUri = new Windows.Foundation.Uri(
'https://<site>/?client_id=' + client_id + '&redirect_uri=' + redirect_uri
Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.WebAuthenticationBroker.authenticateAndContinue(requestUri, Windows.Foundation.Uri(redirect_uri));
app.addEventListener("activated", function (args) {
if (args.detail.kind == activation.ActivationKind.webAuthenticationBrokerContinuation) {
//take oauth response and continue login process
//Handle normal activiation...(hidden)

Meteor: Authenticating Chrome Extension via DDP

I've built a Chrome Extension that takes a selection of text and when I right click and choose the context menu item, it sends that text to my Meteor app. This works fine, however, I can't figure out the process of using Oauth to authenticate users.
I'm using this package:
Here is the JS within background.js (for Chrome Extension):
var ddp = new MeteorDdp("ws://localhost:3000/websocket");
ddp.connect().then(function() {
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message) {'transferSnippet', ['snippetContent', 'tag', snippetString]);
Here is the relevant portion of my other JS file within my Chrome Extension:
function genericOnClick(info) {
snippetString = [];
var snippetTag = prompt('tag this thing')
And here is the relevant portion of my Meteor app:
'transferSnippet': function(field1, field2, value1, value2) {
var quickObject = {};
quickObject.field1 = value1[0];
quickObject.field2 = value1[1];
snippetContent: value1[0],
tag: value1[1]
Basically I'm stuck and don't know how to go about making a DDP call that will talk to my Meteor app in order to authenticate a user
This question is a bit old, but if anyone is still looking for a solution. I had a similar problem that I was able to solve using the following plugin: Here is an example of how to do it for twitter oauth:

Adobe DPS Android Entitlement

We are stuck with an Adobe DPS project. We cant get our DPS android app to do Entitlement for our print subscribers and we were wondering if anyone out there has managed to get this right.
We've used Adobe's tutorial here:, with isEntitlementViewer set to true.
The code asks for a username and password and then via Adobe's API AdobeLibraryAPI.js, it authenticates a user via our own API. the very same code is working 100% in the iPad version of the app.
The file that actually processes the login (called LoginDialog.js) contains the following code within a function called clickHandler (we’ve added a few javascript alerts to try debug the login process)
// Login using the authenticationService.
var transaction = adobeDPS.authenticationService.login($username.val(), $password.val());
alert("1: "+transaction.state ); //returns “1: 0”
transaction.completedSignal.addOnce(function(transaction) {
alert("2: "+transaction.state ); //never returns
var transactionStates = adobeDPS.transactionManager.transactionStates;
if (transaction.state == transactionStates.FAILED) {
$("#login .error").html("Authentication Failed.")
} else if (transaction.state == transactionStates.FINISHED){
alert("3: "+transaction.state ); //never returns
}, this);
alert("4: "+transaction.error ); //never returns
Anyone out there with some DPS/android/Entitlement experience?
Android Entitlement only works after an integrator ID is registered with Adobe, as the android viewers service routes are only configured via the integrator ID.
If you do not have an integrator ID, you need to acquire one from Adobe Support.
Also it is worth mentioning, that in contrary to iOS, Android DPS viewers only support one base Route/URL for Authentication and Entitlements.
For Example whereas in iOS you can have the login been done via the first URL:
The second URL for entitlements can be on a different URL:
In android both URLs have to be the same, e.g.: and

How to authenticate with Google via OAuth 2.0 in a popup?

Sorry for a big edit. I am starting over as I am not stating my question correctly.
I am trying to write a client side app in HTML5. I do not want it to be hosted on a website. I am not even sure this is possible, I am fairly new to this type of application.
Anyway, I want to access Google services, which requires authenticate such as OAuth. Being that it is javascript, it sounds like OAuth2 is what I need.
I am trying to open up the google authentication in a popup (I have this part), let the user allow access, and then pass flow back to my application which can then query Google services. Problem is either 1. it asks the user to copy/paste a token into the app whenever I use response_type=code, but if I use response_type=token it requires that I redirect back to a valid URL which, since this is not hosted on a webserver, there is none.
So how can I use OAuth, and let the user grant access seamlessly?
You should have some Redirect URL defined for Google to redirect to after the authentication is done. If you cant host your pages on any web site, you can very well host it in local host.
Regarding getting the access token from the popup to the main parent window, you can setup a timer in parent window which keeps on checking the document location of the popup. Once the document location matches the Redirect URL, u can parse the access token which will will be in the URL itself.
I wrote a tutorial on exactly the same problem (using local host) yesterday and here is the link:
Hope you will find it useful.
To avoid a potential click jacking, Google authentication forces you to go to a full page login. I don't think you can control that.
EDIT after comment, here is a code extracted from the Google OAuth2 page that does it:
<a href="javascript:poptastic('');">Try
out that example URL now</a>
function poptastic(url) {
var newWindow =, 'name', 'height=600,width=450');
if (window.focus) {
I believe you can use google api (gapi) for Oauth in Javascript.
Here is the documentation: Authentication using the Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript
You will not require the user to copy/paste any codes and you will not require to provide a redirect uri
All you need to do is: Go to your project in Google Developers Console and generate the following:
1. Generate new Client Id and choose options 'Installed Application' and 'Other'.
2. Generate a Public API Key
Sample Code from the above documentation:
// Set the required information
var clientId = 'YOUR CLIENT ID';
var apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
var scopes = '';
// call the checkAuth method to begin authorization
function handleClientLoad() {
gapi.client.setApiKey(apiKey); // api key goes here
// checkAuth calls the gapi authorize method with required parameters
function checkAuth() {
gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: clientId, scope: scopes, immediate: true}, handleAuthResult); // scope and client id go here
// check that there is no error and makeApi call
function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
var authorizeButton = document.getElementById('authorize-button');
if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
// API call can be made like this:
function makeApiCall() {
gapi.client.load('plus', 'v1', function() {
var request ={
'userId': 'me'
request.execute(function(resp) {
var heading = document.createElement('h4');
var image = document.createElement('img');
image.src = resp.image.url;
I've written a mini JS library for the task, take it and see if it works for you.
I am recently developing another project that rely on the same script, so I am isolating this one into an independent library project ... check the progress follows (if there are).

