Social network graph using a javascript library [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I intend to draw a directed graph (node-oriented). The nodes in the graph are dynamically generated. I am wondering if there's any good js library out there that solves my problem. Edges and weights need to be custom configured.

The JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit provides graph view that can be dynamically generated and updated using AJAX etc. It provides a number of views that are customizable.

From my experience D3.js is most flexible
also there is new sigmajs libaray

Have you looked into the RaphaelJS library?
Check out the awesome demos on the site. It's cross-browser, because it uses VML in IE and SVG in other browsers.

You can try too.

Commercially licensed - KeyLines would do the job - also cross-browser, both old IE & newer browsers supported (incl iPads). Disclaimer: I help to develop it ;-)

Cytoscape Web JS will do what you need.
Check out the github repository here
and you can play around with some demos here


I am building an HTML application that uses 3D UI elements and animations. What are some tools and libraries that I might find helpful? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So I'm planning to create a web application that uses 3-dimensional UI elements and animated transitions to create a rich user experience. What tools and libraries would you recommend that I use to make this application's development go as quickly and smoothly as possible? (three.js perhaps?)
Specifically, I'm looking for development libraries and tools that make it easy to create 3D UI elements and handle CSS transitions. I'm also interesting in including some level of support for graceful degradation, so that things don't stop working completely on older and mobile browsers.
WebGL brings 3D graphics to the Web by introducing an API that closely
conforms to OpenGL ES 2.0 that can be used in HTML5 canvas elements.
Support for WebGL is present in Firefox 4+, Google Chrome 9+, Opera
12+ and Safari 5.1+.
In order to be more helpful you would need to provide more than what you would like to accomplish. Specifications, example code, what you've tried and what you're having trouble with are all things we like to see here to help answer your question.
What browsers/versions are you targeting, what technologies have you looked into and what will this be used for? Without knowing the gory details, it's honestly hard for people to help.
Creativejs may be something that interests you.
Three.js, as you asked about above, is a nice library as well.
There's also a nice list of many other here.
If that's the case then the majority of the libraries in the link above would meet your needs. I would suggest taking a good look into a few of them and trying out some tutorials.
Depending on your needs, Dom3D might* be useful.
Considering that it's done with CSS3 transforms on regular DOM elements (no canvas, extensions or plugins), I think it does a wonderful job.
*If you need pixel perfect or uber-slick graphics though Dom3D might not be for you.

Open source library for web-based drill down charts [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have seen this Good javascript library for drawing charts using json, which lists charting libraries. I thought to go for FLOT but I didnot see that it is supporting drill down bars.
Can any one suggest me whether FLOT supports them or any other library I can use? I am mainly looking for drill down bars and pie charts with support of javascript and jquery and can pull the chart data for these graphs.
There is Highcharts and JFreeChart, will that work? JFreeChart does not support drill down, though.
d3.js. See the gallery:
Drill down demos or examples: /
There are several tutorials. Here are two:
And there are fiddle-like d3 editors:
So to me, d3.js certainly seems like the best choice.
Go for, it is a jquery plugin for drill down chart.

Any recommendations for starter tutorials for Titanium Mobile? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm just starting to code in Javascript and in Titanium. Does anyone out there have recommendations for starter tutorials? Would prefer tutorials that are somewhat step-by-step and actually describe stuff instead of just throwing a huge chunk of code with no explanations; like being thrown into Kitchensink without any explanations; since debugging is difficult to implement in Titanium.
I'm also gonna recommend some tutorials that I've found useful so far:
I love this tutorial. It starts from the very basic and discusses quite a lot of modules:
Edit 2018, 7 years after originally writing this answer.
There are tons of guides now, a LOT of them on the official documentation:!/guide
Also the alloy kitchensink is a great go-to
It is better to explore the KitchenSink example that is provided by Titanium Appcelerator team itself! here is the link to download the latest version for the same. All the best. :)
You can start from The Wiki for Titanium .
I will give a +1 to the Kitchen Sink example but don't use it as a best practices on how to structure your app. There are a lot of examples of how to use the api and learn about the different options but the way they structure the project is just bad practice.
For project structure take a look at tweetanium and struct.
Finally, check out Appcelerator on Vimeo

Is there an open source javascript rich text editor similar to gmail's? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've looked at free javascript html editors, and I haven't found any that I feel handle links intuitively. I like the way the gmail editor does it (also the same way does it.
Does anyone know if there is an open source editor that handles linking that way? Jquery would be preferable.
gmail uses the open source closure-libary (made by google). Some documentation can be found here:
An example of an editor created with the closure-libary, much similar to the gmail editor (e.g. the link part), can be found here:
I use TinyMCE myself as Banzor suggests but here are a few other alternatives eash with their own strengths:
WYMeditor -
CKEditor -
FCKeditor -
I use TinyMCE. It is probably the most powerful JavaScript version and it has really clean markup! The entire UI is customizable too. They have alot of info on the TinyMCE website
Here is the jQuery version: TINYMCE plugin
Thanks Dennis,
But recently there is a very well customized feature for gmail!
New gmail text editing options
Hence is there a simple code like above and also can recognize right to left and left to right languages automatically.

Tools to enforce a coding style for Javascript [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to automatically check the style of javascript sources written by different people. Do you know of a good tool to do it? Integration with emacs would be a plus. Thank you in advance.
See EditorConfig. This tool is not limited to js though; You first install the plugin for your editor (there is an emacs plugin), and create a file named .editorconfig, whose content is the coding style.
I've recently updated the CodePainter project to work tightly with EditorConfig, so you can get the best of both worlds with JavaScript.
Please, spread the word. The project could use more traction and I could use more help.
Google JavaScript pretty print and JavaScript lint. Plenty of options, including JavaScript Lint and JSLint, among others.
There's also JSHint which has libraries for Rhino, JavaScriptCore, Windows Script Host and Ruby.
You're probably looking for the JS Code Sniffer:

