Communicating between two webviews with Javascript - javascript

In an application that has multiple webviews, is there any way to have the JavaScript in two separate webviews communicate with each other directly? I would really like to use JavaScript in one webview to control the contents of the other webview, but my bet is that each environment is completely isolated and that communication has to be serialized and sent through the webview controller.

Use <frameset>, <iframe> etc in the same web view to communicate between two pages.
Otherwise, there's no way to see outside of the environment (esp. for iPhoneOS since the whole WebKit framework is a private API.)

I'm looking to do the same thing and came across this thread in researching the problem. Haven't had a chance to model it yet, but looks like it's at least theoretically feasible by first using JavaScript to communicate with the Objective-C wrapper, and then sending that data over to the second WebView via a JavaScript call. Info on each of these two (independent) steps can be found here:


Is Javascript the only choice for DOM interaction when embedding a web browser?

I've looked at the various ways to embed a web browser into an application (like IE or Safari via OS-specific means, or Firefox/Mozilla via XULRunner, or Chrome via the Chromium Embedded Framework) and I've managed to integrate CEF with my app up to a point where I'm convinced that it'll all work as expected. Now, it seems to me that whenever I want to modify the DOM (e.g. to add or remove elements), I'll have to do this via Javascript, i.e. my application calls out to Javascript where the actual work is done.
I wonder why this is so. My (naive?) belief is that if for example I call appendChild in Javascript, the actual "work" of appending a child will eventually be performed by a C/C++ function as the browser itself is written in C/C++ and not in Javascript. So, I'm wondering why in an embedded web browser I can't call this C/C++ function directly instead of going through Javascript. I understand that for general scripting you don't want other languages than Javascript for security reasons, but if the browser is embedded into an application I can control anyway this shouldn't be the reason, should it?
What am I missing?
CEF is implemented as a layer between chromium's content api and your application. When using CEF, Chromium is a library inside CEF, and you only have access to CEF's Public API, which is more or less restricted to whatever chromium content api leverages (keep in mind no browser was created as an embeddable plugin and then evolved into an application, it was always the other way around). The content API was the way google engineers had to formalize some forms of introspection, but they aren't completed simply because the browser isn't completely modular by itself. There's work in progress on chromium code to separate specific "do-it-all" components in more general ones that you may pick at will.
Therefore you can't simply hook into chromium's implementation details when using CEF: you'd need to patch it to implement something it doesn't expose by itself. CEF implements a class for DOM traversal (see here), but you can only pick at DOM, not change it.
That said, on the C++ side you can do some arbitrary stuff such as inspecting/mangling http requests (which allows you to inject javascript into pages, for instance), and running arbitrary javascript code straight from C++, which can, by it's own turn, asynchronously call back to C++ code by diverse paths (ajax -> http handling in C++, or V8 extensions which you can code straightly in C++.
See for more details.
One could customize CEF or go straightly to chromium source code, but that thing is huge. Other solutions I heard of are more or less alike in terms of API limitations, i.e. Awesomium, Mozilla's Gecko, etc.

Why we use web methods of web services, instead of web form funcions

There's a period of time that I changed my web programming method.
I develop my functions as web methods in some Web Services, then I call them in my website's UI using javascript.
My question is why do we use web services? I think it's better to write these functions in the code behind of original page and call them with javascript. Isn't it better?
Webservices can be called from any platform, but the code in the behind of web forms can not.
If I understand your question: if you have some functions which are used by different pages, it is more efficient to put them in a separate resource. The resource is downloaded only once and your pages are lighter.

Calling C++ from JavaScript / HTML using GTK+ Webkit Webview (and Qt WebKit bridge)

I am currently evaluating different approaches / solutions to call C++ functions from JavaScript code embedded in an HTML page. The application must be run on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS.
I am not an expert in Linux based development. This is the first time I am trying to work on something to interface between JavaScript and C++ code.
The C++ code basically resides in the .so files ( dynamic libraries) that would provide interface methods to access certain hardware and file system. The GUI needs to be in HTML and I am searching for different solutions that are possible that can call C++ from HTML. I searched and ended up deciding to try 2 approaches, both using the WebKit engine.
Approach 1: Using Qt 5.0.2 Webkit Bridge - the WebView control
The GUI framework will be on Qt framework, the main application window will contain a webview control that would run an HTML code which in turn contains the JavaScript code.
The interface between Web page and C++ is done using the addToJavaScriptWindowObject() function.
I created a sample application and tested this solution and it seems to works fine.
Approach 2: Using GTK+ WebKit WebView
I downloaded and installed the GTK 3.0 library.
I got the webkitgtk 2.0.1 and have installed it.
I have created a test application with GTK without webkit, it works well.
I am trying to create a webkit webview control using GTK.
When trying my Approach 1 with Qt, there was quite a good set of documentation and samples to do what I wanted to. But after starting with Approach 2 using GTK+, I feel am moving slower comparitively. I personally feel that the documentation part is not that straight forward for the kind of application I am trying to develop.
Other Approaches:
I also want to try to check if either using Applets (to call the .so files directly) or using the V8 JavaScript engine to interface between JavaScript and C++ are viable options(
I have tried the following resources:
I want to know how exactly to do this interface part of calling a C++ functions (in .so files) when a button is clicked in a HTML web page containing JavaScript. What kind of signal am I supposed to look for. If I am using a WebkitWebview control, how do I map a button click to a c++ function?
Can someone point me to the right direction?
I would really appreciate your time and knowledge.
Webkit GTK 2 changed significantly in terms of API's. So I am not sure if this will work with Webkit GTK 2. However this will definitely work in Webkit GTK 1.* versions. Don't know anything about QT.
For your need of connecting html view with C/C++ side of the world, you can use two approaches. Please take a look at function webkit_dom_event_target_add_event_listener. There is example at
Another approach you can take is to use alert on click of the button and send a string as information. On C side, you can hookup the alert listener and parse the message and decide what needs to be done. I have written lot of code in python which takes this approach since call mentioned above is not exposed to python.
I agree documentation is bit sparse for webkit gtk. However if you know how you can acomplish something in javascript, usually you can map the javascript DOM management and event calls to C side. This includes generating elements dynamically, managing events such onclick etc. You just have to dig through the header files and find matching call.
If you need to use C++ code or native applications in your web application you can try to create a service over the C++ code and access it throught a REST (for example) API.
You can use a common web application framework (Spring/Java, Django/Python, etc.) to develop your web application and use Apache Thrift to interface your library.
the best solution for you is g-xml it is a good solution by GAMA but sorry it is not free.

Separate JavaScript document talk to GWT Application

I have a JavaScript document which I've created with some complex functionality which relies on a couple third party JavaScript libraries being included.
My goal is to have it so that GWT can interact with my script and vice versa. I've tried to create a GWT wrapper which uses JSNI but had problems trying to get communication back from JavaScript (Embedded in my index.html - which is blank apart from the code to inject GWT) to my GWT application.
For my second attempt I've created a servlet on the GWT server side which I can communicate with via JSON although this looks like it will work it seems quite hacky having to rebuild many of the framework technologies which GWT has already fixed.
So my question is what's the easiest way to get two way communication from my JavaScript to GWT without the initial call coming from GWT (If possible)?

Can you use Silverlight with AJAX without any UI element?

I know you can just use CSS to hide the DIV or Silverlight Plugin, but is there a way to instantiate a Silverlight Component/App using JavaScript that doesn't show any UI element at all?
There is alot of great functionality in Silverlight, like MultiThreading and compiled code, that could be utilized by traditional Ajax apps without using the XAML/UI layer of Silverlight at all.
I would like to just use the standard HTML/CSS for my UI layer only, and use some compiled .NET/Silverlight code in the background.
Yes you can, and some of the reasons you make makes perfect sense. I did a talk on the HTML bridge at CodeCampNZ some weeks back, and have a good collection of resources up on my blog.
I also recommend checking out Wilco Bauwers blog for lots of detail on the HTML bridge.
Some other scenarios for non visual Silverlight:
Writing new code in a managed language (C#, Ruby, JScript.NET, whatever) instead of native (interpreted) JavaScript.
Using OpenFileDialog to read files on the client, without round-tripping to the server.
Storing transient data securely on the client in isolated storage.
Improving responsiveness and performance by executing work in the background through a BackgroundWorker or by using ordinary threads.
Accessing cross-domain data via the networking APIs.
Retrieving real-time data from the server via sockets.
Binding data by re-using WPF's data-binding engine.
Yes. I think this is particularly intriguing when mixed with other dynamic languages -- but then, I'm probably biased. :)
Edit: But you'd need to use the managed Javascript that's part of the Silverlight Dynamic Languages SDK and not the normal Javascript that's part of the browser.
Curt, using Managed JavaScript would still require you to have some Silverlight/XAML display layer being visible on the page, correct? Is there a way to entirely get rid of any Silverlight/UI element from being displayed?

