Range issue with ui-slider - javascript

I’m trying to set up a range with a slider. I would prefer if both cursors did not overlap in the same value. In other words, how do I get the sliders to freeze and stay put when the minimum value slider and the maximum value slider come next to each other. Any ideas? Thank you in advance.

Returning false from the slide function when they're about to collide seems to work: http://jsbin.com/eyoge3/3
Code from the jsbin:
slide: function(event, ui) {
var oldMin = $("#slider").slider("values", 0);
var oldMax = $("#slider").slider("values", 1);
var newMin = ui.values[0];
var newMax = ui.values[1];
if( oldMin != newMin && newMin == oldMax )
return false;
else if( oldMax != newMax && newMax == oldMin )
return false;

jQuery UI slider range extension
I needed something similar so I've written an extension over existing jQuery UI slider plugin/widget. These are additional options that this extension supports:
minimum and maximum range size - minimum range size is exactly what you're after
limiting lower and upper range boundary values - this sets the maximum value for the lower range boundary handle and minimum value for the upper range boundary handle
automatic range sliding - this allows to drag (any) handle over the limit of maximum range size which in turn drags the other handle along.
You can get the code on my blog (it gets updated so I'm not publishing it here directly).

I was searching for a solution to this when doing custom-styled slider yesterday.
Nothing worked from what I found, then I came up with an easy one myself:
1.Put the slider into container div with left and right padding
<div class="slider-container">
<div class="slider-main ..."></div>
2.Set the styles of
-container (left and right padding to half slider-handle width) slider
-handle (left-margin to minus half of its width)
Something like this (im writing from memory)
.slider-container {
padding-left: 8px;
padding-right: 8px;
.slider-handle {
width: 16px;
margin-left: -8px;
You should also remove styling from slider-main and move it from there to slider-container


Javascript generated margin-top messes up placement content

I have a slider that scrolls through some images, while, when you scroll down, the menu and content moves over it. Once the menu gets to the top, it sticks to it, as it's changed to a fixed position.
Once the menu snaps to place, it resets it's original position (a margin-top) from a generated ammount of pixels to the 0 value. This cases the page to jump that generated ammount of pixels down, which shouldn't happen. It shouldn't jump down at all, but I think it has to do with the ammount of pixels that is generated before it is set to 0, which cases on my screen a gap of 955 pixels. It jumps thus 955 pixels down after it applies the fixed state.
So my questio now is, how can i fix this. I tried applying instead of a margin a padding (no go, white screen), applying instead of a margin-top: 0px a top:0 so i dont have to use the margins, but also a no go.
Case link:
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($('.resolutionwrap').length == 1) {
var documentScrollTop = $(document).scrollTop() + 100;
var fixedToggle = $('#slides').height();
if (documentScrollTop > fixedToggle) {
$('#hoofdmenu').css("margin-top", "0px");
} else {
$('#hoofdmenu').css("margin-top", $('#slides').height() - 100);
Hope someone can help me on this matter.
Okay, as I was posting the remark on the fiddle, I realized that if the content moved, I could also just simply return it to it's position by javascript by making a counter balanced value of it.
Shortly said: I countered the margin, by creating a different margin-top that balanced that scale. It's maybe not the most beautifull solution, but it did the trick.
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($('.resolutionwrap').length == 1) {
var documentScrollTop = $(document).scrollTop() + 100;
var fixedToggle = $('#slides').height();
// console.log($('#slides').height());
// console.log($('.resolutionwrap').height());
if (documentScrollTop > fixedToggle) {
$('#hoofdmenu').css("margin-top", "0px");
$('.content').css("margin-top", $('#slides').height());
} else {
$('#hoofdmenu').css("margin-top", $('#slides').height() - 100);
$('.content').css("margin-top", "0px");

Count visible elements in a scrolled div

I would like to calculate how many items are visible (including the last one visible even if there is 10px shown) in a scrollable div to animate it in an AJAX callback transition.
Depending on screens sizes, that can vary and I'm looking for detect that.
The goal is to do something like that (but I don't know the lt(n))
— http://jsfiddle.net/gy4uLu7x/
This code will do
$(function () {
var total_width = $(".box").length * $(".box").outerWidth(true);
var scroll = $('.scroll');
var viewport_w = scroll.parent().width();
var box1 = $('.box:first');
var boxw = box1.outerWidth(true);
var view_items = Math.ceil(viewport_w/ boxw);
console.log(boxw, viewport_w, view_items);
this code works on the fact that all boxes' (outer)width is equal. It calculates with of the immediate parent of .scroll which happens to be the body element and checks how many elements will fit into it. It converts the decimal part of the division result into and integer to accommodate for your _ even if there is 10px shown_ requirement. i.e., even 0.1 is converted into a 1.
margin collapse won't happen :D
Calculate the width of scroll's parent (since this is the "viewport" in this case). Then count the boxes that start at a position less than above calculated width. This will work only in the above mentioned scenario.
var parentContainerWidth = $(".scroll").parent().width();
var containedBoxesCount = $('.box').filter(function () {
return $(this).offset().left <= parentContainerWidth;
Here is a demo

Get text in CSS3 column?

I'm using CSS3's support for columns support in a project (so far I've found it much more robust and dependable than most JavaScript solutions out there).
Question: Is it possible to get the text that is in a specific column, in any way?
And...what, two months later? I finally found the answer to this question. It's reliant on document.caretRangeFromPoint (Webkit) or document.caretPositionFromPoint.
var getAllTextInColumn = function(rect){
rect should be the size and x,y of the column
{ top, left, width, height }
var caretRangeStart = document.caretRangeFromPoint(rect.left, rect.top);
var caretRangeEnd = document.caretRangeFromPoint(rect.left+rect.width-1, rect.top+rect.height-1);
} else {
return null;
if(caretRangeStart == null || caretRangeEnd == null) return null;
var range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(caretRangeStart.startContainer, caretRangeStart.startOffset);
range.setEnd(caretRangeEnd.endContainer, caretRangeEnd.endOffset);
return range.toString();
My only guess is to start replacing spaces with a SPAN, then detecting when the vertical position of that SPAN gets smaller, then you know you're in the next column. This last SPAN becomes a column marker.
You can then copy the text that is between the beginning/end and/or a column maker.

JQuery/JQueryUI hortizontal divider

recently for a website I am working on I wanted to create a horizontal divider capable of resizing two elements on a page using jquery.
When: the divider is dragged, it should resize the "Content" elements either side of it to the users desired size.
Here is what i have so far.
<div id="WorkRequests"></div>
<div id="Divider" style="height:10px; padding:5px; cursor:n-resize;"><hr /></div>
<div id="WorkRequest_Ajax"></div>
And the script:
var totalHeight = $("#Divider").parent().height();
function ResizePage(divPosition) {
var validDrag = true;
// Math
var minPercent = totalHeight * 0.25;
var minBuffer = totalHeight * 0.05;
var topHeight = divPosition.top - $("#content").position().top;
var bottomHeight = (totalHeight - divPosition.top);
// Check Drag
if (topHeight < minPercent) {
validDrag = false;
$("#WorkRequests").height(minPercent + minBuffer);
if (bottomHeight < minPercent) {
validDrag = false;
$("#WorkRequest_Ajax").height(minPercent + minBuffer);
// Set Heights
if (validDrag) {
return validDrag;
$("#Divider").draggable({ axis: "y", drag: function (event, ui) { return ResizePage($(this).position()); } });
However when I drag the divider it simply jumps around and locks at either extremity, I have tried many different calculations etc, but I am afraid I just simply do not understand the factors in resizing both elements.
So does anyone know a jquery plugin that will do this for me, or how i can fix my attempt?
You may also checkout the UI.Layout jQuery plugin. Here's a demo.
You should just use the jquery resizable interaction : http://jqueryui.com/demos/resizable/
It's easy enough to restrict the dragging areas so you can only resize horizontally (but I think what you actually need is a vertically resizable area)

jQuery UI: smooth slider with one snap (to default value)?

I'd like to make a slider that snaps to the center while retaining smooth action elsewhere. Something like a jQuery version of a real-life speaker balance slider. Is it possible?
Or should I just create my own slider with a draggable object, constricted to one axis with containing it frame, snapping to another object (or grid) positioned in the center of the frame?
Edit: I simply need a slider that allows values e.g. from -10 to -1, 0, and 1 to 10 (between -1 and 1 snap to 0) with step: 0.1
You should be able to use the jQuery slider, but restrict its motion with the slide event:
// other options...
slide: function (event, ui) {
if (ui.value > -1 && ui.value < 1 && ui.value != 0) {
// force it to 0 between -1 and 1.
jSlider.slider('value', 0);
return false;
return true;
Hmmm...so this is what I'm envisioning in my head...A background that slides on a timer like a carousel (maybe these are big images), with a row of thumbnails on top that slides smooth. That what you want to build?
EDIT: Here's what you need to do:
I rarely find the need to use jQuery plugins. Here is what you need:
Mousedown (on the slider). api.jquery.com/mousedown/. There is a callback on mouse down an on release.
Track mouse position inside the slider container while you're dragging the slider docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:Mouse_Position
Use the animate function to move the slider while your mouse still hasn't been released api.jquery.com/animate/ Stop animate on release.
When your slider gets to a certain x position in it's container, force the "smooth" function - ie a different animate function.
Use the following so that your jquery slider automatically snaps to the nearest in the step. The trick is to implement your own step-interval-slider. The problem is, if your max and min are separated by a small distance (for e.g. 5-10) your slide will behave in steps because the default step=1, so you need to compute your step based on that. If your max-min values are separated by a huge distance (e.g. 1-1000 or more) you can leave the computed_step calculation and initialize it to 1.
max_limit = 30;
min_limit = 5;
stick_to_steps_of = 5;
var computed_step = max_term/100; //you can vary the denominator to make it smoother
$("#my_slider" ).slider({
animate : true,
value: max_limit,
min: min_limit,
max: max_limit,
step: computed_step,
stop: function( event, ui ) {
d = parseInt(parseInt(ui.value)/stick_to_steps_of);
rem = parseInt(ui.value)%stick_to_steps_of;
var fval = 0;
if (rem <= parseInt(stick_to_steps_of/2)) {
fval = d*stick_to_steps_of;
fval = (d+1)*stick_to_steps_of;
$("#my_slider").slider('option', 'value', fval);
$('#myslider_current_value').html(fval); //some placeholder to show the current value

