Choose license with extremely modified parts from another script [closed] - javascript

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Closed 10 years ago.
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So I've got a JavaScript script that uses extremely modified pieces of another script. That script has an GNU General Public License. Do I need to use that license too or can I choose my own and just reference to that other script?

If you want to use your own licence, you have to rip out all the bits that actually came from the GPL'd script. This is because the GPL is a "strong copyleft" (or as some would call it, "viral") licence that requires anything that it's merged with to be licensed under GPL also.


How to start with javascript code obfuscation? Not looking for tools [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would love to learn how to do javascript obfuscation. I have been searching through the web but I have not found anything to start with. Only posts about tools and more tools...
Is there any book?
What techinques are there?
Can someone show me some link to understand javascript obfuscation?
There are several ways to do it?
Is this explained in the javascript or ecmascript documentation?
I'm not looking for any tool. I only want to understand it and learn it.
The most comprehensive obfuscation method is converting all JavaScript code to non-alphanumeric characters. This blog post covers how it works and links to a converter tool in case you change your mind.

Can someone tell about this new HACK programming language from facebook [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I cant find many resources about it on the internet. I would like too look into this more and what similarities does it have with javascript!
It's not very Javascriptlike at all. It's more like PHP + static type annotations. It compiles to the HipHop Virtual Machine, for which Facebook has a JIT PHP compiler as well.
The resources that exist publicly are all at

How to reference plugins and Js files [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I finished my website recently but I don't know how to reference the different JS plugins that I use, and bootstrap too.
Best regards
Boostrap is released under the MIT license. Here is their license.
...subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
I don't think you need to reference it visibly, but you can't strip the copyright information out of the code.
In general, check the websites of the software you are including, particularly their licensing information when you want to know what you can and can't do with it or how to cite them.
Usually the copyright and licensing info is included in the js files, as long as you don't delete this info there's no need to do anything else.

Is There a TypeScript IntelliSense Editor for OSX? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Given that the TypeScript team is working on spreading the language around to the open-source community at large, it seems like creating a cross-platform solution for intellisense support would be high on their list: Is this the case? Does anyone know of any in-progress plugins for SublimeText et al. or developments directly from the TypeScript team that would bring similar support as what is offered in VisualStudio?
... And related: Does anyone know if the TypeScript team is working on a more "friendly" public API for implementing intellisense or compilation? Notable: in terms of node support, there is no TypeScript.compile( str )-like method available, which makes integration far more complicated than it needs to be (see CoffeeScript for an example of a "friendly" API).
Any leads or information would be greatly appreciated.

Copyright when using parts of a third-party javascript from a webpage [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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When i like a certain Javascript (for menu highlighting or so) used by some website, it would be pretty easy to copy this script from that site's source-code and use it in mine.
I would consider doing so as unauthorized use of intellectual property, since I have been granted the right to use this javascript in my browser, but certainly not to copy it and use it for my own purposes, even though it is so deceptivly easy to reuse other people's work without asking for permission.
I don't know much about online-copyright law, but is my stomach feeling right in this case?
Yes. You don't have a license to use it elsewhere.

