Accessing functions from within a Javascript Object (Javascript) - javascript

I am attempting to create a basic Hangman program. It's an array of tags which are assigned into an array of Objects (called Buttons). Each image is an image of a letter, so for example you would press the 'L' button, it would check whether this was in an WordArray (which is an array of chars), then it would act accordingly (to hide the letter, then update the gallows image if it needed to).
I cannot get the onclick method of the images to access the checkinarray function. What am i doing wrong?
var LetterAmount = 3; //make this 26. checked.
var WordArray = new Array();
var Buttons = new Array();
function checkinarray(num){
var z = 0;
while (z<4){
document.write("looping through word now");
if (num == WordArray[z]){
document.write("<br/>it is in the word");
function ButtonClicked(){
this.Image.src = "images/blank.jpg";
function Button(Image, Number) {
this.Image = Image;
this.Number = Number;
this.ButtonClicked = ButtonClicked;
function initialiseletters(){
var x;
//set up empty img tags for use
for(i = 0; i < LetterAmount; i++) {
document.write("<img id=" + i + ">");
for(x = 0; x < LetterAmount; x++) {
document.images[x].src = "images/" + x + ".jpg";
document.getElementById(x).onclick =function(){
Buttons[x] = new Button(document.images[x], "" + x);
function initialiseword(){
//WordArray = new Array();
WordArray[0] = 0;
WordArray[1] = 1;
WordArray[2] = 2;
WordArray[3] = 3;
function initialise(){
document.write("testing overall");

I'm not seeing a problem with ButtonClicked calling checkinarray, but I'm seeing a problem with checkinarray -- it's calling document.write after the page rendering is complete (e.g., when the user clicks), which won't work. You need to modify the DOM via DOM methods (this will be made much easier if you use a toolkit like Prototype, jQuery, MooTools, Dojo, the Closure Library, YUI, etc.).

document.getElementById(x).onclick =function(){
Is where your problem is. '' is undefined.
document.write is not a good way to add elements to the DOM... Try document.createElement('img');
Then you already have reference to the image like so:
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.onclick = function()
//your click...
//add it to the view stack


Updating value in for loop / Reseting a for loop?

I'm working on my first school project so I don't have much experience in doing such web applications, that's why I decided to ask here.
How can I update the value in the for loop syntax or reset it entirely, so it iterates again, like I just reloaded it? I have another function that I decided not to show, simply because it would be useless to. What it does in the end is increments the taskCount.length by one. This part technically works but problem is, the function I'm going to show you now, once iterated, will always keep the default taskCount.length value, once the page is loaded, it never changes there. Is there any way I can update it?
Here's an example: The function above makes taskCount.length = '5' but when the page started it was taskCount.length = 4, and when I do alert(taskCount.length) from the console, I get 5. But the for loop doesn't want to change.
for (var i = 0; i < taskCount.length; i++) {
document.getElementsByClassName('task')[i].addEventListener('click', ((j) => {
return function() {
var shadow = document.createElement('div');
// Styling
var changingWindow = document.createElement('div');
// Styling
var changingTitle = document.createElement('p');
// Styling
var changingText = document.createElement('p');
// Styling
var changingTitleNode = document.createTextNode('Промяна');
var changingTextNode = document.createTextNode('Моля, изберете действие.');
var deleteTask = document.createElement('button');
var goUp = document.createElement('button');
var goDown = document.createElement('button');
var unchange = document.createElement('button');
// Styling
var deleteElementNode = document.createTextNode('Премахни задачата');
var goUpNode = document.createTextNode('Премести нагоре');
var goDownNode = document.createTextNode('Премести надолу');
var unchangeNode = document.createTextNode('Отказ');
var justBreak = document.createElement('br');
var justBreakAgain = document.createElement('br');
var justBreakOneMoreTime = document.createElement('br');
deleteTask.onclick = function() {
localStorage.setItem("listContent", document.getElementById('list').innerHTML);
goUp.onclick = function() {
if (j !== 0) {
var saveThisTaskValue = document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j].innerHTML;
var savePreviousTaskValue = document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j - 1].innerHTML;
document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j].innerHTML = savePreviousTaskValue;
document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j - 1].innerHTML = saveThisTaskValue;
localStorage.setItem("listContent", document.getElementById('list').innerHTML);
goDown.onclick = function() {
if (j !== document.getElementsByClassName('task').length - 1) {
var saveThisTaskValue = document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j].innerHTML;
var saveNextTaskValue = document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j + 1].innerHTML;
document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j].innerHTML = saveNextTaskValue;
document.getElementsByClassName('task')[j + 1].innerHTML = saveThisTaskValue;
localStorage.setItem("listContent", document.getElementById('list').innerHTML);
unchange.onclick = function() {
As a matter of the page reloading, you can always save the value as a cookie and reuse it again and again. You can update it whenever you want.
I don't fully understand you question, but maybe some recursion is what you need. Something along the lines of:
function loop(xTimes) {
for (var i = 0; i < xTimes; i++) {
if (newXTimes !== xTimes) {
Maybe set newxTimes as a global variable that can be accessed inside loop.
In case someone "from the future" reads this question and it doesn't have any answers, I came up with the solution to reload the page everytime you change the value. Still, I'd like to do it without reloading.

ondragstart on an array of elements dynamically in javascript

I have an array of image elements,
var im = ["im1","im2"]; // from db or local drive
Then creating the images dynamically as:
var l = imagelist.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
if (i in im) {
var s = im[i];
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = s;
img.width = width;
img.draggable = true;
var body = document.getElementById("body");
this.addEventListener('ondragstart', function(event) {
While the ondragstart event fires, but alert(; shows blank.
That's the reason, the drag and drop functionality is not working for an array of images created dynamically .
Although tried dragging with a single image tag <img> which works absolutely fine, but the array of images doesn't work in this way.
Any solution for this?
You haven't assigned an id to any of your elements.
Something like this should do the trick:
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = s; = "image_" + i;
// The rest of your assignments and code...

Accessing Stored Object

I have an object "Driver" defined at the beginning of my script as such:
function Driver(draw, name) {
this.draw = draw; = name;
I'm using this bit of JQuery to create new drivers:
var main = function () {
// add driver to table
$('#button').click(function ( ) {
var name = $('input[name=name]').val();
var draw = $('input[name=draw]').val();
var draw2 = "#"+draw;
var name2 = "driver"+draw
if($(name2).text().length > 0){
alert("That number has already been selected");}
var name2 = new Driver(draw, name);}
That part is working great. However, when I try later on to access those drivers, the console returns that it is undefined:
$('.print').click(function ( ) {
for(var i=1; i<60; i++){
var driverList = "driver"+i;
If you're interested, I've uploaded the entire project I'm working on to this site:
Basically, the bottom bit of code is just to try to see if I'm accessing the drivers in the correct manner (which, I'm obviously not). Once I know how to access them, I'm going to save them to a file to be used on a different page.
Also a problem is the If Statement in the last bit of code. I'm trying to get it to print only drivers that have actually been inputed into the form. I have a space for 60 drivers, but not all of them will be used, and the ones that are used won't be consecutive.
Thanks for helping out the new guy.
You can't use a variable to refer to a variable as you have done.
In your case one option is to use an key/value based object like
var drivers = {};
var main = function () {
// add driver to table
$('#button').click(function () {
var name = $('input[name=name]').val();
var draw = $('input[name=draw]').val();
var draw2 = "#" + draw;
var name2 = "driver" + draw
if ($(name2).text().length > 0) {
alert("That number has already been selected");
} else {
drivers[name2] = new Driver(draw, name);
$('.print').click(function () {
for (var i = 1; i < 60; i++) {
var name2 = "driver" + i;
var driver = drivers[name2];
if (driver.draw > 0) {

How do I empty global arrays used in a pop up slideshow?

I've created a program where you can choose a set of images by checking checkboxes. The image URL's and the alt-texts are stored in two arrays. When clicking av button on the HTML-page you open a new window that calls on the arrays with window.opener.
When closing the new window I would like to empty the arrays. Otherwise the pictures chosen in the first round are displayed in the slideshow when opening it the second time. I understand you can empty arrays by this method: array.length= 0;
But where do I add the code? I'm quite lost. I'm pasting the code, perhaps someone can give me a hand.
var imgUrlList = [], imgTextList = [], //These arrays need to be emptied
windVar = null;
function init() {
var tags, i, openWindow;
tags = document.getElementsByClassName("unmarkedImg");
openWindow = document.getElementById("slideShowBtn");
openWindow.onclick = savePicsForSlideshow;
for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
tags[i].parentNode.onmouseover = showLargePict;
tags[i].parentNode.onmouseout = hideLargePict;
window.onload = init;
function showLargePict() {
var largePictTagDiv = this.getElementsByClassName("innerBox")[0];
var largePictTagParentDiv = largePictTagDiv.parentNode;
var imgTag = largePictTagParentDiv.getElementsByTagName('img')[0];
var checkBoxlargePict = largePictTagDiv.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
if (checkBoxlargePict.checked)
imgTag.className = "markedImg";
else imgTag.className = "unmarkedImg"; = "visible";
} // End showLargePict
function hideLargePict() {
var largePictTag;
largePictTag = this.getElementsByClassName("innerBox")[0]; = "hidden";
function savePicsForSlideshow() {
var innerBoxes = document.getElementsByClassName("innerBox");
for (i = 0; i < innerBoxes.length; i++) {
checkBoxlargePict = innerBoxes[i].getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
if (checkBoxlargePict.checked) {
var imgTagSrc = innerBoxes[i].getElementsByTagName('img')[0].src;
var spanTagText = innerBoxes[i].getElementsByTagName('span')[0].innerHTML;
if (imgTextList.length > 0) {
newWindow(500, 600, "slideshow.htm");
function newWindow(width, height, filename) {
var windowProperties;
windowProperties = "top=100,left=100,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=" + width + ",height=" + height;
if (windVar != null) if (windVar.closed == false) windVar.close();
windVar =, "", windowProperties);
Please excuse my programming and English grammar shortcomings. I'm new to javascript.
//Henrik, Göteborg, Sweden.
At the beginning of the savePicsForSlideshow function, empty out each array.
imgUrlList.length = 0;
imgTextList.length = 0;
You can check if thw window is close with the property closed of the object window
array.length = 0;

Showing an image from an array of images - Javascript

I have a large image which is shown on my homepage, and when the user clicks the "next_img" button the large image on the homepage should change to the next image in the array.
However, the next arrow when clicked does nothing, and the main image on the homepage does not change.
I need to do this in javascript.
In the HTML:
<!--Main Content of the page -->
<div id="splash">
<img src="images/img/Splash_image1.jpg" alt="" id="mainImg">
<div id="imglist">
<img src="images/next_img.png" alt="">
And then in the javascript file:
var imgArray = new Array();
imgArray[0] = new Image();
imgArray[0].src = 'images/img/Splash_image1.jpg';
imgArray[1] = new Image();
imgArray[1].src = 'images/img/Splash_image2.jpg';
imgArray[2] = new Image();
imgArray[2].src = 'images/img/Splash_image3.jpg';
imgArray[3] = new Image();
imgArray[3].src = 'images/img/Splash_image4.jpg';
imgArray[4] = new Image();
imgArray[4].src = 'images/img/Splash_image5.jpg';
imgArray[5] = new Image();
imgArray[5].src = 'images/img/Splash_image6.jpg';
function nextImage(element)
var img = document.getElementById(element);
for(var i = 0;i<imgArray.length;i++)
if(imgArray[i] == img)
if(i == imgArray.length)
var j = 0;
document.getElementById(element).src = imgArray[j].src;
var j = i + 1;
document.getElementById(element).src = imgArray[j].src;
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Just as Diodeus said, you're comparing an Image to a HTMLDomObject. Instead compare their .src attribute:
var imgArray = new Array();
imgArray[0] = new Image();
imgArray[0].src = 'images/img/Splash_image1.jpg';
imgArray[1] = new Image();
imgArray[1].src = 'images/img/Splash_image2.jpg';
/* ... more images ... */
imgArray[5] = new Image();
imgArray[5].src = 'images/img/Splash_image6.jpg';
function nextImage(element)
var img = document.getElementById(element);
for(var i = 0; i < imgArray.length;i++)
if(imgArray[i].src == img.src) // << check this
if(i === imgArray.length){
document.getElementById(element).src = imgArray[0].src;
document.getElementById(element).src = imgArray[i+1].src;
Here's a somewhat cleaner way of implementing this. This makes the following changes:
The code is DRYed up a bit to remove redundant and repeated code and strings.
The code is made more generic/reusable.
We make the cache into an object so it has a self-contained interface and there are fewer globals.
We compare .src attributes instead of DOM elements to make it work properly.
function imageCache(base, firstNum, lastNum) {
this.cache = [];
var img;
for (var i = firstNum; i <= lastnum; i++) {
img = new Image();
img.src = base + i + ".jpg";
imageCache.prototype.nextImage(id) {
var element = document.getElementById(id);
var targetSrc = element.src;
var cache = this.cache;
for (var i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) {
if (cache[i].src) === targetSrc) {
if (i >= cache.length) {
i = 0;
element.src = cache[i].src;
// sample usage
var myCache = new imageCache('images/img/Splash_image', 1, 6);
Some advantages of this more object oriented and DRYed approach:
You can add more images by just creating the images in the numeric sequences and changing one numeric value in the constructor rather than copying lots more lines of array declarations.
You can use this more than one place in your app by just creating more than one imageCache object.
You can change the base URL by changing one string rather than N strings.
The code size is smaller (because of the removal of repeated code).
The cache object could easily be extended to offer more capabilities such as first, last, skip, etc...
You could add centralize error handling in one place so if one image doesn't exist and doesn't load successfully, it's automatically removed from the cache.
You can reuse this in other web pages you develop by only change the arguments to the constructor and not actually changing the implementation code.
P.S. If you don't know what DRY stands for, it's "Don't Repeat Yourself" and basically means that you should never have many copies of similar looking code. Anytime you have that, it should be reduced somehow to a loop or function or something that removes the need for lots of similarly looking copies of code. The end result will be smaller, usually easier to maintain and often more reusable.
Also, when checking for the last image, you must compare with imgArray.length-1 because, for example, when array length is 2 then I will take the values 0 and 1, it won't reach the value 2, so you must compare with length-1 not with length, here is the fixed line:
if(i == imgArray.length-1)
This is a simple example and try to combine it with yours using some modifications. I prefer you set all the images in one array in order to make your code easier to read and shorter:
var myImage = document.getElementById("mainImage");
var imageArray = ["_images/image1.jpg","_images/image2.jpg","_images/image3.jpg",
var imageIndex = 0;
function changeImage() {
imageIndex = (imageIndex + 1) % imageArray.length;
setInterval(changeImage, 5000);
Here's your problem:
if(imgArray[i] == img)
You're comparing an array element to a DOM object.
<script type="text/javascript">
function bike()
var data=
["b1.jpg", "b2.jpg", "b3.jpg", "b4.jpg", "b5.jpg", "b6.jpg", "b7.jpg", "b8.jpg"];
var a;
for(a=0; a<data.length; a++)
document.write("<center><fieldset style='height:200px; float:left; border-radius:15px; border-width:6px;")<img src='"+data[a]+"' height='200px' width='300px'/></fieldset></center>

