JQuery Dialog Div Height - javascript

I am trying to get the height of a JQuery UI's dialog's div once opened, so that I can set the parent's iframe height dynamically.
However it seems to be returning me the height of the div before the footer button panel and title panel are added. The height for the dialog is set to "auto";
I have tried, outerHeight and offset Height aswell, but get similar results.
Any ideas?

The div you call .dialog() on is actually embedded into another framework of divs that make up the actual jQuery UI Dialog that displays. What you will want to call is this:
$(this).height( $('#dialogdiv').closest('.ui-dialog').height());
You also may still need to play with outerHeight but the important part is the closest which will get the outer dialog wrapper for the Dialog.
If your code looked like this to start:
<div id="dialogdiv"> Contents....</div>
After calling .dialog({ options }) it will look like this (Very simplified):
<div class="ui-dialog ...">
<div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ..."> ... </div>
<div id="dialogdiv" class="ui-dialog-content ..."> Contents....</div>
<div class="ui-dialog-buttonpane ..."> ... </div>


Foundation 6 Reveal Modal Renders at Bottom of HTML Document

I've noted that whenever I create a Foundation 6 Reveal Modal the actual HTML is placed at the bottom/end of the document regardless of where the actual reveal modal is placed in my HTML code.
Although this is fine most of the time I've ran into an edge case where I need to place a form partial inside a modal. The issue is that the modal is placed outside the form_tag as the Foundation Javascript moves it to the end of the HTML document. I've been able to work around it but it makes my code much more complicated than it needs to be.
Is there any easy fix to change where the foundation modal is placed in the HTML document? Is there any particular reason that modals are placed at the end of the HTML document? Unfortunately I could not find anything on the docs, Foundation forums or SO.
Example psuedocode:
<div id="first-div">
<div class="reveal" id="modal" data-reveal></div>
<div id="second-div">
<p>Some stuff here</p>
Output in browser is:
<div id="first-div">
<!-- this is empty now -->
<div id="second-div">
<p>Some stuff here</p>
<!-- reveal modal is moved to end of HTML document -->
<div class="reveal-overlay">
<div class="reveal" id="modal" data-reveal></div>
Attached a Codepen noting the output issue. The modal opens and closes as exected but when inspecting the output HTML the reveal modal is moved to the end of the HTML document - it's actually below the tags at the bottom.
You need to specify where your modal needs to pop up. I forked your codepen
$('#first-div').foundation('reveal', 'open');
Let me know if you need more help
This works on Foundation 6:
You need to override the Foundation default appendTo variable for Reveal. That can be done the following ways:
Add a data-append-to="div#first-div" tag on the Reveal div to specify the parent element for the Reveal modal and, if applicable, overlay divs. This allows you to change the parent element individually for each Reveal modal.
Source: Foundation Documentation
Change the default value for the Reveal module globally by specifying the override default value when you initialize Foundation with Foundation.Reveal.defaults.appendTo = "div#first-div"
Source: Foundation Docs
In my testing, setting the parent to a smaller div inside the body element did not adversely affect the positioning of the modal or the display of the background overlay.
Specifying the parent in the call (e.g. $('#myDiv').foundation('reveal','open); does not work in the current release of Foundation.

snapscroll plugin not activating

I'm trying to get snapscroll to work as per the documentation but can't quite get it to behave. It says "SnapScroll only works with containers set to 100% window height for single page sites."
Snapscroll: http://wtm.github.io/jquery.snapscroll/
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/L649M/1/
$(function() {
The plugin requires that the children should be within a single wrapping element.
Your HTML shows that the .content are one wrapper for each .stuff.
Your HTML setup should be like this one:
<div class="content">
<div class="stuff" style="background-color:#D95153;"> </div>
<div class="stuff" style="background-color:#967D7D;"> </div>
<div class="stuff" style="background-color:#ADA1A2;"> </div>
You may also use jQuery in order to make each child a 100% height as the window.
Also, in order to work properly, call the plugin after it was constructed.
So after the plugin constructor you should place this:
$(function() {

Why are Divs Getting Width of 0px on jQuery.show() with jQueryEasyUI

I have a parent div that is initially hidden. Inside the div I have an easyui accordion div. When I called the show() method on the parent div, the easyui div displays with a width of 0px. If the div isn't initally hidden, it calculates a width fine.
Does anyone know the proper way to initially hide a div and then when showing it calculate the proper width?
<div id='masterDiv' style='display:none;'>
<div class="easyui-accordion" style='height:475px;' data-options="border:false" >
<div title="Overview" class='accordionPanel' data-options="iconCls:'icon-no'" style="overflow:auto;padding:10px;">
<h3 style="color:#0099FF;">Accordion for jQuery</h3>
<p>Accordion is a part of easyui framework for jQuery. It lets you define your accordion component on web page more easily.</p>
<div title="Checklist" class='accordionPanel' data-options="iconCls:'icon-no'" style="overflow:auto;padding:10px;">
<h3 style="color:#0099FF;">Accordion for jQuery</h3>
<p>Accordion is a part of easyui framework for jQuery. It lets you define your accordion component on web page more easily.</p>
<script type='text/javascript'>
hey i ran into the exact same problem for the exact same reason as the comment you made. I ended up doing the display:none then manually added each css change that was made. First i made the masterDiv into a class
$('.masterDiv').css("display", "block");
$('.masterDiv' .accordian).css('width', '300px);
accordian being whatever the class easyUI set to a width of 0px. It ended up being a lot of css code but it works until Jquery EasyUI can come up with something.
Why you are hiding the div, if it has to be shown after pageload ?
Did you try

Modal loaded from backend is being covered by other elements

I have an html fragment that is being loaded by the backend into the main div of my page. It contains a modal that appears when a link is clicked on. The issue is, is that the modal is able to be covered up by other elements on the page. Setting the z-index is useless, because if an element in the header has a higher z-index than the main div, the modal will show up behind the header, regardless of its z-index. I'm currently solving the problem by using javascript (jQuery) to clone the modal, appending the clone to the body, and then deleting the original modal. This seems like a hacky workaround and could cause potential problems, is there a better way to do this? How do modals usually get loaded so that they don't encounter this issue?
Here's a jsfiddle of the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/kraxF/
Here's the HTML, as you can see, the modal is pretty low in the DOM tree, and may be covered up by elements in the header or footer or main, if they have a higher z-index than "loaded-by-backend".
<div id="container">
<div id="header">
<div id="main">
<div id="loaded-by-backend">
<div id="modal">
<div id="footer">
If you can change CSS, just remove position:relative from #main.

Issue with Hide / Show Jquery on fixed positioned div

I've got a sticky footer at the bottom of the webpage / viewpoint as well as clickable link "toggle menu" that SHOULD hide / show the menu. Problem is that I can't get the menu to hide and I've picked up that the problem lies within the CSS of the element that is supposed to hide / show. It's the fixed position {position:fixed;} ... When I remove "fixed" out, then the hide and showing of the menu works 100% but obviously the menu is no longer at the bottom of the browser.
How can I get work this with the fixed positioning?
Javascript to show/hide goes like:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.js"
<script type="text/javascript">
HTML Goes like:
<div id="stick_footer_title"><a class="show_hide" href="#">Toggle Menu
<div class="slidingDiv">
<div id="stickyfooter">
<ul id="footer_menu">
<li class="imgmenu"></li>
FYI: The position:fix; css applies to the STICKYFOOTER div
what if you hide the "stickyfooter" div, instead of the container?That way, the container will always be fixed (and shown), but when you hide the content, it will have nothing shown in it.
Can you try giving a duration parameter?
Like this:
Move position fixed from #stickyfooter to .slidingDiv if you can, or create a new element inside #stickyfooter that you'll hide/show.

