snapscroll plugin not activating - javascript

I'm trying to get snapscroll to work as per the documentation but can't quite get it to behave. It says "SnapScroll only works with containers set to 100% window height for single page sites."
$(function() {

The plugin requires that the children should be within a single wrapping element.
Your HTML shows that the .content are one wrapper for each .stuff.
Your HTML setup should be like this one:
<div class="content">
<div class="stuff" style="background-color:#D95153;"> </div>
<div class="stuff" style="background-color:#967D7D;"> </div>
<div class="stuff" style="background-color:#ADA1A2;"> </div>
You may also use jQuery in order to make each child a 100% height as the window.
Also, in order to work properly, call the plugin after it was constructed.
So after the plugin constructor you should place this:
$(function() {


Jquery .load() only parent and ignore children

So, I am trying to load picture from another page using Jquery .load(), now the element I am trying to load has multiple children element which also load on current page, now obviously I could hide those divs but first I want to know if there's way to only grab parent div and leave out children.
I have tried using parent() method but since .load() works differently, it didn't work as intended. (Unless I missed something)
$('#myNewDiv').load('/robots .heading-image');
Here's HTML code from the other page
<div class="heading-image" style="background-image:url(imagelinkhere.png)">
<div class="heading-image_cover">
<div class="left">
<div class="heading-image title">Heading Title</div>
<div class="heading-image desc">I am a desc</div>
<div class="right">
<div class="heading-image stat">Stat text</div>
That's the code I am using right now, but .heading-image has multiple child elements as mentioned above.
To sum up, I need to load only parent element and ignore all child elements of the div mentioned above without having to load those children on current page and hide them (If possible)
From what I understand, your goal seems to be to copy the empty div to a new page, while maintaining the background image associated with the <div> tag.
The simplest approach would be to add to a stylesheet in which both of the pages can reach. For example:
$('#myNewDiv').html("<div class="heading-image"></div>");
Then in the head of both HTML documents, have <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> to point towards the correct stylesheet for both pages.
If you just want the empty <div class="heading-image"></div> you could use the load() complete callback to empty it:
$('#myNewDiv').load('/robots .heading-image', function(){
// new html exists in page now, 'this' is #myNewDiv element
If there are resources inside that element like images, videos etc that you don't want to load in page you could also parse the :
var $hImage = $(html).find('.heading-image').empty();
With all that said I don't see why you need to extract an empty element from another page and can't just do:
$('#myNewDiv').html('<div class="heading-image"></div>')

Angular-Scroll: same as example, but not working (Plunker)

I'm trying to use Angular-Scroll ( to simply scroll to an <a> link on the same page, but do it nicely and smoothly. When I couldn't get it to work, I made a super simple setup in Plunker.
If you download the zip of the GitHub, there's an example I'm trying to do in the folder location angular-scroll-master/example/container.html. There's really nothing complex, the angular script is basically just finding the container id for the directive to use.
I cannot figure out why my page will not scroll.
<div class="medium-6 columns" du-scroll-container="container">
<div id="container" class="medium-6 columns" du-scroll-container="">
<div id="junk">LINK JUNK HERE YAY!!</div>
angular.module('scrollDemo', ['duScroll']).
controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
var container = angular.element(document.getElementById('container'));
I edited your plunker and it seems to be working now. Here is the link.
The problem was that the container div is not the scrollable container that would be the body element to make it work as the scrollable element you can set the max-height of the container so that it will become the scrollable element or remove the du-scroll-container="container" atribute so that it will use the body as the scrollable element.

Changing div content on page load

I'm looking for a solution, in which div content changes on page load, randomly. Much like a JavaScript image on page load. I have made further notes in the code below.
I could do a randomize the content like images with JavaScript on page load, but here it's divs and I'm not sure how to change content inside them.
<div class="row BSlots">
<div class="Grid_4 fl">
/* This would be the code which would change */
/* For example once it would be <div class="hello"><p>Hi</p></div> and the other <iframe="Link"/> */
<div class="Grid_4 fr">
<script>Widget2(); /* Don't mind this, loading an actual JS image randomizer here */</script>
Can this be achieved without using JS? If not, I'd appreciate a basic example which I could fiddle with :)
Yes it could be achieved without Javascript. It depends on which serverside-technology you use. You could create a template and insert serverside ransom image-tags.
It is possible too, to do it via javascript.
If you want to use jQuery, you could do something like:
$(".Grid_4 fl").html(generateRandomImageHtml());

jQuery click function affecting multiple divs

I'm trying to use jQuery's click function to apply a hover state to a selected div, without differentiating the div's in the JavaScript. I'm currently using:
$(".project").click(function() {
var selected_tab = $(this).find("a").attr("href");
return false;
With the HTML:
<div class="project first project_gizmoscoop">
<div class="title">
<div class="date">2012</div>
<a class="expand" title="(Caption)" href="#project_1">GizmoScoop!</a>
<div class="project project_sc">
<div class="title">
Striking Code
<div class="date">2011</div>
<a class="expand" title="(Caption)" href="#project_2">Striking Code</a>
The .hovered class is applied to the clicked link (specific styles from an external CSS file). However, everything is being chosen. (See for an example).
I know what I'm doing wrong (I should be specifying the individual ID's or using HTML5 data attributes), but I'm stuck unnecessarily. I feel like a complete newb right now, that I can't do something this simple (although I've done more advanced stuff).
You simply need to take advantage of jQuery's flexibility (and good programming practice) and reduce your scope accordingly. You're already doing something similar with your variable definition. For example, to target only those a.expand elements inside the instance of .project that's clicked:
$(".project").click(function() {
$(".expand").click(function() {

bootstrap popover content setting

bootstrap popover currrently expects this:
hover for popover
..expects you to define data-content in template or dynamically pass it in jquery.
Is there anyway it can support format like below:
..the point being able to define content/title in blocks
<div id="example">
<div class="original-title">
Twitter Bootstrap Popover
<div class="data-content">
It's so simple to create a tooltop for my website!
<a>hover for popover</a>
Currently, no, since the popover script is basically extending the functionally of the tooltip script, but nothing is impossible. You can modify the script and add custom data-attributes to support your markup yourself, but then when updates come around you will have to do it again if you want to support your edits, or not update at all.
I think that can be possible using a javascript code to give the content of this divs to the elements but is not recommended.

