Where to get the o3djs javascript libraries - javascript

I want to start messing around with o3d but I can't find where to download o3djs javascript libraries. I downloaded the plugin from http://code.google.com/apis/o3d/ but I cannot find where to download the libraries from. Anyone know?

It looks like you can find them in the subversion repository. http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src/o3d/samples/o3djs/

Serge Meunier also posted them on the intro screen to his o3d tutorial blog, they are packaged nicely in this download: http://www.sergemeunier.com/blog/o3d-tutorials/


How to add my code to GitHub to create gh-pages

I have a very newbie question.. I made a website using HTML CSS and JS in Atom and I want to know how to upload everything to GitHub so I can make it into a gh-pages site.
I did it once before with a different website, also using Atom, GitHub and GitHub Desktop, but it was with a lot of hand-holding by my teacher. All the tutorials/ step-by-step instructions I can find are super confusing (or maybe my brain is fried). Could anyone help with straight-forward instructions? Thank you so much!!
upload your code to a repository nameed "your username".github.io and then that should also be the url of the page too. it could take some to for it to start working tho.

AMP Project: Develop safeframe solution

In #amp-html project I'm going to add a possibility to my adserver to deliver ads inside a safeframe. Is there any "ready-to-use" solution in this project? I can see some "safeframe" strings in the "amp-a4a.js" extension file but I don't really know how to use that. Any info would be welcomed.

How do I package up Github's Atom editor for embedding on a webpage?

Github recently released their Atom editor open-source. Since it's all written in JavaScript, it should be relatively easy to embed. Unfortunately it doesn't look like it runs anywhere except in node and the custom version of Chromium they bundle with Atom releases.
Does anyone know how I would go about packaging Atom up for the browser? Has anyone already attempted this?
Atom.io is an editor that you download, and you can not embed it in a webpage. I think what you are looking for is something like Prose.io. You can sign in with Github and edit files in your repository. Unfortunately, Prose's interface is different than other editors. I am not sure how cleanly it will embed, but it looks like the best place to start. The project is open source, and it was designed to manage GitHub Pages (small static websites hosted on a GitHub repo). I am not sure how well it will integrate with what you are doing, but I hope that gives you a good starting point.
The problem with this is that the JavaScript environment in the browser and the one in nodejs differ. For example in a browser you can not access the local filesystem which it was nodejs can do and which atom.io makes use of. For embedding atom you'd mainly have to find all these differences and work around them (e.g. reading files from a socket).
See also:

How can I reverse engineer my JavaScript files with js/uml?

My goal is to get an UML model out of my JavaScript project (consisting of several .js files) and store it as XMI.
How far I've come
I searched the internet and found out js/uml is the first place to go.
I've managed it to get the js/uml plugin running with Eclipse 3.7.1 (Win32) and a local installation of my pre-downloaded additional plugins:
mdt-uml2tools-Update-incubation-I201103290512.zip (installs required org.eclipse.uml2.diagram.clazz 0.10.0)
jsuml-eclipse-0.8.4.zip (only works with Eclipse 3.7.1 (Indigo))
I loaded the provided example project jsuml-example-yui-0.8.4.zip into Eclipse and added all my .js files to this project also.
Now I'm stuck and do not get it how to call the reverse engineering of my .js files. I can call 'New'->'Other'->'UML 2.1 Diagrams'->'Class Diagram' from the project's context menu, but I don't get the following steps of that assistant dialog, nor do I get it if this is the right way at all. Please, could you help me with an easy understandable click tutorial? The js/uml homepage does not explain it well enough IMHO. Thanks for your help in advance.
Someone adapted UML for web artifact, its called the "WAE" extension of UML. This way you can see not only your javascript files but the html and css. If you work with node.js, i created a module that generate class diagram for javascript/node/html/css. Its called wavi. For javascript, function,variable are automatically recognized. You can use it for documenting your application.
Well, I think I have come quite close.
There's a command-line tool called Code2Flow. which uses GaphViz to generate graphs for Python and JavaScript sources.
I tried it, it does generate the graphs but somehow i can't make to do right.
I hope this will help you or someone.

Can I control where CKEditor finds plugins to load?

I'm writing a CKEditor plugin specific to my Web app. Until now, I've successfully kept my own files outside of the CKEditor code structure, but the only documentation I can find about the plugin creation process (being a user-made tutorial, no less) says to just shoehorn my plugin code into ckeditor/_source/plugins.
Is this really the only way to go? Am I stuck with commingling my code with CKEditor release code, or is there a way to tell it where to load plugins from? A PLUGINPATH setting, if you will?
Looking at the tutorial you posted, I see that the section called Plugin Configuration uses CKEDITOR.plugins.add to load the plugin resources. Have you tried using CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal instead? The API documentation for it can be found here.
You want to load the uncompressed, unpacked plugins to load for debugging purposes right?
Just do this. Refer ckeditor_source.js instead of ckeditor.js. That way your created plugin inside the ckeditor/_source/plugins will run.
Read Minimum Setup for CKEditor with a microscope :)
There is a line like this here
_source — this directory contains CKEditor source code. It is needed
only if you intend to use the
ckeditor_source.js script and load
CKEditor from source files.
Too little documentation for a wonderful editor!
And inside the wonderful tutorial link you have provided, George Wu has mentioned that in the first paragraph also.
During development, you will want to
execute from source code by using
ckeditor_source.js instead of
Now, create
folder and plugin.js under that
BTW, I found Tutorial create external plugin for CKEDITOR helpful too.

