template_bundle_id for Fcebook JS - javascript

Can anyone please explain to me what is template_bundle_id for in Facebook JS.. Example below template_bundle_id is hardcoded:
53126803199, null, target,
null, null, FB.RequireConnect.promptConnect
What is the use of template_bundle_id if I can hardcode the template_bundle_id?
Is unique template_bundle_id need to assign to each facebook js method that I call subsequently or I can use the same template_bundle_id number?

If I remember correctly, you cannot publish a feed story without having a template for it. The template defines the general content of the feed, and provides placeholders for variables.
Each template is uniquely identified with a template_bundle_id. It is called a bundle id because you define a template for short stories, full stories, etc.
Whenever you want to publish a feed story, you provide facebook with the template_bundle_id and the contents of the variables that are to be filled.
You can register template bundles either by code (if you have dynamic requirements for the templates, using Feed.registerTemplateBundle), or using the console here.
You could just use one template, but all your feed stories would look the same.


Is there any way to implement DKI in Squarespace landing pages or I must create 800 pages with different title manually?

Well, as in title; I want to implement dynamic keyword insertion into my Squarespace landing pages, I know how bad this engine is but well, it's for a company though. Last time I created 100 landing pages with different title and description etc, now I am slightly worried that 800 is a little bit too much for a manual work. All I can do in Squarespace is just javascript within the body, maybe you know how to actually utilize this opportunity.
Is it possible to use dynamic keyword insertion in Squarespace landing pages?
PS: Do yourself a favour, don't use Squarespace, never. Beaver builder + Wordpress > Squarespace
This might be possible using developer mode and a small misuse of the Squarespace tag and/or category URL queries. For example, you could:
Create ads using DKI
Create a custom layout (.region or .block) using JSON-T. Somewhere in your page, you'd include {categoryFilter} or {tagFilter}. Similar to Mustache.js, wherever you insert that reference in your template, the value of the category or tag query parameter will be inserted. This could be used to set the title tag on the page or meta description for example.
Append ?category=My Keyword Text (or ?tag=...) to the destination URL of the ad.
The head of your template will likely reference the {squarespace-headers} tag. This is necessary for your Squarespace site to run properly (at least, unless you invest hours into breaking it down into its various components, which has been done, but then requires ongoing maintenance). This will contain its own title and meta description tags as well as other meta that may be working against you. You may have to experiment with forcing your own title and meta description by adding your own code above and/or below {squarespace-headers}. Your page will have multiple such tags; it's been said Google will ignore subsequent ones.
All Squarespace websites have an identical robots.txt, and it is not editable. URLs containing tag= are disallowed. On the other hand, category= was recently removed from this disallow-list. That may influence which you use, if you attempt this route at all.
A Squarespace site can have up to 1000 pages, but they don't recommend adding more than 400. That may influence your approach as well.
As mentioned, this is a misuse of the tag and category filter URL queries, but these are the only query parameters that allow you to insert essentially whatever values you want and have those values accessible from within the templating engine. The category and tag URL queries are intended for collections, not pages, but the value works across all Squarespace page types that I've tested. Depending on your application, it could be that creating a collection of items and having a legitmate category/tag filter may be a relevant approach.
You could attempt to do this all with Javascript-based templating, but I am assuming you're looking to render the page, with keywords, server-side.
Squarespace's templating engine, JSON-T, doesn't have logic such as if value contains X.... This will limit the degree of flexibility you have if trying to render different content based on the keyword. You can check for equality via {.equal?...}, though I doubt that's practical for your application, given the number of possibilities. Of course, you can insert the keyword itself as mentioned previously.
Although I have a lot of experience with Squarespace and developer mode, I've not attempted this specific scenario myself, so this is more theoretical than from experience.

Is it possible to create a subpage without any file?

I'm a newbie when it comes to PHP. I wrote some JS to make AJAX requests for my project and it worked well, but I don't have any idea how to convert that into PHP.
I've prepared layouts like the following:
In those files are some PHP and MySQL parts that build an HTML page.
In Ajax it was easy to navigate between many users using only one page and replacing some divs with data...
But a huge minus was that you couldn't have a single address reference a user profile or the offer (like mywebsite.com/user1).
Now, when I use PHP I want to achieve same layout effect.
How can I avoid creating a thousands of pages (of course even dynamically it seems to be a waste of memory IMO) like user1.php, user2.php, offer1.php, etc.
I don't know how to achieve the effect of being on a site like example.com/user277373.php without creating thousands of files but only one template.
Two solutions I see is either you use GET to parse your data:
and than access it over the $_GET variable:
$id = $_GET["data"];
($id will be 1736861)
or you use the flight php extension, that will look something like this:
Flight::route('/id/#id', function($id){
echo "ID: $id";
and the URL would look like http://example.com/id/1736861. You can also use multiple variables with the flight module.
I hope this helped, Sebastian
Are you familiar with any MVC frameworks? If not, I would highly recommend getting accustomed to the MVC design paradigm. MVC = Model View Controller. From Wikipedia, a short excerpt:
A model stores data that is retrieved according to commands from the controller and displayed in the view.
A view generates new output to the user based on changes in the model.
A controller can send commands to the model to update the model's state (e.g., editing a document). It can also send commands to its
associated view to change the view's presentation of the model (e.g.,
scrolling through a document).
Two of the key components of MANY frameworks (in pretty much any language), are Routes and Templates. When utilizing a routing system, you're able to specify a template for every page loaded that matches a specific route. For instance, site.com/people/:id where ':id' can be any value in the URL, and be configured to use "person.html" for the HTML output. Note that "person.html" receives variables/data that will dynamically populate content, e.g. <h2>Hello, {{name}}</h2>
So, to clarify, site.com/people/252, site.com/people/12, site.com/people/5, site.com/people/john would all match the site.com/people/:id route path where :id is dynamic, and your system will use ONE TEMPLATE (which you specify) to display all the data. Don't forget, when that route path is met, that's only step 1. You will probably need to take that :id run some database query and pass that data into the template.
A popular micro PHP framework called Slim, might be a good starting point. Here's documentation for its way of handling Routes and Templates:
Slim is commonly used with Twig, a super popular PHP template engine. Here's its website/documentation: http://twig.sensiolabs.org/
And if that wasn't enough, Slim has a super handy First App Walkthrough that will show you routes, database connection, and templates: https://www.slimframework.com/docs/tutorial/first-app.html
Hope this information helps you on your journey – Best of luck!

releasing content by role within a D2L topic

I'm trying to release content by role within a topic in D2L's LMS. Is this possible using Javascript? Something like, "if {RoleName}=Student, then display this, else display that"...? I realize I can restrict/release content by role on a topic level, but I'm trying to do so within a topic and thus can't use release conditions. Any ideas?
You can control that functionality directly through the Content tool interface without needing to add in JavaScript. If you don't have access to that in Content, talk to your site administrator.
A roundabout way to do this would be to parse the QueryString to get the OU, then make a Valence request to find out the user role in the course. It would take a lot of work to get all the pieces connected for what seems like a really simple use case. This is the strategy I'm using for tools I've made that get embedded right in D2L pages.
If Replacement Strings worked properly then you could use a combination of them and JavaScript. But since the replacement happens at save time rather than render time in most places, they're really not usable for your scenario.
Desire2Learn Replace Strings in Content
Another option would be to create your own custom widget and put it on the course home page. Since Replacement Strings work properly in widgets, you could read the value of the {rolename} replacement string and store it in a cookie. Then, in your pages you would read the value of the cookie to create your conditionals.

How can I make 'AJAX templates' in Pylons?

I've been getting into Pylons lately and was wondering how I could go about easily integrating AJAX functionality into my websites.
Basically, lets say I had a login form that usually gets accessed via site.com/user/login. Now, generally, this will be handled via something like:
class UserController(BaseController):
def login(self):
login.html would be a template that inherits the base, has a header, footer and navigation sidebar. A plani, simple website.
How could I AJAXify this? I would need to create two login.html templates, right? What would be a good way to handle the controller's login() method? Should I set a GET variable of something like &ajax=true then check for that when issuing render()?
I want a nice and clean way to choose how my controllers render content instead of some ugly hack (like the GET method above).
All modern Javascript libraries set an "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" header in their AJAX wrappers. As a convenience, Pylons sets the request.is_xhr boolean if it finds this header.
Conditional inheritance is a little tricky in Mako because of how <%inherit> is handled, but here's what you do:
Change the render() call in your controller to render('/login.html', {'ajax': request.is_xhr})
In your template, separate out anything you don't want in your AJAX template using template inheritance.
Use an <%inherit> something like this:
<%inherit file="${None if context.get('ajax') else 'login_base.html'}"/>
(Note: There's nothing special about the render() syntax used. You could just as easily use c.ajax = request.is_xhr and context.get('c').ajax instead)
I'm not sure why your AJAX code would want to do a GET on that login page -- GET is only for getting information, and what info would the JS code client-side want to obtain from a login form?
Anyway, assuming there are pages that you want AJAX code to be able to GET in order to obtain useful info, I recommend a query string such as ?format=json to allow such requests to explicitly ask for "useful JSON-format info only, no decoration please".
Not only does this approach allow your app to know that this is an automated request (AJAX or otherwise, who cares? point is, no cosmetics are to be sent in response, just useful info!) but specifically that the requested format is JSON (so, should you ever want to supply XML or whatever as an alternative, there's an obvious growth path -- ?format=xml and the like).
There is nothing particularly Python-specific, much less Pylons-specific, in this -- it's the approach I would recommend for any "mixed" site (able, at least in some pages, to respond in more than one format, e.g. HTML with decorations or JSON, at clients' choice) no matter what sever-side language it was planning on using.
If your rendering is always of a form such as somefunction(sometemplate, somecontext), though, you may tweak things to ensure that the somefunction also gets the crucial bit about requested format -- if the requested format is JSON (or, who knows, in the future maybe XML or whatever) then somefunction knows it can ignore the template (which after all is or should be a purely view related functionality, and therefore should have presentation contents only) and just proceed to render the info that's in the context as JSON or whatever.
The author of Mako himself wrote a blog post that you might find interesting.
The main point is a function to render a single "def" of a template:
def render_def(template_name, name, **kwargs):
from pylons.templating import pylons_globals
globs = pylons_globals()
if kwargs:
globs = globs.copy()
template = globs['app_globals'].mako_lookup.get_template(template_name).get_def(name)
return template.render(**globs)

Client side templating with unknown variables

Our company has an intranet consisting of several e-mail templates filled with variables (like [[NAME]], [[PROJECT]] and so on). I was thinking of implementing some sort of client side templating to make it easier to replace these variables with actual values.
The problem is that among all the client side template solutions I've located so far, all of them seem to assume that the JS code knows all the template variables that exist in the markup, and none of them seem to be able to fetch a list of variables defined in the markup.
Does anyone know of any solutions/plugin which makes this possible?
Thanks in advance!
Can't you just use some simple regex?
var variables = mycontent.match(/\[\[(.*?)\]\]/g);
I set up a demo here, so you can see it in action.
If set of templates are already cached on client and available to customer on demand and each template will have it own set of information to be replaced in (either hardcoded or define on runtime). Then we can go for some generic solution
Pseudo code
- Decide which Template now need to render
- Send a Ajax command of array of variables in to be replace in the template
[{var_name:"%project_name%",var_value:"Project" },{var_name:"%superviser%",var_value:"Its me :)" }]
- Write a generic code that loop through json array and replace the var_name with the template source
Check this - http://api.prototypejs.org/language/template/

