How to call public method from a event handler - javascript

I have the function below.
Everything works fine except for the Push, Pop and Remove method. These method should be called by the event-handler. This event is fired by the Google Maps API.
The problem is that when the event is fired, these method are not found. I have a "Push is not defined" error message.
I tried with this but that's not working.
How do I call the public method from the event handler?
function Track(mapContainer) {
var map = mapContainer;
var points = new Array();
var isEditMode = false;
var clickListener;
this.Push = function(point) { ... }
this.Pop = function() { ... }
this.Remove = function(point) { ... }
//Enable / disable the marker placements
this.PlaceWaypoint = function(isPlacing) {
if (isPlacing != true) {
if (clickListener != null) {
clickListener = null;
} else {
clickListener = map.AddEvent("click", function(event) {
if (!IsDoubleClick()) {
var point = map.PlaceMarker(new WayPoint(event.latLng))
point.RemoveListener(function() { Remove(point); });
} else {

You've got a closure/binding problem. One convention that is frequently used it to assign a variable called self of that, which can later be used in place of this, thanks to the closure properties of JS.
function Track(mapContainer) {
var map = mapContainer,
points = new Array(),
isEditMode = false,
// Make a variable self that points to this, that can be used inside closures
// where the original context is lost
self = this;
this.Push = function(point) { ... }
this.Pop = function() { ... }
this.Remove = function(point) { ... }
//Enable / disable the marker placements
this.PlaceWaypoint =
function(isPlacing) {
if (isPlacing != true) {
if (clickListener != null) {
clickListener = null;
} else {
clickListener = map.AddEvent("click", function(event) {
if (!IsDoubleClick()) {
var point = map.PlaceMarker(new WayPoint(event.latLng))
point.RemoveListener(function() { Remove(point); });
// Use the closure reference self instead of this
} else {
// Use the closure reference self instead of this

this always refers to the context of the current function, so if you use this in your event handler it refers to that function calls this, not the this in your Track function.
To create a closure that accesses the this of an outer scope, you need to assign that this to a new variable which can be accessed from the inner function:
var self = this;
this.PlaceWaypoint = function(isPlacing) {
// ...
// ...

First of all Pop and Push is not global, second this in the inner scope has another meaning. So you can use closure and rename the "this" to variable of more global scope.
function Track(mapContainer) {
var $this = this;
//Enable / disable the marker placements
this.PlaceWaypoint = function(isPlacing) {
if (isPlacing != true) {
if (clickListener != null) {
clickListener = null;
} else {
clickListener = map.AddEvent("click", function(event) {
if (!IsDoubleClick()) {
var point = map.PlaceMarker(new WayPoint(event.latLng))
point.RemoveListener(function() { $this.Remove(point); });
} else {


Set an object function externally that can be called internally

I want to be able to set a function onbroadcast in SpeechRecognition after I create a new SpeechRecognition object so that I can call this function internally if certain conditions are met.
I would like to be able to set it in the same way that you would set something like onerror in webkitSpeechRecognition. When I look at onerror in the Developer Tools it looks like it might be done via some sort of getter/setter like what is described here but I can't be certain.
Is this possible?
var SpeechRecognition = function () {
var recognitionObject = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
recognitionObject.onresult = function (event) {
if(event.results.length > 0) {
if (onbroadcast !== null && onbroadcast === 'function') {
onbroadcast('there are results');
recognitionObject.onerror = function (event) {
recognitionObject.onend = function (event) {
SpeechRecognition.prototype.onbroadcast = null;
var sr = new SpeechRecognition();
sr.onbroadcast = function(msg) {
document.getElementById('id') = msg;
You need to refer to onbroadcast as a property of your instance (this.onbroadcast). It doesn't magically become available as a variable inside the constructor scope.
function SpeechRecognition() {
var self = this; // a reference to the instance
var recognitionObject = new webkitSpeechRecognition();
recognitionObject.onresult = function (event) {
if (event.results.length > 0 && typeof self.onbroadcast === 'function') {
self.onbroadcast('there are results');
// ^ a property access
recognitionObject.onerror = recognitionObject.onend = function (event) {

using revealling moduler pattern for complex in javascript

I have a very complex class so i decided to break into sub modules and trying to use revealing modules pattern.
I have main class and decided to divide into smaller container function. but in current scenario
But i am not able to access any internal function from outside i.e callSearchResultWithCallBack using searchFinder.Search.callSearchResultWithCallBack(). which pattern should i use to keep this code clean as well have control to call internal function in sub module.
var searchFinder;
function SearchFinder() {
me = this;
this.searchResult = null;
this.init = function() {
var declareControls = function() {
this.SearchButtons = jQuery('.doSearch');
this.InputLocation = jQuery('#inputLocation');
this.InputDistanceWithIn = jQuery('#inputDistanceWithIn');
this.InputName = jQuery('#inputName');
var addEvents = function() { {
var fillControls = function() {
var getGetCategory = function() {
this.Search = function() {
var url = '';
var searchCriteria = {};
function validateAndCreateCriteria() {
function validateAandGetCategory() {
if (SearchValidation.ValidateZipCode(me.InputLocation.val().trim())) {
searchCriteria.location = me.InputLocation.val().trim();
} else if (SearchValidation.ValidateCityState(me.InputLocation.val().trim())) {
searchCriteria.location = me.InputLocation.val().trim();
// need to access it outsite
function callSearchResultWithCallBack() {
me.searchResult(searchCriteria, SearchResultCallBack);
function SearchResultCallBack() {
jQuery(function() {
searchFinder = new SearchFinder();
<script src=""></script>
This code has multiple issues, first I will address the fact that for example declareControls is not executing. First declare the function than execute!
this.init = function() {
var declareControls = function() {
this.SearchButtons = jQuery('.doSearch');
this.InputLocation = jQuery('#inputLocation');
this.InputDistanceWithIn = jQuery('#inputDistanceWithIn');
this.InputName = jQuery('#inputName');
var addEvents = function() { {
var fillControls = function() {
var getGetCategory = function() {
//createAccordian(); //not defined
Now let's look at others problems that will arise.
the me object referring to this is in the scope of searchFinder and does not refer to the same this in the instance of searchFinder.
function jQuery can be replaced by the commonly used $.
searchFinder.Search.callSearchResultWithCallBack() this is never going to work. Since the Search function is an object and callSearchResultWithCallBack isn't a property of this function.
Solution; make it part of the prototype of Search.
Move callSearchResultWithCallBack outside the search function.
Add prototype to Search function
Call function via prototype.
function callSearchResultWithCallBack() {
me.searchResult(searchCriteria, SearchResultCallBack);
function SearchResultCallBack() {
this.Search.prototype.callSearchResultWithCallBack = callSearchResultWithCallBack;
If you want to fire this function outside of search use this:
Please remember that callSearchResultWithCallBack will throw an error because searchCriteria is undefined.
This fixes your problems for now, but this code has to be revised thoroughly. But this should get you started.

Custom Events in CLASS

I need to launch custom events from CLASS. I know to do this with DOM objects and jquery, using triggerHandler, like $(object)..triggerHandler("inputChange", {param:X});
The problem is when i try this with a Class, like this:
var MyClass = (function(){
var static_var = 1;
var MyClass = function () {
var privateVar;
var privateFn = function(){ alert('Im private!'); };
this.someProperty = 5;
this.someFunction = function () {
alert('Im public!');
this.say = function() {
alert('Num ' + this.someProperty);
this.alter = function() {
this.someProperty ++;
return MyClass;
TheClass = new MyClass();
$(TheClass).on('eventCustom', function() {
This doesn't launch warnings or errors, but the events listener is not working (or event is not dispatched). I think the jQuery event system doesn't work with not DOM object, correct?
Any other way (I need events, not callbacks for my specific case) to launch the events?
Thanks a lot!
I wrote an ES6 event class for nowadays in under 100 lines of code without using JQuery. If you don't want to use DOM-events you can extend your class, which should deal with Events.
For listening to events, you can use on, once, onReady, onceReady. On is execute the callbackfunction every time the label is trigger. Once only one time. The "ready"-functions execute the callback, if the label had been already triggerd before.
For triggering an event, use a trigger. To remove an eventhandler, use off.
I hope the example makes it clear:
class ClassEventsES6 {
constructor() {
this.listeners = new Map();
this.onceListeners = new Map();
this.triggerdLabels = new Map();
// help-function for onReady and onceReady
// the callbackfunction will execute,
// if the label has already been triggerd with the last called parameters
_fCheckPast(label, callback) {
if (this.triggerdLabels.has(label)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// execute the callback everytime the label is trigger
on(label, callback, checkPast = false) {
this.listeners.has(label) || this.listeners.set(label, []);
if (checkPast)
this._fCheckPast(label, callback);
// execute the callback everytime the label is trigger
// check if the label had been already called
// and if so excute the callback immediately
onReady(label, callback) {
this.on(label, callback, true);
// execute the callback onetime the label is trigger
once(label, callback, checkPast = false) {
this.onceListeners.has(label) || this.onceListeners.set(label, []);
if (!(checkPast && this._fCheckPast(label, callback))) {
// label wurde nocht nicht aufgerufen und
// der callback in _fCheckPast nicht ausgeführt
// execute the callback onetime the label is trigger
// or execute the callback if the label had been called already
onceReady(label, callback) {
this.once(label, callback, true);
// remove the callback for a label
off(label, callback = true) {
if (callback === true) {
// remove listeners for all callbackfunctions
} else {
// remove listeners only with match callbackfunctions
let _off = (inListener) => {
let listeners = inListener.get(label);
if (listeners) {
inListener.set(label, listeners.filter((value) => !(value === callback)));
// trigger the event with the label
trigger(label, ...args) {
let res = false;
this.triggerdLabels.set(label, ...args); // save all triggerd labels for onready and onceready
let _trigger = (inListener, label, ...args) => {
let listeners = inListener.get(label);
if (listeners && listeners.length) {
listeners.forEach((listener) => {
res = true;
_trigger(this.onceListeners, label, ...args);
_trigger(this.listeners, label, ...args);
this.onceListeners.delete(label); // callback for once executed, so delete it.
return res;
// +++ here starts the example +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
class TestClassEvents extends ClassEventsES6 {
constructor() {
this.once('sayHallo', this.fStartToTalk);
this.on('sayHallo', this.fSayHallo);
fStartToTalk() {
console.log('I start to talk... ');
fSayHallo(name = 'Nobody') {
console.log('Hallo ' + name);
let testClassEvents = new TestClassEvents();
testClassEvents.trigger('sayHallo', 'Tony');
testClassEvents.trigger('sayHallo', 'Tim');
testClassEvents.onReady('sayHallo', e => console.log('I already said hello to ' + e));
testClassEvents.trigger('sayHallo', 'Angie');'sayHallo');
testClassEvents.trigger('sayHallo', 'Peter');
console.log('I dont say hallo to Peter, because the event is off!')
Your understanding of how javascript works is limited since you are approaching it from a traditional OOP point of view. Take a look at this fiddle & you will see that you can actually pass functions as variables to other functions. There are no classes in javascript, only functions which can be closures which can be made to emulate traditional classes:
var MyClass = (function(){
var static_var = 1;
var MyClass = function ( callback ) {
var privateVar;
var privateFn = function(){ alert('Im private!'); };
this.someProperty = 5;
this.someFunction = function () {
alert('Im public!');
this.say = function() {
alert('Num ' + this.someProperty);
this.alter = function() {
this.someProperty ++;
return MyClass;
TheClass = new MyClass(function() {
Alternatively you could create a function in your "class" to configure the callback/trigger instead of passing it into the constructor.
Have a look at this as a start for your further reading on this concept... How do JavaScript closures work?
To appease those critics looking for an eventQueue here is an updated jsfiddle :)
var events = new function() {
var _triggers = {};
this.on = function(event,callback) {
_triggers[event] = [];
_triggers[event].push( callback );
this.triggerHandler = function(event,params) {
if( _triggers[event] ) {
for( i in _triggers[event] )
var MyClass = (function(){
var MyClass = function () {
this.say = function() {
alert('Num ' + this.someProperty);
return MyClass;
TheClass = new MyClass();
events.on('eventCustom', function() {
events.on('eventCustom', function() {
alert('Another Event!');

Prototype custom event NOT on a DOM element

Same as this question, but Prototype library specific:
I've got a Browser class, and I want to fire and observe custom events for this class. Prototype's custom event system only lets me bind to and fire events on DOM elements. Here's my first idea as to an alternative:
function Browser() {
this.event = new Element('span');
Browser.prototype.render = function() {'browser:render');
var browser = new Browser();
browser.event.observe('browser:render', function() { ... });
Is there a better way to do this?
Thanks in part to Frits van Campen's advice, I made my own that serves my needs, a little more sophisticated than Frits' sample.
function EventManager(target) {
var target = target || window,
events = {};
this.observe = function(eventName, cb) {
if (events[eventName]) events[eventName].push(cb);
else events[eventName] = new Array(cb);
return target;
this.stopObserving = function(eventName, cb) {
if (events[eventName]) {
var i = events[eventName].indexOf(cb);
if (i > -1) events[eventName].splice(i, 1);
else return false;
return true;
else return false;
}; = function(eventName) {
if (!events[eventName]) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < events[eventName].length; i++) {
events[eventName][i].apply(target,, 1));
Then I can do:
Function Browser() {
this.event = new EventManager(this);
Browser.prototype.render = function() {"render");
browser = new Browser();
browser.event.observe("render", function() { alert("Rendered"); });
Why not just build your own event handling system? It really doesn't take much.
function MyClass() {
this.handlers = {};
MyClass.prototype.registerHandler = function(event, callback) {
this.handlers[event] = callback;
}; = function(event) {
var instance = new MyClass();
instance.registerHandler('an event', function () {
});'an event');
I use the document to fire all my custom events. Works great.
document.on("customEvent:blah", this.doCustomEvent.bind(this));"customEvent:blah");

Problem with Event Handling via YUI

When users click "search" input element, the search text inside the input will disappear and since I have several controls like that, I thought I could make the code reusable. Here is my code formerly done and working with jQuery but now in YUI I cannot make it work.
var subscriptionBoxTarget = "div.main div.main-content div.side-right div.subscription-box input";
var ssbNode = YAHOO.util.Selector.query(subscriptionBoxTarget);
var ssbValue = YAHOO.util.DOM.getAttribute(ssbNode,"value");
var subscriptionBox = new RemovableText(ssbNode,ssbValue,null);
//target : the target of the element which dispatches the event
// defaultText : the default for input[type=text] elements
// callBack : is a function which is run after everthing is completed
function RemovableText(target,defaultText,callBack)
var target = target; //private members
var defaultText = defaultText;
var callBack = callBack;
//instance method
this.bind = function()
if(callBack != null)
//private methods
var mouseClick = function(eventTarget,defaultValue)
var _eventTarget = eventTarget;
var _defaultValue = defaultValue;
var currentValue = $(this).val();
if(currentValue == defaultValue)
var mouseOff = function(eventTarget,defaultValue)
var _eventTarget = eventTarget;
var _defaultValue = defaultValue;
var currentValue = $(this).val();
if(currentValue == "")
You have a lot of unnecessary code here.
The input parameters passed to the RemovableText constructor are available by closure to all the methods defined inside. You don't need to, and shouldn't redefine named params as vars.
function RemovableText(target, defaultText, callback) {
this.bind = function () {
YAHOO.util.Event.on(target, 'click', function (e) {
/* You can reference target, defaultText, and callback in here as well */
YAHOO.util.Event.on(target, 'blur', function (e) { /* and here */ });
if (callback) {
The definition of an instance method from within the constructor seems dubious, as is the requirement that the values passed to the constructor must be kept private. Just assign them to instance properties (this._target = target; etc) and add instance methods to the prototype. If the functionality you're after is just this simple, then why bother with methods at all?
Using the click event does not support keyboard navigation. You should use the focus event.
I'm not sure why you would have a callback passed at construction that fires immediately after attaching the event subscribers.

