Dynamically remove unused keys from json object - javascript

First: I'm aware of other solutions like Removing unused information from JSON but I'm looking for a more dynamic approach.
I have two json objects. The first one looks like this:
And the second json objects looks like this:
Is there a dynamic approach (java or javascript) to ensure that only the matching keys between both json objects are returned? In this case, key1 and key5 should be deleted from the second json because this keys are not present in the first one, but the first array does not always look the same.


Accessing Elements of JS Object

I have created array in a object,
var obj_report_dailog = { array_report_dailog : [] }
Then push data to object,
obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog.push({from: fromDate})
obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog.push({to: toDate})
obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog.push({fabrika: fabrika})
var json = JSON.stringify(obj_report_dialog);
How can I access to elements of that object?
console.log("işte bu: " + json);
işte bu: {"array_report_dialog":[{"from":"2017-08-01"},{"to":"2017-09-21"},{"fabrika":["Balçova"]}]}
Two things:
You don't want to JSON.stringify unless you're sending the resulting string somewhere that will parse it. Remember, JSON is a textual notation for data exchange; JSON.stringify gives you a string to send to some receiver. When you have the JSON string, you don't access the properties of the objects in it.
If you're receiving that JSON string, you'd parse it via JSON.parse and then access the properties on the result.
Leaving aside the JSON thing, you probably don't want to add data the way you're adding it. You're adding three separate objects as three entries in the array, each with one property. You probably want to push one object with all three properties:
from: fromDate,
to: toDate,
fabrika: fabrika
Then you'd access them as obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog[0].from, obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog[0].to, and obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog[0].fabrika. Or more likely, you'd have a loop like this:
obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog.forEach(function(entry) {
// Use entry.from, entry.to, and entry.fabrika here
(See this answer for more options for looping through arrays.)
But, if you really want to push them as separate objects, you'd access them as obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog[0].from, obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog[1].to, and obj_report_dialog.array_report_dialog[2].fabrika (note the indexes going up).
If you stringify a json, it's gonna create a string representation of your object.
To access data in a string like that we usually use JSON.parse that create an json object from a string. Which is the obj_report_dailog you had at start.
You can make object from json by using JSON.parse()

Turn JSON string with duplicate keys into JSON string arrays

I'm trying to generate a JSON string which will contain all of my filters, but I constantly stuck with duplicate keys. So, I want to find a solution that turns the duplicate keys into a JSON array.
For example, I have this JSON object:
"filter-1": "value-1",
"filter-1": "value-2",
"filter-2": "value-3",
"filter-3": "value-4"
And I want to turn it into this:
"filter-1": ["value-1", "value-2"],
"filter-2": "value-3",
"filter-3": "value-4"
Can someone point me in the right direction? I would appreciate solutions in JavaScript but any method would be more than welcome! Thanks in advance!
The duplicate key-pairs are causing overwrite issues.
Javascript objects doesn't allow duplicate keys.
var testObj = JSON.parse('{"filter-1":"value-1","filter-1":"value-2","filter-2":"value-3","filter-3":"value-4"}'); will overwrite the first key-pair (filter-1: value-1) when it parses the second key-pair (filter1: value-2) since both key-pairs have the same key.
However, JSON specification (not Javscript objects) does not specifically mention whether duplicate keys are allowed or not. You may wish to write your own parsing function to handle the duplicate keys.
You will have to change the format of your JSON since keys in JS objects must be unique.
Then you can hard coded or use libraries like jquery or underscorejs to group them out.
var objects =
0: {"filter": "filter-1", "value":"value-1"},
1: {"filter": "filter-1", "value":"value-2"},
2: {"filter": "filter-2", "value":"value-3"},
3: {"filter": "filter-3", "value":"value-4"}
var result = _.groupBy(objects,"filter")

make mongoDB replace single value array with string

I'm very new to mongoDB and am trying to insert an object to the database. (Wow, much more fun than mySQL...). I'm using strongloop's loopback framework and its mongoDB connector.
The object is a xml2js parsed xml message I receive, after parsing and inserting to mongo it looks like this:
"_id": ObjectID("55c61ee9391da88435c5753f"),
"offerChange": [
"foo": [
"baz": [
as you can see, all the key's values are arrays, though all of them contain only one value. Obviously I can convert them to strings before the insert or during xml parsing, but that would require looping over all the object's keys or more work for the worker in the first place, which I'd like to avoid. The real object is much bigger than above shown.
Is there a way to tell mongoDB to automatically convert arrays that have only one value to a string before or after the document gets created?
You need not loop through and convert from array to string in application/database. xml2js provide a neat way to return string if there is only one item and array if there are more items.
explicitArray (default: true): Always put child nodes in an array if
true; otherwise an array is created only if there is more than one.
Initiate your parser as follows
parseString(xml, {explicitArray: false}, function (err, result) {

Get the values from the following json in javascript

I have a json like this:
a = [{"pk": 1, "model": "gps.test", "fields": {"hi": 23.1, "hello": 47.916142}}]
I want values of pk, hi and hello;
Tried various ways like:
None is working. What's wrong?
First, parse your JSON with JSON.parse(json).
a is an array, so grab the first element and then grab the keys from the fields object.
If you have more than one object in the array:
where i is the index of the element in the array.
a is an array so you need to take at specific index

Javascript multi-dimensional array to and from JSON (jQuery?)

I have a Javascript problem where I need to be able to store data like follows:
MainArray(Array(JavaScript Object, JavaScript Object, etc etc..), Array(JavaScript Object, JavaScript Object, etc etc..), etc etc..)
The main array has 10 sub arrays, these sub arrays then contain any number of JavaScript Objects.
I need an efficient way of storing the data this way and need to know how to parse to JSON/decode back to a manageable structure in Javascript.
The reason for this structure is because the Java program I'm communicating with uses this structure.
I'm able to use jQuery if that makes any difference.
Your structure appears to look like this
var myVariable = [
{ }, { }, { }
{ }, { }, { }
This can be JSON stringified. It yields "[[{},{},{}],[{},{},{}]]"
Use JSON.stringify and JSON.parse, respectively.

