Create nested comments array from JSON response - javascript

I would like to use the Hacker News Algolia API (exact query) to find comments, and then create a nested JSON structure from the data. I know I need to use recursion, but I am not too sure how.
This is the structure I would like:
"text": "eee",
"children": [
"text": "123",
"childeren": [
"text": "rew"
"text": "comment4",
"children": []
"text": "comment5",
"children": []
The issue is that the API doesn't return comments in the format above. Returned comments have attribute parent_id which is a reference to their parent comment's objectID. So if you have the following nested objectIDs:
foobar's parent_id is bar and bar's parent_id is foo. And finally foo's parent_id is the Hacker News post ID, in this case 24120336.
What I have so far [repl]:
import axios from 'axios'
interface Comment {
created_at: string;
author: string;
comment_text: string;
story_id: number;
story_title: string;
story_url: string;
parent_id: number | null;
objectID: string;
function getChildren(comment: Comment, allComments: Comment[]) {
const children = allComments.filter(
(c) => String(c.parent_id) === comment.objectID
const fullChildren = children.forEach((child) =>
getChildren(child, allComments)
return fullChildren;
const main = async () => {
const { data } =
await axios.get<{ hits: Comment[] }>(
data.hits.forEach((comment) => {
// Check if comment is top level
if (String(comment.parent_id) === "24120336") {
console.log(getChildren(comment, data.hits));

forEach is for looping through an Array. Use map to convert an Array to a new Array. Try:
function getChildren(comment: Comment, allComments: Comment[]) {
return {
children: allComments
.filter(c => String(c.parent_id) === comment.objectID)
.map(c => getChildren(c, allComments))
...which will give you the nested array of arrays you want.
However I'd recommend a different approach. Note that for each child you're looping through the entire collection. It's far more efficient to do one pass through the Array to collect the parent/child relationships:
const byParent = new Map<string, Array<Comment>>();
for (const comment of allComments) {
let children = byParent.get(comment.parent_id);
if (!children) {
children = [];
byParent.set(comment.parent_id, children);
Now you can do a byParent.get(comment.objectID) at any time to get child comments and do so recursively when necessary:
function getChildren(comment: Comment) {
return {
children: byParent.get(comment.objectID)?.map(getChildren)


Update ngrx state in nested object Angular

I would be able to update an object nested in another object in my application but i got some problems.
Let's assume that the entity that I want to update is something like this:
"id": 0,
"name": "Yellow Car",
"details": {
"engine": {},
"ownerInfo": {
"name": "Luke",
"lastName": "Cage",
"email": "l.cage#hisemail.blabla"
"created": "2018-01-17",
"lastUpdate": "2020-09-03",
I can easily update some part of this entity in this way:
let car: Car = {,
let carUpdate: Update<Car> = {
changes: car
But in this way I can only update name, created, lastUpdate and I can't update the nested object details. What happens if I try to edit the detail object now? Nothing i wanna happens.
This is the selector:
export const carUpdated = createAction(
"[Edit Car] Car Updated",
props<{carUpdate: Update<Car>}>()
The effect:
saveCar$ = createEffect(
() => this.actions$
concatMap(action => this.carService.editCar(
{dispatch: false}
The reducer:
on(CarActions.carUpdated, (state, action) =>
adapter.updateOne(action.carUpdate, state)),
The service sends to the backend the right data and it's working good without the state management.
What I am doing now is retrieve the single carObject in this way in the component in the ngOnInit
car$ =
and the selector is:
export const selectCar = (id) => createSelector(
(cars: any) => cars.filter((car) => {
let filteredCar = == id;
if(filteredCar) {
return car;
}).map(car => car)
and then after my edit I can use the dispatch to confirm my edit{carUpdate}));
but as I said if I try to update the details object i have this
let car: Car = {, // the entire car object
...this.form.value // only the details
let carUpdate: Update<Car> = {
changes: car //the details are mixed with the car object and not inside the object itself
something like this:
"id": 0,
"name": "Yellow Car",
"engine": {},
"details": {
"ownerInfo": {
"name": "Luke",
"lastName": "Cage",
"email": "l.cage#hisemail.blabla"
"created": "2018-01-17",
"lastUpdate": "2020-09-03",
Is there an easy way to fix this?
I'll try to provide a general answer which might show techniques on how to update one object with another object.
If in the form, you only have the details as update (update is Partial<Car["details"]>, you can do this:
const update: Partial<Car["details"]> = this.form.value;
const newCar: Car = {
details: {
Then there's the possibility that the update is (partial) Car with partial details:
const update: Partial<Car> & { details: Partial<Car["details"]> } = this.form.value;
const newCar: Car = {
details: {
An improbable option is that you have mixed detail and car properties in the update (for whatever reason - you might be doing something wrong). Then you can pick them by hand. Note that this will delete old values if new values are undefined.
const update: Pick<Car, 'name' | 'lastUpdate'> & Pick<Car["details"], 'ownerInfo'> = this.form.value;
const newCar: Car = {
lastUpdate: update.lastUpdate,
details: {
ownerInfo: details.ownerInfo

React extracting a nested json object

How can I extract the 'jobs' object from a nested json list like this:
name: ""
address: ""
jobs: [
Thank you
Write a generic method to extract object properties.
function onExtract(key, data) {
if (isObject(data)) {
for (let item in data) {
if (key === item) {
return data[item];
const res = onExtract(key, data[item]);
if (res !== null) return res;
if (isArray(data)) {
for (let item of data) {
const res = onExtract(key, item);
if (res !== null) return res;
return null;
function isObject(obj) {
return === "[object Object]";
function isArray(arr) {
return === "[object Array]";
// test
const data = {
person: [
name: "",
address: "",
jobs: [
company: ""
company: ""
console.log(onExtract("jobs", data));
let's say you have a return var that contains this json value
let mappedCompanies = => =>
).flatMap(m => m)
mappedCompanies would contain an array with all the companies names for each one of the registers in "person", all as one array of strings
you can read more about here:
A dynamic way to query the person[] and find jobs, is to use the javascript map() method.
Here is the code without comments.
const personsJobs = (personName, personAddress) => {
const jobs = => {
if ( === personName && el.address === personAddress) {
} else {
return null;
.filter((el) => el !== null);
return jobs;
console.log(personsJobs("wyatt", "1234 test ln"));
Here is the code with comments to explain how the personsJob function works.
// Blow is an ES6 arrow function with the parameters 'personName' and 'personAddress',
// which represents the person in which you are querying for jobs (using both a persons
// name and address so in the case of persons with the same name, you only find the jobs
// of the person you want).
const personsJobs = (personName, personAddress) => {
// Since 'person' is an array, we can use the 'map' method as stated before, which
// will create a new array (jobs) that will store the jobs a specific person has.
const jobs = => {
// el stands for the current position in the person array.
// if el's (the current person) name and address values are equal to that of the
// parameters personName and personAddress, then that persons jobs are added to the jobs // array, however, if el does not satisfy the two parameters, null is added to the jobs
// array.
// The array, upon completion, will look something like this: ["programmer", null, null]
if ( === personName && el.address === personAddress) {
} else {
return null;
// Finally, the filter method is called to remove all null values so that you will
// only have the persons job in the jobs array.
// After filtering, the array will look like this: ["programmer"]
.filter((el) => el !== null);
return jobs;
// Prints the array of wyatt's jobs
console.log(personsJobs("wyatt", "1234 test ln"));
So, following the conclusion of the function, you will have dynamically found the jobs of a specific person.
you can use flatMap function like:
const jobsData = result.person.flatMap(item =>;
Here is a flexible solution using object-scan
// const objectScan = require('object-scan');
const data = { person: [{ name: '', address: '', jobs: [{ company: '' }, { company: '' }] }] };
console.log(objectScan(['person[*].jobs'], { reverse: false, rtn: 'value' })(data));
// => [ [ { company: '' }, { company: '' } ] ]
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
<script src=""></script>
Disclaimer: I'm the author of object-scan

React setState of for deeply nested value

I’ve got a very deeply nested object in my React state. The aim is to change a value from a child node. The path to what node should be updated is already solved, and I use helper variables to access this path within my setState.
Anyway, I really struggle to do setState within this nested beast. I abstracted this problem in a codepen:
In this example I want to change the child’s changed property of the child having the id def1234.
As mentioned the path is given: Fixed Path values: Members, skills and variable Path values: Unique Key 1 (coming from const currentGroupKey and both Array position in the data coming from const path
This is my state object:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
"Unique Key 1": {
"Members": [
"name": "Jack",
"id": "1234",
"skills": [
"name": "programming",
"id": "13371234",
"changed": "2019-08-28T19:25:46+02:00"
"name": "writing",
"id": "abc1234",
"changed": "2019-08-28T19:25:46+02:00"
"name": "Black",
"id": "5678",
"skills": [
"name": "programming",
"id": "14771234",
"changed": "2019-08-28T19:25:46+02:00"
"name": "writing",
"id": "def1234",
"changed": "2019-08-28T19:25:46+02:00"
handleClick = () => {
const currentGroupKey = 'Unique Key 1';
const path = [1, 1];
// full path: [currentGroupKey, 'Members', path[0], 'skills', path[1]]
// result in: { name: "writing", id: "def1234", changed: "2019-08-28T19:25:46+02:00" }
// so far my approach (not working) also its objects only should be [] for arrays
this.setState(prevState => ({
group: {,
[currentGroupKey]: {[currentGroupKey],
Members: {[currentGroupKey].Members,
[path[0]]: {[currentGroupKey].Members[path[0]],
skills: {[currentGroupKey].Members[path[0]].skills,
[path[1]]: {[currentGroupKey].Members[path[0]].skills[
changed: 'just now',
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.handleClick}>Change Time</button>
I would appreciate any help. I’m in struggle for 2 days already :/
Before using new dependencies and having to learn them you could write a helper function to deal with updating deeply nested values.
I use the following helper:
//helper to safely get properties
// get({hi},['hi','doesNotExist'],defaultValue)
const get = (object, path, defaultValue) => {
const recur = (object, path) => {
if (object === undefined) {
return defaultValue;
if (path.length === 0) {
return object;
return recur(object[path[0]], path.slice(1));
return recur(object, path);
//returns new state passing get(state,statePath) to modifier
const reduceStatePath = (
) => {
const recur = (result, path) => {
const key = path[0];
if (path.length === 0) {
return modifier(get(state, statePath));
return Array.isArray(result)
?, index) =>
index === Number(key)
? recur(item, path.slice(1))
: item
: {
[key]: recur(result[key], path.slice(1)),
const newState = recur(state, statePath);
return get(state, statePath) === get(newState, statePath)
? state
: newState;
//use example
const state = {
one: [
{ two: 22 },
three: {
four: 22,
const newState = reduceStatePath(
//pass[1],three.four to modifier function
['one', 1, 'three', 'four'],
//gets[1].three.four and sets it in the
//new state with the return value
i => i + 1 // add one to[0].three.four
console.log('new state',[1].three.four);
console.log('old state',[1].three.four);
'other keys are same:',[0] ===[0]
If you need to update a deeply nested property inside of your state, you could use something like the set function from lodash, for example:
import set from 'lodash/set'
// ...
handleClick = () => {
const currentGroupKey = 'Unique Key';
const path = [1, 1];
let nextState = {...this.state}
// as rightly pointed by #HMR in the comments,
// use an array instead of string interpolation
// for a safer approach
["group", currentGroupKey, "Members", path[0], "skills", path[1], "changed"],
"just now"
This does the trick, but since set mutates the original object, make sure to make a copy with the object spread technique.
Also, in your CodeSandbox example, you set the group property inside of your state to a string. Make sure you take that JSON string and construct a proper JavaScript object with it so that you can use it in your state.
constructor(props) {
this.setState = { group: JSON.parse(myState) }
Here's a working example:

#Ngrx/store: how to query models with relationships

I an Angular 2 app using Redux (with #ngrx/store), I have modeled the store this way:
modelA: {
ids: [1, 2],
entities: { 1: { name: "name modelA 1" },
2: { name: "name modelA 2" }
modelB: {
ids: [5, 8],
entities: { 5: { name: "name modelB 5" },
8: { name: "name modelA 8" },
9: { name: "name modelA 9" }
Basically, I have 2 types of objects: modelA and modelB. This is ok for now.
But I can't find which is the best way to write a relationship between then, representing something like modelA has many modelB (one-to-many). Can I do something like this?
modelAmodelB: {
entities: {
1: [5],
2: [8, 9]
This is in the root of the store, it's not a child from 'modelA'.
This might work, but how then would I 'query' the modelB from a specific modelA, using #ngrx/store methods? Because if I write a selector function that reads the global state and returns the partial state from modelAmodelB, I don't have access to the rest of the state when I compose my functions. Example:
compose(getModelAEntities(number[]), getModelAModelBRelations(modelA_id: number), getModelAModelBState() );
I can query this using Observable.combineLast
(relations: any, contents: any) => {
return relations.entities[1].map( id => {
return contents.entities[id]
).subscribe( data => {
But I don't know if this is right: anytime I change modelA entities object (adding a new one, for example), the subscribe() is called, but the output is the same, because neither modelA entity has changed nor its modelB related objects.
PS: I could do the query this way
export const getModelAModelBs = (id) => {
return state => (s: any) => [s.modelAModelB.entities[id], s.modelB.entities])
.distinctUntilChanged( (prev, next) => {
const new_m = (next[0] || []).map( id => {
return next[1][id];
const old_m = (next[0] || []).map( id => {
return prev[1][id];
return prev[0] === next[0] && (JSON.stringify(new_m) === JSON.stringify(old_m))
.map( ([ids = [], modelBs]) => id => modelBs[id]) );
//use the selector data => {
But I don't know if this is the best approach.
I was struggling with the same issue and came up with a solution of wrappers.
Please take a look at the ngrx-entity-relationship library:
you can create selectors like that:
export const selectUserWithCompany = entityUser(
and then to use it with the store, 'userId');
to get
id: 'userId',
companyId: 'companyId',
company: {
id: 'companyId',
// ...,
// ...,

JavaScript Array Comparison Function

I currently have a map of an array of users which all have a unique _id key / value.
user = [{_id: "1", ... }, {_id: "2", ... }, ... ]
I also have two other arrays, one named teams and another named accounts.
teams = [{ _id: "1", members: [{ userId: "2" }, { userId: "4" }, ... ], ... }]
accounts = [{ _id: "1", authorizedUsers: [{ userId: "3"}, ... ], ownerTeamId: "2" }, ... ]
Trying to create two comparison functions which takes the argument of user and outputs numberOfTeams and numberOfAccounts for the corresponding user.
I have attempted the numberOfTeams below but I'm not sure if it's the most optimal.
numberOfTeams(user) {
let count = 0;
teams.forEach(team => {
team.members.forEach(member => {
if (member.userId === user._id) {
return count;
With the numberOfAccounts, I'm stuck on how to compare authorizedUsers === user._id OR ownerTeamId === team._id where also members.userId ===, and then count++.
It’s probably a good start to write a function to get the teams a user belongs to:
function containsUserId(users, id) {
return users.some(user => user.userId === id);
function getUserTeams(user, teams) {
return teams.filter(team =>
containsUserId(team.members, user._id));
because then you can write numberOfTeams using it:
numberOfTeams(user) {
return getUserTeams(user, teams).length;
then a similar function to get accounts:
function getUserAccounts(user, accounts) {
const userTeamIds = new Set(
getUserTeams(user).map(team => team._id)
return accounts.filter(account =>
containsUserId(account.authorizedUsers, user._id) ||
then numberOfAccounts using it:
numberOfAccounts(user) {
return getUserAccounts(user, accounts).length;
Essentially: use more functions so you can understand the steps you’re taking to solve your own problem and, in doing so, use those steps more effectively.

