Koa-session making new session per request? - javascript

I'm setting up a Vue app with Koa as the backend. I've implemented a simple login system, using koa-session for sessions. This is all fine when I access the server directly (actually navigating to my server port and performing a request), but when I use fetch to access the data from my front end port, it does not recall each fetch as the same session and creates a new session each time. This is problematic because it doesn't detect the user as being logged in. What ends up happening is that a new session key is created each time I access the API, even without refreshing the page.
Here is my Koa-session config file:
import Koa from "koa";
import session from "koa-session";
import { getCookie } from "../actions/getCookie";
import { setCookie } from "../actions/setCookie";
import { destroyCookie } from "../actions/destroyCookie";
export const config: Readonly<Partial<session.opts>> = {
store: {
get: getCookie,
set: setCookie,
destroy: destroyCookie
key: "api:sess",
maxAge: 86400000,
httpOnly: true,
renew: true,
signed: false
export const useSession = (app: Koa) => session(config, app);```

Turns out it was with my fetch. I had credentials: "same-origin" instead of credentials: "include" and it messed everything up.


Cookies.get() returns undefined

I am using the js-cookie package to store and handle cookies in my react app. The cookie is set when the user first logs in and is visible in the Applications tab in the browser. I created a service that adds new products to the database, the cookie stores the jwt token which is then passed to the backend for verification before the user does anything. the Cookies.get() method always returns undefined within this service.
Here the code for the service
import axios from 'axios'
import Cookies from "js-cookie";
import { ProductTypes } from '../domain/entities/Product';
import { addProductResponse, getProductResponse } from '../domain/responses/productResponse';
const token = Cookies.get("authToken");
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: 'http://localhost:8000/',
headers: {
"Content-type": "application/json",
"Authorization":`Bearer ${token}`
export const addProduct = async(formValues:ProductTypes):Promise<addProductResponse>=>{
console.log("token from react",token);
return await instance.post(`/products/create-product`,formValues).then(
(response:addProductResponse) => response)
This is how it is being set
const setToken = (authToken: string) => {
Cookies.set("authToken", authToken, {
expires: new Date(Date.now() + 15 * 60 * 1000),
secure: true,
Can someone kindly point out to me what i may doing wrong?
PS: It is a Typescript application
Actually, you are adding secure: true parameter in Cookies.set function and calling baseURL: 'http://localhost:8000/' without HTTPS protocol, that's the reason. So, you just need to set secure: false
The Secure attribute limits the scope of the cookie to "secure" channels (where "secure" is defined by the user agent). When a cookie has the Secure attribute, the user agent will include the cookie in an HTTP request only if the request is transmitted over a secure channel (typically HTTP over Transport Layer Security (TLS) [RFC2818]).

Zustand not rerendering once token is set

TLDR: I could be doing this wrong, but I had this working with Redux but after switching to Zustand I can't figure this out. After logging in and confirming with devtools, a token is set. Yet Zustand is not rerendering the component. So after logging in I'm directed to my home component but no data is shown (all fetches fail due to no token). If I refresh the page, all is good.
The issue is my "apiClient" uses the token, but seems like the token isn't getting updated before use.
let token = localStorage.getItem("token");
const apiClient = axios.create({
baseURL: apiURL,
headers: {
"...etc, Token=${token}`,
I need apiClient in the store.js to pass to my slices, for example:
const useStore = create(
devtools((set, get) => ({
auth: authSlice(set, get, apiClient),
views: viewsSlice(set, get, apiClient),
It would make sense to be able to get the state of the token rather than localStorage, but I can't use get() outside a slice in the store. What would be a better approach?

How to access httpOnly cookies from Nuxt 3 server

I am implementing a login feature to a website project. The backend is Express and the frontend is Nuxt 3. Upon successfully authenticating a user login, the Express backend returns necessary data to the webserver, which then creates an httpOnly cookie and sets any necessary data in a Pinia store. On page refresh, I would like the Nuxt 3 server to look at the cookie and setup the Pinia store (since it is lost on page refresh).
Can someone provide some guidance? I have looked at the useNuxtApp() composable, and I can see the cookie in nuxtApp.ssrContext.req.headers.cookie, but that only provides a K/V pairing of all set cookies, which I would need to parse. I know of the useCookie composable, but that only works during Lifecycle hooks, which seems to only resolve undefined.
Not sure if this is the right way,
but it's a solution I used to get through a similar case - dotnet api + nuxt3 client.
First, we need to proxy API (express in your case),
this will make it, so our cookie is on the same domain and browser will start sending it to /api/ endpoints.
Install #nuxtjs-alt/proxy - npm i #nuxtjs-alt/proxy.
Add configuration to nuxt.config.ts (my api running on localhost:3000):
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: [
proxy: {
enableProxy: true,
fetch: true,
proxies: {
'/proxy': {
target: 'http://localhost:3000',
changeOrigin: true,
rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/proxy/, '')
Then we can the request that will set a cookie anywhere on client using proxy instead of a direct call.
Anywhere on client, do a request using newly setup proxy instead of calling API directly.
Adjust parameters based on your setup.
await $fetch('/proxy/user/sign-in', {
method: 'POST',
body: {
email: 'example#mail.com',
password: 'password'
Ultimately, should end up with a cookie set on our client domain.
And lastly, when we handle request client side - we read the cookie and set up on forwarding request.
Replace COOKIE_NAME and API URL accordingly.
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
return await $fetch('http://localhost:3000/user/me', {
headers: {
Cookie: `COOKIE_NAME=${
getCookie(event, 'COOKIE_NAME')
API call will use the same cookie we got when we did a first request using cookie and the server should be able to read it.

Vite react proxy sends requests to different endpoints depending on current location

After switch to vite, I am trying to mimic proxy: "http://localhost:5000" which I previously used in package.json
Here is my vite config
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()],
server: {
proxy: {
"/api": {
target: "http://localhost:5000",
changeOrigin: true,
secure: false,
I have react app running on port 3000. When I send a request in the root url (http://localhost:3000) everything works fine
const { data } = await axios.get("api/user/me");
Well, not really fine. Even though proper data is returned in response, in the console request gets sent to http://localhost:3000/api/user/me instead of http://localhost:5000/api/user/me. Can anyone explain this behaviour?
The main problem is that when I navigate to another page (e.g. http://localhost:3000/dashboard), then the same request gets sent to http://localhost:3000/dashboard/api/user/me.
What am I doing wrong? I want to send requests to http://localhost:5000, no matter the location
I found a workaround by specifying FE url before every request const { data } = await axios.get("http://localhost:3000/api/user/me");, but still is there a way to mimic package.json proxy behaviour?
I resolved the issue by changing axios defaults
axios.defaults.baseURL = `http://localhost:5000`
By doing this I achieved what I was going for. Requests get sent to the proper endpoint no matter the location
I solved this problem by using Axios.
Create a new file. I called mine emailApi.
Setup your axios, like so:
export const emailApi = axios.create({baseURL: "http://localhost:<yourPortNumber>"})
Done! Whenever you want to send a request to your server, import the emailApi and you're good.
Also in your server, make sure to install cors and set it as a middleware, like so:
express().use(cors({origin: <viteLocalServer>}))

React / Redux and Swagger client

I'm trying to figure out the best way to structure a React / Redux app that will primarily use a swagger client for api access.
The problem is I'm not entirely sure where to store a reference to the swagger client. After logging in and obtaining a JWT auth token, I need to tell all subsequent requests to add the authorize header. With axios this is trivial because it persists it's headers until told otherwise. It doesn't appear the swagger client does this. So ideally, I would create a swagger client once upon login, add the header info and just reference it for all future requests (that way too it only fetches the schema json once in a single page application).
Since I'm doing this in the context of an action, would it be best to store the Swagger client in the Redux store (and how would I accomplish that)? Or would I create a static instance of it outside of Redux?
// app init
const createStoreWithMiddleware = applyMiddleware(promise)(createStore);
const store = createStoreWithMiddleware(reducers);
export const swaggerClient = { instance: authService.createFromState().then(() => {
<Provider store={store}></Provider>
do some login stuff, create swagger client:
// redux action
import { swaggerClient } from '../index';
// ... do login, get bearerToken
url: 'https://localhost/swagger/v1/swagger.json',
requestInterceptor(req) {
req.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${bearerToken}`;
return req;
}).then((client) => {
// store reference for all future ajax calls
swaggerClient.instance = client;
and in case the page is refreshed, we need to rebuild the swagger client from the bearerToken in local storage
// authService
import { swaggerClient } from '../index';
function createFromState() {
// if authentication is known from localstorage, we can rebuild
// a swagger client
if(isAuthenticated()) {
const authentication = getAuthentication();
return Swagger({
url: 'https://localhost/swagger/v1/swagger.json',
requestInterceptor(req) {
req.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${authentication.bearerToken}`;
return req;
}).then((client) => {
swaggerClient.instance = client;
return client;
I'm a little confused if this is the right direction, probably a newbie question. Having to wait for the swagger client to load while restoring from localstorage seems a kinda crazy way to do this (to prevent race conditions on future calls).

