EJS stream with fetches - javascript

I am curious, is it possible to livestream data from an api without reloading the page.
I'm interested in redeclaring all variables that the view/page was rendered with from start of - Make a async fetch in the background, which then will redeclare the variables and rerender them in some manner.
I'm not quite sure to which approach i should have - it's basicly an idea where i have school activities fetched from an api and rendered through ejs. But i would like a realtime effect, where as i don't need to reload the page to make another fetch to see the variables being rerendered with the fresh data??
I know i could make an AJAX call on the clientside, which means i would have to rewrite my ejs file
But that's not what i'm looking for...
Is it possible to livestream data with ejs in any way?
<svg class="Bg" viewBox="0 0 201.305 94">
<path fill="rgba(50,50,69,1)" class="pathBg" d="M 0 0 L 201.3046875 0 L 201.3046875 94 L 0 94 L 0 0 Z">
<svg class="before" viewBox="0 0 16 94">
<% switch (elem.color) {
case "green": %>
<path fill="#78952b" class="pathbefore" d="M 0 0 L 16 0 L 16 94 L 0 94 L 0 0 Z">
<% break;
case "red": %>
<path fill="#A83331" class="pathbefore" d="M 0 0 L 16 0 L 16 94 L 0 94 L 0 0 Z">
<% break;
case "purple": %>
<path fill="#7D2772" class="pathbefore" d="M 0 0 L 16 0 L 16 94 L 0 94 L 0 0 Z">
<% break;
case "blue": %>
<path fill="#3674B5" class="pathbefore" d="M 0 0 L 16 0 L 16 94 L 0 94 L 0 0 Z">
<% break;
default: case "grey": %>
<path fill="#808080" class="pathbefore" d="M 0 0 L 16 0 L 16 94 L 0 94 L 0 0 Z">
<% break;
} %>
<div class="holdNavn">
<span><%= elem.class %></span>
<svg class="tidBg" viewBox="0 0 167 19">
<path fill="rgba(36,36,57,1)" class="pathtidBg"
d="M 9.5 0 L 157.5 0 C 162.7467041015625 0 167 4.253294467926025 167 9.5 C 167 14.74670600891113 162.7467041015625 19 157.5 19 L 9.5 19 C 4.253294467926025 19 0 14.74670600891113 0 9.5 C 0 4.253294467926025 4.253294467926025 0 9.5 0 Z">
<div class="hold">
<div class="emneNavn">
<span><%= elem.friendly_name %></span>
<div class="emne">
<div class="tidStart">
<span><%= elem.time %></span>
<div class="lokaleNummer">
<span><%= elem.classroom %></span>
<div class="tid">
<div class="lokale">
<% }) %>


How to save Ressources with SVG pattern fill

I have many paths within an SVG created dynamically with js.
To apply the background of the whole SVG I use the approach.
Afterwards each pattern can be moved around with the mouse.
Now the thing is:
If too much paths are created, the whole thing gets laggy.
I assume that for each path, the whole image will be loaded.
Is there any solution to optimize this?
That just the specific (used) Area of the image gets loaded (for each path) instead of the whole image?
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 7.01 18.986268221574345">
path {
stroke: grey;
<pattern id="img1" patternContentUnits="objectBoundingBox" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="7" height="10">
<image href="stephans-quintett.jpg" x="0" y="0" width="7" height="10"></image>
<path d="M 0 0 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" style="filter: brightness(1);"></path>
<path d="M 1 0 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" style="filter: brightness(1);"></path>
<path d="M 2 0 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" style="filter: brightness(1);"></path>
<path d="M 3 0 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" style="filter: brightness(1);"></path>
<path d="M 4 0 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" style="filter: brightness(1);"></path>
<path d="M 5 0 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" style="filter: brightness(1);"></path>
<path d="M 6 0 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" style="filter: brightness(1);"></path>
Here with clip-path (doesnt seem to work)
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<div id="puzzle"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 3.55756727664155 3.01">
path {
stroke: grey;
<clipPath id"clip"="">
<rect x="0" y="0" height="0.5" width="0.5"></rect>
<pattern id="img1" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="3" height="3">
<image href="https://stsci-opo.org/STScI-01G7DAAQBRZBGNHVN35FVCQWKQ.png" x="0" y="0" width="3" height="3"></image>
<path d="M 0 0 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" clip-path="url(#clip)"></path>
<path d="M 1 0 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" clip-path="url(#clip)"></path>
<path d="M 2 0 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" clip-path="url(#clip)"></path>
<path d="M 0 1 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" clip-path="url(#clip)"></path>
<path d="M 1 1 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" clip-path="url(#clip)"></path>
<path d="M 2 1 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" clip-path="url(#clip)"></path>
<path d="M 0 2 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" clip-path="url(#clip)"></path>
<path d="M 1 2 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" clip-path="url(#clip)"></path>
<path d="M 2 2 l 1 0 l 0 1 l -1 0 z" stroke-width="0.005" fill="url(#img1)" clip-path="url(#clip)"></path>

Svg path not closing correctly

I'm trying to create a bridge-like shape with an svg using javascript. With the following html I get the overall shape, but the close path is wrong:
<svg height="897" width="414" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewbox="0 0 414 897">
<path stroke-width="3" stroke="blue" style="fill:transparent; fill-opacity: 1"
d="M 0 0 V 207 H 30
M 30 207 q 0 -177 177 -177
M 207 30 q 177 0 177 177
H 414 V 0 H 0 z">
This produces the following shape:
It is closing in a strange way which means that it isn't filling correctly. The strange vertical line from the top of the arch to the top left shouldn't be there. How do I get it to close properly and fill properly?
The path will close from your last point to the last declared M. You can fix this by removing all the M calls except the first one. Since you are making a continuous line you don't need to move to a new point every time.
<svg height="897" width="414" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewbox="0 0 414 897">
<path stroke-width="3" stroke="blue" style="fill:transparent; fill-opacity: 1"
d="M 0 0 V 207 H 30
q 0 -177 177 -177
q 177 0 177 177
H 414 V 0 H 0 z">

SVG: Select by class, html with javascript jQuery

Years back, Dan Miller had the same problem, as I have now, as they wanted a function (JavaScript) to get SVG elements by class. Dan proposed a function, but users were unable to run it:
function getSvgElemByClass(svgRoot,classSearchStr) {
// modification of Dustin Diaz's find by class script - http://www.dustindiaz.com/getelementsbyclass/
function getSvgElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {
var classElements = new Array();
if ( node == null )
node = document;
if ( tag == null )
tag = '*';
// SVG = XML, so we need the XML method:
// using 'magic' namespace variable provided by websvg (svgns)
var els = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns,tag);
var elsLen = els.length;
var pattern = new RegExp('(^|\\\\s)'+searchClass+'(\\\\s|$)');
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
// SVG specific helper
if(els[i].hasAttribute('class') &&
pattern.test(els[i].getAttribute('class')) ) {
classElements[j] = els[i];
} else if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) ) {
classElements[j] = els[i];
return classElements;
An .svg file could look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"
id="svg1024" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="20" height="20">
<style id="style_css_sheet" type="text/css">
fill: #00ff00;
stroke-width: 0.2;
stroke: #e0e0e0;
.aa, .ab
fill: #ff0000;
<g class="land bg"
<path d="M 0,5 H 5 V 0 H 0 Z"
id="aa" class="land er bg"/>
<path d="m 10,5 h 5 V 0 h -5 z"
id="ab" class="land er bg"/>
<path d="m 5,5 h 5 V 0 H 5 Z"
id="ac" class="land tt bg"/>
<path d="M 0,10 H 5 v -5 H 0 Z"
id="ba" class="land er au"/>
<path d="m 10,10 h 5 v -5 h -5 z"
id="bb" class="land tt au"/>
<path d="m 5,10 h 5 v -5 H 5 Z"
id="bc" class="land er au"/>
<path d="M 0,15 H 5 V 10 H 0 Z"
id="ca" class="land tt bg"/>
<path d="m 10,15 h 5 V 10 h -5 z"
id="cb" class="land tt au"/>
<path d="m 5,15 h 5 V 10 H 5 Z"
id="cc" class="land er bg"/>
From html I would like to select by class, like select all class "tt", or select all class "au". Tried with the script of Dan Miller, tried to fix it, but could not do it.
I would like to override the values set in the svg. (change .land {fill: #00ff00;})
I use this script
So that I can draw by id. That works, if I remove the .land{...}:
var element = SVG.get('fi');
How could I select by class? What to do, so that I can leave default colouring (.land{...})?
Simply use jQuery to change the fill by class:
$('.land').css('fill', '#0000ff')
Working Codepen.
You mention jQuery in your title, but later just Javascript.
jQuery is not required. Modern browsers have the document.getElementsByClassName() method.
var tt = document.getElementsByClassName("tt");
Array.from(tt).forEach(function(item) {
item.style.fill = "#0000ff";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"
id="svg1024" viewBox="0 0 20 20" width="20" height="20">
<style id="style_css_sheet" type="text/css">
fill: #00ff00;
stroke-width: 0.2;
stroke: #e0e0e0;
.aa, .ab
fill: #ff0000;
<g class="land bg"
<path d="M 0,5 H 5 V 0 H 0 Z"
id="aa" class="land er bg"/>
<path d="m 10,5 h 5 V 0 h -5 z"
id="ab" class="land er bg"/>
<path d="m 5,5 h 5 V 0 H 5 Z"
id="ac" class="land tt bg"/>
<path d="M 0,10 H 5 v -5 H 0 Z"
id="ba" class="land er au"/>
<path d="m 10,10 h 5 v -5 h -5 z"
id="bb" class="land tt au"/>
<path d="m 5,10 h 5 v -5 H 5 Z"
id="bc" class="land er au"/>
<path d="M 0,15 H 5 V 10 H 0 Z"
id="ca" class="land tt bg"/>
<path d="m 10,15 h 5 V 10 h -5 z"
id="cb" class="land tt au"/>
<path d="m 5,15 h 5 V 10 H 5 Z"
id="cc" class="land er bg"/>

How can this path stroke set the opacity of the group behind it?

I have this code which shows my current output when the snippet is run.
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" enable-background="new 0 0 300 300" viewBox="0 0 300 300" x="0px" y="0px" xmlns:xml="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" xml:space="preserve" version="1.1">
<g fill-opacity=".2">
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 150 0 c 82.8 0 150 67.2 150 150 s -67.2 150 -150 150 S 0 232.8 0 150 S 67.2 0 150 0" />
<circle fill="#f5f4b7" cx="150" cy="150" r="141.9" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 135.7 103.3 c 3.5 18.3 4 19 7.8 19.2 c 3.8 0.2 10.4 -4.1 13.6 -12.1 c 3.1 -8 5 -20.2 7.8 -27.9 s 15.4 -29.6 18.7 -39.2 s 0.2 -19.2 -3.1 -23.6 c -3.3 -4.4 -10.7 -4.4 -23.5 -3.4 c -12.7 1 -33.4 -0.1 -40.8 3.4 c -8.4 3.9 -12.1 4.8 -8.9 15.5 C 110.2 45.9 132.2 84.9 135.7 103.3 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 153.9 124.2 c -1.7 2.9 3.3 5.6 5.3 5.6 c 2 0 10.1 -2.9 23 -10.4 c 12.9 -7.5 49.9 -25.1 60.2 -35.2 c 10.2 -10 4.3 -22.8 0 -28.9 c -4.3 -6.1 -21 -22.8 -34.4 -29.7 c -13.4 -7 -16.7 1.2 -19.2 12.4 c -2.5 11.2 -12.1 31.1 -15.4 38.2 C 170 83.4 155.5 121.3 153.9 124.2 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 213.5 108.7 c -23.7 12.8 -50.5 24.7 -50.4 27.2 c 0.1 3.1 11.1 6.5 27.4 9.9 c 16.4 3.4 29.1 2.5 44.6 9 c 15.5 6.5 36.7 9.9 45 -5.4 s 0.5 -47.6 -8.3 -58.1 c -8.8 -10.5 -10.9 -15.1 -25.6 -3.6 C 240.8 92 227.6 101.1 213.5 108.7 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 283.6 167.2 c -2.2 -8.7 -11.1 1.4 -55.9 -8.5 c -44.8 -9.9 -60.7 -13.6 -63 -10.2 c -1.3 1.9 13.4 14.1 36 25.1 c 22.5 11 34.6 21.6 43.7 27.9 c 9.1 6.3 20.2 6.3 26.9 0 C 278.1 195.2 285.8 175.8 283.6 167.2 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 226.6 194.7 c -16 -3.6 -35.4 -19 -42.1 -23.8 c -6.8 -4.8 -21.2 -17.1 -25.4 -13.3 c -2.6 2.4 -0.7 15.6 8.4 38.7 s 18.7 56.7 21.6 73.6 c 3 16.8 10.9 9.5 19 2.5 c 8.1 -7 26.4 -21.4 40 -30.7 c 13.6 -9.3 11.6 -19 10.1 -21.7 S 242.6 198.2 226.6 194.7 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 157.9 178.9 c -4.1 -13.1 -5.2 -20.5 -9 -20.4 c -4.5 0.2 -9.1 18.7 -12.4 27.4 c -3.3 8.7 -12.7 52.3 -16.7 72.4 c -4 20 -1.8 25.8 15.2 26.7 s 36.7 4.9 42.8 -1 c 6.1 -5.9 5.3 -23.1 0 -44.5 C 172.5 217.9 161.9 192 157.9 178.9 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 135.5 171.9 c 2.5 -9.2 3.2 -13.5 -2 -14.3 c -7.1 -1 -17.5 10.5 -25.3 22.1 S 77.5 213.4 63 228.7 c -14.5 15.3 -4 23.8 16 36.2 c 20 12.4 27.9 13.8 31.6 10.9 c 3.6 -2.9 6.6 -26.3 11.1 -43.8 C 126.1 214.4 133 181.1 135.5 171.9 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 61.1 227.1 c 5.1 -6.8 32.2 -34.3 40 -44.8 c 7.8 -10.5 26.3 -28.2 27.9 -29.2 c 1.7 -1 -1.1 -4 -3.8 -6.8 c -2.1 -2.1 -2.8 -1.2 -11.1 0 c -8.3 1.2 -39 13.4 -53.4 17.7 c -14.4 4.2 -22.5 3.9 -31.1 7.5 c -8.6 3.6 -11.7 12.4 -1.7 26.8 c 10.1 14.4 6.3 18.9 13.6 28.9 C 48.9 237.1 56 233.9 61.1 227.1 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 25.8 169.4 c 9.1 -1 41.5 -11.6 59.2 -18.9 c 17.7 -7.3 40.9 -11.4 40.7 -13.9 c -0.5 -5.6 -29.9 -17 -40.5 -22.6 c -10.6 -5.6 -25 -19.9 -35.4 -25.1 c -10.4 -5.3 -23.3 -4.8 -25.4 8.2 c -2.1 12.9 -8.8 27.9 -11.4 48 C 10.2 165.1 16.7 170.4 25.8 169.4 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 54.5 88.3 c 16 5.4 37.5 19.7 43.1 24 c 5.6 4.2 31.2 20.9 35.2 17.5 c 3.4 -2.9 0.3 -21.1 -6.3 -31.8 c -6.6 -10.7 -9.1 -29.4 -14.5 -45.2 c -5.5 -15.8 -17.7 -28.4 -34 -18 s -33.4 24.8 -37.8 36 C 35.7 82 38.5 82.9 54.5 88.3 Z" />
<svg style="display: block; width: 100%;" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<path stroke="#f79820" stroke-opacity=".4" fill-opacity="0" style="stroke-dasharray: 157.698, 157.698; stroke-dashoffset: 55;" stroke-width="49.81" d="M 50,50 m 0,-25.095 a 25.095,25.095 0 1 1 0,50.19 a 25.095,25.095 0 1 1 0,-50.19" />
My goal is to get everything covered by the stroke to be shown "darker" than the remaining portion of the circle. However the effect that is happening is the opacity of the stroke is compounding with the groups opacity so it doesn't have the contrast it needs to have.
Ideally it would look something like this...
Would inverting the pieces be an option? Instead of darkening the section, lighten the inverse? I removed the fill-opacity on the outer svg, changed the stroke of the inner path to white and increased the opacity to .6. I did not change the path, though, this was just to demonstrate the concept.
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" enable-background="new 0 0 300 300" viewBox="0 0 300 300" x="0px" y="0px" xmlns:xml="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" xml:space="preserve" version="1.1">
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 150 0 c 82.8 0 150 67.2 150 150 s -67.2 150 -150 150 S 0 232.8 0 150 S 67.2 0 150 0" />
<circle fill="#f5f4b7" cx="150" cy="150" r="141.9" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 135.7 103.3 c 3.5 18.3 4 19 7.8 19.2 c 3.8 0.2 10.4 -4.1 13.6 -12.1 c 3.1 -8 5 -20.2 7.8 -27.9 s 15.4 -29.6 18.7 -39.2 s 0.2 -19.2 -3.1 -23.6 c -3.3 -4.4 -10.7 -4.4 -23.5 -3.4 c -12.7 1 -33.4 -0.1 -40.8 3.4 c -8.4 3.9 -12.1 4.8 -8.9 15.5 C 110.2 45.9 132.2 84.9 135.7 103.3 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 153.9 124.2 c -1.7 2.9 3.3 5.6 5.3 5.6 c 2 0 10.1 -2.9 23 -10.4 c 12.9 -7.5 49.9 -25.1 60.2 -35.2 c 10.2 -10 4.3 -22.8 0 -28.9 c -4.3 -6.1 -21 -22.8 -34.4 -29.7 c -13.4 -7 -16.7 1.2 -19.2 12.4 c -2.5 11.2 -12.1 31.1 -15.4 38.2 C 170 83.4 155.5 121.3 153.9 124.2 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 213.5 108.7 c -23.7 12.8 -50.5 24.7 -50.4 27.2 c 0.1 3.1 11.1 6.5 27.4 9.9 c 16.4 3.4 29.1 2.5 44.6 9 c 15.5 6.5 36.7 9.9 45 -5.4 s 0.5 -47.6 -8.3 -58.1 c -8.8 -10.5 -10.9 -15.1 -25.6 -3.6 C 240.8 92 227.6 101.1 213.5 108.7 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 283.6 167.2 c -2.2 -8.7 -11.1 1.4 -55.9 -8.5 c -44.8 -9.9 -60.7 -13.6 -63 -10.2 c -1.3 1.9 13.4 14.1 36 25.1 c 22.5 11 34.6 21.6 43.7 27.9 c 9.1 6.3 20.2 6.3 26.9 0 C 278.1 195.2 285.8 175.8 283.6 167.2 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 226.6 194.7 c -16 -3.6 -35.4 -19 -42.1 -23.8 c -6.8 -4.8 -21.2 -17.1 -25.4 -13.3 c -2.6 2.4 -0.7 15.6 8.4 38.7 s 18.7 56.7 21.6 73.6 c 3 16.8 10.9 9.5 19 2.5 c 8.1 -7 26.4 -21.4 40 -30.7 c 13.6 -9.3 11.6 -19 10.1 -21.7 S 242.6 198.2 226.6 194.7 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 157.9 178.9 c -4.1 -13.1 -5.2 -20.5 -9 -20.4 c -4.5 0.2 -9.1 18.7 -12.4 27.4 c -3.3 8.7 -12.7 52.3 -16.7 72.4 c -4 20 -1.8 25.8 15.2 26.7 s 36.7 4.9 42.8 -1 c 6.1 -5.9 5.3 -23.1 0 -44.5 C 172.5 217.9 161.9 192 157.9 178.9 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 135.5 171.9 c 2.5 -9.2 3.2 -13.5 -2 -14.3 c -7.1 -1 -17.5 10.5 -25.3 22.1 S 77.5 213.4 63 228.7 c -14.5 15.3 -4 23.8 16 36.2 c 20 12.4 27.9 13.8 31.6 10.9 c 3.6 -2.9 6.6 -26.3 11.1 -43.8 C 126.1 214.4 133 181.1 135.5 171.9 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 61.1 227.1 c 5.1 -6.8 32.2 -34.3 40 -44.8 c 7.8 -10.5 26.3 -28.2 27.9 -29.2 c 1.7 -1 -1.1 -4 -3.8 -6.8 c -2.1 -2.1 -2.8 -1.2 -11.1 0 c -8.3 1.2 -39 13.4 -53.4 17.7 c -14.4 4.2 -22.5 3.9 -31.1 7.5 c -8.6 3.6 -11.7 12.4 -1.7 26.8 c 10.1 14.4 6.3 18.9 13.6 28.9 C 48.9 237.1 56 233.9 61.1 227.1 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 25.8 169.4 c 9.1 -1 41.5 -11.6 59.2 -18.9 c 17.7 -7.3 40.9 -11.4 40.7 -13.9 c -0.5 -5.6 -29.9 -17 -40.5 -22.6 c -10.6 -5.6 -25 -19.9 -35.4 -25.1 c -10.4 -5.3 -23.3 -4.8 -25.4 8.2 c -2.1 12.9 -8.8 27.9 -11.4 48 C 10.2 165.1 16.7 170.4 25.8 169.4 Z" />
<path fill="#f79820" d="M 54.5 88.3 c 16 5.4 37.5 19.7 43.1 24 c 5.6 4.2 31.2 20.9 35.2 17.5 c 3.4 -2.9 0.3 -21.1 -6.3 -31.8 c -6.6 -10.7 -9.1 -29.4 -14.5 -45.2 c -5.5 -15.8 -17.7 -28.4 -34 -18 s -33.4 24.8 -37.8 36 C 35.7 82 38.5 82.9 54.5 88.3 Z" />
<svg style="display: block; width: 100%;" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<path stroke="#ffffff" stroke-opacity=".6" fill-opacity="0" style="stroke-dasharray: 157.698, 157.698; stroke-dashoffset: 55;" stroke-width="49.81" d="M 50,50 m 0,-25.095 a 25.095,25.095 0 1 1 0,50.19 a 25.095,25.095 0 1 1 0,-50.19" />

AngularJS not rendering SVG correctly

I have a directive that should append a SVG element to the directive element
.directive('aSvg', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var svgTag = angular.element('<svg viewBox="0 0 4000 2000" version="1.1"><defs><marker id="StartMarker" viewBox="0 0 12 12" refX="12" refY="6" markerWidth="3" markerHeight="3" stroke="green" stroke-width="2" fill="none" orient="auto"><circle cx="6" cy="6" r="5"></circle></marker><marker id="MidMarker" viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="5" refY="5" markerUnits="strokeWidth" markerWidth="3" markerHeight="3" stroke="lightblue" stroke-width="2" fill="none" orient="auto"><path d="M 0 0 L 10 10 M 0 10 L 10 0"></path></marker><marker id="EndMarker" viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="5" refY="5" markerUnits="strokeWidth" markerWidth="3" markerHeight="3" stroke="red" stroke-width="2" fill="none"><rect x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10"></rect></marker></defs><path d="M 200 250 L 700 100 L 900 350 L 1200 400 L 1300 200 L 1700 680 L 2200 680 L 2600 400" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="50" marker-start="url(#StartMarker)" marker-mid="url(#MidMarker)" marker-end="url(#EndMarker)"></path><path d="M 1000 750 S 2000 750 2500 1250 S 1200 1000 1300 1400 S 1700 1480 1900 1200" fill="none" stroke="tomato" stroke-width="50" marker-start="url(#StartMarker)" marker-mid="url(#MidMarker)" marker-end="url(#EndMarker)"></path></svg>');
And in html I have the directive as an element:
However the SVG is not rendering correctly, only the 2 lines (black and orange) appear but there are no markers rendered. The SVG used in the example seems to be correct, because it renders correctly if I save it to a file, but for some reason it's not working in AngularJS.
What am I missing here?
Thanks in advance.
Edit 1: I was using AngularJS v1.2.20, I tried with v1.3.0 but still have the same problem.
After more researching I found out that the problem was in Angular routing, more specifically in the <base href='/'> tag that was messing around with the links defined in the SVG markers.
I solved my problem by changing the url in the markers attributes of each path (note the /myroute in the marker-start, marker-mid and marker-end attributes):
<path d="M 200 250 L 700 100 L 900 350 L 1200 400 L 1300 200 L 1700 680 L 2200 680 L 2600 400" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="50" marker-start="url(/myroute#StartMarker)" marker-mid="url(/myroute#MidMarker)" marker-end="url(/myroute#EndMarker)"></path>
For more details, I suggest reading the accepted answer for the question here.

