Specify Ionic ion-loading container - javascript

Is there a way to specify the ion-loading container in ionic? The backdrop always blocks the whole app.
I have a few content parts in my SPA. Now when I want to update a specific part of the view, I would like to show ion-loading only in that specific part and not block the whole app.
Thanks for any help!

Add this component where you need

you can use ion loading which you can customize with loading message as well. refer the official documentation. you can see many other options such as skeleton-text, progress bar and spinner as well.


How to customize Nihilo.css?

One of the available themes in Dijit is Nihilo. I am using dijit/layout/.. for displaying some charts and graphs . I want to change some of the styles being used. Can any one tell me how to customize Nihilo.css and use the customized version?
Don't change nihilo.css, create another CSS file and put the link tag for the second file after the link tag for nihilo.css.
This way, if you upgrade Dojo, you will not have to merge your changes back in.
If you need to customize nihilo, I would suggest to have a look at this official guide Customizing a Theme.
Basically the idea is to build your theme, based on nihilo leaving the original nihilo untouched,.

creating ListView in webApp

Is there any way I could create a listview on a web app build using ember?
I could use css overflow property on a tag to create a scroll-able section. But I want to load data on demand on-to that section of window, unlike with 'overflow' that will fetch all data onLoad only. It should be more alike as in android ListView.
Sure this is possible. You can analyze the scroll position, and then load data. But I would strongly recommend you to checkout smoke and mirrors, which is an addon that does exactly what you need.

How to create global preloader to all components. Angular 2

I need to create a component which will add preloader (image with semi-transparent background) to all components, which loading or fetching data from service. I have some routable blocks on page. And I need to show preloader over the block, which working in the moment. Which of events should I handle? And how to make it globaly? Thank you.
I think you could start by creating a custom directive for e.g <my-loader></my-loader> and in that component you could add your Preloader, images etc then by simply adding it to any of your component view by including it in directive[]. Hope this answers as the question itself is quite abstract , some snippet would definitely help.

SliderIOS – custom moveable image

I'm using react-native and for a component I need to replace the default image of the SliderIOS component with a custom one. Is there any way of accomplishing this or should I create a custom slider component? (I don't have any experience in this.)
I have already tried embedding an image as a child of the slider as well as the vice-versa approach, however non of them have worked.
Looking at the source code for RCTSliderManager, we can see that it only exposes value, maximumValue, minimumValue, minimumTrackTintColor and maximumTrackTintColor. That means like it looks like you're out of luck. You could use the RCTSlider and RCTSliderManager files as a starting point for a custom component, or you could create a pull request to expose setThumbImage on UISlider.
I have created a pull request fixing this issue which hopefully gets accepted.

bootstrap component's navigation sidebar + animated section indicator

I've been trying for weeks to build a navigation sidebar like these images:
I'm using twitter bootstrap, however, even though their getbootstrap.com/components has a very good looking navigation sidebar, there is no such component in their library and it is so much pain to build one. Therefore, I resorted to using jquery in my attempt to build one like the Tommy Hilfiger's global site.
Tommy Hilfiger's Global Site
However, I'm new with javascript and css... they are my weakpoints... especially if they are minified :( and I'm stuck at trying to make the arrow marker and have it move along (animating) and always pointing to the current section. I managed to animate the page scrolling though, and my WIP so far is here:
WIP - Twitter Bootstrap Navigation Sidebar
Is there any open source components (or preferably bootstrap ones) to achieve that section indicator animation?
I'm so confused with my scripts that are getting messier, so open source component is highly desireble, however, any input on how to achieve it (with script example please) will also be appreciated.. Thank you very much in advance!
Check out ScrollSpy, the component exist on bootstrap itself:
bootstrap scrollspy
extracted from:
So you need to use the scroll spy activate event described here:
Basically you need some code like so:
$(function() {
var $spy = $('.nav.nav-pills');
$spy.scrollspy({offset: 20});
$spy.bind("activate", function(e) {
// do stuff here when a new section is in view
Here is a working example:
please ignore the fact that it starts at the bottom... not sure if that a unrelated or related bug, but the main point is you can see how the activate event works

