By using ledger nano s, I wanna sign a transaction and send it - javascript

I'm trying to send ethereum transaction that sends ERC20 tokens to someone with Ledger Nano S through Node.JS but I'm not able to successfully sign and send this transaction.
First of all, I signed the transaction through the method, signTransaction, of ledgerhq API and then after signing it, I sended it to the main net by using sendSignedTransaction. When I execute below code, Ledger receives request and shows details of a transaction. However, after pressing Ledger's confirm button, the console returns error 'Returned error: Invalid signature: Crypto error (Invalid EC signature)'.
import AppEth from "#ledgerhq/hw-app-eth";
import TransportU2F from "#ledgerhq/hw-transport-u2f";
import TransportNodeHid from "#ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid";
import EthereumTx from "ethereumjs-tx"
const Web3 = require('web3');
import { addHexPrefix, bufferToHex, toBuffer } from 'ethereumjs-util';
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545'));
var destAddresses = ['0xa6acFa18468786473269Dc1521fd4ff40F6481D9'];
var amount = 1000000000000;
var i=0;
var contract = new web3.eth.Contract([token contract ABI... ], '0x74a...');
const data1 = contract.methods.transfer(destAddresses[0], amount).encodeABI();
const exParams = {
gasLimit: 6e6,
gasPrice: 3e9,
from: '0x1A...',
data : data1,
to: '0x74a...',
value: '0x00',
nonce: "0x0",
chainId: 1,
v: "0x01",
r: "0x00",
s: "0x00"
async function makeSign(txParams) {
const tx = new EthereumTx(txParams);
const txHex = tx.serialize().toString("hex");
const signedTransaction = '0x' + txHex;
let transport;
try {
transport = await TransportNodeHid.create();
let eth2 = new AppEth(transport);
const result = await eth2.signTransaction("m/44'/60'/0'/0", txHex).then(result => {
web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction('0x' + txHex)
.then(res => {
}).catch(err => {
}).catch(err => {
txParams.r = `0x${result.r, 'hex'}`;
txParams.s = `0x${result.s, 'hex'}`;
txParams.v = `0x${result.v, 'hex'}`;
return result;
} catch (e) {
makeSign(exParams).then(function () {
console.log("Promise Resolved2");
}.catch(function () {
console.log("Promise Rejected2");
When I only use signTransaction function, I can confirm the transaction in the ledger device and return txhash on the console. However, ultimately I want to broadcast a transaction to the main net. Could you please give me any idea? I want any feedback. Also, if there are any examples of creating and broadcasting a raw transaction by using the ledger, notice me please.

Your code already sends the transaction to the network. However, just awaiting the "send" promise only gives you the transaction hash, not the receipt. You need to treat it as an event emitter and wait for the 'confirmation' event.
const serializedTx = tx.serialize();
.once('transactionHash', hash => console.log('Tx hash', hash))
.on('confirmation', (confNumber, receipt) => {
console.log(`Confirmation #${confNumber}`, receipt);
.on('error', console.error);
To send it to mainnet as you mention, you can either run a local geth node on port 8545 and use your code unchanged, or point web3 at infura or similar.


Analytics.js data to PubSub GCP

I am using analytics.js to make a custom tracking over my website. As I wish to send the hit to PubSub, I used this documentation (Node.JS tab) to connect my TypeScript code to PubSub (not perfect I know. I am trying to make it work before cleaning).
ga(() => {
ga("set", "cookieExpires", 0);
const tracker = ga.getByName(trackerName);
tracker.set("sendHitTask", (model: any) => {
var refusedParam = ["_gid", "tid"];
let hit = model.get("hitPayload").split("&").filter((paramValue: string) => {
let param = paramValue.split("=")[0];
return (refusedParam.indexOf(param) == -1);
* TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
const topicNameOrId = 'tracking-test';
const data = JSON.stringify(hit);
// Creates a client; cache this for further use
const pubSubClient = new PubSub();
console.log("DATA IS " + data);
async function publishMessage() {
// Publishes the message as a string, e.g. "Hello, world!" or JSON.stringify(someObject)
const dataBuffer = Buffer.from(data);
try {
const messageId = await pubSubClient
.publishMessage({data: dataBuffer});
console.log(`Message ${messageId} published.`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Received error while publishing: ${error.message}`);
process.exitCode = 1;
I don't have any error when building and running this code. But, when I locally connect to my website, I have the following error inside the JS console Uncaught TypeError: a.grpc is undefined.
I tried to put grpc inside my package.json, but no success at removing the error and having a correct behavior.
Did I miss something ? How can I use analytics.js, and send data directly to PubSub ?

Using Metamask but get Error: Returned error: The method eth_sendTransaction does not exist/is not available

I want to call a payable function in a smart contract I deployed, but it does not work. This is the error I am getting:
Error: Returned error: The method eth_sendTransaction does not exist/is not available
The answer I could find is to just use a private key, because infura does not cater this method, however I want the user to sign the transaction to the smart contract with MetaMask.
This is my code:
export async function helloworld() {
const rpcURL =
const web3 = new Web3(rpcURL);
let provider = window.ethereum;
if (typeof provider !== "undefined") {
.request({ method: "eth_requestAccounts" })
.then((accounts) => {
selectedAccount = accounts[0];
console.log(`Selected account is ${selectedAccount}`);
.catch((err) => {
window.ethereum.on("accountsChanged", function (accounts) {
selectedAccount = accounts[0];
console.log(`Selected account changed to ${selectedAccount}`);
const networkId = await;
const thecontract = new web3.eth.Contract(
isInitialized = true;
investit(thecontract, selectedAccount);
and this is the code that actually throws the error:
export const investit = async (thecontract, selectedAccount) => {
if (!isInitialized) {
await helloworld();
.send({ from: selectedAccount, value: 10000 })
.catch(function (err) {
I am completely lost, since if I use the normal window.ethereum.request ( to send a transaction, metamask opens up and I can sign it. With the contract call it simply does not work.
Do you know the reason? How can I fix this?
This must be the issue. you are just passing an url:
const rpcURL ="";
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(""))
eth_sendTransaction requires you holding the private key to sign the transaction before broadcasting it to the network. Infura doesn’t maintain any private keys. In order to send a transaction, you need to sign the transaction on your end with your private key.
The way you check providers is not correct. window.ethereum is also a provider which is provided by metamask. provider itself is meaningless, it has to be injected into the new Web3().

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received an instance of Object

I am using the source code from a security rules tutorial to attempt to do integration testing with Jest for my Javascript async function async_create_post, used for my firebase HTTP function create_post The files involved has a directory structure of the following:
Testing file: root/tests/handlers/posts.test.js
File to be tested: root/functions/handlers/posts.js
Helper code from the tutorial: root/tests/rules/helpers.js
And here is the source code that is involved:
const { setup, teardown} = require("../rules/helpers");
const {
} = require("../../functions/handlers/posts");
describe("Post Creation", () => {
afterEach(async () => {
await teardown();
test("should create a post", async () => {
const db = await setup();
const malloryUID = "non-existent uid";
const firstPost = {
body: "First post from Mallory",
author_id: malloryUID,
images: ["url1", "url2"]
const before_post_snapshot = await db.collection("posts").get();
await async_create_post(firstPost); //fails at this point, expected to create a new post, but instead threw an error
const after_post_snapshot = await db.collection("posts").get();
const {admin, db } = require('../util/admin');
//admin.initializeApp(config); //my credentials
//const db = admin.firestore();
const { uuid } = require("uuidv4");
const {
} = require("../util/validators");
exports.async_create_post = async (data, context) => {
try {
const images = [];
data.images.forEach((url) => {
uid: uuid(),
url: url
const postRecord = {
body: data.body,
images: images,
last_updated: admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
like_count: 0,
comment_count: 0,
deleted: false,
author_id: data.author_id
const generatedToken = uuid();
await db
// return success_response();
return success_response(generatedToken);
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error in creation of post", error);
return error_response(error);
When I run the test in Webstorm IDE, with 1 terminal running Firebase emulators:start , I get the following error message.
Error in creation of post TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "path" argument must be of type string. Received an instance of Object
at validateString (internal/validators.js:120:11)
at Object.basename (path.js:1156:5)
at GrpcClient.loadProto (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/google-gax/src/grpc.ts:166:23)
at new FirestoreClient (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/v1/firestore_client.js:118:38)
at ClientPool.clientFactory (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/index.js:330:26)
at ClientPool.acquire (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/pool.js:87:35)
at (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/pool.js:164:29)
at Firestore.request (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/index.js:961:33)
at WriteBatch.commit_ (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/node_modules/#google-cloud/firestore/build/src/write-batch.js:485:48)
at exports.async_create_post (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/handlers/posts.js:36:5) {
at exports.async_create_post (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/functions/handlers/posts.js:44:13)
Error: expect(received).toBe(expected) // equality
Expected: 1
Received: 0
<Click to see difference>
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/isaac/Desktop/project/tests/handlers/posts.test.js:59:45)
Error in creation of post comes from the console.log("Error in creation of post", error); in posts.js, so the error is shown in the title of this post.
I want to know why calling the async_create_post from posts.test.js will cause this error and does not populate my database with an additional record as expected behaviour. Do inform me if more information is required to solve the problem.
Here are some code snippets that may give more context.
helpers.js [Copied from the repository]
const firebase = require("#firebase/testing");
const fs = require("fs");
module.exports.setup = async (auth, data) => {
const projectId = `rules-spec-${}`;
const app = firebase.initializeTestApp({
const db = app.firestore();
// Apply the test rules so we can write documents
await firebase.loadFirestoreRules({
rules: fs.readFileSync("firestore-test.rules", "utf8")
// write mock documents if any
if (data) {
for (const key in data) {
const ref = db.doc(key); // This means the key should point directly to a document
await ref.set(data[key]);
// Apply the actual rules for the project
await firebase.loadFirestoreRules({
rules: fs.readFileSync("firestore.rules", "utf8")
return db;
// return firebase;
module.exports.teardown = async () => {
// Delete all apps currently running in the firebase simulated environment
Promise.all(firebase.apps().map(app => app.delete()));
// Add extensions onto the expect method
async toAllow(testPromise) {
let pass = false;
try {
await firebase.assertSucceeds(testPromise);
pass = true;
} catch (error) {
// log error to see which rules caused the test to fail
return {
message: () =>
"Expected Firebase operation to be allowed, but it was denied"
async toDeny(testPromise) {
let pass = false;
try {
await firebase.assertFails(testPromise);
pass = true;
} catch (error) {
// log error to see which rules caused the test to fail
return {
message: () =>
"Expected Firebase operation to be denied, but it was allowed"
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const {
} = require('./handlers/posts');
exports.create_post = functions.https.onCall(async_create_post);
The error message means that a method of the path module (like path.join) expects one of its arguments to be a string but got something else.
I found the offending line by binary search commenting the program until the error was gone.
Maybe one of your modules uses path and you supply the wrong arguments.

Cloudinary Signed Uploads with Widget

Documentation is extremely frustrating.
I'm using the upload widget to try to allow users to upload multiple pictures for their profile. I can't use unsigned uploads because of the potential for abuse.
I would much rather upload the file through the upload widget instead of through the server as it seems like it should be so simple
I've pieced together what I think should work but it is still saying: Upload preset must be whitelisted for unsigned uploads
// grab a current UNIX timestamp
const millisecondsToSeconds = 1000;
const timestamp = Math.round( / millisecondsToSeconds);
// generate the signature using the current timestmap and any other desired Cloudinary params
const signature = cloudinaryV2.utils.api_sign_request({ timestamp }, CLOUDINARY_SECRET_KEY);
// craft a signature payload to send to the client (timestamp and signature required)
return signature;
also tried
return {
also tried
const signature = cloudinaryV2.utils.api_sign_request(
const generateSignature = async (callback: Function, params_to_sign: object): Promise<void> => {
try {
const signature = await generateSignatureCF({ slug: 'xxxx' });
// also tried { slug: 'xxxx', params_to_sign }
} catch (err) {
cloudName: 'xxx',
uploadPreset: 'xxxx',
sources: ['local', 'url', 'facebook', 'dropbox', 'google_photos'],
folder: 'xxxx',
uploadSignature: generateSignature,
function(error, result) {
Let's all take a moment to point out how horrible Cloudinary's documentation is. It's easily the worst i've ever seen. Nightmare fuel.
Now that i've got that off my chest... I really needed to be able to do this and I spent way too long banging my head against walls for what should be extremely simple. Here it is...
Server (Node.js)
You'll need an endpoint that returns a signature-timestamp pair to the frontend:
import cloudinary from 'cloudinary'
export async function createImageUpload() {
const timestamp = new Date().getTime()
const signature = await cloudinary.utils.api_sign_request(
return { timestamp, signature }
Client (Browser)
The client makes a request to the server for a signature-timestamp pair and then uses that to upload a file. The file used in the example should come from an <input type='file'/> change event etc.
const API_KEY = process.env.CLOUDINARY_API_KEY
async function uploadImage(file) {
const { signature, timestamp } = await'/image-upload')
const form = new FormData()
form.append('file', file)
const res = await fetch(
method: 'POST',
body: form,
const data = await res.json()
return data.secure_url
That's it. That's all it takes. If only Cloudinary had this in their docs.
Man. I hate my life. I finally figured it out. It literally took me beautifying the upload widget js to understand that the return of the function should be a string instead of an object even though the docs make it seem otherwise.
Here is how to implement a signed upload with a Firebase Cloud Function
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import cloudinary from 'cloudinary';
const CLOUDINARY_SECRET_KEY = functions.config().cloudinary.key;
const cloudinaryV2 = cloudinary.v2;
module.exports.main = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context: CallableContext) => {
// Checking that the user is authenticated.
if (!context.auth) {
// Throwing an HttpsError so that the client gets the error details.
throw new functions.https.HttpsError(
'The function must be called while authenticated.',
try {
return cloudinaryV2.utils.api_sign_request(data.params_to_sign, CLOUDINARY_SECRET_KEY);
} catch (error) {
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('failed-precondition', error.message);
const uploadWidget = () => {
const generateSignature = async (callback: Function, params_to_sign: object): Promise<void> => {
try {
const signature = await generateImageUploadSignatureCF({ params_to_sign });
} catch (err) {
cloudName: 'xxxxxx',
uploadSignature: generateSignature,
function(error, result) {

How to authenticate and send contract method using web3.js 1.0

I am confused about how I should be executing a contract's method using the web3 1.0 library.
This code works (so long as I manually unlock the account first):
var contract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractJson, contractAddress);
.transfer("0x0e0479bC23a96F6d701D003c5F004Bb0f28e773C", 1000)
from: "0x2EBd0A4729129b45b23aAd4656b98026cf67650A"
.on('confirmation', (confirmationNumber, receipt) => {
io.emit('confirmation', confirmationNumber);
I get this error (if I don't unlock manually first):
Returned error: authentication needed: password or unlock
The above code is an API endpoint in node.js, so I want it to unlock or authenticate programmatically.
There is no method in web3.js 1.0 to unlock the account.
I also don't think this is necessary (at least that's what I am confused about). Since I am managing accounts, I know what the private key is.
I am thinking the transaction needs to be signed with the private key?? Is this correct? Is this effectively the same thing as "unlocking the account"?
I tried doing this:
var contract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractJson, contractAddress);
var tx = {
from: "...{fromAddress -- address that has the private key below}",
to: "...",
value: ...
var signed = web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx,
var promise = web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signed);
I get this error:
Returned error: The method net_version does not exist/is not available
What is the easiest way to authenticate and submit a transaction?
Ideally, I want to use the first approach in my code sample, as it is the cleanest.
This code allows me to sign a transaction server-side (node.js) using the privateKey from the account I created (using web3.eth.accounts.create()), and send the signed transaction to the network without having to unlock the account.
I am using Geth 1.7.1
var contract = new web3.eth.Contract(contractJson, contractAddress);
var transfer = contract.methods.transfer("0x...", 490);
var encodedABI = transfer.encodeABI();
var tx = {
from: "0x...",
to: contractAddress,
gas: 2000000,
data: encodedABI
web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, privateKey).then(signed => {
var tran = web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signed.rawTransaction);
tran.on('confirmation', (confirmationNumber, receipt) => {
console.log('confirmation: ' + confirmationNumber);
tran.on('transactionHash', hash => {
tran.on('receipt', receipt => {
tran.on('error', console.error);
A way to be able to call your contract methods without having to sign the transaction explicitly is this (web3js 1.0.0):
const privateKey = 'e0f3440344e4814d0dea8a65c1b9c488bab4295571c72fb879f5c29c8c861937';
const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount('0x' + privateKey);
web3.eth.defaultAccount = account.address;
// ...
contract = new web3.eth.Contract(JSON_INTERFACE, address);
contract.methods.myMethod(myParam1, myParam2)
from: this.web3.eth.defaultAccount,
gas: myConfig.gas,
gasPrice: myConfig.gasPrice
Here's a complete example of how to sign a transaction without a local wallet account. Especially useful if you are using infura for the transaction. This was written for
'use strict';
const Web3 = require('web3');
const wsAddress = 'wss://';
const contractJson = '(taken from solc or remix online compiler)';
const privateKey = '0xOOOX';
const contractAddress = '0xOOOX';
const walletAddress = '0xOOOX';
const webSocketProvider = new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(wsAddress);
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(webSocketProvider));
const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(
// change this to whatever contract method you are trying to call, E.G. SimpleStore("Hello World")
const query = contract.methods.SimpleStore('Hello World');
const encodedABI = query.encodeABI();
const tx = {
from: walletAddress,
to: contractAddress,
gas: 2000000,
data: encodedABI,
const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(privateKey);
web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, privateKey).then(signed => {
const tran = web3.eth
.on('confirmation', (confirmationNumber, receipt) => {
console.log('=> confirmation: ' + confirmationNumber);
.on('transactionHash', hash => {
console.log('=> hash');
.on('receipt', receipt => {
console.log('=> reciept');
.on('error', console.error);
"web3": "1.0.0-beta.30"
This is my implementation using "#truffle/hdwallet-provider": "^2.0.3", "web3": "^1.6.1",
function getWeb3Provider() {
return new HDWalletProvider({
providerOrUrl: BSC_RPC_ENDPOINT,
const web3 = new Web3(BSC_RPC_ENDPOINT);
const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(
jsonContractABI as unknown as AbiItem[],
then in send methods
contract.methods.safeMint(receiverAddress, itemUri).send({
in call methods

