Can't figure out how to make a registration script work - javascript

So I am a newbie, making a website for a school project.
I am trying to make a registration script work, but it doesn't work, and I can't figure out why. I have looked through the scripts, and I can't see anything that should be different :(.
Therefore I come looking for help to you guys :).
Thought that a pop-up window would be nice, so that's what I went for (coded in pure css first, then decided I wanted it to actually work.).
Everything is in the same directory.
I am using Xampp, so I access the main page with localhost/stronaszkolna/main.php
Here is a link to the entire website folder, that I uploaded to Google Drive, so it's easier for you to see: .
Tried putting the code in here too, but using snippet the main.php didn't load correctly.
When using "Code sample" parts of the code were being shown as normal text, so I just decided to upload the whole thing to google drive.
Here is how the table in my db looks like:
Sorry for not uploading it correctly. New to stackoverlow :D.
Thanks in advance!


Not able to create a chrome extension out of a website I made with Google Apps Script and HTML

Using, I designed an HTML page wherein user can answer 8 questions and I wrote a piece of code to save that data directly to a Google Sheet.
It's working like a charm and this is the first time I worked on HTML CSS in combination with Google Apps script.
To a step ahead, I tried to create a chrome extension out of it. I honestly know nothing about it. But the fact that my project is running fine, I am not able to understand why I am not able to make a extension out of it.
I read a few articles and did some research. I need help with creating the menifest file as I believe that's one of the reasons why my extension does not work even after loading the html file correctly. Secondly, I noticed that the script which I wrote in Google Apps Script is of .gs file format but all the articles say that it should be a .js file format. If anyone could guide me oon these aspects than I'd be really really happy :)

Assistance with unsecure image on wp site (mixed content)

I have recently installed a SSL certificate and have installed and activated the plugin from my site called "Really Simple SSL".
This fixed most of my links on the site but I cannot fix this for the main background image.
I have gone through my theme files to try and find the PHP and CSS that points to the jquery javascipt file but do not understand where it is coming from.
I don't really understand the code in the javascript files to edit them and stop this.
I commented out some of the PHP that links to bodybg but it has not helped.
Can you help me?
It says the initiator is the js file.
I hope what i wrote makes sense. Hopefully this image will give a better understanding:

How can I download an image, not shown in the URL, via Node?

I'm trying so hard at discovering Node. Now I just found out about deathbycaptcha.js . So I wanted to test it on pretty lame captchas of an E-Mail provider. (GMX) And I've experienced something, that I've never seen before. The Url has no .jpg in it and is still interpreted as .jpg by my browser, without any code input. (At least as far as I can see.)
However if I try to download it via the Node Downloader, it does nor grab the image file, but something, that neither code or image.
I honestly have no clue, what I am actually facing, but I would really appreciate learning about it. Could you please help me out?
The image I'm talking about: here
edit: The image appears to be expiring after some time. Just go to the registration page and grab your own one as explained below.
If you couldn't load it. That would be one clue already, but you should be able to do so, because I tried it with my mobile aswell.
However if it doesnt work, go to the sign-up page and check out the Captcha link: here
Additional info: If I would find out how to grab it, it wouldn't be a problem for me to do it from the same session. So (I guess) acces is no problem...

JS works until I bring it into a foundation Framework

I am working on a project where I want to make it look as if a shutter of a camera is opening and closing... I was able to get this to work in a regular html/css/js file structure however when I trie to bring/ incorporate it into Foundations Responsive Frameworks I was not able to get it to work. There are no errors in the console and checked to make sure everything is linked correctly. ... I have attached both folders in the link, the working folder that is not in a framework and the broken folder that I am trying to use foundations framework..
Thank you in advance for any feedback/help.
Unfortunately, I cannot fix it.
Fortunately, I did figure out the problem.
The jquery.shutter.css is not loading properly. Here is my attempt at your project in React.
When I take your working example and delete the jquery.shutter.css file, I get the exact same result as the React version which has no error message. I gave it a good try and cannot fix it without more time. I hope knowing the problem helps you.
Note: Unfortunately Google will not let me upload a JSON file so you will have to change package.txt to package.json and install using Node

external javascript file not working on blogger

i am using add this tool box on my blog. But i want to optimize my blog so i decided to host that add this javascript file from google drive. But when i hosted the file then javascript is not working. But when i try to use javascript file from add this it works. I have tried hosting another javascript file from google drive for other page on my blog and it worked. Tell me how can i fix it, because i copied the entire javascript code from the add this javascript file.
And i put a script source tag as follows.' type='text/javascript'/>
the file in google drive is at this link
The original javascript from addthis is available at the link below
currently i am using the original external javascript file from add this, so the like box is showing. And in case you need my site url it is below :
How can i get the javascript file from google drive working ??
Thank you for contacting AddThis support.
I am AddThis support agent Elsa. Unfortunately, we do not recommend copying addthis_widget.js into any other location since we update that file fairly often with fixes/updates. If you copy it, you would be stuck on an older version and you wouldn't get updates. If it makes you feel any better, our assets are highly cached, so they really shouldn't add too much load for your users since all the js/css files are probably already available on their browser.
Feel free to contact us for more questions.

