Assistance with unsecure image on wp site (mixed content) - javascript

I have recently installed a SSL certificate and have installed and activated the plugin from my site called "Really Simple SSL".
This fixed most of my links on the site but I cannot fix this for the main background image.
I have gone through my theme files to try and find the PHP and CSS that points to the jquery javascipt file but do not understand where it is coming from.
I don't really understand the code in the javascript files to edit them and stop this.
I commented out some of the PHP that links to bodybg but it has not helped.
Can you help me?
It says the initiator is the js file.
I hope what i wrote makes sense. Hopefully this image will give a better understanding:


How to add my code to GitHub to create gh-pages

I have a very newbie question.. I made a website using HTML CSS and JS in Atom and I want to know how to upload everything to GitHub so I can make it into a gh-pages site.
I did it once before with a different website, also using Atom, GitHub and GitHub Desktop, but it was with a lot of hand-holding by my teacher. All the tutorials/ step-by-step instructions I can find are super confusing (or maybe my brain is fried). Could anyone help with straight-forward instructions? Thank you so much!!
upload your code to a repository nameed "your username" and then that should also be the url of the page too. it could take some to for it to start working tho.

Can't figure out how to make a registration script work

So I am a newbie, making a website for a school project.
I am trying to make a registration script work, but it doesn't work, and I can't figure out why. I have looked through the scripts, and I can't see anything that should be different :(.
Therefore I come looking for help to you guys :).
Thought that a pop-up window would be nice, so that's what I went for (coded in pure css first, then decided I wanted it to actually work.).
Everything is in the same directory.
I am using Xampp, so I access the main page with localhost/stronaszkolna/main.php
Here is a link to the entire website folder, that I uploaded to Google Drive, so it's easier for you to see: .
Tried putting the code in here too, but using snippet the main.php didn't load correctly.
When using "Code sample" parts of the code were being shown as normal text, so I just decided to upload the whole thing to google drive.
Here is how the table in my db looks like:
Sorry for not uploading it correctly. New to stackoverlow :D.
Thanks in advance!

Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in my site

hey there I've got many problems with running my site. I tried to compress manually some large pictures in my site and also compress css and JS code. but still I got a really long list of re-rendering lines...I really don't no how to use ajax to solve the problem can someone please help me with that?
my site injects php into WP so I also tried some plugins like fastest cash, autoptimize and so on but it didn't make any changes in my site's speed...

Webbrowser not loading page content on Windows Phone 8

I'm building somewhat of a caching mechanism for some webpages, so that if the webpage is already stored in IsolatedStorage, then it's not necessary to fetch it online. However, when I'm loading the page, the content (CSS, js, images) arenĀ“t being loaded, although the files are already in the appropriate paths and the paths in the files all seem correct.
When I try using a very simple html with just an image in it, the content is loaded properly.
The more complex webpages have multiple sub-directories but all the paths to the content seem to be pointing correctly.
Any ideas on what may be happening? I've tried pretty much everything I've found on google, with no success. Is this just another buggy issue of the Webbrowser control on WP8 that I'm not aware of? I'd really appreciate if you have any suggestions.
Thank you in advance!
I managed to fix the problem. Apparently the main html file needs to be at the root of the folders' structure. Would be nice to have that information on the official msdn page. Hope at least this helps anyone that may have the same problem when loading local pages.

Joomla still load CSS and Javascript from old domain when I change it

I have a Joomla 2.5 project hosted on a domain and all was working fine. But when I want to work on it in my local machine, Joomla keeps loading CSS and Javascript from
I tried to clear the cache and make a global research on the project for something hard coded, but I haven't found the solution.
This how I include Javascript:
Could someone tell me what is wrong?
Have you checked your config file and made sure your base path hasn't been hardcoded anywhere?
Ryan suggested that you look in configuration.php and that was good advice.

