Cannot append or post CKEditor value - javascript

I have a CKEditor in an ASP.NET MVC application and I cannot append or post the updated value of the textarea as shown below:
<textarea name="Description" id="Description" rows="10" cols="80">
This is my textarea to be replaced with CKEditor.
filebrowserBrowseUrl: '/....',
filebrowserUploadUrl: '/....'
function insert(event) {
var desc = CKEDITOR.instances['Description'].getData(); //I obtain the updated text at this line
var formdata = $('#frmCreate').serialize();
formdata.append("Description", desc); //!!! This is not working !!!
type: "POST",
url: '#Url.Action("Insert", "Blog")',
cache: false,
dataType: "json",
data: formdata,
success: function (response, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
I can pass the initial value of the textarea (DEscription property of teh model), but after making any change the data still keep the initial value. Any idea about how to pass the Description field to the Controller???

CKEditor auto-updates <textarea> when the form is submitted in the traditional way (classic submit). If you are using Ajax, you need to update the <textarea> manually with!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-updateElement.
See also the CKEditor in Ajax Applications sample.


CkEditor conflict with jquery form

I am using CKEditor and trying to submit my form with jquery but I have a conflict
$(document).ready(function (e) {
$("#form").on('submit',(function(e) {
console.log(new FormData(this))
url: "store-course-teacher",
type: "POST",
data: new FormData(this),
contentType: false,
cache: false,
success: function(data)
if(data.status == 'done')
and from my controller I dumped the result and all text area with ckeditor is NULL
I am trying to be clear as possible but that's all I got
I believe with ckeditor, you have to get the HTML from the text editor like this:
var data = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData();
So before calling your ajax, perhaps set data to a hidden input in your form so that your new FormData(this) remains intact?
var data = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData();
More info here
best way to send ckEditor with the from was updating the ckEditor instanes
for (instance in CKEDITOR.instances) {
I found the solution here

AJAX to PHP without page refresh

I'm having some trouble getting my form to submit data to my PHP file.
Without the AJAX script that I have, the form takes the user through to 'xxx.php' and submits the data on the database, however when I include this script, it prevents the page from refreshing, displays the success message, and fades in 'myDiv' but then no data appears in the database.
Any pointers in the right direction would be very much appreciated. Pulling my hair out over this one.
<form action='xxx.php' id='myForm' method='post'>
<p>Your content</p>
<input type='text' name='content' id='content'/>
<input type='submit' id='subbutton' name='subbutton' value='Submit' />
<div id='message'></div>
var content = $("#content").attr('value');
type: "POST",
url: "xxx.php",
data: "content="+content,
success: function(html){
$(".myDiv").fadeTo(500, 1);
$("#message").html("<span style='color:green ! important'>Sending request.</br></br>");
A couple of small changes should get you up and running. First, get the value of the input with .val():
var content = $("#content").val();
You mention that you're checking to see if the submit button isset() but you never send its value to the PHP function. To do that you also need to get its value:
var submit = $('#subbutton').val();
Then, in your AJAX function specify the data correctly:
type: "POST",
url: "xxx.php",
data: {content:content, subbutton: submit}
quotes are not needed on the data attribute names.
On the PHP side you then check for the submit button like this -
if('submit' == $_POST['subbutton']) {
// remainder of your code here
Content will be available in $_POST['content'].
Change the data atribute to
Also add the atribute error to the ajax with
And try returning a var dump to $_POST in your php file.
And the most important add to the ajax the dataType atribute according to what You send :
dataType: "text" //text if You try with the var dump o json , whatever.
Another solution would be like :
type: "POST",
url: "xxxwebpage..ifyouknowhatimean",
data: $("#idForm").serialize(), // serializes the form's elements.
dataType:"text" or "json" // According to what you return in php
success: function(data)
console.log(data); // show response from the php script.
Set the data type like this in your Ajax request: data: { content: content }
I think it isnt a correct JSON format.

How to send image to .net Webservice using Ajax in IE8?

The folowing post is related to: How to send image to PHP file using Ajax?
I managed to get this working as per the above post, but it fails to work on IE8.
Is there a way to get this to work on ie8+?
Here is my code:
$("form[name='uploader']").submit(function(e) {
var formData = new FormData($(this)[0]);
url: dotnetpage,
type: "POST",
data: formData,
async: false,
success: function (msg) {
$('.js-ugc-image').attr('src', msg);
cache: false,
contentType: false,
processData: false
IE 8 does not have formdata, you can use a hidden iframe and post it and read the results.
I've used a technique that was something like this
Clone the form, move original form into a hidden iframe (this needs to be done because you cant clone or set input type files value on IE) and then submit and read the result of the submit.
Something like this which is a code i used before and worked:
var $form = $('your form');//GET YOUR FORM
//Create Hidden iframe
var _hiddenIframe = $('<iframe id="_hiddenframe" style="display:none;"></iframe>');
//Create Copy Form and add the attributes of the original
var _copyForm = $('<form id="_copyForm" name="_copyForm" style="">');
_copyForm.attr({'method':$form.attr('method'),'action':$form.attr('action'), 'enctype':$form.attr('enctype')});
//Get original fields
$original = $form.children('*');
//Clone and append to form
//send the original fields to hidden form
//Add the iframe to the body
//Add the form to the hidden iframe
var $r;
//submit the form
//after it reloaded(after post)
//read result (maybe a json??)
$r = $.parseJSON(_hiddenIframe.contents().find('body').text());
//Do something with the result
//Do Something if ok
//Do Something if error
No,sorry, IE8 doesn't support the FormData object. (See
Whay you can do is embed the <input type='file > tag in a separate form and submit it using jQuery.

Clearing a form field after using append to ajax

I am using an ajax function to append a comment to a a list of existing comments. I have the append to working, but after I append the comment is still in the text field. I am trying to figure out how to clear the text field after the append to. Any pointers on how to go about this would be greatly appreciated.
$('.new_question_comment').on('submit', function(event) {
$form = $(event.currentTarget);
type: "POST",
url: $form.attr('action'),
data: $form.serialize(),
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
$form.siblings().first().append("<h6>"+ "-" + data.body + "</h6><br>")
In your success callback function add the following after you append the data:
$form.each (function() { this.reset(); });
This will reset the form values back to their default.
jsFiddle example
You could also use the native JavaScript form reset function:
If the specific text field has an ID, say "text", clear it directly:
You can clear the entire form too:

PHP $_POST not working with jquery

i am using this jquery code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#editcustomer").submit(function (e) {
dataString = $("#editcustomer").serialize();
type: "POST",
url: "editcustomer_go.php",
cache: false,
data: dataString,
success: function (res) {
if (res.indexOf("success") != -1) {
window.location.href = res.substr(8);
to submit forms without changing the page.
then the editcustomer_go.php echoed results display in:
<div id="message" class="messagebox"></div>
<div id="please_wait_box" class="messagebox">Please Wait...</div>
i am using tinymce for text editors - its working okay but when the data is posted in the PHP, its not seeing the changed data in the tinymce text editor - it has to be plain text.
how can i get round this?
To grab the data from TinyMCE you need to use their getContent() function.
So in your case it'd be
// Grab a reference to the editor
var ed = tinyMCE.get('tinymceeditorname');
// Get it's content
var editordata= ed.getContent();
... and then just pass editordata along with the rest of the form as the AJAX call data.

