I'm Confused About Naming Between Sap Odata and Sapui5 - javascript

Im trying to make my own sapui5 project based on project above. But I'm so much confused about field naming in data base. There is too much names similar to each other(they represent each other but I just dont understand which one im using in abap an wich one I'm using in js).
Can someone please highlight it? At least i should understand relation between them.

For the project new DB table ZMM_EMP created. Data model use source parameters imported from the table. Fields for mapping are provided by function modules with names IV_* and ET_*.


Is it possible to dynamically import Variables.scss file in Styles.scss?

Two different client needs their own theme and their respective theme colors are saved in Variables1.scss and Variables2.scss files. On startup, application makes a http call and pulls the information like name of the company. Now, depending on the company name, I want to make decision whether to import Variables1.scss or Variables2.scss.
It seems kind of tricky because compilation of SCSS to generate CSS is done in first place. And only after that application starts up and pulls the company information from database.
Building the application for each client by importing their respective Variables.scss file could be a simple solution, but if the no of company grows, this way would not be feasible.
I went through a lot posts which are kind of related to mine, but they either suggested a solution which creates lot of code duplication or they lead me to change the name of the classes throughout the application.
Suggestions from experts would be highly appreciated.
I believe that the best approach here is to use CSS Variables.
For variables1.scss and variables2.scss you know their structure and which properties they contain, based on that you can create the same properties using CSS Variables and then mapped into your application to a common variable:
$background-default: var(--background-default)
And when you make the Http request load the variables dynamically based on the response.

Dynmaic Fields - Admin on Rest

currently I'm searching for a mechanism to creat dynamic fields in the admin on rest - framework. The input-environment should look like the example in the linke below.
I want to use it to create an 1:n or m:n relation and I'm seachring for a possibility to realise it by the framewok directly or (second choise) by a react an component.
Does anybody know if there is a possbility by the Framework? I could't find anything.
So as Base to solve my Prolem I found this discussion
I think with hind it's possible to get it

Angular 2 CRUD Components

I'm getting started with Angular 2 with TypeScript and I'm trying to find the best way of organizing my application.
Imagine that I want to CRUD a product. Since I want each CRUD operation to have different views should I create a component for each operation? For example: createProduct.component; editProduct.component; getProduct.component; etc.; that all reuse the product class and the product.service in order to make http requests to the server?
I think this makes sense, but I'm not sure there's a better way to do it and since Angular 2 is fairly new, I'm having trouble finding proper documentation for this problem. Any thoughts?
Create a /+product folder
Add all product components (edit/view/create), also include the test(product.spec.ts) files
Create a /services folder, add the product.service
You can find the official Style Guide here https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/style-guide.html

Few questions about angular-formly

I am looking for a library for form building based on provided model, so we are looking at formly:)
I took a glance into the examples and video on formly web site, but there are still some questions without
an answer.
-There are a lot of examples of viewing/editing single entity via formly. I am interested in some example of viewing/editing collection of entities via formly (being displayed e.g. as a table). Each field of table should have it's own type.
-Editing single entity is cool. But what if editing one entity requires creation of the other entity. E.g. what if you create "User" entity, and you need to create/choose existing "Bank Account" entity to link with User? What is the best way to do such a thing?
-Are there any examples of client + server applications using formly? (e.g, we get forms from server side?). Maybe, some attributes (annotations) to classes, fields for automatic formly objects generation?
You can do all the things your talking about with formly. If you need help with something specific, follow the instructions at http://help.angular-formly.com

Need help with using Crud 1.1 and jqgrid

I found this Crud 1.1 that someone put together on the CI forums and I just edited it so I could query different column names. The problem is when I try to edit a row it seems to be still using the column 'id' in the query. I can't for the life of me figure out what could be referencing that column name.
Has anyone used this template to do something similar?
This could be a stupid question but have you done a "search in files" for the value "id" in the CRUD folder structure? I'm sure its there and you just missed it..
This approach would at least track down the ID element. Keep in mind modifying this library in this fashion will cause greater headaches when/if you want to update to a never version (when it comes out that is).

