getJSON works for some addresses, but not others - javascript

Having a strange problem. I'm using getJSON to retrieve information online using the following code:
$.getJSON("url", function(json) {
Strangely, I have only been able to get the above code to work when I use as the source. All other sources I have tried, such as do not seem to return anything. I am currently using codepen to make my page.
I can retrieve quotes from the first URL perfectly and access everything how I'd like to, but not with anything else. I have tried using Get and ajax methods as well but to no avail. I'm relatively new to code so there must be something obvious I'm missing?
Thanks for any help.

Looks like the server uses https protocol. Correct the URL and try again. Or provide logs if in case the request fails.


Automatic random URL redirect

So I have a website on Google Sites, and I want to add a 'random post/page' button. I found this code on GitHub and edited it by putting my own URL's. Everything works according to plan except the code uses cookies, basically you go to the link once, it redirects you to a random URL that you have chosen, and it saves that URL. I want to make it so that it's always random, no cookies. I've tried altering the code but nothing seems to work since I don't know much about code, except for the basics. Could anyone help remove the use of cookies of this code? You can view the code below. Thank you.
This is the GitHub code
I tried deleting any code that I thought could be related to the cookies, basically the bottom of the code. The code still worked, but the cookies we're still saving. Like I said, I only know the basics so I was just deleting and praying it would fix it.
Can be massively simplified if you don't need the cookie functionality:
const redirectUrls = [
document.location = redirectUrls[Math.floor(Math.random() * redirectUrls.length)]

jQuery.tokenInput.js script in JavaScript not working

I am making an application that is purely out of JavaScript (frontend and backend). So now I am using jQuery.tokenInput.js and I am having some troubles with the plugin recognizing the script.
First of all, it's not logging any error messages so I don't even know if it's an issue on my end or not.
I've essentially created a route in the application /autocomplete/tags and it accepts q parameter as well.
So when I type in something like this /autocomplete/tags?q=r I get the following result on the page
So now when I initialize the plugin like this
$('#tag_input').tokenInput("/autocomplete/tags", {
theme: "facebook",
propertyToSearch: "tag_name",
tokenLimit: 5
It changes the input and everything. I've even tried with constant data and it seems to work but not with a script for some reason.
Is there a way I can debug/troubleshoot? Can I somehow turn on logging for this plugin? I don't actually see any issue with the way that I am doing it. I've looked at the demos and they return JSON in exactly the same way.
If you've got any ideas, it would be great!
The JSON returned from an external service must be returned under an application/json header type - we found that this service was returning text/html instead.
Information about how to specify the content type with Meteor can be found on this question.

JSON-P request to URL does not work?

I've been trying to get this to work for about three hours now. Searched around, looked all over actually, and I tried all the examples people showed, none of which worked. This is really starting to bug me. What I'm trying to accomplish is a call to BitCoin Charts JSON file that holds all the bitcoin data. I am setting up a webstore, and would like the price to be accurate when the user loads the page.
Here is the snippet of code where I call the $.getJSON() function:
function JSONCall() {
var url = "";
$.getJSON(url + "?callback=?", Update);
function Update(data) {
//there will be code here to change the HTML on my site, but for now, this works to test
The current error that I'm experiencing is:
Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html: "". jquery-1.9.1.js:8336
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
and I cannot for the life of me get it to work. My code looks fine, according to everything I've seen this far. If anybody knows more about this than me and would be willing to help, that would be fantastic! Thanks in advance.
I checked the URL and it doesn’t return JSONP, only plain JSON.
You will need to find another way, some options come to mind:
Do a CORS request (cross-origin) if the service supports it
Run via a server-side proxy
See if the service supports JSONP in some other way

d3.json Troubles

I've spent a good portion of my evening working on this.
I am trying to get this live json data loaded onto a page on my website using d3.json.
Just testing:
var bike = "";
d3.json(bike, function(error, json) {
doesn't work. I get the error
XMLHttpRequest cannot load Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Is there something that I'm missing? Is there possibly some restriction coming from the page which I'm submitting my request to? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I don't believe that there is any restriction coming from citibike's site because this same request works as a curl from my Terminal, also other's have used this data, but can't seem to figure out how they are loading it based on their code.
The Access-Control-Allow-Origin parameter must be set by the JSON source, in this case it is "".
Try to include the CORS parameters in the header of the ajax request you are making. See
You can try other alternatives like jsonp etc, again information of which is available in the above link.
If you use Chrome browser, you might also use an extension namely "Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: *". After installing and launching it, I believe it will work.
Hope all thing will be ok!

page area not refreshing using jquery and setinterval

i am trying to refresh a particular area of my php page, which will load the updated information from database. My code are working on localhost. But, when the same code i'm trying to execute on my domain. Then, it is not refreshing and not showing updated information, and i don't why... Anybody have any idea..
setInterval(updateShouts, 10000 );
function updateShouts(){
this is the code, which i'm using for refreshing the
I'd check that the URL is correct:
You can use Firebug (or another Javascript debugger) to watch the request going out, and you can see if it was a 404 error or if it worked.
Also, in the Console, just type in $('#refresh') and make sure it returns an actual object.
if it just displays [] or undefined, then the selector is wrong.
function updateShouts()
setInterval(function(){updateShouts();}, 10000 );
Problem is with most localhost dev servers the configuration, security, etc.. is usually at the load end of the scale vs a host else where. So that may or may not be part of the issue, I couldn't say for sure though
Edit I agree with the notion of checking to make sure the path ajax/check.php is valid also. And that Firebug is a very handy tool to have when developing with jquery (or javascript stand alone)

