Bootstrap Carousel, show 4, advance 1 - only showing 1 thumbnail not 4 - javascript

Im trying to implement a bootstrap thumbnail slider, there should be 4 tiles showing and with a click of the arrow it advances by 1 thumbnail. There are lots of examples of these available online however after trying to implement about 5 of them, I have the same problem with them all.
For some reason the slider only shows a single thumbnail when I copy all code and run it myself, I am used to using bootstrap normally can sort little issues, however this is just not making any sense to me.
This is the example I have implemented on my own private site, :
Here is a screen shot of how it looks for me :
Here is an entire cut off all code used on the example :
All code is exactly the same, however it just does not work, if anything else if needed from me to help resolve this, please let me know.
Thankyou very much for any help

There are a few problems with the code..
jQuery 1.7.1 is very old, use 1.9.1 or later.
You've included bootstrap.js and jquery.js twice, and they should only be included once


Slider is not working properly in wordpress website

I develop one website in WordPress.I use the plugin go portfolio plugin through I added the images but the slider is not working how to make the slider is working properly.I want to make the carousel slider.
You did not offer any code to analyse, so how do you think we can help you?
Do you have any errors in the console or something to start with?
If you cannot offer anything, I think you should have the plugin authors have a look at your backend, they often help you out, especially when you are using a paid version:

Slider in Wordpress

I want to make a slider in my custom wordpress theme (using understrap):
I tried using flexslider, had a problem where i could not target the .slides ul for whatever reason. i edited it in my _theme.scss and also tried in the flexslider.css
Why did it work in the inspector, but not in the css / scss files?
This was the first hurdle. The second is, i dont want to have dots below to see what picture i am viewing, i want to have lines , in the right-middle of the picture which shows on an active state the number of the picture currently viewing, for example picture 1 is viewed, show "1" next to the active line.
as this has become impossible to solve with my current skills i am asking you guys to help me out please.
i would use the bootstrap carousel, too. But i am unsure how to edit the above mentioned css to create the desired outcome.
I do not want to use a wordpress plugin as this limits me probably in my decisions. I cannot do "if active state "1" then write "1" next to the picture" or something like that, if you know what i mean.
sorry for putting it really general but thats all i can provide as i have only the non - working flexslider locally installed.
for instant solution you can use option tree plugin.which make the pictures dynamic with them you can use bootstrap slider.and replace image url option tree plugin code.

GWT Yui Spotlight Carousel issue

We are trying to use yui carousel in our gwt application. But in gwt sample (spotlight sample) 5 images are showing. But we need only three images if we give three images same functionality is not happening like:
1.We are not able to click on first and second images?
2.Last and last but one images are not visible?
Can we modify the above mentioned sample to work for three images instead of five? If yes,please let us know.
Help would be appreciated.
I have recently worked on a Carousel for GWT, but i used iScroll Implementation.
Please check the links,
This carousel can be customized for any number of images. I needed 3 Images on a Single View, so i adjusted in a similar way.

Images Pulled with JS Breaking Equal Height Columns

It looks like my problems never end with this site. I'm using jQuery to pull posts tagged "_featured" into the sidebar on a Tumblr blog. I have it calling the title of the text post along with the image included in it. Unfortunately, no matter what I try, this breaks the equal height columns on any page where the content column isn't longer than the sidebars.
I've tried different methods of achieving equal columns (I'm currently using The Equal Heights jQuery Plugin since I'm already using jQuery on the site. I've also tried the padding/negative margin trick and good ol' Faux Equal Columns using a background image. I figured it would be easy to solve it by using the jQuery plugin and wrapping the function call in a $(window).load(function(), but it's still hit or miss (mostly miss right now for some reason).
If anyone has any suggestions, please, save my computer from being thrown. The obvious solution that I'm thinking might work would be to have the JS calling the featured posts to also include the image size, but I'm not sure how I would do that.
The JS calling the featured posts can be viewed here and the site itself is at
Thanks again, everyone. I think I say this just about every time I post a question, but the help here has saved me a lot of time and frustration. It's always appreciated.
Try running EqualHeights after dom has finished changing.
(to be more specific - you should run EqualHeights after doc.ready, and after you add your image, or changed anything in the dom that affects heights)

External control and hovering of jQuery UI Carousel 1.0.2

Recently I'm working with jQuery UI Carousel (1.0.2) on my Drupal website. So far so good, everything is working without a problem but I'm looking for a way to add some external controls. You know, those little dots beneath the images where the user can navigate from and pinpoint a certain slide.
I took a look to the JS file (you can see it here), but didn't find any proof of such a controls.
Right now, I was only able to write some crappy code who didn't work at all... (so I'm not gonna post it to save you some laughs :))
Anyone with some experience regarding this subject?
Thanks in advance!
I don't have specific experience with the jQuery UI Carousel module, but if you are using Views to generate the content in the carousel, you could always use Views Slideshow. It allows you to add a pager (either numbers or thumbnail images) to your slideshow (carousel).

