Javascript "missing ) after argument list" - javascript

I'm trying to use this Javascriptsnippet below to display a DIVin a view Dynamically. But it gives me this error new:624 Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list for this line in the snippet $("#order_country"]).change(function() {
window.onload = function() {
$("#order_country"]).change(function() {
var val = $(this).val();
$("#country_div").toggle(val == "us");
I really can't find the missing ), could anyone take a look at this and see if they can find it.

In order to make the line appear and disappear dynamically, you'll need to use javascript:
$(function() {
$("#id-you-give-to-country_select"]).change(function() {
var val = $(this).val();
$("#id-you-give-to-div").toggle(val == "us");
One gotcha is that in your if you're comparing :country (symbol) with "US" (string), which will never succeed.
Just for testing, you can also add alert(val); right after the call to toggle, so you can see that the code is running and what the values are.
First, the country-select has an ID generated in the html, it is #order_country
Then I had to make few adjustments to the code, below is the working version
window.onload = function() {
$("#order_country").change(function() {
var val = $(this).val();
$("#country_div").toggle(val == "US");


Handle cell click event on Angular Gantt

I am trying to customize the behaviour of Angular Gantt.
On cell click : I have to get the current cell value & corresponding header value.
I gone thru the documentation present in this url :
but couldn't get the required event.
Is there any event present to achieve this functionality. Any help is much appreciated.
I tried following code
mainApp.controller("TestController", function ($scope, TestService) {
$scope.registerApi = function (api) {
api.tasks.on.change($scope, onTaskChange); //working
//TO handle the cell click & corresponding header value
api.core.getDateByPosition($scope, getHeader)
//api.core.on.ready($scope, getDateByPosition) //not working
//api.core.on.rendered($scope, getDateByPosition) //not working
var onTaskChange = function (selected) {
$scope.currCell = selected.model;
console.log("onTaskChange: " +;
var getHeader= function (getHeader) {
// I should get the current clicked cell header value. But getting error
Answering my own question as someone may find it useful.
I am able to achieve this from this link
Following is the code which I used:
$scope.registerApi = function (api) {$scope, function (dName, dScope, dElement, dAttrs, dController) {
if (dName === 'ganttTask') {
dElement.bind('click', function (event) {
$scope.RowName1 = dScope.task.row.model;
$scope.currentTask = dScope.task.model;
else if (dName === 'ganttRow')
dElement.bind('click', function (event) {
$scope.RowName =;
$scope.Header = api.core.getDateByPosition(event.offsetX, true)

How to optimize this javascript duplicates

I wrote this code, but since I'm just starting to learn JS, can't figure out the best way to optimize this code. So made a duplicates for every if statement.
$(function() {
var lang = $(".lang input[type='checkbox']");
var gender = $(".gender input[type='checkbox']");
if(lang.length == lang.filter(":checked").length){
} else {
if(gender.length == gender.filter(":checked").length){
} else {
So this is my code, as you can see on line 15 if(gender... I have a duplicate of previous code, just changed variable from "lang" to "gender". Since I have more that two variables, I don't want to make duplicate of code for every each of them, so I hope there is a solution to optimize it.
You can write a function to let your code more abstract, see:
function isChecked(obj, jq1, jq2){
if(obj.length == obj.filter(":checked").length){
} else {;
//Your jQuery code, more abstract
$(function() {
var lang = $(".lang input[type='checkbox']");
var gender = $(".gender input[type='checkbox']");
isChecked(lang, $('.lang'), $('.lang-all'));
isChecked(gender, $('.gender'), $('.gender-all'));
make a function which had similar functionality, then pass a parameter as a class or id
$(function() {
function call(langp){
var lang = $(langp+" input[type='checkbox']");
if(lang.length == lang.filter(":checked").length){
} else {

Running a form handled by ajax in a loaded ajax page?

Using tutorials found i'm currently loading new pages with this:
$("a.nav-link").click(function (e) {
// cancel the default behaviour
// get the address of the link
var href = $(this).attr('href');
// getting the desired element for working with it later
var $wrap = $('#userright');
// removing old data
// slide it up
// load the remote page
.load(href + ' #userright', function () {
// now slide it down
This loads the selected pages perfectly, however the pages have forms that themselves use ajax to send the following:
var frm = $('#profileform');
frm.submit(function (ev) {
type: frm.attr('method'),
url: frm.attr('action'),
data: frm.serialize(),
success: function (data) {
However this is not sending the form as it did before the page itself was called to the parent page via ajax. Am I missing something? Can you not use an ajax call in a page already called by ajax?
I also have other issues, for example I disable the submit button unless there are any changes to the form, using:
var button = $('#profile-submit');
var orig = [];
$.fn.getType = function () {
return this[0].tagName == "INPUT" ? $(this[0]).attr("type").toLowerCase() : this[0].tagName.toLowerCase();
$("#profileform :input").each(function () {
var type = $(this).getType();
var tmp = {
'type': type,
'value': $(this).val()
if (type == 'radio') {
tmp.checked = $(this).is(':checked');
orig[$(this).attr('id')] = tmp;
$('#profileform').bind('change keyup', function () {
var disable = true;
$("#profileform :input").each(function () {
var type = $(this).getType();
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if (type == 'text' || type == 'select') {
disable = (orig[id].value == $(this).val());
} else if (type == 'radio') {
disable = (orig[id].checked == $(this).is(':checked'));
if (!disable) {
return false; // break out of loop
button.prop('disabled', disable);});
However this also doesn't work when pulled to the parent page. Any help much appreciated! I'm really new to ajax so please point out any obvious mistakes! Many thanks in advance.
Just an update to what i've found. I've got one form working by using:
$(document).on('mouseenter', '#profile', function() {
However the following:
$(document).on('mouseenter', '#cancelimage', function() {
$('#cancelimage').onclick=function() {
function closePreview() {
} }; });
Is not working. I understand now that I need to make it realise code was there, so I wrapped all of my code in a mouseover for the new div, but certain parts still don't work, so I gave a mouseover to the cancel button on my image form, but when clicked it doesn't do any of the things it's supposed to.
For anyone else who comes across it, if you've got a function name assigned to it, it should pass fine regardless. I was trying to update it, and there was no need. Doh!
function closePreview() {
Works just fine.

Use Javascript string as selector in jQuery?

I have in Javascript:
for ( i=0; i < parseInt(ids); i++){
var vst = '#'+String(img_arr[i]);
var dst = '#'+String(div_arr[i]);
How can I continue in jQuery like:
$(function() {
$(vst).'click': function() {
NO, like this instead
$(function() {
$(vst).click(function() {
There are other ways depending on your version of jquery library
regarding to this, your vst must need to be an object which allow you to click on it, and you assign a class or id to the object in order to trigger the function and runs the for...loop
correct me if I am wrong, cause this is what I get from your question.
$(function() {
$(vst).click(function() {
You can use any string as element selector param for jQuery.
Read the docs for more information.
You can pass a String in a variable to the $() just the way you want to do it.
For example you can do:
var id = 'banner';
var sel = '#'+id;
$(sel).doSomething(); //will select '#banner'
What's wrong is the syntax you are using when binding the click handler. This would usually work like:
//here goes what you want to do in the handler
See the docs for .click()
Your syntax is wrong, but other than that you will have no problem with that. To specify a click:
$(function() {
for ( i=0; i < parseInt(ids); i++){
var vst = '#'+String(img_arr[i]);
var dst = '#'+String(div_arr[i]);
$(vst).click(function (evt) {
Note that since vst is changing in the loop, your event code should also be placed in the loop.
EDIT: Assuming you want the same thing to happen for each image and each div, you could also do something like this:
$(function () {
function imgEventSpec($evt) {
// image clicked.
function divEventSpec($evt) {
// div clicked.
for (var idx = 0; idx < img_arr.length && idx < div_arr.length; idx ++) {
$("#" + img_arr[idx]).click(imgEventSpec);
$("#" + div_arr[idx]).click(divEventSpec);

Javascript code error at Internet Explorer

My web + Jquery plugins is working well on Firefox, Chrome, Safari (win & Osx) & Android also. But it sucks with Windows + Internet Explorer because it does not load some js. I am going crazy because it works in all scenarios but IE.
IE shows me 3 errors warnings. My question is. Must IE compile perfect all these 3 errors before showing well the page? For example I have a real time search using jquery, but it does not work on IE due it shows me an error with that code.
Please could you help me validate this "valid" code? Thank you all in advance
$(function() {
// find all the input elements with title attributes
(function ($) {
$.fn.hint = function (blurClass) {
if (!blurClass) {
blurClass = 'blur'; }
return this.each(function () {
// get jQuery version of 'this'
var $input = $(this),
// capture the rest of the variable to allow for reuse
title = $input.attr('title'),
$form = $(this.form),
$win = $(window); function remove() {
if ($input.val() === title && $input.hasClass(blurClass)) {
$input.val('').removeClass(blurClass); }
// only apply logic if the element has the attribute
if (title) {
// on blur, set value to title attr if text is blank
$input.blur(function () {
if (this.value === '') {
$input.val(title).addClass(blurClass); }
).focus(remove).blur(); // now change all inputs to title
// clear the pre-defined text when form is submitted
$form.submit(remove); $win.unload(remove); // handles Firefox's autocomplete
); }; }
var options, a;
jQuery(function() {
var onAutocompleteSelect = function(value,
data) {'ITEM.PRO?&token=#AVP'navegante'&S=' + value.substring(value.length - 4)); }
options = {
serviceUrl : 'JQUERY-#AVP$_SETLANG$.pro',
onSelect : onAutocompleteSelect, }; a = $('#query').autocomplete(options); }
Next code in your example maybe have some errors:
original code:
var options, a;
jQuery(function() {
var onAutocompleteSelect = function(value,
data) {'ITEM.PRO?&token=#AVP'navegante'&S=' + value.substring(value.length - 4)); }
options = {
serviceUrl : 'JQUERY-#AVP$_SETLANG$.pro',
onSelect : onAutocompleteSelect, }; a = $('#query').autocomplete(options); }
changed code:
var options, a;
jQuery(function() {
var onAutocompleteSelect = function(value, data) {
// in next line added plus signs before and after *navegante*'ITEM.PRO?&token=#AVP'+navegante+'&S='+value.substring(value.length-4));
}; // semicolon added
options = {
serviceUrl : 'JQUERY-#AVP$_SETLANG$.pro',
// in next line removed comma. I think: it generate error in IE
onSelect : onAutocompleteSelect //,
a = $('#query').autocomplete(options);
I tried several j queries in my website .. Most common problem i faced was this and there was nothing wrong with j query but i had to download the latest >jquery.js file and rename it also with the jquery.js ..

