Is there any reason for "saving" variables? - javascript

I've got this function a colleague once has written:
setSentence: function (e) {
if (this.refs.messages.textContent.length > 0 && > 2) {
this.refs.messages.textContent = '';
He uses on two places within the code. I would tend to make something like this:
let textBoxContent =;
Then use the variable with the more descriptive name instead.
I once talked to him about these avoiding variables-thing. He just said that he wants "to save variables".
Would like to change these code-pieces but I'm still not sure ...
So therefore my question:
Does "saving variables" respectively avoiding variables in the code make any sense?

There is no economy in "saving variables" while repeating verbose code over and over. To me, this definitely falls in the category of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).
Javascript interpreters are very optimized for fast access to local variables. When a variable is being referenced, the very first scope that is looked in is the local scope so it will be found immediately and because of that and because there is no outside access to local variables, code within the function using them can be optimized pretty well.
In the end, it's probably as much a personal coding preference as anything.
My personal rule is that if I have some multi-step reference such as and I'm using it more than once in a function, then I will creating a meaningfully named local variable and assign it to that so I can then just use the local variable in the multiple places and avoid repeating the same multi-step property reference over and over (a textbook example of DRY).
This definitely makes the code easier to read too, both because you have a meaningful variable name and because it's just a simple variable rather than a multi-step property reference that has a generic name. While, it might technically be one additional line of code for the local variable assignment, it saves a lot of repeated property lookups so the theory is that it should be faster to save the end value into textBoxContent and not have to have the interpreter lookup every time.
Also, you should never fall for people who want to micro-optimize regular code as they first write it. Optimizations like this generally only need apply to 0.000001% of all your code and only after you've proven exactly where your bottleneck for performance is. And, even then you will have to devise multiple benchmarks in your target environment to prove what actually makes things faster (not use one person opinion - measurements only).
Before that, all your code should first be correct, clear, readable, maintainable, extensible, DRY, appropriate performance and about 10 other priorities before anyone thinks about a micro-optimization. If you apply the above priorities to the case you asked about, you will always decide to assign to a local variable if you are referencing it more than once within a context.


whats the real difference between a global variable with complex name VS an input field used for searching?

If I have a website, that has product filters and such. If I store the value in a global variable instead of element value, or vice versa. Sure, namespace is an issue, but if its complex, it would be unlikely to get overwritten. I've read it bad to allow access to the variables so they can be changed. Isnt anything on the client accessible? Also I dont see the difference between someone changing my global variable value VS changing the input value. If I store GPS coordinates of my users location to display a map, and the user changes it, how else would I store a "previous" location and a "new" location so if A user wants to revert back, they can. As long as I validate my data when it hits the servers, whats really the issue? Any thoughts?
I've read it bad to allow access to the variables so they can be changed. Isnt anything on the client accessible?
There are 2 issues here.
The most important one (usually) is code maintainability. When you have a large script, if you use global variables, name collision is a real possibility. Yes, you can use a complex variable name, but it's easier to read code when the code uses simple and accurate variable names.
Apart from collisions, having lots of variables available to use in a given block increases cognitive overhead. If a variable is only relevant to one particular section of the code, segregating the variable into only that section can make the code easier to understand at a glance. For example, one could replace
let isActive = false;
// 200 lines of code
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
isActive = !isActive;
alert('isActive is ' + isActive);
// 200 lines of code
(() => {
let isActive = false;
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
isActive = !isActive;
alert('isActive is ' + isActive);
(or even better, use ES6 modules to constrain scope)
See this post for a long discussion on this topic.
The other issue is, as you mentioned, if a variable is global, the user can change it. Sometimes this is a problem. For example, if you have a game that keeps track of coins the user has collected, the user can just open the console and do window.coins = 1e9 (in the unlikely event that they know JS and care to examine the source code to figure out how to do such a thing). Putting the variable into an enclosed IIFE will make such a technique much more difficult to pull off - but not impossible.
Fundamentally, the client can choose to run whatever code they want - it's their machine. So, you do need server-side validation - as you say you're doing, which is good.
As long as I validate my data when it hits the servers, whats really the issue?
Aside from the maintainability problem, it probably isn't an issue to worry about, since very very few people know and care enough to patch code on others' websites (and even then - it's their own computer, so who cares?). Lots of websites use global variables. It may be inelegant, but it can still work perfectly fine (as long as anything important sent to the server is validated on the server too).

JavaScript Usage - OOP, Prototypes, and (not-so) Simple Variables

I have been programming JavaScript for a fair while. I haven't ever taken a course or read guides/books as to best practices, but I've seemed to figure things out pretty well as I've gone. I know that my code isn't always the shortest and cleanest, but it's made sense for me.
I recently got into object-oriented programming and think that it's a great time to jump head-first into the language. While I know that it would be in my best interest to spend a few days pouring over OOP, I have a specific question that would help me in my attempts.
Making Variables Objects
I have a PhoneGap application, for example, that includes many functions each serially listed in split-up .js files. Everything worked okay, but I would have to keep passing the same few functions between every function, and the potential for error was fine. After reading into methods and objects a little, each page evolved to this usage:
var myPage = {
myVar1 : 'value',
myVar2 : 32,
initialize : function() {
//code that initialized the variables within this object
doSomething : function() {
//function that would do something with myPage vars
Using this methodology, each page ended up as a grand variable with many encompassed methods and variables. This cleaned up quite a bit and greatly reduced global vars, but I still don't feel as though it's perfect. My shared .js files are broken into types and many objects, each with their own functions. My first question is: is this a bad thing, and if so, why? If I could get an explanation for my specific use, it would benefit me much more than seeing optimal examples in textbooks and guides.
Making Prototypes and Classes with a Single Instance
Looking at examples provided here and across the web and dead-tree publications, I see that objects and prototypical behavior is defined as a class, then instances of the class are created. Nothing that I need to do, however, seems to fit this budget, and I'm nearly positive that it's because I'm simply not thinking in the correct paradigm. However, if I have a function that validates input, how does that fit into a better OOP methodology?
I simply have a variable/object named validate that contains the functions necessary, then put that variable in the shared file. If I were to create it as a class and create an instance of it each time that I needed to validate something, doesn't that create a lot more overhead? I don't see how it works for applications such as this.
I think that OOP is the way to go, and I want to be part of it. Thanks in advance for all answers and comments.
My first question is: is this a bad thing, and if so, why?
Competent developers avoid having functions defined in the global scope (what you do when you write function() {} inside a script) because it pollutes the global scope, where many other scripts try to do the same. Think of it as many of us trying to make a better "share()" function on the same page - only one of us will win.
I see that objects and prototypical behavior is defined as a class, then instances of the class are created. Nothing that I need to do, however, seems to fit this budget, and I'm nearly positive that it's because I'm simply not thinking in the correct paradigm
There's not much you can do there. If you have a function that validates input, then it would be better as part of the element:
someElement.validate(); // as a prototype
instead of the conventional
validate(someElement); // as a global function

Cost of implementing local scope by default

As we all know, in some languages (the most known example is javascript) variables are global scoped by default. That means that if one wants to declare local variable, he should write var, local, my or whatever.
I'd never thought about the implementation costs of this, but it turns out that it could be not just a matter of traditions. For example, check this link. My question is - is local scope-by-default architecture beforehand more pricey than global-scope-by-default. Just kinda of, don't know, selection sort beforehand requires less swaps than bubblesort, in that way "beforehand".
Besides, I would appreciate if somebody will edit this question to add appropriate tags. I just don't know which one fits better here.
A summary of some points which is better (local-by-default or global-by-default) for the Lua language can be found on this wiki page. Maybe neither-by-default is the best answer, but we programmers want to save some typing ;)
Some quotes from the wiki page:
"Local by default is wrong. Maybe global by default is also wrong, [but] the solution is not local by default." (Roberto Ierusalimschy, architect of Lua)
"[The current local variable scoping rule] is the single biggest design flaw in Ruby." (Yukihiro Matsumoto, Ruby designer)
"I dislike the implicit declaration of lexicals because it tends to defeat the primary use of them, namely, catching typos...Declarations should look like declarations...I believe that declarations with my are properly Huffman encoded." (Larry Wall, Perl Designer)
At compile time, the costs of local-by-default and global-by-default are the same. You still have to completely traverse the list of all active local variables when you find a name that hasn't been seen yet. At run time, local variables are usually faster to access.

Javascript variables

I am making a webapp. I have a fairly basic question about javascript performance. Sometimes I need a global variable to store information that is used the entire time the website is open.
An example is a variable called needs_saved. It is true or false to say whether the page needs saved. I might have another variable called is_ie, ie_version, or space_remaining.
These are all variable that I need in various functions throughout the app.
Now, I know global variables are bad because they require the browser to search each level of function scope. But, I don't know if there is any better way to store values that are needed throughout the program.
I know I could create a global object called 'program_status' and give it the properties is_ie, ie_version, etc... But is this any better since it would first have to find my program_status object (stored as a global variable), and then the internal property?
Maybe I'm overthinking this.
You have nothing to worry about.
The performance impact of a global variable is minute.
Global variables are discouraged because they can make code harder to maintain.
In your case, they won't.
The reason global variable use should be kept to a minimum is because the global namespace gets polluted when there's a lot of them, and there's a good chance of a clash if your program needs to use some 3rd party libraries which also create their own globals.
Creating a single object to hold all of your global state is a good idea since it limits the number of identifiers you need to reserve at the global level.
To solve performance problems, you can then create a local reference to that object in any scope where you need to access it multiple times:
So instead of
if (globalState.isIe) { alert(globalState.ieMessage); }
you can do
var state = globalState;
if (state.isIe) { alert(state.ieMessage); }
You don't need to do this if you only access the state object once. In any case, even if you never do this, the performance penalties will be negligible.
If you're worried about performance, code something clean then run a profiler on it to optimize. I know both Safari and Google Chrome have one, and it's pretty sure Firebugs includes one for Firefox too. Heck, even Internet Explorer 8 has one.

Why is it bad to make elements global variables in Javascript?

I've heard that it's not a good idea to make elements global in JavaScript. I don't understand why. Is it something IE can't handle?
For example:
div = getElementById('topbar');
I don't think that's an implementation issue, but more a good vs bad practice issue. Usually global * is bad practice and should be avoided (global variables and so on) since you never really know how the scope of the project will evolve and how your file will be included.
I'm not a big JS freak so I won't be able to give you the specifics on exactly why JS events are bad but Christian Heilmann talks about JS best practices here, you could take a look. Also try googling "JS best practices"
Edit: Wikipedia about global variables, that could also apply to your problem :
[global variables] are usually
considered bad practice precisely
because of their nonlocality: a global
variable can potentially be modified
from anywhere, (unless they reside in
protected memory) and any part of the
program may depend on it. A global
variable therefore has an unlimited
potential for creating mutual
dependencies, and adding mutual
dependencies increases complexity. See
Action at a distance. However, in a
few cases, global variables can be
suitable for use. For example, they
can be used to avoid having to pass
frequently-used variables continuously
throughout several functions.
Is it something IE can't handle?
No it is not an IE thing. You can never assume that your code will be the only script used in the document. So it is important that you make sure your code does not have global function or variable names that other scripts can override.
Refer to Play Well With Others for examples.
I assume by "events" you mean the event-handling JavaScript (functions).
In general, it's bad to use more than one global variable in JS. (It's impossible not to use at least one if you're storing any data for future use.) That's because it runs into the same problem as all namespacing tries to solve - what if you wrote a method doSomething() and someone else wrote a method called doSomething()?
The best way to get around this is to make a global variable that is an object to hold all of your data and functions. For example:
var MyStuff = {};
MyStuff.counter = 0;
MyStuff.eventHandler = function() { ... };
MyStuff.doSomething = function() { ... };
// Later, when you want to call doSomething()...
This way, you're minimally polluting the global namespace; you only need worry that someone else uses your global variable.
Of course, none of this is a problem if your code will never play with anyone else's... but this sort of thinking will bite you in the ass later if you ever do end up using someone else's code. As long as everyone plays nice in terms of JS global names, all code can get along.
There shouldn't be any problem using global variables in your code as long as you are wrapping them inside a uniqe namespase/object (to avoid collision with scripts that are not yours)
the main adventage of using global variable in javascript derives from the fact that javascript is not a strong type language. there for, if you pass somes complex objects as arguments to a function, you will probebly lose all the intellisence for those objects (inside the function scope.)
while using global objects insteads, will preserve that intellisence.
I personally find that very usfull and it certainly have place in my code.
(of course, one should alwayse make the right balance between locales and globals variables)

