Send data from one array object into another array object - javascript

I've got an Object Array:
console.log("New input: " + ko.toJSON(hm));
Console.log output:
"personalInfo": {},
"adresaInfo": {},
"Telefone": [{
numer1: ,
"Mobile": [{}],
"emailAdrese": [{
Now i would like to place this Array Object into another Object:
var insertPersonalInformacion = function(inputInfo) {
memberData.personal.forEach(function(p) {
"And here i am lost"
This is the call object
var memberData = {
personal: [{
"personalInfo": {},
"adresaInfo": {},
"Telefone": [{
numer1: ,
"Mobile": [{}],
"emailAdrese": [{

Your exact question is not quite clear, mainly because your variable identifiers seem a bit inconsistent throughout the code snippets.
If you want to assign your array to memberData.personal, a simple assignment will do:
var memberData = {
personal: yourArray
To merge the existing array content of memberData.personal with your array, use Array.prototype.concat():
var memberData.personal = memberData.personal.concat(yourArray);


How to traverse through a tree like nested data structure of unknown depth in order to find and collect addressable array items?

Say I have an array that looks as such:
"name": "Audiograms",
"folders": [{
"name": "2022"
}, {
"name": "2021"
}, {
"name": "2020"
}, {
"name": "Patient Paperwork"
}, {
"name": "Repairs"
And this array can have an infinite amount of objects and sub-objects, similar to a file tree.
I have an array letting me know the name of the folders I need to access from the root of the object, like:
["Audiograms", "2022"]
I also do not know this value ahead of time, nor do I know how many items are in this array ahead of time.
How would I be able to actually traverse this file tree using the array of names? I wish to do things like maybe pop the matching object out and move it to another part of the file tree.
Thank you!
"I wish to do things like maybe pop the matching object out and move it to another part of the file tree."
In order to achieve follow-up tasks like the above mentioned one, the next provided solution walks the OP's folder structure and collects for each addressable match an object of two references, target and parent, where the former is the reference of the to be found folder-item, and the latter is the reference of its parent folder-item.
The solution got achieved by a recursively implemented reducer function.
function collectAddressableFolderRecursively(collector, folderItem) {
const { name = null, folders = [] } = folderItem;
const {
address: [parentName, childName], result,
} = collector;
if (name === parentName && folders.length) {
const targetFolder = folders
.find(({ name }) => name === childName) ?? null;
if (targetFolder !== null) {
target: targetFolder,
parent: folderItem,
...folders.reduce(collectAddressableFolderRecursively, {
address: [parentName, childName],
result: [],
return collector;
const folders = [{
name: 'Audiograms',
folders: [{
name: '2022',
folders: [{
name: 'Audiograms',
folders: [{
name: '2022',
}, {
name: 'foo',
}, {
name: '2021',
}, {
name: '2020',
}, {
name: 'Patient Paperwork',
}, {
name: 'Repairs',
folders: [{
name: 'Audiograms',
folders: [{
name: '2022',
}, {
name: 'bar',
}, {
name: 'baz',
const address = ['Audiograms', '2022'];
const { result } = folders
.reduce(collectAddressableFolderRecursively, {
result: [],
console.log({ address, result });
.as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }

Omitting one or multiple values in javascript using lodash

I have a complex structure and I want to omit some properties from this structure for final value
let ListofWorlds = {
listOfCountries: [{
add: [{
id: 1,
updated: {
areacode: 123,
city: {
city: {'Austrailia'},
houses: {1000}
}], remove: []
I want to omit city property from this structure and need this
let ListofWorlds = {
listOfCountries: [{
add: [{
id: 1,
updated: {
areacode: 123
}], remove: []
This is what I have tried
let newListOfWorls =, function (worlds) {
return _.omit(worlds, ['city']); })
Appreciate the help and knowledge
This is what i have tried.
let ListofWorlds = {
listOfCountries: [{
add: [{
id: 1,
updated: {
areacode: 123,
city: {
city: 'Austrailia',
houses: 1000
}], remove: []
const newList =>{
arr.add[index] = _.omit(item,'')
return arr
Probably not the best way to do it, but hey it works, and why your code doesn't work probably you mapped an Object ListofWorlds and you need to be specific which field you want to be omitted

Javascript How to push item in object

var data = {items: [
{id: "1", name: "Snatch", type: "crime"}
And I would like to add the mark's key.
So the result would be:
var data = {items: [
{id: "1", name: "Snatch", type: "crime", mark:"10"}
How can I do ?
I tried to do data.items.push({"mark": "10"}) but it adds another object which is not what I want.
Access the correct index and simply set the property
data.items[0].mark = "10";
You may not need push here because you want to create a new key to n existig object. Here you need dot (.) to create a new key
var data = {
items: [{
id: "1",
name: "Snatch",
type: "crime"
data.items[0].mark = "10";
And, if you want add “mark” property to all the items:
data.items.forEach(function(item, index) {
data.items[index].mark = 10;

Creation of a multi-level JSON string

I want to create a multi-level JSON string with JS.
3 countries with 5 grandfathers with 3 kids which whom also have 3 kids that have 5 friends.
I get the data from a external JSON file that looks like this.
"gFKName": "Linda",
"kid": [{
"name": "Steve JR",
"friends": [{
"name": "Kriss|John|Martin|Steven"
And now I want to store some of the countries with people and their relatives and friends in a a new JSON list that looks exactly as the list made in the external json file. I aim to use this "homemade" list later on in the script.
My initial response for this was
var tree = new Array();
tree = {};
var countries = new Array();
countries[0] = "canada";
countries[1] = "USA";
countries[2] = "Mexico";
countries[0][0] = "Steve"; //Lives in Canada
countries[0][0][0] = "Linda"; //Daughter of Steve
countries[0][0][0][0] = "Steve JR"; // Kid of Linda
countries[0][0][0][0][0] = "Kriss"; //Steves Friend
$.each(countries...function(index, value){
tree[index].country = value;
$.each(grandfathers...function(key, value){
tree[index].country[key].grandfather = value;
And so on, but this is not giving me the result I want. What am I doing wrong? And a more effective way than to take each of everything?
Third edit...
Is this the sort of thing you're trying to do?
var countries = $.map(oldCountries || [], function(country) {
return {
people: $.map(country.grandfathers || [], function(gpa) {
return {
name: gpa.gFName,
children: $.map(gpa.grandfathersKid || [], function(parent) {
return {
name: parent.gFKName,
children: $.map(parent.kid || [], function(kid) {
return {
friends: kid.friends
I wasn't sure what to do with the friends node. Should that be normalized into something more useful, or do you want to leave it alone?
This Fiddle demonstrates the technique.
I think we'd need to know more about your requirements. But several thing I see here are:
You declare tree and initialize it as an Array, then immediately reinitialize it as an
empty object
You are not creating the intermediate nodes here, such as tree[index] but just assuming
that they exist.
You are trying to assign the country[key] property of an object, using the dot-property
Can you supply the countries structure and the grandfather's structure. And are they nested?
And finally, what would you like for the output format? The code above hints at it, but it's still a little fuzzy.
So are you trying to achieve a structure something like this?:
var countries = [
name: "Canada",
people: [
name: "Steve",
children: [
name: "Linda",
children: [
name: "Steve, Jr.",
friends: [
name: "Kriss"
//, more friends
//, more grandchildren
//, more parents
//, more grandparents
//, more countries
May be this jsfiddle can help you to get started?
And here is an example derived from your code.
Sounds like a homework, so I'll try to point you in the right direction. I think you are confusing objects and arrays. You could use a "country" object and a "person" object. A country object should have an array of person objects, as inhabitants. Person objects can have an array of person objects as descendants. Add a method like "addDescendant", which creates a new person under a person. From There you can build the structure as you like. Here is some pseudo code:
countries = [];
function Country(name){ = name; this.population = [];}
function Person(kids){this.descendants = []; this.addDescendant = function(){...};
//loop from 1 to kids and add descendants as "new Person"
person = new Person(3);
country1 = new Country("MyCountry1");
// now add people to country1.population
The final structure should look something like this:
countries = [
{ name: "country 1",
people: [{ name: "Steve"},
{name: "Clara", descendants: [{name: "Clara's daughter"},
{name: "Clara's son"}]
{ name: "country 2",
people: [{}, {} ...]

Is there any key/value pair structure in JavaScript?

I want to store information like:
array(manager) = {"Prateek","Rudresh","Prashant"};
array(employee) = {"namit","amit","sushil"};
array(hr) = {"priya","seema","nakul"};
What kind of data structure can I use?
You can use arrays to store list of data ; and objects for key-value
In you case, you'd probably use both :
var data = {
'manager': ["Prateek","Rudresh","Prashant"],
'employee': ["namit","amit","sushil"],
'hr': ["priya","seema","nakul"]
Here, data is an object ; which contains three arrays.
An object:
var myobj = {
"manager": ["Prateek","Rudresh","Prashant"],
"employee": ["namit","amit","sushil"],
"hr": ["priya","seema","nakul"]
alert(myobj['employee'][1]); // Outputs "amit"
A normal object will do:
var a = {
key1: "value1",
key2: ["value2.1","value2.2"]
Access with:
With ES2015/ES6 you have Map type.
Using Map your code will look like
const map = new Map([
['manager', ['Prateek', 'Rudresh', 'Prashant']],
['employee', ['namit', 'amit', 'sushil']],
['hr', ['priya', 'seema', 'nakul']]
To get Individual value you can use Map.get('key') method
you could store them in an array of objects:
var Staff = [
{ name: 'Prateek', role: manager },
{ name: 'Rudresh', role: manager },
{ name: 'Prashant', role: manager },
{ name: 'Namit', role: employee },
{ name: 'Amit', role: employee },
{ name: 'Sushil', role: employee },
{ name: 'Priya', role: hr },
{ name: 'Seema', role: hr },
{ name: 'Nakul', role: hr },
adding an ID attribute might be useful too depending on your application. i.e
{ id: 223, name: 'Prateek', role: manager },
Or use JSON like this. A little change of your pseudo code, but it will be serchable and extendable.
var Person = [
"name": "Prateek",
"position": "manager"},
"name": "James",
"position": "employee"}
Yes there is:
var theArray = {};
theArray["manager"] = ["Prateek","Rudresh","Prashant"];
theArray["employee"] = ["namit","amit","sushil"];
theArray["hr"] = ["priya","seema","nakul"];
Even you can use stuff as below :-
var obj = new Object(); = 'Jatin'; = 'Delhi';

