What does the javascript library they used in fsharp documents - javascript

When I visit some F# library documentation such FsUnit, they seems using some awesome javascript library that when I hover the mouse on some variable, a popup tips shows the type information about that variable. I would like to write a simple tutorials that is about F#. If I could add that script, I think the experience will be awesome. So does anyone knowns what the library is?

Its FSharp.Formatting. The HTML formatting bit is http://tpetricek.github.io/FSharp.Formatting/codeformat.html


How do I create page transitions?

I want to create a circular page transition as shown in the navigation of this site I know I need to use barba.js however I have no idea where to start I've spent all day looking for a tutorial on how to achieve this but I have found nothing. Can anyone please suggest where to start looking on how to create this I have never used javascript before and am quite new to HTML and css
EDIT: apologies I should've mentioned I already have my site done with separate pages now I would like to sort out the transitions between them.
to use a javascript library is a difficult thing if you have never seen javascript, but if you are familiar with coding in other languages you could start by scripting simple tests and see how it works, watch some short tutorial or see examples, and then look to specific documentation on how to use barba.js
Instead if you haven't programmed anything yet start from the basis, learn about the logic of programming (using tutorials for beginners and trying small projects yourself), at some point you'll be ready to create using a library :)
I would recommend getting a solid fundamental understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before implementing a JavaScript library like barba.js. barbra.js is implemented in JavaScript so it will be confusing to try to understand where the library ends and pure Javascript starts. https://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp is a great resource to get a solid fundemental in js. Here is the link to a barba.js tutorial if you still want to go ahead with it https://barba.js.org/docs/getstarted/basic-transition/
Perhaps make a new page, then transition from there. I haven't been doing HTML for a bit, so I've lost the code. Perhaps, use from transfering one page to another.

Best API/code library to build a timeline/chart

I'm reaching out for some advice on the best API/code library to use to build an interactive timeline/chart. I have included an example image below. The idea would be that you have a key, and clickable elements along a path/line that pop up/out when interacted with.
I have a lot of experience with Google Maps API, but this is quite clearly something a little different. Would you suggest ChartJS? Or something else? Just trying to get some background/research.
Do let me know if posting this on SO was the wrong thing to do.
Take a look at D3J or Dojo. They are both JavaScript libraries for data-driven and data-centric front-end applications.

Need example embedding plot with bokeh

Could anybody give me a brief example of how to use bokeh's embed tool? I've had a little bit of luck with the create_html_snippet() but I need a method that will support the use of hovertool for a barchart. I want absolute basics if possible, just any example or anything.
My situation:
novice at Javascript (do I need to do an import statement in my html?)
novice at html (haven't made a site for years)
still pretty beginner with bokeh too.
not running bokeh server, just want to embed static html like I receive from the save() method.
EDIT: none of the resources I found were super helpful but for others who stumble upon this this might help.
bokeh.embed.autoload_static(plot_object=myplot, resources=Resources('cdn'), script_path='embed.js)
This returns 2 items the first goes in that embed.js file. The second goes straight onto your html.
I've just stumbled upon the deprecated create_html_snippet myself, after updating to the new bokeh and breaking my code. After going through the docs about embedding I managed to get it to work again, and here's a simple example code which works for me.
As you said in your comment, we have a new Bokeh embed API since 0.5 release.
You can see some embedding examples here:
And you have here a little bit of docs about embedding:
Let's know if you need additional help to work on this...

Building Organizational chart using JavaScript

I have JSON data which come from server.
I want to display organization chart in the HTML file in the below format:
#Manager #Manager
I am using Dojo. I find this link extremely useful. I want to build exactly the same thing.
I am not able to find required dojo files in there site. So it could be proprietary to IBM.
I tried this link, but I do not find it useful.
Can someone please tell me how should I do it Using dojo or any other frameworks?
you can use Basic Primitives Diagrams
Which has various diagrams and optional format and is also open source,
it's client side JavaScript layout and rendering and no dependencies on 3rd party libraries.
It is also possible to try it online here
You might want to try google org charts . fairly easy to use it think.
I'm glad to offer jquery solution. As for which is the most easy to use, it all depends on your practical trying results.
The following snapshot shows the tree-like hierarchy created by jquery plugin OrgChart
If you have not svg, canvas or flex background, maybe this pure dom solution will be your favorite :)

Can anyone explain this jQuery plugin to me?

How does this plugin works in translating to other language.
I want to use this plugin for translating language. How it works and I need the documentation for this plugin. Where can I get it.?
Any suggestions please>
I can't seem to find any documentation for this plugin (but others seem to have). And the homepage provided in the code is offline.
As I don't really want analyse the code I suggest you use the jQuery Localisation plugin instead which is in part reused in the plugin you mention in your question but has some nice documentation and examples

