Can anyone explain this jQuery plugin to me? - javascript

How does this plugin works in translating to other language.
I want to use this plugin for translating language. How it works and I need the documentation for this plugin. Where can I get it.?
Any suggestions please>

I can't seem to find any documentation for this plugin (but others seem to have). And the homepage provided in the code is offline.
As I don't really want analyse the code I suggest you use the jQuery Localisation plugin instead which is in part reused in the plugin you mention in your question but has some nice documentation and examples


What does the javascript library they used in fsharp documents

When I visit some F# library documentation such FsUnit, they seems using some awesome javascript library that when I hover the mouse on some variable, a popup tips shows the type information about that variable. I would like to write a simple tutorials that is about F#. If I could add that script, I think the experience will be awesome. So does anyone knowns what the library is?
Its FSharp.Formatting. The HTML formatting bit is

How do i utilize # to develop a one page application like gmail?

i want to develop a one page application where it should utilize AJAX to a full extent like the one used in Gmail and Facebook. i am aware of the light JS Framework called Sammy.js which does the work. the only thing why i don't want to use this is it is built on top of jQuery. i know jQuery is awesome and nice and i should start using it right away. but FYI i tend to learn things from scratch and later on i would want to adopt for Frameworks.
here is the link to what exactly i want to do..
is there any alternative so that i can achieve the same using plain Javascript?
thank you...
Since you'll be using jQuery, have a look at this plugin:
Edit: Oops, misread your question. I thought you do want jQuery.. but you don't.
Well.. still use it (or another javascript library if you don't like jQuery). First of all, you'll most likely not be aware of all browser-specific issues. Then your code will be much less readable if you use classic plain JavaScript for everything. If someone else will be working with your code he'll also have a hard time to get into it unless you document it really well.
So as you see, there's no good reason not to use jQuery in your app. If you want it for learning purposes ok - but then don't do that in a real application but with some small testcases.
using plain JavaScript to accomplish what you're looking to do is nice and educational and all, but using jQuery to accomplish it is soooo much quicker and effective. You could do XmlHttpRequests with callbacks etc., or you could $.ajax.
My advice, start learning jQuery now and start simple with a basic ajax request. You'll pick it up very quickly!
You can do it without JQuery, what you'll learn though is the million and one differences between each browser's javascript engine, and you'll have to account for all of them. Personally I think there's better things you could be learning, but up to you. If you want to, check out document.getElementById and go from there.

Is there a small css 1 javascript function/library to retrieve elements?

Also do you know of some useful javascript tutorials?
Also is there a tutorial that explains the jquery library line by line?
Lots of information available at, including How Jquery Works, a list of Tutorials, and the API documentation. For general javascript stuff, I find that has a lot of information on learning javascript, along with the ability to try things out yourself. JSFiddle can be useful for trying out code, including frameworks, as well once you have a better handle on what you're doing.
For the first question:
Look at document.getElementById, document.getElementsByTagName, and document.getElementsByName
Google is your friend, here...
I recommend you actually learn JavaScript, the magical language that is magical, before you start wandering into the realms of jQuery, as in my opinion, you should learn the basics before you have things become simplified for you.
I should note that I do not hate jQuery users, but I believe that learning simple/traditional DOM manipulation is important. Frameworks can come later.
Make a good understanding of Javascript to understand jQuery and other magic libraries.

Javascript wrappers for Twitter

I am planning to build a JS based twitter client. Information about libraries/clients is pretty old on other SO Questions. I was wondering if anyone has come across wrappers other than Spaz and TwitterHelper.
Addition : Please note this will be client app which I also plan to run on mobiles using phonegap.
Thanks :-)
I recently wrote an OAuth library for JavaScript that might help you. You can find it here:
There's also some example documentation on how to extend it for use with Twitter:
See Anywhere, an official Twitter Javascript library. Full documentation here.

YUI and/or jQuery for a new project?

If I am starting a new project how should I pick between using YUI 2, YUI 3 and jQuery?
I know there are a bunch of questions/answers already about can you use them together, but I am trying to figure out what criteria I should be thinking about to make my decision.
Are they overlapping?
Is one better at GUI and the other better at internals?
Do they play well together? My understanding from other questions is that they can live in different namespaces, so they can live together, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is good to use both.
If you are familiar with neither, I personally have found jQuery's documentation and API easier to understand than YUI's, at least for simpler things. It also appears there is more jQuery related information than YUI on stackoverflow.
YUI does have its users and supporters though, so check it out in case you end up finding it suitable for you. It's got a huge library of additional modules you can use for complex web applications.
My usual advice would be to go with whatever you're familiar with, and I say this because I don't think it's worth dropping one to start learning the other from scratch. But if you are familiar with neither, then you should check out how easy the documentation for both is to understand.
PS I would not recommend YUI2 if you're starting anew as it has been superceded by YUI3, which is much better designed.
We need more information about the type and size of the project before a proper library can be suggested.
For example, if you're building a semi-complex/large-ish web app, I would suggest Dojo or ExtJs. Otherwise, for smaller projects, jQuery might be more appropriate. I cannot comment on YUI as I have not used it.
Impossible to say without knowing more details about the project. Use jQuery or Prototype for things like DOM manipulation and making autocomplete, etc. If you need a more powerful Javascript implementation take a look at ExtJS, which is basically a full stack framework for Javascript.
Both are JS frameworks and there to help you. YUI is known to be more natural in them and more closer to the original Javascript while jQuery is known as more easy and you find more jQuery users and support around then YUI. However, as said earlier, it depends on the project, if it is likely that you will be making your own custom widgets, I will suggest you to go with YUI but if it's like a simple e-commerce website in which you just need some fancy galleries and shopping cart, go with jQuery, you will learn and implement that quickly. I am not saying that you can not go more in depth with jQuery but my impression is that jQuery is more of a CakePHP for PHP like of framework which gets you off the grounds quickly.
In my opinion there is no need for you to use them side by side in a single project, that will just produce the over-head as both do whatever you want to do in them i.e creating dialog panels, autocomplete quick searches, event related utilities etc.
I am writing down a series of beginner and mid-level tutorials for YUI users, let me know if you find them useful or if there is anything else where I can help.

