Trying to get information out of X-ray Scraping - javascript

I'm having some troubles with the X-ray. I feel that isn't the x-ray specifically but instead the javascript.
var Xray = require('x-ray');
var xray = Xray();
var brasil = [];
function stringToNumber(str){
var number;
for(var i=0;i<str.length-1;i++){
if(number == undefined && Number(str[i]) < 10){
number = str[i];
} else if (number != undefined && Number(str[i]) < 10) {
number = number + str[i];
} else {
return Number(number);
xray('', {
a: xray('tr', [{
name: '.text',
percentage: 'td:nth-child(2)'
})(function(err, obj){
for(var i =0;i<obj.a.length-1;i++){
if(obj.a[i].name == "Brazil"){
obj.a[i].percentage = stringToNumber(obj.a[i].percentage);
So basically what I'm trying to do is get the information out of x-ray and then work with it. I'm trying to store the information into a object but when I try to access it only gives me the last option.
If someone could assist me I would appreciate.
Thank you,
Renan Cidale

You may try phantom Javascript driver for x-ray.
var Xray = require('x-ray');
var phantom = require('x-ray-phantom');
var xray = Xray().driver(phantom());
function stringToNumber(str){
var number;
for(var i=0;i<str.length-1;i++){
if(number == undefined && Number(str[i]) < 10){
number = str[i];
} else if (number != undefined && Number(str[i]) < 10) {
number = number + str[i];
} else {
return Number(number);
'tr > td:first-child > table.zztable.stats > tbody > tr', [{
name: '.text',
percentage: 'td:nth-child(2)'
}])(function(err, obj){
for(var i =0;i<obj.length-1;i++){
if(obj[i].name == "Brazil"){
obj[i].percentage = stringToNumber(obj[i].percentage);


Encode letter to number

I feel like I am failing everything this semester. but I was wondering if you all could help me with a JS project. We have been tasked with essentially converting numbers to letters and vica versa using textareas in HTML. I was able to do the numbers to letters function, but am having difficulties going the other way. what I have for all is:
var $ = function(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
window.onload = function() {
$("btnDecode").onclick = fnDecode;
$("btnEncode").onclick = fnEncode;
$("btnClear").onclick = fnClear;
function fnDecode() {
var msg = $("textin").value;
if (msg === "") {
$("textin_span").innerHTML = "* Please enter a message to decode *";
} else {
$("textin_span").innerHTML = "";
var nums = msg.split(",");
var outstr = "";
for(var i=0; i < nums.length; i++) {
var n2 = parseInt(nums[i]);
if (isNaN(n2)) {
outstr += "?";
} else if (isNallN(nums[i])) {
} else if (n2 === 0) {
outstr += " ";
} else if (n2 < 1 || n2 > 26) {
outstr += "?";
} else {
outstr += String.fromCharCode(n2+64);
$("textout").value = outstr;
function isNallN(s) {
//parse string to check all characters are digits
function fnEncode() {
var msg = $("textin").value.toUpperCase();
$("textin").value = msg;
if (msg === "") {
$("textin_span").innerHTML = "* Please enter numberse to decode *";
} else {
$("textin_span").innerHTML = "";
var c;
var outstr = "";
for (var i=0; i<msg.length; i++);
c = msg.charCodeAt(i);
if (typeof c === "number") {
outstr += "99";
}else if (c === " ") {
outstr += 0;
/*} else if (c[i] >= "A" && c[i] <= "Z") {
outstr += "99";*/
} else {
outstr += String.charCodeAt(c - 64);
$("textout").value = outstr;
//var x = msg.charAT(i);
obviously isNallN is not complete, but he promised us if we could figure out fnEncode we should be able to do isNallN with no issues (which I am hoping is true lol) What am doing wrong though in fnEncode? Every time I run it, it gives me "99" even when I put letters in.

making custom validation for password field in react

I am making a custom registration page with only 2 values Email and Password, later I will add confirm password as well, for my password field I have some restrictions and I am using some regex and also some custom made code to make the validation.
this is my validateField:
validateField(fieldName, value) {
let fieldValidationErrors = this.state.formErrors;
let emailValid = this.state.emailValid;
let passwordValid = this.state.passwordValid;
//let passwordValidConfirm = this.state.passwordConfirmValid;
switch(fieldName) {
case 'email':
emailValid = value.match(/^([\w.%+-]+)#([\w-]+\.)+([\w]{2,})$/i); = emailValid ? '' : ' is invalid';
case 'password':
passwordValid = (value.length >= 5 && value.length <= 32) && (value.match(/[i,o,l]/) === null) && /^[a-z]+$/.test(value) && this.check4pairs(value) && this.check3InRow(value);
fieldValidationErrors.password = passwordValid ? '': ' is not valid';
this.setState({formErrors: fieldValidationErrors,
emailValid: emailValid,
passwordValid: passwordValid,
//passwordValidConfirm: passwordValidConfirm
}, this.validateForm);
as you can see for
I have made some methods, this one
doesnt work the way I want it to work, this one makes sure, you have at least 3 letters in your string that are in a row so like "abc" or "bce" or "xyz".
var counter3 = 0;
var lastC = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if((lastC + 1) === value.charCodeAt(i)){
if(counter3 >= 3){
return true;
counter3 = 0;
lastC = value.charCodeAt(i);
return false;
this doesnt work correctly so it should accept this:
as a password but not:
You are starting your counter from 0 and looking for greater than equal to 3 which will never be 3 for 3 consecutive characters. Rest everything is fine with your code.
check3InRow(value) {
var counter3 = 1;
var lastC = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
if ((lastC + 1) === value.charCodeAt(i)) {
if (counter3 >= 3) {
return true;
} else {
counter3 = 1;
lastC = value.charCodeAt(i);
return false;
Can we not do a simple version of that function? Like
function check3InRow2(value){
for (var i = 0; i < value.length-2; i++) {
const first = value.charCodeAt(i);
const second = value.charCodeAt(i+1);
const third = value.charCodeAt(i+2);
if(Math.abs(second - first) === 1 && Math.abs(third-second) === 1){
return true;
return false;
I mean complexity wise it is O(N) so maybe we can give this a try
Also adding the your function. When you are AT a char then you should consider counter with 1. Because if another one matches it will be 2 consecutive values.
function check3InRow(value) {
var counter3 = 1;
var lastC = value.charCodeAt(0);
for (var i = 1; i < value.length; i++) {
if ((lastC + 1) === value.charCodeAt(i)) {
if (counter3 >= 3) {
return true;
} else {
counter3 = 1;
lastC = value.charCodeAt(i);
return false;

handlebars +=,-= if condition met

I've been searching the net net for a while now trying to find a way to aggregate json array values with handlebars using +=, or -= if the condition is met. however i can't seem to find any guidelines on how to properly do so. can anyone guide me on how to convert this iteration into a handlebars helper?
var table = $("#table tbody");
$.getJSON("front-end/ajax/bethistory.php", function(data) {
var value = 0;
$.each(data, function(a, b) {
if (b.action == "win") {
value += parseFloat(b.coins);
} else if (b.action == "lose") {
value -= parseFloat(b.coins);
var tbody = $("<tr/>").append($("<td/>").html(b.action), $("<td/>").html(value))
something like this?
var value = 0;
Handlebars.registerHelper("this_val", function(a,b) {
if (a == "win") {
value += parseFloat(b);
} else if (a == "lose") {
value -= parseFloat(b);
return value;
for anyone who needs this. i was able to figure it out thanks to this post
Handlebars.registerHelper("compute", function(array, options) {
var new_array = "",
value = 0,
count = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
var coins = Number(array[i]['coins']),
action = array[i]['action'];
if (action == "win") {
if (coins > 0) {
value += coins;
} else if (action == "lose") {
if (coins > 0) {
value -= coins;
array[i]['running'] = value;
new_array += options.fn(array[i]);
return new_array;

Nothing happens after Prompt

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I need it to list all the numbers from 0 to the number inputted by the prompt into the HTML. I made some suggested changes but now I only get the result for the specific number inputted, not all the numbers up to that number. I am just starting out so please be gentle. Thanks!
$(function() {
var number = parseInt(prompt("Let me see a number:"));
var result;
for(var i = 0; i <= number; i++) {
if ( i %15 == 0) {
result = "Ping-Pong";
else if (i %5 == 0) {
result = "Pong";
else if (i %3 == 0) {
result = "Ping";
else {
result = number;
document.getElementById("show").innerHTML = result;
You can do either:
for(var i = 0; i <= number; i++) {
var digit = number[i]; // or any other assigment to new digit var
if ( digit % 5 == 0) {
return "Ping-Pong";
.... rest of your code here.
if ( number % 5 == 0) {
return "Ping-Pong";
.... rest of your code here.
Problem is you did nothing after the return keyword. Also you didn't declared variable as digit. I hope this is what you are looking for.
With loop:
$(function() {
var number = parseInt(prompt("Let me see a number:"));
var result;
for (var i = 0; i <= number; i++) {
if (i % 15 == 0) { // replaced `digit` with `i`
result = "Ping-Pong";
} else if (i % 5 == 0) {
result = "Pong";
} else if (i % 3 == 0) {
result = "Ping";
} else {
result = number;
<script src=""></script>
Without loop:
$(function() {
var number = parseInt(prompt("Let me see a number:"));
var result;
if (number % 15 == 0) { // replaced `digit` with `number`
result = "Ping-Pong";
} else if (number % 5 == 0) {
result = "Pong";
} else if (number % 3 == 0) {
result = "Ping";
} else {
result = number;
<script src=""></script>
Ok, I figured it out. For future reference, this is what I was trying to do:
$(function() {
var number = parseInt(prompt("Let me see a number:"));
var i
var text = "";
for(i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
if ( i %15 == 0) {
text += "<br>" + "Ping Pong" + "<br>";
else if (i %5 == 0) {
text += "<br>" + "Pong" + "<br>";
else if (i %3 == 0) {
text += "<br>" + "Ping" + "<br>";
else {
text += "<br>" + i + "<br>";
document.getElementById("show").innerHTML = text;

Check and alert for the null value

I need to check for the null values and alert them if there are any before getting saved. I have used this code but I am not able to alert the null values instead it is getting saved . .
function fn_publish() {
var SessionNames = getParameterByName('SessionName');
var MenuType = getParameterByName('MenuType');
var Date = getParameterByName('ForDate');
var publish = "Y";
Dates = Date.split("-");
Date = Dates[1] + "/" + Dates[2] + "/" + Dates[0];
var rows = [];
cols = document.getElementById('product_table').rows[1].cells.length - 1;
table = document.getElementById('product_table');
for (var i = 1; i <= cols; i++) {
for (var j = 0, row; row = table.rows[j]; j++) {
if (j == 0) {
cust = row.cells[i].innerText;
} else if (j == 1) {
catlg = row.cells[i].innerText;
} else {
if (typeof (row.cells[i]) != "undefined") {
if (row.cells[i].innerText != "") {
fn_insert(SessionNames, MenuType, Date, catlg, row.cells[0].innerText, row.cells[i].innerText, cust, publish);
} else {
jAlert("Please select a product", "ok");
return false;
jAlert("Menu Published", "ok");
if (row.cells[i].innerText != "") {
May be the cells are containing empty space in that. Better trim ad then compare.
if (row.cells[i].innerText.trim() !== "") {
Also instead of innerText use textContent which is common in most modern browsers.
if (row.cells[i].textContent.trim() !== "") {

