iOS - What programming language does Parse use? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've heard of Parse recently and how it's a good service to use for building a back end for an iOS app, but I can't find ANYWHERE that states what programming language I'll need to write that backend code...PHP? Javascript? Java? Which is it?
All I'm reading about are iOS sdk's, Javascript sdk's, etc. I just want to know what programming language I need to know in order to write backend code with Parse.

You can create your parse client code in Swift or Objective-C but If you would need to write cloud code then you can write code in javaScript.
Here is a simple tutorial that describe the complete scenario how to startup a totally backend.
Hope it will help you to create wonderfull apps.


General questions about php and react.js [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm about to learn react.js but I have a lot of questions,
if I'm learning react do I need PHP?
Do I need PHP with react.js and how will I use it inside PHP if possible
if I do PHP do I need React?
React.js is a javascript front-end library. It is fully written in javascript and that is the only language you need to know to use it.
PHP is a scripting language that is generally used to create the backend of your applications.
So yes you could technically develop your backend using PHP and then use React to create the frontend of your application, however it would be easier to simply use javascript to create both the backend and the frontend of your project.
If you're interested in backend development using javascript, I recommend you start by looking at node.js and the express.js library.

Creating and live-updating database without php (on Heroku) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm wondering if there's some way, using JS+nodejs, to create and to live- update a database.
I am in a bit of a time crunch and am very unfamiliar with PHP, and am having problems using PHP+Heroku. I am much more familiar with JS+nodejs. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Have you tried using meteor?
Meteor runs on top of NodeJS and you can build apps with two way data binding ( database and front-end) using meteor. Plus It has support for Angular and React.
Alternatively you can build everything from scratch with NodeJS, some front-end framework and

Is it possible to make GUI applications using JavaScript? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to understand this concept: is that possible to make an application, with a graphical user interface, using JavaScript. I found that adobe bracket is also made using JavaScript, but how is its GUI designed?
Please tell me; I'm trying to make my new IDE using JavaScript. So is that possible to design GUI user interfaces using JavaScript?
Try out node-webkit. Its for building GUI applications using javascript.

How to use angularJs in GWT? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to integrate angularJs in my existing GWT application. I am new to angularJs. How to start with it?
Take a look at
AngularGWT - This is a library that enables Authors to write components or complete apps for AngularJS in Java. This is mostly done using compiler castings for Google Web Toolkit to "compile" Java Code into Javascript.
AngularGWT is the way to go. But if you want an simple way off, include the angular.js in your *.html file and use JSNI to access Angular JS from your code.

Human body detection in Javascript [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there any JavaScript library for human body detection in images or video? I know OpenCV in C++ and Python, but I need it in JavaScript. There are also libraries for face detection, but I can't find any for the whole body.
Yes, there are JavaScript ports of OpenCV that perform object detection on images or videos in real-time: js-objectdetect (which contains an upper body classifier) and HAAR.js.
More classifiers can be found in the OpenCV distribution or on the internet, they just have to be converted into another format before they can be read by the JavaScript libraries.
You can also use the same C++ libraries integrated in a NPAPI, and then call for the C++ functions from your javascript code.

