Human body detection in Javascript [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there any JavaScript library for human body detection in images or video? I know OpenCV in C++ and Python, but I need it in JavaScript. There are also libraries for face detection, but I can't find any for the whole body.

Yes, there are JavaScript ports of OpenCV that perform object detection on images or videos in real-time: js-objectdetect (which contains an upper body classifier) and HAAR.js.
More classifiers can be found in the OpenCV distribution or on the internet, they just have to be converted into another format before they can be read by the JavaScript libraries.

You can also use the same C++ libraries integrated in a NPAPI, and then call for the C++ functions from your javascript code.


javascript in C++ [closed]

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Closed last month.
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Is it possible somehow to use javascript code inside C++? For example I have some js library and want to use some it's methods in my C++ project (I know about emscripten but it looks like I have to build C++ code with emcc).
Yes it is possible that you can run the javascript in your c++ code but you need a javascript engine like V8 Maybe this will help you a lot.

A dynamic site that does not use JavaScript [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I started using the python django framework. Can I open a dynamic site without using JavaScript? I find python easy to use and for some reason I don't like JavaScript.
In order to implement dynamic elements (such as displaying messages at button click without updating the site) you need to instruct the browser to change the respective DOM elements.
Currently the only fully supported language that browsers understand for that purpose is Javascript.
There are Javascript alternatives such as Dart or Typescript, but they need to be transpiled to Javascript to work with browsers.
So, practically you cannot build a dynamic website without Javascript at the moment.

Can I convert arbitrary audio to FLAC with pure JS? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to convert any audio (mp3, wav, etc) to FLAC with pure JS as I can't use any third party tools. Is this possible? Ideally, I'd like to pipe it.
With pureJS, probably no. You'd need to at the least include some bindings for a C++ nodejs extension for encoding/decoding (like lameMP3).
You could create the bindings yourself if you're up for it using N-API
You could, of course, go the absolutely insane route and read the files into memory, convert the stream to a UInt32Array (or something), figure out how it's encoded, then convert it yourself with some algo.

iOS - What programming language does Parse use? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've heard of Parse recently and how it's a good service to use for building a back end for an iOS app, but I can't find ANYWHERE that states what programming language I'll need to write that backend code...PHP? Javascript? Java? Which is it?
All I'm reading about are iOS sdk's, Javascript sdk's, etc. I just want to know what programming language I need to know in order to write backend code with Parse.
You can create your parse client code in Swift or Objective-C but If you would need to write cloud code then you can write code in javaScript.
Here is a simple tutorial that describe the complete scenario how to startup a totally backend.
Hope it will help you to create wonderfull apps.

Is it possible to make GUI applications using JavaScript? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to understand this concept: is that possible to make an application, with a graphical user interface, using JavaScript. I found that adobe bracket is also made using JavaScript, but how is its GUI designed?
Please tell me; I'm trying to make my new IDE using JavaScript. So is that possible to design GUI user interfaces using JavaScript?
Try out node-webkit. Its for building GUI applications using javascript.

