How can I create data-driven text inputs with Ember? - javascript

I am trying to create several inputs that update my Ember Data model immediately, without a submit action. E.g.
First Name [Placeholder: Enter first name ]
Last Name [Placeholder: Enter last name ]
City [Placeholder: Enter city ]
I’ve approached this by creating a wrapper component around an Ember TextField subclass component, and have gotten it to work, kind of, but with two major problems:
Placeholders don't work as I tried to implement them (see below) — seems I could do this a lot more easily using the TextSupport mixin, but I don't know how to use it.
I don't like the way I am sending change actions up to the route, which is basically like this:
Within a top-level component {{person-view action="modifyPersonInternals"}} I have my wrapper components as follows:
{{editable-property property="firstName" action="updateFirstName"}}
{{editable-property property="lastName" action="updateLastName"}}
{{editable-property property="city" action="updateCity"}}
When the user edits the firstName, the TextField component calls updateFirstName on the editable-property wrapper component with a parameter (the new value); the wrapper component in turn calls modifyPersonInternals on the route with two parameters (the property to modify, and the new value). This works but seems clunky/hacky and can't be the right approach, can it?
Also, here's my unsuccessful attempt to implement a placeholder in editable-property.js,
hasEmptyProperty: Ember.computed(function() {
return ((this.get('property') === "") || (this.get('property') === null));
and in editable-property.hbs:
{{#if hasEmptyProperty}}
<div class="placeholder" {{action "editProperty"}}>{{placeholder}}</div>
<div {{action "editProperty"}}>{{bufferedProperty}}</div>
I get an error that hasEmptyProperty is not defined.

If you are passing the model into the component anyway, why not just directly associate the models property with your input?
{{input value=model.firstName}}
This will achieve your goal, but if you are trying not to pass the model into the component then the best way is to send an action as you are doing.
With regard to the hasEmptyProperty I would instead have a property called hasEmptyProperty and a function that sets it, something like...
checkEmptyProperty: function() {
var property = this.get('property');
if(property === "" || property === null ) {
this.set('hasEmptyProperty', true);
} else {
this.set('hasEmptyProperty', false);


Why isn't my svelte {#each} block reactive?

So basically I am playing with Svelte trying to spin up a quick app, details of the app aren't important but basically it hosts a bunch of embedded sites. see example here & for replicability:
My problem is that when I add a new url & title to the sites list, the {#each} block that creates the embedded views doesn't update to reflect the new state of the list, even though the list is clearly updating in the console output. Is it something to do with scope or is it a Svelte issue of not triggering reactivity on prop reassignments from components?
Update: some sites don't allow embedding so use as a safe one for testing.
if you replace a hard-coded url in the sites list with wiki address it should work fine. i basically want a new window to pop up as the {#each} block creates a new SiteView component
There are several things wrong with your code, the first being that you do not propagate the changes made to the sites array back to the main application, you should use bind: to keep the two arrays in sync.
<InputBar bind:sites {site} />
The second is that you are modifying an object when adding a new site and then adding that object to the array, this will always be the same object so if you change it the previously added sites will also change. You can solve this by spreading the new object into the array instead:
function add() { sites = sites.concat({}); console.log(sites)}
// or alternatively
function add() { sites = [...sites, {}]; console.log(sites); }
That said, the application is not very "Svelte" like as it mixes responsibilities and exposes data to components that don't need that data. For example, why would the input bar need to know about the current sites ? It would be a lot better to have the input bar be just that, an input bar. When the user clicks 'add' it raises an event that says 'something has been added' and resets the fields. Then the parent is responsible to add it to the array. This will make for a more flexible solution. If you do that you will see there is also no reason to have a 'site' variable on the top level (or even have that object at all, you can just have two fields)
import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte'
let url = ''
let title = ''
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher()
function add() {
dispatch('add', { url, title })
url = ''
title = ''
<div class="rounded">
<p>Enter a site to stream:</p>
<input type="text" placeholder="" bind:value={url}>
<input type="text" placeholder="example" bind:value={title}>
<button on:click={add}>add</button>
<InputBar on:add={(ev) => sites = [...sites, ev.detail]} />
On a final note, to add things to the head of the html use <svelte:head> instead.
If you want to change a value from another component you need to bind the property, otherwise the relationship is one-way only (from parent component to child).
<InputBar bind:sites {site}/>

Vue-multiselect: How to convert object to array for use in options prop?

I am using vue-multiselect like so:
placeholder="Select or search for an existing customer"
...that grabs the list of active customers from an Array and then makes them available in a nice select menu.
This works good. However, I need to add another option from another resource (called customerNone) to the options prop and but the data is returned as an Object like so:
{"uid":1,"lastname":"None Given","firstname":"User","email":null,"phone":null...blah}
The vue-multiselect docs state that the :option prop MUST be an Array.
Question: What is the best way for me to handle this in the vue-multiselect component? Here's my attempt to help explain what I am trying to do (not sure if this is the best way to handle it). Unfortunately, my attempt causes a console error (see below):
I am passing a prop down called noCustomer which, if is true, I need to use customerNone profile on :options:
:options="noCustomer ? customerNone : getActiveUserProfiles"
here's the error:
Invalid prop: type check failed for prop "options". Expected Array, got Object
Is there a way I can convert the customerNone object to an array of object? Thanks!
You could wrap the customerNone object in brackets at the time that you pass it to the <multiselect> like [customerNone].
This syntax creates a new array on the fly, having 1 element that is the object variable:
:options="noCustomer ? [customerNone] : getActiveUserProfiles"
Update for comments
In order to auto-select the generic option when it's available, use a watch on the noCustomer prop to set value whenever noCustomer === true:
watch: {
noCustomer(newValue, oldValue) {
if(newValue) { // Checking that `noCustomer === true`
this.value = this.customerNone;

Display react component name in attribute

While working with React, i would like to display component name in an attribute of the component. E.g. if I have a component <LoginBox /> I would like it to be rendered as
<div data-react-name="LoginBox">...</div>
But I want this to be done automatically for each transpiled component. Reason for this is automated testing when I'd check for rendered elements in HTML/DOM, currently a component is not differentiated by the name in rendered HTML.
I thought I'd write a babel plugin, but I have no idea what visitors I'd use and how to make it robust enough. I tried google for such a plugin but I have no idea how it would be called and found nothing useful.
So is there any plugin or any way to achieve this?
Now after a year, as I'm rethinking, it should be quite easy.
For more details on writing plugins see handbook.
Use ASTexplorer to inspect what AST would your code result in. And then, for generated tree, prepare visitors. So e.g. with code:
<div><Custom some-prop="prop">Some text</Custom></div>
we would infer, that we need to use visitor JSXOpeningElement and alter node's property attribute. To this property - array we would add a new element that we would create by Babel.types.jsxAttribute(name, value). We will get the name of tag from node's property (the name string is nested inside name object). We also need to use appropriate types. So it would look like this:
module.exports = function(Babel) {
return {
visitor: {
JSXOpeningElement(path) {
const name = Babel.types.jsxIdentifier('data-testname');
const value = Babel.types.stringLiteral(;
path.node.attributes.push(Babel.types.jsxAttribute(name, value));
The code is tested with the ASTExplorer.

How to use reactive forms inside ng-template

I have just started with Angular 4 and I need to develop a CRUD grid, where the user can add, edit or delete rows.
During my research I found this article where it shows how to create the grid and also the actions: Angular 4 Grid with CRUD operations.
Looking at his code, what called my attention was the way he is using the ng-template to toggle between edit/view mode.
<tr *ngFor="let emp of EMPLOYEES;let i=idx">
<ng-template [ngTemplateOutlet]="loadTemplate(emp)" [ngOutletContext]="{ $implicit: emp, idx: i }"></ng-template>
On the article he uses template driven forms to edit the row. However, I was trying to change to reactive forms.
In my attempt to do that, I tried to replace the [(ngModel)] to formControlName and I got some errors. My first attempt I tried to add the [formGroup] at the beginning of the template html inside form element. But when I tried to run and edit the row, I got the following error:
Error: formControlName must be used with a parent formGroup directive. You'll want to add a formGroup directive and pass it an existing FormGroup instance (you can create one in your class).
When I tried to move the [formGroup] inside the ng-template it works, however I was not able to bind the value to the fields and I had to set the values in the loadTemplate function:
loadTemplate(emp: Employee) {
if (this.selemp && === {
return this.editTemplate;
} else {
return this.readOnlyTemplate;
This works and show the values inside the fields in a read only mode :(
Here is the Plunker of what I have got so far.
How can I make a reactive form work with ng-template and how to set values to edit the entries?
Any help is appreciated! Thanks
Actually your form is not readonly, you are just constantly overwriting the input you are entering. Since you are having a method call in template (which is usually not a good idea), loadTemplate gets called whenever changes happen, which in it's turn means that
gets called over and over whenever you try and type anything. We can overcome this with instead setting the form values when you click to edit. Here we also store the index so that we can use it to set the modified values in the correct place in array, utilizing the index could perhaps be done in a smarter way, but this is a quick solution to achieve what we want.
editEmployee(emp: Employee) {
this.index = this.EMPLOYEES.indexOf(emp)
this.selemp = emp;
so when we click save, we use that index...
saveEmp(formValues) {
this.EMPLOYEES[this.index] = formValues;
this.selemp = null;
id: '',
name: ''
Your plunker:
BUT notice...
I would suggest you perhaps rethink this idea, having the method loadTemplate in template, will cause this method to fire way too much. You can see in the plunker, where we console log fired! whenever it is fired, so it is a lot! Depending on the case, this can cause serious performance issues, so keep that in mind :)
PS. Made some other changes to code for adding a new employee to work properly (not relevant to question)

Knockout component updating observable not being subscribed to by parent view model?

I've written a component called Upload which allows users to upload files and then report back with a JSON object with these files. In this particular instance, the Upload component has a parameter which comes from a parent view model:
<upload params="dropzoneId: 'uploadFilesDropzone', postLocation: '/create/upload', uploadedFiles: uploadedFiles"></upload>
The one of importance is called uploadedFiles. The parameter binding here means I can reference params.uploadedFiles on my component and .push() new objects onto it as they get uploaded. The data being passed, also called uploadedFiles, is an observableArray on my parent view model:
var UploadViewModel = function () {
// Files ready to be submitted to the queue.
self.uploadedFiles = ko.observableArray([]);
I can indeed confirm that on my component, params.uploadedFiles is an observableArray, as it has a push method. After altering this value on the component, I can console.log() it to see that it has actually changed:
console.log(params.uploadedFiles().length); // was 0, now returns 1
The problem is that this change does not seem to be reflected on my parent viewmodel. self.uploadedFiles() does not change and still reports a length of 0.
No matter if I add a self.uploadedFiles.subscribe(function(newValue) {}); subscription in my parent viewmodel.
No matter if I also add a params.uploadedFiles.valueHasMutated() method onto my component after the change.
How can I get the changes from my array on my component to be reflected in the array on my parent view model?
Why do you create a new observable array when the source already is one? You can't expect a new object to have the same reference as another one: simply pass it to your component viewModel as this.uploads = params.uploads. In the below trimmed-down version of your example, you'll see upon clicking the Add button that both arrays (well the same array referenced in different contexts) stay in sync.
ko.components.register('upload', {
viewModel: function(params) {
this.uploads = params.uploads;
this.addUpload = function() { this.uploads.push('item'); }.bind(this);
template: [
'<div><button type="button" data-bind="click: addUpload">Add upload</button>',
'<span data-bind="text: uploads().length + \' - \' + $root.uploads().length"></span></div>'].join('')
var app = {
uploads: ko.observableArray([])
<script src=""></script>
<div data-bind="component: {name: 'upload', params: {uploads: uploads}}"></div>
It is only in case your source array is not observable that things get a little more complicated and you need to have a manual subscription to update the source, eg. you would insert the following in the viewModel:
this.uploads.subscribe(function(newValue) { params.uploads = newValue; });
Additionally the output in the text binding would not be updated for the source because it is not observable. If for some reason that I cannot conceive of you would want to have 2 different observableArrays (1 source & 1 component), you should still be able to do with the line above, but replace the function code with params.uploads(newValue)
The problem may be related to this bug (to be confirmed):
Edit 1: So this was not a bug. You have to unwrap the raw param to access the original observable. In your case, it would be:
params.$raw.uploadedFiles() //this would give you access to the original observableArray and from there, you can "push", "remove", etc.
The problem is that when you pass a param to a component, it gets wrapped in a computed observable and when you unwrap it, you don't have the original observableArray.
While Binding Property that involves Parent --> Child Relation
Use Binding in this way
If You want to bind data to Child Property
data-bind='BindingName : ParentViewmodel.ChildViewModel.ObservableProperty'
Here it seems you want to subscibe to a function when any data is pushed in Array for that you can write subscribe on Length of Observable array which can help you capture event that you want.
This should solve your problem.

