Detect when two different elements are clicked at the same time - javascript

I want to run some code when two different elements are clicked at the same time. Obviously we only have one mouse, but it seems like this may be possible on mobile where the user can use two fingers at once.
I found this answer in which a multiple selector is used to achieve this type of functionality:
$('#someElement').mouseleave() || $('#someOtherElement').mouseleave()) {
// do something
However, what I want to achieve is more accurately represented by using the && operator:
$('#someElement').click() && $('#someOtherElement').click()) {
// do something

Keep track of the click with a timeout and a tolerance of the timespan between clicks you will accept. In the example below if they are clicked within 1 second of each other the logic will trigger:
var $el1 = $();
var $el2 = $();
var el1Clicked = false;
var el2Clicked = false;
var tolerance = 1000;
var onEl1Click = function(){
el1Clicked = true;
el1Clicked = false;
}, tolerance);
//both are clicked within a tolerance
var onEl2Click = function(){
el2Clicked = true;
el2Clicked = false;
}, tolerance);
//both are clicked within a tolerance
$el1.on('click', onEl1Click);
$el2.on('click', onEl2Click);

You can use available Mobile JavaScript Frameworks or write down your custom code like this.
Hope this is what you are looking for.


Ignore function if occurred within x seconds

Since people are misunderstanding my wording, I will rewrite it, I want "with the following code below" to ignore the function which i have commented on below in my jquery if it happened in the last "X" seconds.
Here is my code.
EDIT:: Please write answers in reference to this, example. "the script ignores the change in class and the delay wont work"
Sorry for confusing everyone including myself.
Edited due to author's post update.
You can create custon event. By this function you will define: "delayedClick" event on the selected objects.
function delayedClickable(selector, delayTime){
$(selector).each(function () {
var lastTimeFired = 0;
if( - delayTime > lastTimeFired) {
lastTimeFired =;
Remeber that you should define delayTime and this event on selected elements by:
var delayTime = 3 * 1000; // 3 sec delay between firing action
delayedClickable('.Img2', delayTime);
And then just use your event on elements. For example click event can be used in that way:
$element.on('click', function () {
// ...
And your custom delayedClick event should be used in that way:
$element.on('delayedEvent', function () {
// ...
Full example:
I've found some another tricky way to keep using click function and makes it works as expected:
function delayedClickable(selector, delayTime){
$(selector).each(function () {
var scope = this;
$(this).click(function(){ = 'none';
setTimeout(function () { = 'auto';
}, delayTime);
And then
var delayTime = 3 * 1000; // 3 sec delay between firing action
delayedClickable('.Img2', delayTime);
That's all.
The key of second way is that we are disabling any pointer event on element when clicked and then after timeout we're turning these events back to work.
And full example:
Can use setTimeout() to change a flag variable and a conditional to check flag in the event handler
var allowClick = true,
delaySeconds = 5;
return; // do nothing and don't proceed
allowClick = false;
allowClick = true;
}, delaySeconds * 1000 );
// other element operations

Javascript track when element became visible?

I have different controls on screen and hide and show them asynchronously. Is there any way to track when an element becomes actually visible on the screen? I actually want to get a callback when that happens and move the focus on that element!
try this
var trk = new Array("element1","element2","element3"); // add elements IDS whom you want to track
window.onload = function(){
function track()
var ele;
for(var i=0;i<trk.length;i++)
ele= document.getElementById(trk[i]);
// do something
The only way that I can think of is to have a setInterval method which checks of the!=="none", or whatever other method you used to hide and show the element.
Something like:
var myInterval = setInterval(function()
var element = document.getElementByID("SomeElement");
if(!=="none" ||!=="hidden")
//exit the interval
}, 20);

Can't get javascript text effect to work properly with delay

I'm trying to make a random text effect kinda like the one at the end of the movie War Games (Matthew Broderick). The idea is to have individual letters change randomly when ever the user hovers over one of the letters in the word. Eventually after a short time the letter would end up being "decoded" meaning that it would end up on the right letter or number. I have built basic effect but the part I am struggling with is setting the timer. I want to create a small delay between the hover-out event and the actual display of the decoded character. When i add a settimeout however. The script breaks and seems to stack timers. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Below is the code I've got so far.. any help would be great.
function setDecodedChar(object){
var decodedMessage = "HELLO WORLD";
var index = object.attr('class').substring(4);
function changeChar(object){
var randomchar = getrandomChar();
function getrandomChar(){
var char = "";
var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
char = possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length));
return char;
$(function() {
var target = $(".title-text").children();
var timer;
var gate = true;
var charChar = $(this);
//on hover-over
gate = false;
//on hover-out
setTimeout(function(){ //<-- breaks here
gate = true;
Here is a jsfiddle of the effect as I currently have it working.
I really like your idea, and I worked on it. I got it working.
First, here a fiddle :
I must say, i don't know if its the optimal way, but it still working!
The problem with you method is that you have 1 timer for every character, they override themselves, so some letters wont stop.
How i solve it:
I set the timer in the data of every letter like that :
$(this).data('timer', setInterval(function () {
}, 100));
Not every span have their own timer.
On hover out, i ad to save the $(this) reference into a `var since you lost it in the timeout. I alos saved the timeout into the data so i could stop it when you hover it and it's still changing. Well it look like that now :
var $this = $(this);
$'timeout', setTimeout(function(){
And finally, on hover, i had to clear timeout and interval:
Well, I find it hard to explain in my own word, so take a good look at the code and enjoy!
setsetTimeout(function(){ //<-- breaks here
You have an extra 'set'
setTimeout(function(){ //<-- breaks here
So the issue could be related to the timer. It changes every time the setInterval is called. If you were to store the interval on the hover object then clear it by using the stored reference it works.
Cool concept by the way.
$(function () {
var target = $(".text").children();
var timer;
$(target).hover(function () {
var charChar = $(this);
if($(this).data("timer") == void(0)) {
if($(this).data("timeout") != void(0)) {
$(this).data("timer", setInterval(function () {
}, 100));
}, function () {
//on hover-out
var timerObject = $(this);"timeout", setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000));

JavaScript setTimeout scope issue

var toogleDelay = 500;
var closeTimeout = null;
$(">ul>li", $nav).hover(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if(closeTimeout) {
var openMenuCallback = function() {
window.setTimeout(openMenuCallback, toogleDelay);
}, function () {
var $this = $(this);
var closeMenuCallback = function() {
closeTimeout = window.setTimeout(closeMenuCallback, toogleDelay);
I use this snippet to open and close a multidropdown-menu and I want the menu to fade in and out with a 0.5s delay. I also added a cleartimeout to the mouseover part of the jquery hover function, so that the menu does not close if somebody (accidently) leaves the menuarea and enters it again within the 0.5s. This all works fine, but I now have the problem, because there is more than just one dropdown, that the closeTimeout of lets say the first dropdown gets cleared, if I move the mouse from the first directly to the second dropdown and I now have both dropdown-elements open. How must I rewrite the code, so that every dropdown has its own closeTimeout and at the same time I am still able to clear the timeout in the mouseover part of the hover function.
You could store the timer's id in the element's data. Something like
var $this = $(this);
var closeMenuCallback = function() {
var closeTimeout = window.setTimeout(closeMenuCallback, toogleDelay);
$"timerid", closeTimeout);
and then check it with
var $this = $(this);
var closeTimeout = $"timerid");
if(closeTimeout) {
I know this isn't part of the question but I like the CSS approach to this.
there are a number of examples for this. some multilevel some not.

setTimeout("this.disabled=false",3000); is not working

I am trying to prevent duplicated data to database when the user click the submit button multiple times within a very short time (eg double click speed). First I disable the button after one click, then enable the button again after 3 seconds. I don't know why setTimeout("this.disabled=false",3000); is not working on jquery. Please help me out, below is my codes :
$(function() {
$(".btnSendResp").click(function() {
this.disabled = true;
You have the wrong this.
You need to save a reference to this in a local variable, then pass a function to setTimeout that uses the variable.
For example:
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() {
self.disabled = false;
}, 3000);
$(function() {
$(".btnSendResp").click(function() {
var that = this;
that.disabled = true;

