Get javascript var from webview to android var - javascript

I am trying get a var from a webview but I only can modify like this:
browser.loadUrl("javascript:var x = document.getElementById('login').value = 'something';");
but I need get any js var like this :
String myAndroidvar = browser.loadUrl("javascript:var x = document.getElementById('login').value");
but this syntax is incorrect, I need the correct method.

You have to add a javaScriptInterface to you webview. See this blog for a decent description.
You can also get stuff from javascript by calling an interface function you defined using:
web.loadUrl("javascript: window.jsinterface.getValue(document.getElementById('login').value)");


Execute Javascript using Selenium in Python

I'm loading a page using selenium and I want to execute this
var ep_start = $('#episode_page').attr('ep_start');
var ep_end = $('#episode_page').attr('ep_end');
var id = $("input#movie_id").val();
var default_ep = $("input#default_ep").val();
var alias = $("input#alias_anime").val();
I have no clue how to do it in python, I tried to use the full script
js = '''script'''
or just loadListEpisode(...) replacing each one by its equivalent, it's not really working.
The script is present on the page so maybe there's a way to directly call it.
I tried to extract ep_start, ep_end,.. by hand then doing this
source = BeautifulSoup(...)
var1 = source.find(...)
It didn't work too, I don't think it's recognizing them as variables
If $ represents jQuery, you would first have to load it into the browser as follows if it has not already been loaded by the current page:
path_to_jquery_js = '/my_scripts/jquery.js' # for example
with open(path_to_jquery_js, 'r') as f:
jquery_js =
If you do not have jQuery stored locally, then you would have to use something like the requests module from the PyPi repository to fetch it:
import requests
jquery_url = 'https://some_domain/jquery.js' # for example
r = requests.get(jquery_url)
jquery_js = r.text
Then you should be able to execute the script as follows:
script = """
var ep_start = $('#episode_page').attr('ep_start');
var ep_end = $('#episode_page').attr('ep_end');
var id = $("input#movie_id").val();
var default_ep = $("input#default_ep").val();
var alias = $("input#alias_anime").val();
Just make sure loadListEpisode is already defined by other JavaScript that has already been loaded.
This is untested by me for obvious reasons, but give it a shot -- it should work in principle. Let me know how it goes (I am sure you will).
You simply need to pass the script as an argument to execute_script() method as follows:
var ep_start = $('#episode_page').attr('ep_start');
var ep_end = $('#episode_page').attr('ep_end');
var id = $("input#movie_id").val();
var default_ep = $("input#default_ep").val();
var alias = $("input#alias_anime").val();
You can find a relevant discussion in How to extract and print the final numbers using Selenium ChromeDriver and MutationObserver

How to get the image url of cocos2d-js Sprite?

I have a Sprite created from the code:
var mysprite = new cc.Sprite(theURLofimage);
Now, At some point in my code, I wanted to get the "theURLofimage" of the above sprite.
var req_url = mysprite.texture.url;
returns me the required url in the browser. However, it returns undefined in the native code(or jsb, so to say). When I log "mysprite.texture", it returns me [object texture2D] but I cannot view the content of the object in the Cocos IDE console.
Is there anyway to get the required url form the sprite? or what are the alternatives?
I'd have to take a look at the API docs to see if there's a better way, but you could just put it manually:
var mysprite = new cc.Sprite(theURLofimage);
mysprite.url = theURLofimage;
Then you could always get it from there.

SJCL key generation

for my website "" I want to generate ECC public and private keys with JavaScript library sjcl. I tried following code:
crypto_keys = sjcl.ecc.elGamal.generateKeys(256);
var public_key =;
var secret_key = crypto_keys.sec.get();
var public_key_hex = sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(public_key.x) + sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(public_key.y);
var secret_key_hex = sjcl.codec.hex.fromBits(secret_key);
I get the error message:
TypeError: sjcl.ecc is undefined
I think I have to construct a class with new, but I dont know which one.
I found the mistake: ecc.elGamal is no standard sjcl function. I have to compile the sjcl.js file manually with additional functionality included.

Using jQuery to access a Flash Function

So I’m trying to interact with a flash variables using jQuery. The original author of the flash based program has not got back to me yet and so I thought to ask here. I'm not that strong in AC3 so forgive me.
Within the original action script, I added a new import statement:
import flash.external.*;
There's a function that initializes the program called ini and added this towards the bottom:
For all intensive purposes, just know that there is an existing and working function called gotoLastPage. It is declared as private void and works by the default application. All seemed fine there, got no errors when I recompiled the swf file.
Now the swf object is initialized like this
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.pages = “reader_fl/pages.xml”;
flashvars.settings = “reader_fl/settings.xml”;
var params = {};
params.quality = “high”;
params.scale = “noscale”;
params.wmode = “transparent”; var attributes = {};
attributes.align = “middle”;
attributes.allowFullscreen = “true”;
swfobject.embedSWF("reader_fl/PageFlip_v6.swf", "Reader_Window_player", "100%", "100%",
"10.0.0", false, flashvars, params, attributes);
As a note, I'm using swfobject. The reader comes up fine and is wrapping around a div called Reader_Window_player.
Now when I go to jQuery, I tried:
var Reader = $('#Reader_Window_player')[0];
However, I still can’t seem to access the gotoLastPage. Console says that gotoLastPage is not defined.
Any help here?
Are you opening the html page from the file system and not served from a web server? If so, that would explain why it's not working.
Calls to ExternalInterface fail if the content (html and swf) is in the local-with-networking or local-with-filesystem sandbox (source:
I love JQuery but I usually do that the old fashion way:
var getSwf = function (swfName) {
var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1;
return (isIE) ? window[swfName] : document[swfName];
Also make sure you have the following in your JS: = "Reader_Window_player"; = "Reader_Window_player";
and as #Cherniv stated in the comments:

How to programmatically determine name of CKEditor instance

I've added a CKEditor instance programmatically to my page in the code-behind of my ASP.NET page:
itemEditor = New CkEditor
... which works fine. I can get the HTML on the postback and do stuff with it.
However, I also want to do some client-side stuff with it, specifically take a selected item out of another control, and insert it into the text by handling the onchange event.
So, how can I get the name of the editor instance in the JavaScript, so that I can do stuff like:
function GetCkText()
var htmlFromEditor = CKEDITOR.instances['editorName'].getData();
// do stuff with htmlFromEditor
Assuming you only have one editor instance:
for ( var i in CKEDITOR.instances ){
var currentInstance = i;
var oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances[currentInstance];
Here is what the JavaScript API says about instances.
Here is another way of defining the CKEditor. Here 'fck' is the input fields id:
CKEDITOR.replace( 'fck', {
customConfig : prefix + 'js/ckeditor/config.js',
height: 600,
width: 950
editor = CKEDITOR.instances.fck;
Notice how I am then able to reference the instance using .fck.
If you only have a single instance and you do not know the name of it.
The following code:
var allInstances=CKEDITOR.instances;
for ( var i in allInstances ){
works fine for me.
Well I've found a way... but I don't like it much...
I've added a Hidden Field control to the page, after adding the editor, and put the editor's ClientId in its value:
Dim hdn As New HiddenField
With hdn
.ID = "HiddenField"
.Value = itemEditor.ClientID
End With
.. and then in the JavaScript, I can get the hidden field, and hence the editor name as follows:
function GetCkText()
var hdn = document.getElementById("HiddenField");
var editorName = hdn.getAttribute("value");
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances[editorName];
return false;
But it's a bit inelegant, to say the least. Anyone got a better way?
If you are using CKEDITOR.appendTo(...), keep in mind that the ckeditor does create an instance name internally. So you can query for that name immediately after creating it, then store it somewhere, and use it later.
var lvo_editor = CKEDITOR.appendTo( "my_div" , null , lvs_html ) ;
my_global_var = ;
by the way: The CKEDITOR.replace(...) method allows you to define an instance name (see answer above)
If you need the instance from a plugin, at least in version 4+ you can do this.
Here I am wanting to know the name of the textarea I applied ckeditor on.

