Wrapping promise into a Sync function - javascript

I'm writing a node CLI where synchronous behaviour is typically more appropriate than async and I'd like to be able to leverage the following convention:
# Write functional code as an async function which returns a Promise
function foobar() { ... }
# Uses async function but blocks on promise fulfillments
function foobarSync() { ... }
So for instance -- using the RSVP promise implementation -- I have written the following async function for calling shell scripts:
var shell = function (params,options) {
options = extend({timeout: 4000},options);
var commandResponse = '';
var errorMessage ='';
// resolve with a promise
return new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve,reject) {
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var timeout = setTimeout(function() {
reject(new Error('Timed out')); // fulfil promise
}, options.timeout);
try {
var shellCommand = spawn(params.shift(),params);
} catch (err) {
reject(err); // fulfil promise
shellCommand.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
commandResponse = commandResponse + data;
shellCommand.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
errorMessage = errorMessage + data;
shellCommand.on('close', function (code) {
if(code !== 0) {
reject({code:code, message:errorMessage}); // fulfil promise
} else {
resolve(commandResponse); // fulfil promise
This works, now I want to make synchronously:
# Works
shell(['ls','-l']).then( function (results) {
console.log('Result was: %s', results);
# Would like to see work
var results = shellSync(['ls','-l']);
What I thought would work for shellSync is:
var shellSync = function (params,options) {
options = extend({pollingInterval: 100},options);
var shellResults = null;
function(results) {
console.log('Results: %s', results);
shellResults = results;
// return results;
function(err) {
console.log('Error: %s', err);
shellResults = err;
// return err;
while(!shellResults) {
// wait until a Promise is returned or broken (and sets the shellResults variable)
return shellResults;
Unfortunately this just runs, never returning. I though that maybe instead of the while loop I'd implement a polling interval to execute the conditional statement on:
var polling = setInterval(function() {
// return once shellResults is set;
// this setting takes place when either a resolve() or reject()
// is called in Promise
if(shellResults) {
console.log('results are available');
return shellResults;
while(1) {
// wait
Of course, removing the while loop results in the function returning immediately (with an as-yet unfulfilled promise). So then I tried to combine the "waiting" functionality of the while loop with a polling frequency implemented

The easiest way is to consume sync API on your internal code if you want it to be sync, but you want to wrap the async code as sync, right ?
I think this can be acchieved using fibers (https://www.npmjs.org/package/fibers), or more specifically, futures, a little example
var Future = require("fibers/future");
// async API, will be wrapped by syncFoo
var asyncFoo = function(cb) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1500);
var syncFoo = function() {
var future = new Future();
console.log("asyncFoo will be called");
asyncFoo(function(x) {
console.log("asyncFoo ended");
return future.wait();
(function() {
console.log("* Syncfoo will be called");
console.log("* Syncfoo ended");
console.log("* Syncfoo will be called again");
console.log("* Syncfoo ended again");
More specific for your code:
var shellSync = function(params, options) {
var future = new Future();
options = extend({pollingInterval: 100},options);
var shellResults = null;
function(results) {
console.log('Results: %s', results);
future.return({results: results});
function(err) {
console.log('Error: %s', err);
future.return({err: err});
var ret = future.wait();
if (ret.err) {
throw ret.err;
} else {
return ret.results;
EDIT NOTE: You should wrap all in (function() {...}).future()(); to run this on a fiber


Compiling a result through a chain of promises (JS inheritance/interfaces)

I'm building a "storage provider" that allows consuming code to store stuff through an interface. Consider the below code snippets to be pseudocode as I'm going for MCVE. I'm trying to get my hands on IMPORTANTDATA and IMPORTANTKEY below.
At the lowest level, I have a baseService:
define([], function(){
return function(){
this.sendRequest = function(data){
return $.ajax(data).done(function(response){
return response.IMPORTANTDATA; // <---- This is needed
throw new Error(response);
I build services with this to reuse some base functionality, for example - eventService:
define(["baseService"], function(baseService){
const eventService = new baseService();
eventService.postMediaEvent = function(eventType, mediaPath, storageProvider){
// isolated logic here
return eventService.sendRequest(someData);
This is where things start to get tricky: I have a baseStorageClient:
define(["eventService"], function (eventService) {
return function(){
this.storageProvider = null;
const self = this;
this.storeMetadata = function(eventType, mediaPath){
return eventService.postMediaEvent(eventType, mediaPath, self.storageProvider);
this.storeMedia = function(){
throw new Error("Not Implemented");
But this guy isn't ever used directly. I have instances of this created - for example, indexedDbClient:
define(["baseStorageClient"], function(baseStorageClient){
const indexedDbClient = new baseStorageClient();
indexedDbClient.storeMedia = function(blob){
return openDatabase().then(function () {
const request = database.transaction(storeName, "readwrite")
request.onsuccess = function (event) {
logger.log("combined segments saved into database.");
// todo - figure out how to resolve here
return {
IMPORTANTKEY: dbEntry.mediaId // <---- This too
request.onerror = function (event) {
// todo: figure out how to reject here
logger.log("Unable to save segments " + e);
And this client is used within my storageInterface:
define(["indexedDbClient"], function(indexedDbClient){
const storageInterface = {};
var currentClient = indexedDbClient; // might be other clients
storageInterface.storeMedia = function (blob) {
return currentClient.storeMedia(blob).then(function(mediaPath) {
return currentClient.storeMetadata(eventType, mediaPath);
This is where things get super hairy. What I'm trying to achieve is the following:
storageInterface.storeMedia(superBuffer).then(function (importantStuff) {
// this should go storeMedia > baseStorageClient > eventService
But I can't quite figure out how to get this handled. How can I compile a result along a chain of promises like this?
There's two major problems:
You should treat done and fail as deprecated. They don't allow for any chaining, they will discard the results of the callback. Always use then.
sendRequest = function(data){
return $.ajax(data).then(function(response){
return response.IMPORTANTDATA;
}, function(response) {
throw new Error(response);
Your transaction doesn't return any promise yet, so there's nothing for you to chain onto. You'll need to promisify it first:
function promiseFromRequest(req) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
req.onsuccess = resolve;
req.onerror = reject;
Now you can actually use it like so:
storeMedia = function(blob){
return openDatabase().then(function () {
return promiseFromRequest(database.transaction(storeName, "readwrite")
.then(function (event) {
logger.log("combined segments saved into database.");
return {
IMPORTANTKEY: dbEntry.mediaId
}, function (e) {
logger.log("Unable to save segments " + e);
throw e;
With those, you should be able to combine the results from storeMedia and storeMetaData in some way.

Using Promises to defer continuation within a forEach loop

My goal with the below is to:
Capture a list of resolutions
Scan through each of them (in order) to find the first one that results in a successful stream
To test this, I have testVideoPresence:
var testCounter = 0;
function testVideoPresence(videoElement) {
if (testCounter >= 5) {
testCounter = 0;
return false;
if (!videoElement.videoWidth || videoElement.videoWidth < 10) { // check to prevent 2x2 issue
setTimeout(function() {
testVideoPresence(videoElement); // try again
}, 500);
} else if (video.videoWidth * video.videoHeight > 0) {
return true;
As you can see, I'm using a setTimeout to recurse at most 5 times. This is where things get tricky:
resolutionTestBuilder.buildTests().then(function (resolutionTests) {
// at this point, I have a set of resolutions that I want to try
resolutionTests.forEach(function (resolutionTest) {
// then I want to iterate over all of them until I find one that works
performTest(resolutionTest).then(function (result) {
video.srcObject = result.mediaStream; // start streaming to dom
if (testVideoPresence(video)) { // here is the pain point - how do I await the result of this within the forEach?
// return the dimensions
} else {
// continue scanning
}).catch(function (error) {
// wait to continue until we have our result
}).catch(function (error) {
function performTest(currentTest) {
return streamHelper.openStream(currentTest.device, currentTest.resolution).then(function(streamData) {
return streamData;
}).catch(function (error) {
streamHelper.openStream = function (device, resolution) {
var constraints = createVideoConstraints(device, resolution);
logger.internalLog("openStream:" + resolution.label + ": " + resolution.width + "x" + resolution.height);
return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints)
.then(function (mediaStream) {
streamHelper.activeStream = mediaStream;
return { stream: mediaStream, resolution: resolution, constraints: constraints };
// video.srcObject = mediaStream; // push mediaStream into target element. This triggers doScan.
.catch(function (error) {
if (error.name == "NotAllowedError") {
return error.name;
} else {
return error;
I'm trying to wait for the result within the forEach before continuing through the array of resolutions. I know I can use some advanced techniques like async/await if I want to transpile - but I'm stuck with vanilla JS and promises / bluebird.js for now. What are my options? Disclaimer - I am new to promises so the above code could be very malformed.
Tests are defined in order of importance - so I do need resolutionTests[0] to resolve before resolutionTests[1].
If the order of trials isn't important, you can simply use a map combined with Promise.race to make sure the first promise of a list that resolves resolves the whole list. You also need to make sure your promises return other promises inside then.
resolutionTestBuilder.buildTests().then(function (resolutionTests) {
return Promise.race(resolutionTests.map(function (resolutionTest) {
return performTest(resolutionTest).then(function (result) {
video.srcObject = result.mediaStream; // start streaming to dom
return testVideoPresence(video);
}).catch(function (error) {
}).catch(function (error) {
This of course assumes that testVideoPresence does NOT resolve when you the dimensions are not available.
If the order of trial is important then a reduce approach might work.
This will basically result in a sequential application of the promises and the resulting promise will until all of them are resolved.
However, once the solution is found we attach it to the collector of the reduce so that further trials simply return that as well and avoid further tests (because by the time this is found the chain is already registered)
return resolutionTests.reduce(function(result, resolutionTest) {
var nextPromise = result.intermPromise.then(function() {
if (result.found) { // result will contain found whenver the first promise that resolves finds this
return Promise.resolve(result.found); // this simply makes sure that the promises registered after a result found will return it as well
} else {
return performTest(resolutionTest).then(function (result) {
video.srcObject = result.mediaStream; // start streaming to dom
return testVideoPresence(video).then(function(something) {
result.found = something;
return result.found;
}).catch(function (error) {
return { intermPromise: nextPromise, found: result.found };
}, { intermPromise: Promise.resolve() }); // start reduce with a result with no 'found' and a unit Promise
At first , your testVideoPresence returns undefined. It wont work that way. May do:
function testVideoPresence(videoElement,callback,counter=0) {
if(counter>10) callback(false);
if (!videoElement.videoWidth || videoElement.videoWidth < 10) {
setTimeout(testVideoPresence, 500,videoElement,callback,counter+1);
} else if (video.videoWidth * video.videoHeight > 0) {
SO you can do:
testVideoPresence(el, console.log);
Now to the forEach. You cannot yield the forEach in any way. However you could write your own recursive forEach:
(function forEach(el,index) {
if(index>=el.length) return false;
performTest(el[index]).then(function (result) {
video.srcObject = result.mediaStream; // start streaming to dom
if(!success) return alert("NOO!");
//do sth
}).catch(function (error) {
})(resolutionTests,0);//start with our element at index 0
function raceSequential(fns) {
if(!fns.length) {
return Promise.resolve();
return fns.slice(1)
.reduce(function(p, c) {
return p.catch(c);
}, fns[0]());
// "Resolution tests"
var t1 = function() { return new Promise(function(_, reject) { setTimeout(() => reject('t1'), 1000); })};
var t2 = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(() => resolve('t2'), 1000); })};
var t3 = function() { return new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(() => resolve('t3'), 1000); })};
var prom = raceSequential([t1, t2, t3])
.then(function(result) { console.log('first successful result: ' + result); });
Scanning your code indicates you have other async-related problems.

How to reuse promises?

I am trying to reuse the the data returned from promise here. But, the problem is, after the first call to checkPromise function, it immediately calls the second function, and the promise for the first function is not fulfilled, so it never returns any data, and hence it never enters the if clause. How do I reuse a promise?
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var request = Promise.promisify(require("request"));
var url = 'http://www.google.com';
var obj = new Object;
function apiCall(url) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
request(url).spread(function(response, body) {
return resolve(body);
}).catch(function(err) {
return reject(err);
function checkPromise(url) {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(url)) {
var rp = obj[url];
//do something
else {
apiCall(url).then(function(result) {
obj[url] = result;
//do something
You likely have a timing issue. Your apiCall() function is asynchronous. That means it finishes sometime later. As such, each time you call checkPromise(), all you're doing is starting a request and it finishes sometime later. So, you call it the first time and it starts a request (that has not finished yet). Then, your next call to checkPromise() gets called and it does it's if check before the first call has completed. Thus, it finds nothing in the cache yet.
Your code is running two requests in parallel, not one after the other.
If you actually want to wait until the first request is done before executing the second one, then you will have to actually structure your code to do that. You would need to make checkPromise() return a promise itself so code using it could known when it was actually done in order to execute something after it was done.
FYI, I don't see anything in your code that is actually related to reusing promises (which is something you cannot do because they are one-shot objects).
Here's one possible implementation:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var request = Promise.promisify(require("request"));
var url = 'http://www.google.com';
var obj = {};
function apiCall(url) {
return request(url).spread(function(response, body) {
return body;
function checkPromise(url) {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(url)) {
var rp = obj[url];
//do something
return Promise.resolve(rp);
else {
return apiCall(url).then(function(result) {
obj[url] = result;
//do something
return result;
checkPromise(url).then(function() {
Significant changes:
Return the promise returned by request() rather than create yet another one.
Change checkPromise() so it always returns a promise whether the value is found in the cache or not so calling code can always work consistently.
Sequence the two checkPromise() calls so the first can finish before the second is executed.
A very different approach would be to actually wait on the cache if a result you are interested in is already being loaded. That could be done like this:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var request = Promise.promisify(require("request"));
var url = 'http://www.google.com';
var obj = {};
function apiCall(url) {
return request(url).spread(function(response, body) {
return body;
function checkPromise(url) {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(url)) {
// If it's a promise object in the cache, then loading
// If it's a value, then the value is already available
// Either way, we wrap it in a promise and return that
return Promise.resolve(obj[url]);
} else {
var p = apiCall(url).then(function(result) {
obj[url] = result;
//do something
return result;
obj[url] = p;
return p;
checkPromise(url).then(function(result) {
// use result
checkPromise(url).then(function(result) {
// use result
few problems with your code, first in apiCall, you are doing a promise ant-pattern( no need for that new promise), second your checkPromise is doing a sync operation, so it must either return a promise or have a callback argument, so you code can be changed into:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var request = Promise.promisify(require("request"));
var url = 'http://www.google.com';
var obj = new Object;
function apiCall(url) {
return request(url).spread(function(response, body) {
return body;
}).catch(function(err) {
throw err;
function checkPromise(url) {
var promise = Promise.resolve();
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(url)) {
var rp = obj[url];
//do something
else {
return apiCall(url).then(function(result) {
obj[url] = result;
//do something
return promise;
return checkPromise(url);
Given the way you are globally storing the result in 'obj[url]', it'd probably be easiest to do
function checkPromise(url) {
if (!obj[url]) obj[url] = apiCall(url);
obj[url].then(function(result) {
//do something
to basically make the request, if it hasn't already started, then attach a listener to the promise for when the result has loaded.
Here is the simplest example of how to prevent multiple API calls if there are multiple similar request for something (cache check for example)
var _cache = {
state: 0,
result: undefined,
getData: function(){
log('state: ' + this.state);
if(this.state === 0 ){ // not started
this.state = 1; // pending
this.promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
return (apiCall().then(data => { _cache.result = data; _cache.state = 2; resolve(_cache.result) }));
return this.promise;
else if(this.state === 1){ // pending
return this.promise;
else if(this.state === 2){// resolved
return Promise.resolve(this.result);
Simulating api call
function apiCall(){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
log('in promise')
setTimeout(() => {
log('promise resolving')
}, 1000);
Making simultaneous requests.
_cache.getData().then(result => { log('first call outer: ' + result);
_cache.getData().then(result => { log('first call inner: ' + result); });
_cache.getData().then(result => { log('second call outer: ' + result);
_cache.getData().then(result => { log('second call inner: ' + result); });
Only one API call is maden. All others will wait for completion or use the resolved result if it already completed.

Nodejs - SolrClient, how to wait for response

I got a question regarding the solr-client module of nodejs. I'm using this module for querying against a solr-index.
The module itself works fine as long as I don't have to wait for finishing of the query and as long I need the result only as a async result.
But currently I cannot find out, how I will be able to await the finishing of a search request and use the result in a sequential way.
I have the follwing method in my manager
SolrManager.prototype.promisedQuery = function(query, callback) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration.cores.page);
var docs = null;
var finished = false;
var deferred = Q.defer();
var request = solrClient.search(query, function(err,obj){
if (!err) {
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
} else {
} else {
var records = null;
var promise = deferred.promise;
promise.then(function(result) {
records = result;
records = error;
return records;
The problem here is, that I try to wait for the result of the query and use it as return value of "promisedQuery".
I try since days to use this method in a sequential call, also with different additional modules like "wait.for", "q", etc. but nothing seems to work.
The callback function of the solr-client will always be executed after the manager-method has already returned. Also the promise-methods will be even called after the return from the manager-method.
Can someone help me out on that topic or have some tips, how I can await the response of the solr-client-search operation and then give it back in a sequential way?
Thanks for any help.
Udo Gerhards
over one week, it seems now that I have found a solution:
SolrManager.prototype.promisedQuery = function(query, callback) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration.cores.page);
var docs = null;
var deferred = Q.defer();
var request = solrClient.search(query, function(err,obj){
if (!err) {
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
} else {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
in all other managers, which are calling the above function:
var dbPromise = this.solrManager.promisedQuery(query);
var _self = this;
return Q.async(function*(){
var result = yield dbPromise;
return result;
After first tests, it seems that synchronized methods will wait until the promise is settled.
The only thing is, that it runs only with NodeJs version 0.11.10, which supports generator functions, with activated --harmony-flag and "q"-module.
Best regards
You are just using the promises a bit incorrectly. Instead of returning records, you need to return 'deferred.promise'. It should look something like this (note that you don't need the callback you passed into promisedQuery).
SolrManager.prototype.promisedQuery = function(query) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration.cores.page),
deferred = Q.defer();
solrClient.search(query, function(err,obj){
if (!err) {
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
} else {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
To use it you would do something like:
.then(function (data) {
// data is whatever your 'resolved' in promisedQuery
}, function (err) {
// err is whatever you rejected in promisedQuery
based on rquinns answer I've changed the code like follows:
SolrManager.prototype.promisedQuery = function(query, callback) {
var solrClient = solr.createClient(this.configuration.cores.page);
var docs = null;
var finished = false;
var deferred = Q.defer();
var request = solrClient.search(query, function(err,obj){
if (!err) {
if (obj.response.numFound > 0) {
} else {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
DemoObject.prototype.toString = function() {
return SolrManager.promisedQuery(this.query).then(function(result){
return result['title'];
return error;
DemoObject.prototype.typeOf = function() {
return SolrManager.promisedQuery(this.query).then(function(result){
return result['title'];
return error;
I think, this is the right way to use the "promise"-object. But what happens when i do the follwing:
var demoObject = new DemoObject();
demoObject.query = "id:1";
or if I use "demoObject" by concatenating it to a string
var string = "Some string "+demoObject;
In case of the string concatenation, I'm currently not sure that the string will contain also the title field from the database. Same for console output.
Will nodejs be so intelligent that it resolves for e.g. the string concatenation "after" the results from the database will be available?

How to do repeated requests until one succeeds without blocking in node?

I have a function that takes a parameter and a callback. It's supposed to do a request to a remote API and get some info based on the parameter. When it gets the info, it needs to send it to the callback. Now, the remote API sometimes fails to provide. I need my function to keep trying until it manages to do it and then call the callback with the correct data.
Currently, I have the below code inside the function but I think that stuff like while (!done); isn't proper node code.
var history = {};
while (true) {
var done = false;
var retry = true;
var req = https.request(options, function(res) {
var acc = "";
res.on("data", function(msg) {
acc += msg.toString("utf-8");
res.on("end", function() {
done = true;
history = JSON.parse(acc);
if (history.success) {
retry = false;
while (!done);
if (!retry) break;
How do I do it the right way?
There is no need to re-invent the wheel... you can use a popular async utility library, 'retry' method in this case.
// try calling apiMethod 3 times
async.retry(3, apiMethod, function(err, result) {
// do something with the result
// try calling apiMethod 3 times, waiting 200 ms between each retry
async.retry({times: 3, interval: 200}, apiMethod, function(err, result) {
// do something with the result
async GitHub page
async.retry docs
Definitely not the way to go - while(!done); will go into a hard loop and take up all of your cpu.
Instead you could do something like this (untested and you may want to implement a back-off of some sort):
function tryUntilSuccess(options, callback) {
var req = https.request(options, function(res) {
var acc = "";
res.on("data", function(msg) {
acc += msg.toString("utf-8");
res.on("end", function() {
var history = JSON.parse(acc); //<== Protect this if you may not get JSON back
if (history.success) {
callback(null, history);
} else {
tryUntilSuccess(options, callback);
req.on('error', function(e) {
// Decide what to do here
// if error is recoverable
// tryUntilSuccess(options, callback);
// else
// callback(e);
// Use the standard callback pattern of err in first param, success in second
tryUntilSuccess(options, function(err, resp) {
// Your code here...
I found Dmitry's answer using the async utility library very useful and the best answer.
This answer expands his example to a working version that defines the apiMethod function and passes it a parameter. I was going to add the code as a comment but a separate answer is clearer.
const async = require('async');
const apiMethod = function(uri, callback) {
try {
// Call your api here (or whatever thing you want to do) and assign to result.
const result = ...
callback(null, result);
} catch (err) {
const uri = 'http://www.test.com/api';
{ times: 5, interval: 200 },
function (callback) { return apiMethod(uri, callback) },
function(err, result) {
if (err) {
throw err; // Error still thrown after retrying N times, so rethrow.
Retry documentation: https://caolan.github.io/async/docs.html#retry
Note, an alternative to calling apiMethod(uri, callback) in the task is to use async.apply:
{times: 5, interval: 200},
async.apply(task, dir),
function(err, result) {
if (err) {
throw err; // Error still thrown after retrying N times, so rethrow.
I hope this provides a good copy/paste boiler plate solution for someone.
Is this what you are trying to do?
var history = {};
function sendRequest(options, callback) {
var req = https.request(options, function (res) {
var acc = "";
res.on("data", function (msg) {
acc += msg.toString("utf-8");
res.on("end", function () {
history = JSON.parse(acc);
if (history.success) {
else {
sendRequest(options, callback);
sendRequest(options, callback);
without using any library.. retry untill it succeed AND retry count is less than 11
let retryCount = 0;
let isDone = false;
while (!isDone && retryCount < 10) {
try {
const response = await notion.pages.update(newPage);
isDone = true;
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error: ", e.message);
// condition for retrying
if (e.code === APIErrorCode.RateLimited) {
console.log(`retrying due to rate limit, retry count: ${retryCount}`);
} else {
// we don't want to retry
isDone = true;
I've solved this problem using the retry module.
var retry = require('retry');
// configuration
var operation = retry.operation({
retries: 2, // try 1 time and retry 2 times if needed, total = 3
minTimeout: 1 * 1000, // the number of milliseconds before starting the first retry
maxTimeout: 3 * 1000 // the maximum number of milliseconds between two retries
// your unreliable task
var task = function(input, callback) {
Math.random() > 0.5
? callback(null, 'ok') // success
: callback(new Error()); // error
// define a function that wraps our unreliable task into a fault tolerant task
function faultTolerantTask(input, callback) {
operation.attempt(function(currentAttempt) {
task(input, function(err, result) {
console.log('Current attempt: ' + currentAttempt);
if (operation.retry(err)) { // retry if needed
callback(err ? operation.mainError() : null, result);
// test
faultTolerantTask('some input', function(err, result) {
console.log(err, result);
You could try something along the following lines. I'm writing a general idea, you should replace trySomething with your HTTP request.
function keepTrying(onSuccess) {
function trySomething(onSuccess, onError) {
if (Date.now() % 7 === 0) {
} else {
trySomething(onSuccess, function () {
console.log('Failed, retrying...');
keepTrying(function () {
I hope this helps.
A library called Flashheart is also a suitable alternative. It's a rest client designed to be easy to use and supports retries.
For example, configure Flashheart to retry 10 times, with a delay of 500ms between requests:
const client = require('flashheart').createClient({
retries: 10,
retryTimeout: 500
const url = "https://www.example.com/";
client.get(url, (err, body) => {
if (err) {
console.error('handle error: ', err);
For further information, check out the docs:
Disclaimer: I have contributed to this library.
const INITIAL_DELAY = 2000
const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10
function repeatUntilSucceeds(request) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let attempt = 0
let delay = INITIAL_DELAY
function handleErrorRec(error) {
if (attempt < MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
setTimeout(execRequestRec, delay)
attempt += 1
delay *= 2
} else {
function execRequestRec() {
request().then(({ data, status, statusText }) => {
if (status === 200) {
} else {
handleErrorRec(new Error(statusText))

