Github sharing widgets - javascript

I saw a little sharing widget for github on a jquery plugin's page, but, I don't remember what site it's from. So i've been doing some searching and it doesn't seem to exist so I thought i'd post here and see if anybody else has seen what i'm looking for.
Basically the widget was the same as a facebook like or tweet button, but when you clicked it, it starred the project on github. I'm totally ok with making a widget with the api, which I am researching right now so see if I can do this.
Anybody seen anything like this in the wild?

You are probably looking for the unofficial GitHub buttons.


How to use a MongoDB Search Index?

I am currently learning to build websites using Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB and PUG. I followed the Mozilla tutorial to understand the fundamentals and now I want to add a search bar.
I would like to profit from MongoDB search functionalities, but after 3-4 days, I am still at basket case.
Can anyone explain how it is supposed to be done? The code is exactly as described in the tutorial/example website.
Also, I really don't understand how this whole thing works, are there easier features to add or ways to 'get it' better? The debugger is an ocean of variables as I have never seen, and the slightest alterations to the example makes the whole thing sink. I am crying inside. Any help or resource is very welcomed.
Here is a link to a public repo (since it's a lot of code for a blog post).
Public GitHub Repository

Wordpress backend for my own frontend

Until now, I've always found answers for my questions without even asking them on stack overflow, but in this case I need you assistance.
I hope that you will not find this question to silly.
I'm a pure frontend-focused. I work with html/sass/React/Redux, and I design UI. I've no experience and knowledge in any of backed techniques.
I would like to kick-start some blog. It would just display some posts, pagination, categories, sharing posts on social media, page "about me"... You all know this stuff. I've clear idea how front-end of this thing will work and I know what approach to designing this I will choose.
I just need some kind of back-end to support me with possibility of doing some AJAX calls for posts. I do not need comments, server side rendering etc. I just would like to create my own front-end html + css + js application that will get my posts from server and display it in way I want.
Ok, so I know about Wordpress. Ages ago, I did few sites with it (you gotta make your living somehow), using free templates. I just added some background, changed options and gave my "client" password and login, so they could post some things. that was working just OK.
But now is the thing. I don't want to use any Wordpress template at all. I just need Wordpress interface for posting/managing Posts, and "AJAX get" to fetch the posts. Rest is done with my own front-end that is not concern right now. what should I start with? I do not expect clear answer, just I need someone to point me if this is even possible, or should I think about other approach. I would like to avoid inventing a wheel once again from scratch.
Here I found this:
My first recommendation is to use existing software, like WordPress. In that case, you'll want to use their backend, which is going to be a relational database.
This would just be great.
So I found also this:
What is your opinion on such approach?

Meteor Search-Source Has vague instruction, not sure where this code goes

I am making an web app with meteor and I have already created a databse of a bunch of elements, now I need to be able to have them come up when a user searches for them. I found a package called search-source. It can be found here:
or here:
My problem is I cant figure out how to implement this into my meteor project. Their instructions are very vague and I am having trouble figuring out where to put the code they give, and what I need to change to make it search through my database. Any help would be great, thanks!

Thumbnail image of Links in my Community page

I have been searching hard on when a user pastes a link in the community page, and posts it. Then just below the link - a small image of the site and brief description of the site appears.
This is similar to when you post a link in Linkedin, and when you post it, then in the post automatically a small image of the website that this link points to appears, and also a brief descritption of the site, which I believe is the title.
I have searched a lot, but could not find a place to start on how to do this. If anyone can give me a starting point, it would be highly appreciated.
Best Regards,
This really would be highly valuable for all sorts of applications. Doing a quick SO and Google search, I found one service that has an API for this:
I'm not sure, but it would seem that this type of function would have to be done backend with software installed on your server. This makes sense as we're working with rendering images; and current browsers (through Javascript or APIs) don't yet seem to have the ability to render images. (Anyone provide links to documentation in the comments if I'm wrong about this?)
Here's another one I found that has command-line open-source code:

Adding a Resource View/Gannt chart to jQuery Fullcalendar

I am using jQuery Fullcalendar and if you're not using it I suggest you do too because it is absolutely fantastic at what it does!
However to be really useful to me and my project (and many others) I honestly believe it needs a resource/gannt view.
Not a problem one would think... until you look under the hood of jQuery FullCalendar and see that the way it generates it's views is not for javascript developer wannabes... ie me.
Having realised this is out of my league I had to go searching elsewhere looking for any calendar/scheduler that will provide a resource view.
Here are three proprietary calendars that promise this feature.
Unfortunately both daypilot and dhtmlxscheduler lack the clean and clear interface that FullCalendar achieves so well and web2cal just looks and feels unfinished and is still in Beta.
Alternatively I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I could integrate a jQuery Gannt chart with jquery fullcalendar.
I have found a few projects that look promising
I have looked into how fullcalendar generates its views and so far have not had any success in extending this to provide a container for one of these gannt charts to 'sit within' fullcalendar and be triggered by its buttons.
This seems to be one of the more popular feature requests with many people asking for it on the official issue tracker
So I am left at a cross roads. I could pay for a half baked proprietary solution that has minimal to no community support or I can try and find a way of getting a resource view inside of jquery Fullcalendar by asking the people who really know jQuery.
I would happily donate the funds saved from using a proprietary solution to the developer of Fullcalendar.
The developer of FullCalendar seems to have a lot on his plate and I would like to again thank him for this truly amazing calendar.
I hope someone can share a solution with us!
Just to update what has been done for this idea:
It's now a fork of fullcalendar.
For those searching for a resource view based on v2.1.1.
Here is a fork implementing it that will hopefully be merged into fullcalendar at some point.
I know it's a pretty old question, but I was looking for something like that a few weeks ago and I couldn't find anything here. So, what I'm using is Kendo Scheduler. It has a horizontal grouping, vertical grouping, timeline and some other interesting things like bind against SignalR.
Moreover, FullCalendar announcement that it will be a Resource/Timeline view soon. But probably it will be released under a commercial license.
As far as what StackOverflow users can offer you as an answer, this is as close as you'll ever get:
There is an open task and at the bottom are some work-in-progress examples of extensions to fullcalendar to achieve what you want. Please offer to contribute or clean up the code there to get it merged into the mainstream fullcalendar project.
There is a which has a resource view as well. You can integrate it with full calendar. It's quite simple.

