famo.us vs traditional Cordova-based development [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm currently evaluating these two different ways of developing mobile apps, using famo.us vs. Cordova, which is to say plain HTML, CSS, and JS. What would be more sustainable to use in developing a web app?
Edit: Famo.us is deprecated as of 2015 and does not receive active development, so the answer is quite clear.

AFAIK,Famo.us and PhoneGap address different pain points in hybrid app development. Famo.us provides a performant UI framework for your HTML app. Instead of using traditional DOM layout, it uses it's own rendering engine to position UI elements through 3D matrix transforms. PhoneGap on the other hand wraps your HTML app inside a native program which has an embedded HTML viewer plus some plugins for bridging the gap between HTML and native, so that your HTML app would benefit from native features as well. Using Phonegap plugins HTML app can show Native popups, use device services like accelerometer, camera etc and perform operations which otherwise are not possible from an HTML sandbox. You can use PhoneGap to wrap your HTML app irrespective of which UI framework was used to build it; Famo.us, Ionic, JQuery mobile whatever.


What Javascript library to use with Laravel [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am creating a schedule/employee management application. My first iteration was in Zend Fraemwork and jQuery was used for the client-side. Now I am moving to Laravel, and was wondering if I should change the JavaScript as well.
Basically, you create a schedule, create shifts, create tasks within that shift. Move/drag/resize tasks, drag tasks from shift-to-shift.
What is the best JavaScript solution for me? Is Angular JS too much? I've heard it is quite nice at handling binding and writing to to DB, and since I would be making many AJAX calls, it might make the application smoother and faster. But is it easy to manipulate DOM (like the drag and resize) as easily as jQuery?
You can use AngularJs and make some directives for jQuery Intergration.
jQuery is great for DOM manipulation but not for making application. AngularJs does. However, Angular is more complicated than jQuery that you might not be able to catch up as quick as jQuery.
BTW, no matter what framework you use in backend is not quite matter for frontend

What programming language to use to develop a cross platform game? (including facebook/web browser) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Sorry for my bad english in advance.
& i know, these are noob questions but i really need your help
So i have a project to do in 4-6 month, it's an eLearning platform/game using quiz system in which every player earn points & check his rank among all players in this game, the game should be integrated in facebook as an app, but also have to be used as an "application" on android phone, tablets (& iOS if it's possible too), & must require a connection to the facebook account before starting the game.
Do i have to code the game for every platform? is there any possibility to code one app for all of them? I've done some research on the internet, i think i have two options: either using flash & action script, or html5/css/js, are these tools are suitable for my project? i know some html5 & css already, but the game doesn't have to be a brower game on the mobile/tablet version.
I found a framework called phonegab that may help, do you think it's suitable?
Creating a web-application using HtML5/PHP/Javascript (and/or other languages for the back-end: rails, python, java etc.) is the way to go if you're just starting out. While not as fluid or fast as native applications, you can build the web application and it will work on both iOS and Android, and you should be able to wrap it into a Facebook app.

Javascript Canvas library optimized for mobile [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a fast canvas library optimized for mobile browsers. I have tried KinectJS and Fabric.js, but they are both slow or have too many bugs (artifacts, untriggered events, etc.) when using Phonegap.
Does anyone recommend a nice library with similar functionality?
Asking for libraries is kind of off topic here, but these are the popular ones (this list came from MDN - Canvas )
Paper.js is an open source vector graphics scripting framework that runs on top of the HTML5 Canvas
libCanvas is powerful and lightweight canvas framework
Processing.js is a port of the Processing visualization language
EaselJS is a library with a Flash-like API
PlotKit is a charting and graphing library
Rekapi is an animation keyframing API for Canvas
PhiloGL is a WebGL framework for data visualization, creative coding and game development.
JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit creates interactive 2D Canvas data visualizations for the Web.
Frame-Engine is a framework for developing applications and games

JavaScript framework and architecture for server side rendered html [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can I use a model centric JavaScript MV-Whatever Framework like AngularJS that renders on server side to improve page load and assists on SEO. I like AngularJS, especially the data binding, but it seems not to be the best fit for my needs. I want to render a complete html page on the server to minimize the time until the page is visible to the user. This would also allow search engines to crawl the site. The rendered page should then be made dynamic by JavaScript. It should communicate asynchronously with the server to update the model and the view, once the page is loaded. The application should work on usual desktop computers and on mobile devices.
Why not jQuery? This sounds like the jQuery approach: render html, query and manipulate the DOM. But jQuery is not centered around a model and jQuery code tends to be somewhat unstructured and unnecessary complex.
jQuery + AngularJS? Would it be a good idea to render a complete html page, extract a model from the DOM with jQuery and give this model to AngularJS to act on it for the rest of the time. This would allow to use the structured AngularJS approach and the nice data binding.
Other frameworks? I've heard that twitter switched from a pure JavaScript client back to a html-first approach. As far as I know twitter uses Flight, but I don't understand their whole client-side architecture based on this framework yet. Flight by itself seems to be nothing but a kind of a message bus.
What approach or framework would you suggest?

I am building an HTML application that uses 3D UI elements and animations. What are some tools and libraries that I might find helpful? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So I'm planning to create a web application that uses 3-dimensional UI elements and animated transitions to create a rich user experience. What tools and libraries would you recommend that I use to make this application's development go as quickly and smoothly as possible? (three.js perhaps?)
Specifically, I'm looking for development libraries and tools that make it easy to create 3D UI elements and handle CSS transitions. I'm also interesting in including some level of support for graceful degradation, so that things don't stop working completely on older and mobile browsers.
WebGL brings 3D graphics to the Web by introducing an API that closely
conforms to OpenGL ES 2.0 that can be used in HTML5 canvas elements.
Support for WebGL is present in Firefox 4+, Google Chrome 9+, Opera
12+ and Safari 5.1+.
In order to be more helpful you would need to provide more than what you would like to accomplish. Specifications, example code, what you've tried and what you're having trouble with are all things we like to see here to help answer your question.
What browsers/versions are you targeting, what technologies have you looked into and what will this be used for? Without knowing the gory details, it's honestly hard for people to help.
Creativejs may be something that interests you.
Three.js, as you asked about above, is a nice library as well.
There's also a nice list of many other here.
If that's the case then the majority of the libraries in the link above would meet your needs. I would suggest taking a good look into a few of them and trying out some tutorials.
Depending on your needs, Dom3D might* be useful.
Considering that it's done with CSS3 transforms on regular DOM elements (no canvas, extensions or plugins), I think it does a wonderful job.
*If you need pixel perfect or uber-slick graphics though Dom3D might not be for you.

