json.stringify does not process object methods - javascript

I am trying to develop an offline HTML5 application that should work in most modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE 9+, Safari, Opera). Since IndexedDB isn't supported by Safari (yet), and WebSQL is deprecated, I decided on using localStorage to store user-generated JavaScript objects and JSON.stringify()/JSON.parse() to put in or pull out the objects. However, I found out that JSON.stringify() does not handle methods. Here is an example object with a simple method:
var myObject = {};
myObject.foo = 'bar';
myObject.someFunction = function () {/*code in this function*/}
If I stringify this object (and later put it into localStorage), all that will be retained is myObject.foo, not myObject.someFunction().
//put object into localStorage
//pull it out of localStorage and set it to myObject
myObject = localStorage.getItem('myObject');
I'm sure many of you probably already know of this limitation/feature/whatever you want to call it. The workaround that I've come up with is to create an object with the methods(myObject = new objectConstructor()), pull out the object properties from localStorage, and assign them to the new object I created. I feel that this is a roundabout approach, but I'm new to the JavaScript world, so this is how I solved it. So here is my grand question: I'd like the whole object (properties + methods) to be included in localStorage. How do I do this? If you can perhaps show me a better algorithm, or maybe another JSON method I don't know about, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Functions in javascript are more than just their code. They also have scope. Code can be stringified, but scope cannot.
JSON.stringify() will encode values that JSON supports. Objects with values that can be objects, arrays, strings, numbers and booleans. Anything else will be ignored or throw errors. Functions are not a supported entity in JSON. JSON handles pure data only, functions are not data, but behavior with more complex semantics.
That said you can change how JSON.stringify() works. The second argument is a replacer function. So you could force the behavior you want by forcing the strinigification of functions:
var obj = {
foo: function() {
return "I'm a function!";
var json = JSON.stringify(obj, function(key, value) {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
return value.toString();
} else {
return value;
// {"foo":"function () { return \"I'm a function!\" }"}
But when you read that back in you would have to eval the function string and set the result back to the object, because JSON does not support functions.
All in all encoding functions in JSON can get pretty hairy. Are you sure you want to do this? There is probably a better way...
Perhaps you could instead save raw data, and pass that to a constructor from your JS loaded on the page. localStorage would only hold the data, but your code loaded onto the page would provide the methods to operate on that data.
// contrived example...
var MyClass = function(data) {
this.firstName = data.firstName;
this.lastName = data.lastName;
MyClass.prototype.getName() {
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
localStorage.peopleData = [{
firstName: 'Bob',
lastName: 'McDudeFace'
var peopleData = localStorage.peopleData;
var bob = new MyClass(peopleData[0]);
bob.getName() // 'Bob McDudeFace'
We don't need to save the getName() method to localStorage. We just need to feed that data into a constructor that will provide that method.

If you want to stringify your objects, but they have functions, you can use JSON.stringify() with the second parameter replacer. To prevent cyclic dependencies on objects you can use a var cache = [].
In our project we use lodash. We use the following function to generate logs. Can be used it to save objects to localStorage.
var stringifyObj = function(obj) {
var cache = []
return JSON.stringify(obj, function(key, value) {
if (
_.isString(value) ||
_.isNumber(value) ||
) {
return value
} else if (_.isError(value)) {
return value.stack || ''
} else if (_.isPlainObject(value) || _.isArray(value)) {
if (cache.indexOf(value) !== -1) {
} else {
// cache each item
return value
// create a circular object
var circularObject = {}
circularObject.circularObject = circularObject
// stringify an object
myBooblean: true,
myString: 'foo',
myNumber: 1,
myArray: [1, 2, 3],
myObject: {},
myCircularObject: circularObject,
myFunction: function () {}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.4/lodash.min.js"></script>

Does not fix functions as requested, but a way to store variables locally...
if(localStorage.g===undefined) localStorage.g={};
var g=JSON.parse(localStorage.g);
<input type=button onClick="localStorage.g=JSON.stringify(g, null, ' ')" value="Save">
<input type=button onClick="g=JSON.parse(localStorage.g)" value="Load">
Keep all variables in object g. Example:
note some types, such as Date, you'll need to do something like:
g.date=new Date(g.date);
stores locally per page: different pages have different gs


How to serialize a javascript object into json file that include all Class methods? [duplicate]

I am new to "object-oriented" JavaScript. Currently, I have an object that I need to pass across pages. My object is defined as follows:
function MyObject() { this.init(); }
MyObject.prototype = {
property1: "",
property2: "",
init: function () {
this.property1 = "First";
this.property2 = "Second";
test: function() {
alert("Executing test!");
On Page 1 of my application, I am creating an instance of MyObject. I am then serializing the object and storing it in local storage. I am doing this as shown here:
var mo = new MyObject();
mo.test(); // This works
window.localStorage.setItem("myObject", JSON.stringify(mo));
Now, on Page 2, I need get that object and work with it. To retrieve it, I am using the following:
var mo = window.localStorage.getItem("myObject");
mo = JSON.parse(mo);
alert(mo.property1); // This shows "First" as expected.
mo.test(); // This does not work. In fact, I get a "TypeError" that says "undefined method" in the consol window.
Based on the outputs, it looks like when I serialized the object, somehow the functions get dropped. I can still see the properties. But I can't interact with any of my functions. What am I doing wrong?
JSON doesn't serialize functions.
Take a look at the second paragraph here.
If you need to preserve such values, you can transform values as they are serialized, or prior to deserialization, to enable JSON to represent additional data types.
In other words, if you really want to JSONify the functions, you can convert them to strings before serializing:
mo.init = ''+mo.init;
mo.test = ''+mo.test;
And after deserializing, convert them back to functions.
mo.init = eval(mo.init);
mo.test = eval(mo.test);
However, there should be no reason to do that. Instead, you can have your MyObject constructor accept a simple object (as would result from parsing the JSON string) and copy the object's properties to itself.
Functions can not be serialized into a JSON object.
So I suggest you create a separate object (or property within the object) for the actual properties and just serialize this part.
Afterwards you can instantiate your object with all its functions and reapply all properties to regain access to your working object.
Following your example, this may look like this:
function MyObject() { this.init(); }
MyObject.prototype = {
data: {
property1: "",
property2: ""
init: function () {
this.property1 = "First";
this.property2 = "Second";
test: function() {
alert("Executing test!");
save: function( id ) {
window.localStorage.setItem( id, JSON.stringify(this.data));
load: function( id ) {
this.data = JSON.parse( window.getItem( id ) );
To avoid changing the structure, I prefer to use Object.assign method on object retrieval. This method merge second parameter object in the first one. To get object methods, we just need an empty new object which is used as the target parameter.
var mo = window.localStorage.getItem("myObject");
// this object has properties only
mo = JSON.parse(mo);
// this object will have properties and functions
var completeObject = Object.assign(new MyObject(), mo);
Note that the first parameter of Object.assign is modified AND returned by the function.
it looks like when I serialized the object, somehow the functions get dropped... What am I doing wrong?
Yes, functions will get dropped when using JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse(), and there is nothing wrong in your code.
To retain functions during serialization and deserialization, I've made an npm module named esserializer to solve this problem -- the JavaScript class instance values would be saved during serialization on Page 1, in plain JSON format, together with its class name information:
var ESSerializer = require('esserializer');
function MyObject() { this.init(); }
MyObject.prototype = {
property1: "",
property2: "",
init: function () {
this.property1 = "First";
this.property2 = "Second";
test: function() {
alert("Executing test!");
MyObject.prototype.constructor=MyObject; // This line of code is necessary, as the prototype of MyObject has been overridden above.
var mo = new MyObject();
mo.test(); // This works
window.localStorage.setItem("myObject", ESSerializer.serialize(mo));
Later on, during the deserialization stage on Page 2, esserializer can recursively deserialize object instance, with all types/functions information retained:
var mo = window.localStorage.getItem("myObject");
mo = ESSerializer.deserialize(mo, [MyObject]);
alert(mo.property1); // This shows "First" as expected.
mo.test(); // This works too.
That's because JSON.stringify() doesn't serialize functions i think.
You're right, functions get dropped. This page might help:
"Values that do not have a representation in JSON (such as functions and undefined) are excluded."

Disable property mutation in JS

I was creating a component and was trying to break my implementation. The idea is to not allow user to manipulate the exposed properties.
The implementation was like this:
function MyClass(){
var data = [];
Object.defineProperty(this, 'data', {
get: function(){ return data; },
set: function(){ throw new Error('This operation is not allowed'); },
configurable: false,
var obj = new MyClass();
try {
obj.data = [];
} catch(ex) {
console.log('mutation handled');
obj.data.push('Found a way to mutate');
As you see, setting the property is handled but user is still able to mutate it using .push. This is because I'm returning a reference.
I have handled this case like:
function MyClass(){
var data = [];
Object.defineProperty(this, 'data', {
get: function(){ return data.slice(); },
set: function(){ throw new Error('This operation is not allowed'); },
configurable: false,
var obj = new MyClass();
try {
obj.data = [];
} catch(ex) {
console.log('mutation handled');
obj.data.push('Found a way to mutate');
As you see, I'm returning a new array to solve this. Not sure how it will affect performance wise.
Question: Is there an alternate way to not allow user to mutate properties that are of type object?
I have tried using writable: false, but it gives me error when I use it with get.
Note: I want this array to mutable within class but not from outside.
Your problem here is that you are effectively blocking attempts to modify MyClass. However, other objects members of MyClass are still JavaScript objects. That way you're doing it (returning a new Array for every call to get) is one of the best ways, though of course, depending of how frequently you call get or the length of the array might have performance drawbacks.
Of course, if you could use ES6, you could extend the native Array to create a ReadOnlyArray class. You can actually do this in ES5, too, but you lose the ability to use square brackets to retrieve the value from a specific index in the array.
Another option, if you can avoid Internet Explorer, is to use Proxies (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy).
With a proxy, you can trap calls to get properties of an object, and decide what to return or to do.
In the example below, we create a Proxy for an array. As you see in the handler, we define a get function. This function will be called whenever the value of a property of the target object is accessed. This includes accessing indexes or methods, as calling a method is basically retrieving the value of a property (the function) and then calling it.
As you see, if the property is an integer number, we return that position in the array. If the property is 'length' then we return the length of the array. In any other case, we return a void function.
The advantage of this is that the proxyArray still behaves like an array. You can use square brackets to get to its indexes and use the property length. But if you try to do something like proxyArray.push(23) nothing happens.
Of course, in a final solution, you might want decide what to do based on which
method is being called. You might want methods like map, filter and so on to work.
And finally, the last advantage of this approach is that you keep a reference to the original array, so you can still modify it and its values are accessible through the proxy.
var handler = {
get: function(target, property, receiver) {
var regexp = /[\d]+/;
if (regexp.exec(property)) { // indexes:
return target[property];
if (property === 'length') {
return target.length;
if (typeof (target[property]) === 'function') {
// return a function that does nothing:
return function() {};
// this is the original array that we keep private
var array = [1, 2, 3];
// this is the 'visible' array:
var proxyArray = new Proxy(array, handler);
console.log(proxyArray.push(32)); // does nothing
console.log(proxyArray[3]); // undefined
// but if we modify the old array:
// the proxy is modified
console.log(proxyArray[3]); // 32
Of course, the poblem is that proxyArray is not really an array, so, depending on how you plan to use it, this might be a problem.
What you want isn't really doable in JavaScript, as far as I'm aware. The best you can hope for is to hide the data from the user as best you can. The best way to do that would be with a WeakMap
let privateData = new WeakMap();
class MyClass {
constructor() {
privateData.set(this, {
data: []
addEntry(entry) {
getData() {
return privateData.get(this).data.concat();
So long as you never export privateData don't export from the module, or wrap within an IIFE etc.) then your MyClass instances will be able to access the data but external forces can't (other than through methods you create)
var myInstance = new MyClass();
myInstance.getData(); // -> []
myInstance.getData(); // -> []
myInstance.getData(); // -> [100]

javascript/jQuery storing object in cookie and retrieve

I've seen lots of questions about a similar issues as mine but not entirely answering my question.
My issue is that I need to store an entire instance of an object, that means that besides his fields, I need also its related methods.
My code:
storing object :
$.cookie(key, JSON.stringify(value), { expires: expire });
retrieve object :
var value = $.cookie(key);
if (value === null || value === undefined) {
return value = "";
return JSON.parse(value);
The objects I get from the cookies have their fields, but the object doesnt have the methods that I attached prior to the storing.
Just so you guys/ladies can understand what object im trying to work with, i provided the following fiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/5hhgtnxh/
You simply can't save methods or functions to cookie or local storage without some hacks, JSON.stringify will omit keys with functions keeping only data. And is this neccessary to save methods? They're in code already. You could split your object on data and methods, saving only data to cookie/localstorage.
By the way, since JSON is not for Javascript, but for passing data between different systems or component, it just doesn't allow functions as values. See http://json.org/ for detailed format spec.
Really simple example:
var CustomObject = function (data) {
var data = data;
this.getX = function () {
return data.x;
this.setX = function (x) {
data.x = x;
this.getData = function () {
return data;
var o = new CustomObject({});
$.cookie('myObj', JSON.stringify(o.getData()));
//later, let's initialize obj from cookie
var custData = $.cookie('myObj');
var o2 = new CustomObject(custData);

Is there some way to add meta-data to JavaScript objects?

I would like to add key-value pairs of metadata to arbitrary JavaScript objects. This metadata should not affect code that is not aware of the metadata, that means for example
JSON.stringify(obj) === JSON.stringify(obj.WithMetaData('key', 'value'))
MetaData aware code should be able to retrieve the data by key, i.e.
obj.WithMetaData('key', 'value').GetMetaData('key') === 'value'
Is there any way to do it - in node.js? If so, does it work with builtin types such as String and even Number? (Edit Thinking about it, I don't care about real primitives like numbers, but having that for string instances would be nice).
Some Background: What I'm trying to do is cache values that are derived from an object with the object itself, so that
to meta data unaware code, the meta data enriched object will look the same as the original object w/o meta
code that needs the derived values can get it out of the meta-data if already cached
the cache will get garbage collected alongside the object
Another way would be to store a hash table with the caches somewhere, but you'd never know when the object gets garbage collected. Every object instance would have to be taken care of manually, so that the caches don't leak.
(btw clojure has this feature: http://clojure.org/metadata)
You can use ECMA5's new object properties API to store properties on objects that will not show up in enumeration but are nonetheless retrievable.
var myObj = {};
myObj.real_property = 'hello';
Object.defineProperty(myObj, 'meta_property', {value: 'some meta value'});
for (var i in myObj)
alert(i+' = '+myObj[i]); //only one property - #real_property
alert(myObj.meta_property); //"some meta value"
More information here: link
However you're not going to be able to do this on primitive types such as strings or numbers, only on complex types.
Another approach might be to utilise a data type's prototype to store meta. (Warning, hack ahead). So for strings:
String.prototype.meta = {};
String.prototype.addMeta = function(name, val) { this.meta[name] = val; }
String.prototype.getMeta = function(name) { return this.meta[name]; };
var str = 'some string value';
str.addMeta('meta', 'val');
However this is clearly not ideal. For one thing, if the string was collected or aliased (since simple data types are copied by value, not reference) you would lose this meta. Only the first approach has any mileage in a real-world environment, to be honest.
ES6 spec introduces Map and WeakMap. You can enable these in node by running node --harmony and by enabling the experimental javascript flag in Chrome, (it's also in Firefox by default). Maps and WeakMaps allow objects to be used as keys which can be be used to store metadata about objects that isn't visible to anyone without access to the specific map/weakmap. This is a pattern I now use a lot:
function createStorage(creator){
creator = creator || Object.create.bind(null, null, {});
var map = new Map;
return function storage(o, v){
if (1 in arguments) {
map.set(o, v);
} else {
v = map.get(o);
if (v == null) {
v = creator(o);
map.set(o, v);
return v;
Use is simple and powerful:
var _ = createStorage();
_(someObject).meta= 'secret';
_(5).meta = [5];
var five = new Number(5);
_(five).meta = 'five';
It also facilitates some interesting uses for separating implementation from interface:
var _ = createStorage(function(o){ return new Backing(o) });
function Backing(o){
this.facade = o;
Backing.prototype.doesStuff = function(){
return 'real value';
function Facade(){
Facade.prototype.doSomething = function doSomething(){
return _(this).doesStuff();
There is no "comment" system in JSON. The best you can hope for is to add a property with an unlikely name, and add that key contaning the metadata. You can then read the metadata back out if you know it's metadata, but other setups will just see it as another property. And if someone uses for..in...
You could just add the Metadata as a "private" variable!?
var Obj = function (meta) {
var meta = meta;
this.getMetaData = function (key) {
//do something with the meta object
return meta;
var ins_ob = new Obj({meta:'meta'});
var ins_ob2 = new Obj();
if(JSON.stringify(ins_ob) === JSON.stringify(ins_ob2)) {
If you want object-level metadata, you could create a class that extends Object. Getters and setters are not enumerable and, obviously, neither are private fields.
class MetadataObject extends Object {
#metadata = undefined;
get metadata() { return this.#metadata; }
set metadata(value) { this.#metadata; }
var obj = new MetadataObject();
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.metadata = { test: 123 };
console.log(obj); // { a: 1, b: 2 }
console.log(obj.metadata); // { test: 123 }
console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)); // '{"a":1,"b":2}'
You can even simplify the implementation using a Map. Without a setter on metadata, you have to use Map methods to modify it.
class MetadataObject extends Object {
#metadata = new Map();
get metadata() { return this.#metadata; }
var obj = new MetadataObject();
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.metadata.set('test', 123);
console.log(obj); // { a: 1, b: 2 }
console.log(obj.metadata.get('test')); // 123
console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)); // '{"a":1,"b":2}'
I ran into a situation where I needed property level metadata, and used the latter implementation.
obj.id = 1;
obj.metadata.set('id', 'metadata for the id property');

JSON stringify objects excluding methods

I'm working on a Firefox extension and I'm trying to stringify a JSON object.
I'm using this stringify function but I'm getting this error:
Could not convert JavaScript argument "NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS"
I really just care about the first level or two or properties inside the object, and I don't care about the methods / functions. Is there a simpler way to stringify an object if I don't need all this?
Here's the bit of code I'm using:
var s=JSONstring.make('abc');
s = JSON.stringify(gContextMenu);
var s=JSONstring.make('abc');
Here is the error in the console window:
This is what I was able to copy out of the Firebug console window:
Here is a screenshot of the object:
image http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/2603/pictureos.png
You can define a custom function on your object called toJSON() that returns only the elements of the object you want. Somewhat counter-intuitively, your toJSON function should not return a JSON string - it just returns an object representing what should be used as the input for JSON.stringify.
For example:
// an object with some attributes you want and some you don't
var o = {
doCalc: function() { return this.a + " " + this.b }
// define a custom toJSON() method
o.toJSON = function() {
return {
calc: this.doCalc()
JSON.stringify(o); // '{"a":"value","calc":"value1 value2"}'
In your case, you should be able to define this method for gContextMenu on the fly, before calling JSON.stringify. This does require you to explicitly define what you want and don't want, but I don't think there's a better way.
Edit: If you want to pull all non-method values, you could try something like this:
o.toJSON = function() {
var attrs = {};
for (var attr in this) {
if (typeof this[attr] != "function") {
attrs[attr] = String(this[attr]); // force to string
return attrs;
You will probably end up with a few attributes set to "[object Object]", but if all you want is inspection, this probably isn't an issue. You could also try checking for typeof this[attr] == "string" || typeof this[attr] == "number" if you wanted to get only those types of attributes.

