JSON stringify objects excluding methods - javascript

I'm working on a Firefox extension and I'm trying to stringify a JSON object.
I'm using this stringify function but I'm getting this error:
Could not convert JavaScript argument "NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS"
I really just care about the first level or two or properties inside the object, and I don't care about the methods / functions. Is there a simpler way to stringify an object if I don't need all this?
Here's the bit of code I'm using:
var s=JSONstring.make('abc');
s = JSON.stringify(gContextMenu);
var s=JSONstring.make('abc');
Here is the error in the console window:
This is what I was able to copy out of the Firebug console window:
Here is a screenshot of the object:
image http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/2603/pictureos.png

You can define a custom function on your object called toJSON() that returns only the elements of the object you want. Somewhat counter-intuitively, your toJSON function should not return a JSON string - it just returns an object representing what should be used as the input for JSON.stringify.
For example:
// an object with some attributes you want and some you don't
var o = {
doCalc: function() { return this.a + " " + this.b }
// define a custom toJSON() method
o.toJSON = function() {
return {
calc: this.doCalc()
JSON.stringify(o); // '{"a":"value","calc":"value1 value2"}'
In your case, you should be able to define this method for gContextMenu on the fly, before calling JSON.stringify. This does require you to explicitly define what you want and don't want, but I don't think there's a better way.
Edit: If you want to pull all non-method values, you could try something like this:
o.toJSON = function() {
var attrs = {};
for (var attr in this) {
if (typeof this[attr] != "function") {
attrs[attr] = String(this[attr]); // force to string
return attrs;
You will probably end up with a few attributes set to "[object Object]", but if all you want is inspection, this probably isn't an issue. You could also try checking for typeof this[attr] == "string" || typeof this[attr] == "number" if you wanted to get only those types of attributes.


es6 proxy safe deep object

I wrote a small wrapper to return undefined in place of typeError when accessing properties that don't exist using a Proxy. Here is the code:
function proxify(event) {
var proxy = new Proxy(event, {
get: function (target, property) {
if (property in target) {
return target[property];
} else {
return '';
return proxy;
This works when a property is missing 1 level deep.
For example, assuming obj.something does not exist:
will return undefined
But if the object property is deep nested
I receive a typeError
My question is how do I extend the function above to work on deep nested objects?
You need to wrap the return value in your proxify function:
function proxify(event) {
return isPrimitive(event) ? event : new Proxy(event, { get: getProp });
function isPrimitive(v) {
return v == null || (typeof v !== 'function' && typeof v !== 'object');
function getProp (target, property) {
if (property in target) {
return proxify(target[property]);
} else {
return proxify({});
In all honesty, you're probably better off using something like lodash's _.get() or ramda's R.path(). There's no way to know from the first getProp() call how many layers deep the evaluation is going to go, so it has to always return a primitive value or a "truthy" Proxy instance so that the next property access can be intercepted (if one happens). The _.get() method on the other hand takes a string so it can immediately know from the initial invocation that you're only trying to access down so many levels.
I published a library on GitHub (Observable Slim) that enables you to proxy an object and any nested children of that object. It also has a few extra features:
Reports back to a specified callback whenever changes occur.
Will prevent user from trying to Proxy a Proxy.
Keeps a store of which objects have been proxied and will re-use existing proxies instead of creating new ones (very significant performance implications).
Written in ES5 and employs a forked version of the Proxy polyfill so it can be deployed in older browsers fairly easily and support Array mutation methods.
It works like this:
var test = {testing:{}};
var p = ObservableSlim.create(test, true, function(changes) {
p.testing.blah = 42; // console: [{"type":"add","target":{"blah":42},"property":"blah","newValue":42,"currentPath":"testing.blah",jsonPointer:"/testing/blah","proxy":{"blah":42}}]
As idbehold said, you must return a primitive value or new proxy.
I think you dont need loDash to do that, and Yes, you can manage the depth of the nested proxy ! (see my last point, deepProxy.
But, since I'm not sure what you want to do, i would like focus your attention to those few points:
First usage (simulated chain):
function proxify(event){
return isPrimitive(event) ? event : new Proxy(event,{ get: getProp });
function isPrimitive(v){
return v == null || (typeof v !== 'function' && typeof v !== 'object');
function getProp(target, property){
return (property in target)
? proxify(target[property])
: proxify({});
this code as it stands, will simulate nested properties,
but not confer any members dependency (because no assignment, then no preservation).
obj.something.else = 99;
console.log(obj.something.else) // returning a new Proxy()
IMO, it doesn't make sense, or reserved to very specific cases.
Again, it depend of what is your purpose.
Second usage (deep assignment):
Basic not extensible assignment
function proxify(defprop={})
return new Proxy(defprop, handler);
var handler =
get: function(target, property, receiver)
if(!(property in target))
target[property] = proxify();
return Reflect.get(target, property, receiver);
obj.something.else = 99;
console.log(obj.something.else) // returning 99
Extensible to assignment
By using basic chainable proxy, if you try to set a new object (or nested object) you will only trap the root of this new property.
There is no more possible chainning, this is not suitable and not safe.
Remember the following case:
But if the object property is deep nested
(Bad way) Assuming this assignment:
var deeper = {toto: "titi"};
obj.something.else = deeper;
// will return "titi"
obj.something.else.toto.something.else = {tutu: "tata"};
// will return a typeError Again
(Good way) To propagate the chain ability
You need to check for the type of value as a true object in the setter trap, and proxify each root properties. The rest of the depth will be converted naturally by the getter trap.
var handler =
get: function(target, property, receiver)
if(!(property in target))
target[property] = proxify();
return Reflect.get(target, property, receiver);
set: function(target, property, value, receiver)
// extend proxify to appended nested object
if(({}).toString.call(value) === "[object Object]")
value = deepApply(receiver, property, value);
return Reflect.set(target, property, value, receiver);
var deepApply = function(receiver,property, data)
var proxy = proxify();
var props = Object.keys(data);
var size = props.length;
for(var i = 0; i < size; i++)
property = props[i];
proxy[property] = data[property];
return proxy;
Manage the depth
I invite you to read my actual solution : deepProxy
The level can be auto-defined via the proto declaration
when the object structure is setted. Then you can easily know the current floor and add conditional instructions for each level.
The path of property can be reach from his accessor.

Best way to define functions on JavaScript prototypes [duplicate]

item : function() {
STORE.item.prototype.add = function() { alert('test 123'); };
I have been trying to figure out what's wrong with this quite a while. Why doesn't this work? However, it works when I use the follow:
The prototype object is meant to be used on constructor functions, basically functions that will be called using the new operator to create new object instances.
Functions in JavaScript are first-class objects, which means you can add members to them and treat them just like ordinary objects:
var STORE = {
item : function() {
STORE.item.add = function() { alert('test 123'); };
A typical use of the prototype object as I said before, is when you instantiate an object by calling a constructor function with the new operator, for example:
function SomeObject() {} // a constructor function
SomeObject.prototype.someMethod = function () {};
var obj = new SomeObject();
All the instances of SomeObject will inherit the members from the SomeObject.prototype, because those members will be accessed through the prototype chain.
Every function in JavaScript has a prototype object because there is no way to know which functions are intended to be used as constructors.
After many years, when JavaScript (ES2015 arrives) we have finally Object.setPrototypeOf() method
const STORE = {
item: function() {}
Object.setPrototypeOf(STORE.item, {
add: function() {
alert('test 123');
You can use JSON revivers to turn your JSON into class objects at parse time. The EcmaScript 5 draft has adopted the JSON2 reviver scheme described at http://JSON.org/js.html
var myObject = JSON.parse(myJSONtext, reviver);
The optional reviver parameter is a
function that will be called for every
key and value at every level of the
final result. Each value will be
replaced by the result of the reviver
function. This can be used to reform
generic objects into instances of
pseudoclasses, or to transform date
strings into Date objects.
myData = JSON.parse(text, function (key, value) {
var type;
if (value && typeof value === 'object') {
type = value.type;
if (typeof type === 'string' && typeof window[type] === 'function') {
return new (window[type])(value);
return value;
As of this writing this is possible by using the __proto__ property. Just in case anyone here is checking at present and probably in the future.
const dog = {
name: 'canine',
bark: function() {
console.log('woof woof!')
const pug = {}
pug.__proto__ = dog;
However, the recommended way of adding prototype in this case is using the Object.create. So the above code will be translated to:
const pug = Object.create(dog)
Or you can also use Object.setPrototypeOf as mentioned in one of the answers.
Hope that helps.
item : function() {
this command would create a STORE object. you could check by typeof STORE;. It should return 'object'. And if you type STORE.item; it returns 'function ..'.
Since it is an ordinary object, thus if you want to change item function, you could just access its properties/method with this command.
STORE.item = function() { alert('test 123'); };
Try STORE.item; it's still should return 'function ..'.
Try STORE.item(); then alert will be shown.

json.stringify does not process object methods

I am trying to develop an offline HTML5 application that should work in most modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE 9+, Safari, Opera). Since IndexedDB isn't supported by Safari (yet), and WebSQL is deprecated, I decided on using localStorage to store user-generated JavaScript objects and JSON.stringify()/JSON.parse() to put in or pull out the objects. However, I found out that JSON.stringify() does not handle methods. Here is an example object with a simple method:
var myObject = {};
myObject.foo = 'bar';
myObject.someFunction = function () {/*code in this function*/}
If I stringify this object (and later put it into localStorage), all that will be retained is myObject.foo, not myObject.someFunction().
//put object into localStorage
//pull it out of localStorage and set it to myObject
myObject = localStorage.getItem('myObject');
I'm sure many of you probably already know of this limitation/feature/whatever you want to call it. The workaround that I've come up with is to create an object with the methods(myObject = new objectConstructor()), pull out the object properties from localStorage, and assign them to the new object I created. I feel that this is a roundabout approach, but I'm new to the JavaScript world, so this is how I solved it. So here is my grand question: I'd like the whole object (properties + methods) to be included in localStorage. How do I do this? If you can perhaps show me a better algorithm, or maybe another JSON method I don't know about, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Functions in javascript are more than just their code. They also have scope. Code can be stringified, but scope cannot.
JSON.stringify() will encode values that JSON supports. Objects with values that can be objects, arrays, strings, numbers and booleans. Anything else will be ignored or throw errors. Functions are not a supported entity in JSON. JSON handles pure data only, functions are not data, but behavior with more complex semantics.
That said you can change how JSON.stringify() works. The second argument is a replacer function. So you could force the behavior you want by forcing the strinigification of functions:
var obj = {
foo: function() {
return "I'm a function!";
var json = JSON.stringify(obj, function(key, value) {
if (typeof value === 'function') {
return value.toString();
} else {
return value;
// {"foo":"function () { return \"I'm a function!\" }"}
But when you read that back in you would have to eval the function string and set the result back to the object, because JSON does not support functions.
All in all encoding functions in JSON can get pretty hairy. Are you sure you want to do this? There is probably a better way...
Perhaps you could instead save raw data, and pass that to a constructor from your JS loaded on the page. localStorage would only hold the data, but your code loaded onto the page would provide the methods to operate on that data.
// contrived example...
var MyClass = function(data) {
this.firstName = data.firstName;
this.lastName = data.lastName;
MyClass.prototype.getName() {
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
localStorage.peopleData = [{
firstName: 'Bob',
lastName: 'McDudeFace'
var peopleData = localStorage.peopleData;
var bob = new MyClass(peopleData[0]);
bob.getName() // 'Bob McDudeFace'
We don't need to save the getName() method to localStorage. We just need to feed that data into a constructor that will provide that method.
If you want to stringify your objects, but they have functions, you can use JSON.stringify() with the second parameter replacer. To prevent cyclic dependencies on objects you can use a var cache = [].
In our project we use lodash. We use the following function to generate logs. Can be used it to save objects to localStorage.
var stringifyObj = function(obj) {
var cache = []
return JSON.stringify(obj, function(key, value) {
if (
_.isString(value) ||
_.isNumber(value) ||
) {
return value
} else if (_.isError(value)) {
return value.stack || ''
} else if (_.isPlainObject(value) || _.isArray(value)) {
if (cache.indexOf(value) !== -1) {
} else {
// cache each item
return value
// create a circular object
var circularObject = {}
circularObject.circularObject = circularObject
// stringify an object
myBooblean: true,
myString: 'foo',
myNumber: 1,
myArray: [1, 2, 3],
myObject: {},
myCircularObject: circularObject,
myFunction: function () {}
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.4/lodash.min.js"></script>
Does not fix functions as requested, but a way to store variables locally...
if(localStorage.g===undefined) localStorage.g={};
var g=JSON.parse(localStorage.g);
<input type=button onClick="localStorage.g=JSON.stringify(g, null, ' ')" value="Save">
<input type=button onClick="g=JSON.parse(localStorage.g)" value="Load">
Keep all variables in object g. Example:
note some types, such as Date, you'll need to do something like:
g.date=new Date(g.date);
stores locally per page: different pages have different gs

Using JSON.stringify on custom class

I'm trying to store an object in redis, which is an instance of a class, and thus has functions, here's an example:
function myClass(){
this._attr = "foo";
this.getAttr = function(){
return this._attr;
Is there a way to store this object in redis, along with the functions? I tried JSON.stringify() but only the properties are preserved. How can I store the function definitions and be able to perform something like the following:
var myObj = new myClass();
var stringObj = JSON.stringify(myObj);
// store in redis and retreive as stringObj again
var parsedObj = JSON.parse(stringObj);
console.log(myObj.getAttr()); //prints foo
console.log(parsedObj.getAttr()); // prints "Object has no method 'getAttr'"
How can I get foo when calling parsedObj.getAttr()?
Thank you in advance!
Got a suggestion to modify the MyClass.prototype and store the values, but what about something like this (functions other than setter/getter):
function myClass(){
this._attr = "foo";
this._accessCounts = 0;
this.getAttr = function(){
return this._attr;
this.getCount = function(){
return this._accessCounts;
I'm trying to illustrate a function that calculates something like a count or an average whenever it is called, apart from doing other stuff.
First, you are not defining a class.
It's just an object, with a property whose value is a function (All its member functions defined in constructor will be copied when create a new instance, that's why I say it's not a class.)
Which will be stripped off when using JSON.stringify.
Consider you are using node.js which is using V8, the best way is to define a real class, and play a little magic with __proto__. Which will work fine no matter how many property you used in your class (as long as every property is using primitive data types.)
Here is an example:
function MyClass(){
this._attr = "foo";
MyClass.prototype = {
getAttr: function(){
return this._attr;
var myClass = new MyClass();
var json = JSON.stringify(myClass);
var newMyClass = JSON.parse(json);
newMyClass.__proto__ = MyClass.prototype;
console.log(newMyClass instanceof MyClass, newMyClass.getAttr());
which will output:
true "foo"
No, JSON does not store functions (which would be quite inefficient, too). Instead, use a serialisation method and a deserialisation constructor. Example:
function MyClass(){
this._attr = "foo";
this.getAttr = function(){
return this._attr;
MyClass.prototype.toJSON() {
return {attr: this.getAttr()}; // everything that needs to get stored
MyClass.fromJSON = function(obj) {
if (typeof obj == "string") obj = JSON.parse(obj);
var instance = new MyClass;
instance._attr = obj.attr;
return instance;
Scanales, I had the same issue and tried a technique similar to Bergi's recommendation of creating new serialization/deserialization methods...but found it didn't work for me because I have objects nested in objects (several deep). If that's your case then here's how I solved it. I wrote a base class (clsPersistableObject) from which all objects that I wanted to persist inherited from. The base class has a method called deserialize, which is passed the JSON string. This method sets the properties one by one (but does not wipe out the exist methods) and then recursively defer to the child object to do the same (as many times as necessary).
deserialize: function (vstrString) {
//.parse: convert JSON string to object state
//Use JSON to quickly parse into temp object (does a deep restore of all properties)
var tmpObject = JSON.parse(vstrString);
//Note: can't just do something like this:
// CopyProperties(tmpObject, this);
//because it will blindly replace the deep objects
//completely...inadvertently wiping out methods on it. Instead:
//1) set the properties manually/one-by-one.
//2) on objects, defer to the deserialize on the child object (if it inherits clsPersistableObject)
//2b) if it doesn't inherit it, it's an intrinsic type, etc...just do a JSON parse.
//loop through all properties
var objProperty;
for (objProperty in tmpObject) {
//get property name and value
var strPropertyName = objProperty;
var strPropertyValue = tmpObject[objProperty]; //note: doing this .toString() will cause
if (objProperty !== undefined) {
//check type of property
if (typeof strPropertyValue == "object") {
//object property: call it recursively (and return that value)
var strPropertyValue_AsString = JSON.stringify(strPropertyValue);
//see if has a deserialize (i.e. inherited from clsPeristableObject)
if ("deserialize" in this[objProperty]) {
//yes: call it
else {
//no: call normal JSON to deserialize this object and all below it
this[objProperty] = JSON.parse(strPropertyValue_AsString);
} //end else on if ("deserialize" in this[objProperty])
else {
//normal property: set it on "this"
this[objProperty] = tmpObject[objProperty];
} //end else on if (typeof strPropertyValue == "object")
} //end if (objProperty !== undefined)
it looks like you attempt to stringify a closed function. you can use ()=>{} to solve the scope problem.
function myClass(){
this._attr = "foo";
this._accessCounts = 0;
this.getAttr = ()=>{
return this._attr;
this.getCount = ()=>{
return this._accessCounts;
What you get back grom JSON.stringify() is a String. A string has no methods.
You need to eval first that string and then you'll be able to get the original object
and its methods.
var myObj = new myClass();
var stringObj = JSON.stringify(myObj);
---- EDIT -----
//Sorry use this:
var getBackObj = JSON.parse(stringObj);
//Not this
var getBackObj = eval(stringObj);
console.log(getBackObj.getAttr()); // this should work now

Inspecting javascript object using javascript console

Using javascript console of Google Chrome Developer tool, for example, it will be possible to inspect global object like Math.
You can simple write Math in your console and then return.
You will be able to access all properties like E, PI and methods like abs, ceil, etc.
Also String is a global object like Math, but if you try the same operation, the javascript condole output will be different and you will be not able to see Properties and Methods.
In order to see Properties and Methods of String you need to make something like this.
var c = new String("asd")
And then inspect the c objet.
So my question is, can you make an example of very simple objects implemented as String and then as Math?
In regular OO Math would be seen as a Static class, there is only one instance of it. String would be a normal class, where you create more then one instance.
As for javascript; you can make an object with values as functions:
var Calc = {
Addition : function(a,b)
return a+b;
You can call Calc.Addition(1,2) and get 3 back.
In the other sample, where you have to instantiate the object first you could have something like this:
var Person = function(name)
this.Name = name;
this.Walk = function()
console.log(this.Name + " is walking");
var p = new Person("AntonJS");
In your console log you'd see p has a property called Name, and a function called Walk.
the diference is the native types:
typeof(new String("asd")) // 'object'
typeof("asd") // 'string'
(new String("asd")).constructor.name // String
"asd".constructor.name // String
The properties and methods for String object are implemented by the standard of the ECMA-262 (The Javascript Standard) and extended by the current javascript engine. you could see as above says in String.prototype object definition of String object.
EDIT: Now i catch your question better.
Math is an abstract object, "asdf" is an instance of string.
var MockMath = {
'sin' : function(){
,'cos' : function(){
/* ... */
var MockString = function() {
/* ... */
MockString.prototype = {
'split' : function() {
,'toLowerCase' : function() {
,'toUpperCase' : function() {
console.debug(new MockString("asdf"));

