Azure Mobile Services Javascript Library and Update - No method read - javascript

Taking the code examples from this site. The following boiled down code generates the following javascript error: TypeError: Object #<Promise> has no method 'read'
Azure.notification = client.getTable('notification');
var a = Azure.notification.update({
id: id,
isRead: true
}).read().done(function (result) {
}, function (err) {
The referenced code from the link is almost identical. The only difference that I can tell is that I'm holding a reference to several different tables in the Azure object and have had no issues querying the data, only with this update. I am looking for how to determine if the update was successful or not.
id: idToUpdate,
text: newText
}).read().done(function (result) {
}, function (err) {
alert("Error: " + err);

After further research the following page which seems to be different uses then with the promise callback.
todoItemTable.update({ id: getTodoItemId(this), complete: isComplete })
I'm not sure if I'm too tired from working all weekend or there is an issue with the documentation.


Failed to append data in .json file using node

I want to append my data which is array of object format to the existing .json file so I have written code for it, but on stackoverflow I noticed so many developers suggesting before appending to existing json file first read file and then push new data to existing json file. So I followed this and made changes according to this but getting error :
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK]: Callback must be a function. Received undefined
Code written in node
UserId: '11',
UserName: 'harry',
UserId: 12,
UserName: 'David',
fs.readFile('results.json', function (err, data) {
if(data === '') {
json = JSON.parse(newdata);
fs.writeFile("results.json", JSON.stringify(json));
This error is because you are using the .writeFile in a wrong way.
Try something like this:
fs.writeFile('results.json', JSON.stringify(newData), function(err) {
if (err) throw err;
A short explanation:
The ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK in the error message is the missing of the function informed in the last parameter in the example above.
fs.writeFile(<file>, <content>, <callback>)

Cannnot Load Workbook in SuiteScript 2.0 N/query Module

I'm trying to use the query module in NetSuite's SuiteScript 2.0 API set, learn how it works so we can try to use it to display data too complex for regular scripted/saved searches. I started off by taking a default template and saving it. In the UI it comes up with results without any issues. I've tried testing with the following code:
var query = require('N/query');
var wrkBk = query.load({ id : "custworkbook1" });
However, all I get is the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
at loadCondition (N.js?NS_VER=2021.1.0&minver=60&SS_JS_VERSION=1:17469)
at loadCondition (N.js?NS_VER=2021.1.0&minver=60&SS_JS_VERSION=1:17443)
at loadPostProcess (N.js?NS_VER=2021.1.0&minver=60&SS_JS_VERSION=1:17387)
at Object.loadQuery [as load] (N.js?NS_VER=2021.1.0&minver=60&SS_JS_VERSION=1:17299)
at <anonymous>:1:19
Just for kicks, I thought I'd try the asynchronous version, as well, with the following:
var query = require('N/query');
var wrkBk = null;
id : "custworkbook1"
}).then(function(result) {
wrkBk = result;
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log("QUERY LOAD PROMISE ERROR\n\n", err);
And like before, got a similar error:
TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
at loadCondition (N.js?NS_VER=2021.1.0&minver=60&SS_JS_VERSION=1:17469)
at loadCondition (N.js?NS_VER=2021.1.0&minver=60&SS_JS_VERSION=1:17443)
at loadPostProcess (N.js?NS_VER=2021.1.0&minver=60&SS_JS_VERSION=1:17387)
at callback (N.js?NS_VER=2021.1.0&minver=60&SS_JS_VERSION=1:17410)
at myCallback (N.js?NS_VER=2021.1.0&minver=60&SS_JS_VERSION=1:2242)
at XMLHttpRequest.C.f.onload (bootstrap.js:477)
If I run the following code, I get results without errors:
query.listTables({ workbookId : "custworkbook1" });
"name": "Sales (Invoiced)",
"scriptId": "custview2_16188707990428296095"
Any idea as to what I'm missing?
I think you're loading the module incorrectly, missing the callback. As per the Help Center, it should be something like:
require(['N/query'], function (query)
var wrkBk = query.load({ id : "custworkbook1" }); stuff with wrkBk
Or for SS2.1:
require(['N/query'], (query) => {
let wrkBk = query.load({ id : "custworkbook1" }); stuff with wrkBk

Parse Server Cloud Code Update User

I am attempting to update a parse user field and the function stops in the middle of it:
Parse.Cloud.define("modifyAdminStatus", function(request, response) {
var userQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
var isAdmin = request.params.adminStatus;
console.log("isAdmin:" + isAdmin);
userQuery.equalTo("username", request.params.username);
userQuery.find({ useMasterKey: true,
success: function(user) {
console.log("Got User")
user.set("isAdmin", isAdmin);
console.log("Set Status");, {useMasterKey: true,
success: function(user) {
error: function(error) {
error: function(error) {
I dont get any syntax errors, when i run the code i get:
Got User
[ ParseUser { _objCount: 2, className: '_User', id: '2vigcitsl6' } ]
in my console. However, it seems to stop the code after i attempt to set the admin status. I have tried running it using useMasterKey but that didnt do anything so maybe I'm missing something and where the useMasterKey should go?
The answer is:
... code here
Returns an array, using query.first (or selecting one object from the array) instead will get one object and allow you to set things on it.
When you're trying to save the user, parse expects two parameters. The first should be an object containing any changes, and the second should be the save options.
So in your case, simply change your save to (null, {useMasterKey:true, success...})
The way you have it now would create a column on Parse.User entitled useMasterKey, if permissions allow.

Issues retrieving fbsdk Access Token and User ID

I am trying to retrieve the Access Token and User ID of the logged in user in my React Native App. For some reason when I tried to update the fbsdkcore package, it did not exist anymore. So, I tried to resolve it within the general fbsdk package.
I am calling the js file (of which I think retrieves the accesstoken) in the package as:
const AccessToken = require('react-native-fbsdk/js/FBAccessToken');
And subsequently in my code I try to log it so that I can see if it works, simply by:
But the log only returns:
2016-05-05 10:22:28.276 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] { _45: 0, _81: 0, _65: null, _54: null }
2016-05-05 10:22:28.277 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] undefined
Which does not seem to be the droids that im looking for.
I inspected the code for the js file in the fbsdk package and the getCurrentAccessToken code looks like this:
* Getter for the access token that is current for the application.
static getCurrentAccessToken(): Promise<?FBAccessToken> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken((tokenMap) => {
if (tokenMap) {
resolve(new FBAccessToken(tokenMap));
} else {
Which of course seems reasonable. But since I get this really weird result when I try to call it, I get worried over that I have done something wrong in the bigger picture. I even modified the resolve(null) part of the code so that I could make sure of what happend. But it still returned the same weird "token".
The log also returns this error when logging in:
2016-05-05 10:22:07.630 AppName[15097:415865] -canOpenURL: failed for URL: "fbauth2:/" - error: "(null)"
But I think that is only because I don't have the facebook app on my xcode simulator.
Can anybody throw me a good guess on what I have done wrong??
GetCurrentAccestoken returns a promise.
Maybe you can try:
(data) => {
Try this. It worked for me
(data) => {
function (result) {
if (result.isCancelled) {
alert('Login cancelled');
} else {
// alert('Login success with permissions: ' +
// result.grantedPermissions.toString());
(data) => {
doLoginViaFb(data.userID, data.accessToken);
function (error) {
alert('Login fail with error: ' + error);

Ember data: Rollback createRecord on error

I'm trying to find the best way to avoid adding a record when there's an error using Ember Data:
This is my code:
createUser: function() {
// Create the new User model
var user ='user', {
firstName: this.get('firstName'),
lastName: this.get('lastName'),
email: this.get('email')
}); {
console.log("User saved.");
}, function(response) {
I'm validating the schema on backend and returning a 422 Error in case it fails.
If I don't handle the error, the record is added to the site and I also get a console error.
So I did this: {
console.log("User saved.");
}, function(response) {
Which kind of works deleting the record after reading the server response but:
1) I see the record appearing and dissapearing (like a visual glitch to say it somehow).
2) The console error still appears.
Is there a way to better handle this? I mean, is there a way to avoid adding the record when the server returns an error? Is there a way to avoid showing the console error?
Thanks in advance
You'll need to catch the error in the controller and then use deleteRecord() to remove it from the store:
actions: {
createContent() {
let record ='post', {
title: ''
.then(rec => {
// do stuff on success
.catch(err => {
// do other stuff on error

