Highcharts zoom issue after upgrading to jQuery 1.8 - javascript

I use Highcharts 2.2.5 to draw a number of area and bar charts.
I Just upgraded my app to jQuery 1.8 and started testing all my charts.
All appear ok, but when I zoom an area chart, I get tons (literally hundreds) of JavaScript errors saying "Error: Problem parsing d=0.99030204037363" (numbers change, sometimes d=1) and on the screen all I see are a bunch of dots where the chart was.
Resetting the zoom doesn't work either (yielding more errors, and no result). The only recourse at that point is to reload the page.
I tried looking online for any clashes between HC 2.2.5 and jQuery 1.8 but couldn't find anything. Switching back to jQuery 1.7.2 solves the problem, but still, one must look ahead...
Any assistance is appreciated,

After reporting the bug on github, per #MrObrian's suggestion, I got this reply:
It is already fixed for the next release - see
http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/GJ4wR/. We're running the final tests
on that code now, hope to have it out by next week.
So all I have to do is wait 1 week :)


Bewildering D3 behaviour - can't select text after zooming on map visualisation

I've been working on making a map related visualisation in D3 for a site that for historical reasons is stuck using some old versions of jQuery, and I've come across a weird bug when implementing drag behaviour on the map.
I've extracted the D3 code, and put it onto a gist listed below, and been able to replicate the strange behaviour, which you can trigger by:
Try loading the page below
Clicking on a country
Trying to select some text
I can't seem to select text after I've zoomed into a country, and I suspect it's down to line 130 in the d3_map.js file
The problem gist
The gist is here:
The rendered gist on http://bl.ocks.org, is here:
On the strange mismatch of javascript libraries
It's strange to see such an old version of jQuery, I know. I'm unable to change it without breaking other functinality on the site, which is why we're stuck with the old library.
Why is this happening, and how do I reinstate normal text selection again?
I'm utterly stumped as to why triggering a zoom knocks out the ability to select text, and I'd welcome any pointers, because I'm somewhat at a loss now.
Oh well, fingers crossed...

OpenLayers (2.13.1) zoom/pan has stopped working

I have a legacy product which utilises an older version of OpenLayers (specifically 2.13.1 - I had it on a sversion 2.12 originally and upgraded to 2.13.1 to see if it rectified my problem - it didn't).
The problem is that recently, without any code changes having been made, the zoom in/out and drag-panning do not work - the map just stays where it is, zoomed in at the initial level.
I can see that whenever the zoom or pan controls are triggered, a request is made to a Google Maps URL (e.g. http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js/StaticMapService.GetMapImage?1m2&1i524027&2i524088&2e2&3u12&4m2&1u523&2u400&5m5&1e3&5sen-US&6sus&10b1&12b1&token=39368)
However I can also see that this just returns a blank, black image.
I can find no sign of this functionality having been deprecated and I'd really like to avoid the inherent time cost of upgrading to version 3 on a legacy application.
Any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated.

Highstock bar rounded markers in new version

We have upgraded our higstock version from v1.2.5 to the latest (v1.3.9).
We have had to do many minor tweaks and changes, which we have now sorted to make it work as it did before, however, there are a couple of issues that remain and are proving hard to resolve.
The first is rounded end points on one of our bar charts;
(The highlighted end points used to be flat and not overlap)
(How it looks in old version (preferred))
The second (which seems like it could be related) is as follows;
(Again more roundedness)
(How it looks in old version (preferred))
I have checked borderRadius, symbol, marker settings etc. etc. but nothing obvious is causing these issues.
Furthermore we have many other types of charts which all seem to be fine.
The second issues are an attempt at a basic Gantt chart as described by Torstein Hønsi in this post;
(I would also have added the images here, or the links, but StackOverflow forbid it because of my low reputation!)
As always, any help appreciated.

In highstock 1.3.0, when zooming in full, the graph draws all messed up

I have tested with various graphs and this seems like a consistent problem.
I have a highstock graph, if you draw a lot of data and zoom out to the full view of the graph by using the sliders or the range selector, the whole graph draws all messes up.
I found an example fiddle that illustrate the issue.
I've used Chrome to get the path that highstock generated and then plotted just the path:
It's obvious that highstock is creating some tomfoolery.
For the sake of stackoverflow, here's some code
alert("I R code"); //Copying the huge svg path in here is kinda insane
Is there something that I can do to fix this?
PS: if I upgrade to the new highstock version, everything in our graphs breaks so updating is not an option :(
This is known bug of Highstock 1.3.0, alread y fixed in 1.3.3+. Reported here. You can modify sources to fix issue, or upgrade to latest version.
If you have issue with upgrading - let us know what kind, and we will try to fix them. Of course working fiddle with that issues is really appreciated.
The bug has been fixed. The fix for version 1.3.5 can be found here:
Don't use the patch though. It doesn't fully fix the issue. It seems like 1.3.6 fixes everything that were causing the defect.
The patch can be seen here:

Getting HighStock javascript chart to show the latest tooltip on load

I'm using the javascript chart from highcharts.com called HighStock for one of my online solutions and the client asked me if there is any way of getting it to show the tooltip for the latest data-point when the graph has been loaded.
I have searched high and low on google, here on stackoverflow and also created a topic about this on their support forum a week ago (no replies yet, though), but I can't really find anything about it. Of course, I have tried to find a solution for this myself, but without any luck.
So, if there anyone out there, that knows how to achieve this? If it is possible at all? :-)
Thanks a lot in advance.
Now with fiddler link: http://jsfiddle.net/L2TFd/ This is basically just one of the examples from highsoft themselves since I can't access my webservices from other domains :-)
This is the tooltip of the last point I want to show when graph is done loading:

