How to make svg scrollable - javascript

Hello all I am working on javascript jquery and svg.I want to ask a question that is it possible to make my svg:g element scrollable.
Like I have one div containing an svg element and that svg intern contains many svg:g elements
I want to make one of my g scrollable.
I have read about
scroll.js but i can not use it so is there any other library in jqquery or javascript which provides scrolling support in svg
or any other wany to do it like make a dive inside svg etc
Any help will be appreciated

Try this:
or this:


Edit svg using JavaScript and place a PNG inside an SVG

How can I edit an SVG same like fill color and other methods of SVG I want to place an SVG/PNG inside an SVG at some specific path/group of SVG, How come it is possible can anyone help me out on this?
I'm sure there are other libraries out there but I used Snap on a project to edit SVGs based on user selections.
As for the embedding question, there are other stackoverflow questions that answer that Why nest an <svg> element inside another <svg> element?

Initializing Raphael with an svg element

I have already an SVG element on my HTML page. How can I initialize Raphael with it so that it wont create a new SVG, but use the one I provide.
I don't think Raph will allow you to do this. I think you will need to give it a div or container that Raph will place the svg/vml place inside. I don't think you can give it an existing element to use (as svg).
I suspect this is because Raphael does not only create SVG, but possibly VML if its one of the very old browser versions. If you definitely need SVG and want to only use existing elements, you may want to look at Snap.svg, which is Raphaels younger sister (and shares a lot of the same codebase), or another like SVG.js.

is there any way to insert text in to the HTML5 SVG as like HTML5 <p> tag?

i am creating some dynamic rectanguler boxes and want to insert text in to the shapes but i found it little bit difficult because of the SVG text as it need to set x and y co-ordinates to the seperate text tag, even it doesn't have width and height with automatic overflow capability and all that css style attributes we use to format the text...
can anyone suggest me the easy wayout for this, even by means of any sutaible plugin or builtin pollyfills will also work..
JS.Holder does what you are looking for. Change your output type to SVG instead of the default PNG and it'll do the job for you.

Changing the foreignobject stack order

I am currently experimenting with svg in html and have a stack of overlapping foreignObject elements. I would like to be able to bring an individual foreignObject to the front of the stack using javascript.
I can't seem to get the zIndex property to work with them and I'm not sure what else I could try.
Is it possible? How could I do this?
On an older post on this site, a user said:
My solution is to add style="display:inline-block" to the first child
of the foreignObject tag. This seems to fix the problem.

update SVG dynamically

I have some objects inside of svg that can be clicked by user.
Is there any way to:
- send information about object (id) that was clicked by user to the 'main html document'?
- draw from outside document in the svg file.
Probably, my description is unclear,... I want to implement something like this:
user click on any object inside of svg-image;
main document will receive id of the clicked object and:
display some information about that object;
draw additional object inside of the svg-image.
Questions: how to communication from svg to document and from document to svg?
Thanks a lot, any thoughts are welcome!
P.S. Probably SVG is not the best way do that? What is better then?
EDIT: I saw recommendation regarding use of Raphael,.. but I would like to see 'native' options. (For now I'm analyzing Raphaels implementation to see that, but don't think it is doing exactly what I need).
See this example for how to get the DOM of a referenced svg from the parent document.
And here's an example of how you can call from an svg file to the parent document.
SVG is very well suited for doing what you describe.
I'd suggest using a library like Raphaël to support your SVG building. You can attach events to DOM objects that you can get through the node property of an image component.
Raphaël.js is indeed a good solution if you want to stick to SVG / VML. Now you can use canvas (new HTML 5 functionality) as well. Canvas is a new html tag (that can have id, events, ...) that allows you to draw free shapes a bit like SVG does. IE doesn't support canvas natively, of course, and you will need "excanvas.js" (this one or another, but this one works pretty well...) to make it IE compatible.
Only one restriction I know of regarding canvas: using background images makes IE be very slow. I would use Raphaël.js if it was something you'd consider doing.
Good luck
Nobody suggested, but accidentally I've found that svg is already supported by jQuery!
Probably that is not the best approach, but I will try to work with svg using jquery. And actually, that seems like reasonable

